Questionnaire Europa, réponse du MEDDM


Questionnaire Europa, réponse du MEDDM
Intelligent Transport Systems – Public Consultation,
Access to Traffic and Travel data – Universal Traffic Information
Consultation period: 26/04/2010 – 18/06/2010
Introduction and objectives
On 16 December 2008 the European Commission adopted an ITS Action Plan (COM(2008) 886)
for road transport and its interfaces with other modes. The aim of the Action Plan is to accelerate and
coordinate the deployment of ITS applications.
One of the action areas is dealing with the optimal use of road, travel and traffic data. Among others,
this action aims at fostering the development of Europe-wide real-time traffic and travel
information services. An important issue is the definition of the roles of the public and private
sector and rules for co-operation especially when it comes to data exchange, content and service
Two specific objectives and the related actions have been identified:
Guaranteed Access to Data
 make private, especially safety-related, traffic information available to public authorities
 ensure a fair and transparent access to public traffic and travel related data
 promote public-private co-operation to improve traffic and travel information
 increase data quality and improve multi-modal co-operation
 encourage (cross-border) data exchange
Free Universal Minimum Service
 ensure free minimum traffic services for all travellers
 harmonise a Europe-wide free minimum service
 develop suitable organisational models
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Your input is important
Before commencing on this next stage of policy development, the EC wishes to consult
relevant stakeholders. The outcome of this consultation will be presented at the ITS
Workshop, which will be held in Brussels during June 2010.
We would like to invite your detailed responses to the following questions:
A1/ Status quo of traffic information analysis
What is the current situation in your country?
1/ Is there a public traffic information service delivered free of charge to travellers
- 1a What public bodies are providing the data?
National? Etat - Sociétés d’autoroutes
Regional? Quelques départements
Local? Grosses agglomérations (Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Lille, Bordeaux Toulouse,
Rennes, Grenoble, Strasbourg)
- 1b What is the road network covered by this service(s) environ 50 000Km
- 1c What organisations are involved in processing them in order to be broadcasted to end
users : Ministère (MEEDDM), sociétés d’autoroutes, Autoroute-trafic, opérateurs de service
en information routière, diffuseurs (TDF…) …
- 1d What systems are used for this, and which standards are applicable (for example RDSTMC)? Internet, radio, messagerie, télécopie
- 1e Which organisations are technically involved in the dissemination of this information,
(for example regional FM Radio Stations, or Telecom Operators)? Radios, 107.7, opérateurs
telecom, sites internet (dont Bison Futé pour l’Etat)
2/ Are there private service(s) using public data? Oui
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- 2a Can you please define the road network covered by this service(s), distinguishing
between the trans-European Road Network, national strategic road network, and local
routes and urban centres? Routes nationales, routes départementales, grosses
agglomérations, environ 50 000km
- 2b What organisations are involved in processing the public data, in order to be
broadcasted to end users cf question 1c
- 2c What system(s) is used to do that? (RDS-TMC, websites, GPS, mobile phones, …) 1d
- 2d What is the name(s) of organisation(s) technically involved in the diffusion (for
example regional FM Radio Stations or Telecom Operator)? Mediamobile, via Michelin,
- 2e What types of contractual agreement are linking these stakeholders? Can you provide
a copy of these agreements, or a template indicating the key areas covered by such
Réseau non concédé : utilisation gratuite, avec conditions d’utilisation ci-jointes (document
sur site bison futé)
Réseau concédé : données élaborées vendues
- 2f How is access to public data guaranteed to other operators?
Loi 1978 (voir question 4)
3/ Are there private services(s) using Floating Car Data (FCD) or other private data (for
example from fleet management)? Oui
- 3a What organisations are involved in such services? Media mobile, traffic-first, et leurs
clients (Tom-Tom…)
- 3b Is there available access to privately owned data by other operators and if yes, under
which conditions ? non connu ; données vendues
- 3c Is there available access to privately owned data by public bodies and if yes, under
which conditions ? non
B1/ Status quo of travel information (mainly public transport information) analysis
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In this part, ‘public service operator’ means any public or private undertaking or group of
such undertakings which operates public passenger transport services.
What is the current situation in your country?
1/ Is there a public travel (or multimodal) information service delivered free of charge to
La base de données PASSIM répertorie les services et sources de données existants
- 1a What public bodies or operators are providing these data?
National? Pas d'organisme pour la fourniture de données au niveau national
Regional? (régions et départements)
Local? 400 autorités organisatrices , 1300 sites
- 1b What are the networks covered by this service(s) Voir passim.
- 1c What organisations are involved in processing them in order to be broadcasted to end
users : opérateurs de transport et autorités oganisatrices diiffusent les informations
concernant leur territoire. Dans le cadre d'accords spécifiques CanalTP, Cityway, MOVIKEN,
Carte Blanche Conseil, ont mis en place des services diffusant des informations fournies par
différents opérateurs.
-1d What systems are used for this, and which standards are applicable (for example
Point sur la normalisation en lien avec le TR marchandise:
Voir fichier annexe pour point normalisation info voyageurs (document déjà présenté à
l'ATEC )
- 1e Which organisations are technically involved in the dissemination of this information,
(for example regional transport operators, FM Radio Stations, VMS or Telecom Operators)?
Canal TP; Cityway, Carte Blanche Conseil...
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2/ Are there private service(s) using public transport data? Non
Pas de services identifiés, MOVIKEN ne précise pas l'origine des données qu'il utilise
- 2a Can you please define the networks covered by this service(s), distinguishing between
the high speed Railways, regional lines, suburban and urban networks? En dehors des
données fournies dans le cadre de conventions avec des autorités organisatrices, les
horaires des transports ferroviaires en France (grandes lignes et régional ) sont diffusés par
la SNCF, ses filiales et ses partenaires (agences de voyages ou autres entreprises
ferroviaires européennes) dans le cadre d'accords commerciaux.
- 2b What other organisations than public transport operators are involved in processing
the public data, in order to be broadcasted to end users
- 2c What system(s) is used to do that? (websites, smartphones, …)
- 2d What is the name(s) of organisation(s) technically involved in the diffusion (for
example public transport authority or operator with website or Telecom Operator)?
- 2e What types of contractual agreement are linking these stakeholders? Can you provide
a copy of these agreements, or a template indicating the key areas covered by such
- 2f How is access to travel data (bus stops and timetables at the minimum) guaranteed to
other operators?
3/ Are there private services(s) using private data (for example from special fleet or on
demand services)?
Non connu, sauf MOVIKEN
- 3a What organisations are involved in such services?
- 3b How is access to privately owned data guaranteed to other operators?
- 3c How is access to privately owned data guaranteed to public bodies?
4/ Do national laws, regulations or other rules guarantee the access of public data for all
service providers (both public bodies and private services)?
Obligations d'élaborer et/ou de fournir des données pour les transports issues de la loi 821153 du 30 12 82 modifiée dite d'orientation des transports intérieurs ( voir notamment
son article 27-1) LOTI
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Loi n°78-753 du 17 juillet 1978 portant diverses mesures d’amélioration des relations entre
l’administration et le public et diverses dispositions d’ordre administratif, social et fiscal.
(version consolidée au 13 janvier 2010) et décret d'application du 31-12-2005
- 4a Are there any practical barriers to data sharing, for example contractual or technical
issues? OUI L'obligation de mise en place des SIM, prévue par la LOTI, n'est pas encore
appliquée sur l'ensemble du territoire, pour des raisons techniques et financières (
difficultés de mettre en place les accords nécessaires et le système technique en l'absence
de référentiels et d'appui national).
- 4b What aspects of the regulations mentions above could be improved, in order to
remove barriers to exchange?
Le MEEDDM / DGITM a pris la décision de créer un service à compétence nationale (Agence
Française pour l’Information Multimodale et la billettique AFIMB ) pour soutenir la
normalisation, mettre en réseau les SIM existants et généraliser les bonnes pratiques à
l'ensemble du territoire
5/ The scope of the ITS Action Plan is for the trans-European Road Network, and “the
interfaces with urban networks and other transport modes, especially public transport”.
- 5a Can you please outline the extent of travel information provided by major transport
operators (railways, coaches, bus, tram, metro), and parking concessionaires (P+R, urban
car parks, …)?
La diffusion par les opérateurs d'information sur les autres modes est exceptionnelle. Cette
fonction est exercée plutôt par les autorités organisatrices
- 5b Can you provide us with the name, organisation, telephone number and email address
of key persons in the stakeholders you have identified above?
demander des coordonnées à des partenaires
6/ Overview of initiatives and proposals in this domain
- 6a Are there initiatives or proposals in your country underway to (re-)organise the
collection, processing and distribution of traffic and travel information?
Information routière : Tipi
Information voyage : La création de l'AFIMB est destinée à développer l'étendue et la
qualité des services d'information multimodale
- 6b If so, please describe the nature and scope of these initiatives and indicate the
timescales for possible implementation?
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Tipi : système d’information pour la collecte et la diffusion de l’information routière des
services de l’Etat
AFIMB : Création de l'Agence Française de l'Information Multimodale et la Billettique au
mois de juin 2010 (AFIMB) qui mettra en réseau des sources locales (Réalisation
plateforme sous 30 mois)
Voir fichier joint sur les missions de l'AFIMB
7/ Regulatory frameworks
- 7a What is the definition of ‘public data’ in your country, in terms of data held by public
Article 1 de la loi de 1978 «… Sont considérés comme documents administratifs, au sens des
chapitres Ier, III et IV du présent titre, quels que soient leur date, leur lieu de conservation, leur
forme et leur support, les documents produits ou reçus, dans le cadre de leur mission de
service public, par l’Etat, les collectivités territoriales ainsi que par les autres personnes de droit
public ou les personnes de droit privé chargées d’une telle mission. Constituent de tels
documents notamment les dossiers, rapports, études, comptes rendus, procès-verbaux,
statistiques, directives, instructions, circulaires, notes et réponses ministérielles,
correspondances, avis, prévisions et décisions…»
- 7b Are there any rules governing how such data is stored, for how long, and how it is
made available if requested by a private entity? Les conditions sont à fixer par les
structures concernées sous le contrôle de la CADA , autorité administrative indépendante
(cf Décret de 2005)
- 7c What are the statutory and legislative motivators for provision of traffic information to
the general public? Please consider both traffic management regulations and for example
national security or contingency planning issues? Le droit au transport inclut le droit à
l'information sur les transports (LOTI)-Grenelle - congestion - sécurité routière -réduction
du CO2 – gestion des crises- qualité du transport public et des services de mobilitéaccessibilité
8/ The EC is considering the implementation of pan-European traveller information service,
making available a ‘minimum level of universal information’. Such a service would be
language-independent and free of charge to the motorists. Content may include certain
elements of safety related information (accidents, unplanned road and lane closures,
dangerous weather and road conditions, etc.).
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a. Is such a service, from your perspective, desirable? Oui, utilité d’une information
fiable de qualité, particulièrement en cas de crise, modèle économique à préciser.
b. In what way would such a service affect your national policy with regards to traveller
information services?
c. How would such a free service impact the development of the private market of
traveller information services in your country? Cette information ne peut que
favoriser l’enrichissement du contenu des services offerts par le secteur privé et
donc le marché privé
d. In the event that the EC would implement such a service, do you foresee legal issues
or challenges? If so, please describe.
Il conviendra de traiter toutes les questions attachées à la qualité de l’information :
qualification de l’information fournie par les opérateurs publics, traçabilité, conditions
d’utilisation par les opérateurs privés en vue de garantir la qualité de l’information
fournie à l’usager final. Sous réserve d’analyse, des actes législatifs ou réglementaires
pourraient être nécessaires à cette fin.
Your personal details:
Name :
First name :
Phone number :
Email address :
Organisation :
Your Function in the organisation :
Status of the organisation : public, non-profit, private
Role of your organisation in traffic and travel information
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