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Casino En Ligne Legal Belgique Jeux De Machine A Sous Gratuite
Assignments for MATH 140
general information
The reading assignments are listed in the syllabus. You should read each assigned topic before
the scheduled class meeting. If you miss a lecture, review the EagleVision session recording
and/or the MyMathLab section videos.
class participation
Points for the class participation are accrued by accomplishing any of the activities listed below.
You may choose which to accomplish but attendance alone is not sufficient to obtain the
maximum number of points.
a. 2 points for attending class (4 points for classes that meet once a week)
b. 2 points for posting a question on the discussion board.
c. 5 points for posting a correct answer to another student's question before the instructor posts
an answer.
d. 5 points for writing a critique of a video lecture (from an Embry-Riddle lecture CD,
MyMathLab, Khan Academy or the publisher's DVD) or writing a short evaluation of an online
math help web site (include the topic that you reviewed, how easy the web site was to use and
how useful the information was). Reviews must be for videos that have not already been
reviewed. The format for video critiques is posted in the General Info area on Blackboard.
e. 10 points for the course orientation. Notify the instructor that you have read and understand
the material in the Orientation (course syllabus, student responsibilities, course navigation guide
and assignments) by completing the orientation survey in Blackboard. The orientation must be
completed within the first two weeks of the term.
f. 10 points for turning in a record of your study time for the term. The format for the study time
record is posted in the General Info area on Blackboard. Turn in your spreadsheet by uploading
it to the MyMathLab Dropbox.
g. 10 points for being the first student to identify an error in the example or problem handouts.
Notify the instructor by email before the lecture in which the example or problem is presented.
h. 20 points for posting a personal introduction on the discussion board. The introduction must
be posted within the first two weeks of the term.
i. 20 points for the writing exercise. The objective is to consider the significance of
mathematics in your life and clearly express your ideas in a written form. Turn in your paper by
uploading it to the MyMathLab Dropbox. The orientation must be completed within the first
three weeks of the term. Use a word processor to write a short (not more than a page) essay
addressing the following points:
1. A short description of your experience with Blackboard and MyMathLab. Include what
functions you are familiar with and what you like best and least.
2. Indicate which and how many semesters of the following high school and/or college math
courses you completed with a passing grade: business math, pre-algebra, algebra,
geometry, trigonometry, analytic geometry, pre-calculus, calculus, probability and
3. Why math skills are still/more/less important than in the past.
4. What you plan to get out of this course.
5. On a weekly basis, what is a reasonable amount of time to spend studying for this
course. Will you likely require more or less than that amount of time? What can you do
to ensure that you can adequately prepare?
6. What the instructor or Embry-Riddle staff can do to enhance your learning experience in
this course?
j. 20 points for completing the course survey in Blackboard at the end of the term. The course
survey is specific to this course and is in addition to the Embry-Riddle end of course critique.
There are no hard due dates for the exams or homework problem sets. It is in your best interest
to avoid falling behind and complete the homework before taking an exam.
Exams are scheduled in the syllabus and are accomplished in MyMathLab. Click the Quizzes &
Tests button and select the desired exam. The format and problems are similar to the homework
problems but the help buttons are not available. You will be able to review your results when
you complete the exam. You may also review your results by going to the grade book and
clicking on the review link for the exam.
You may work any problems you missed on each exam in the retest for that exam. You will
receive partial credit for any problems worked correctly in the retest--you only need to work the
problems that were incorrect on the original exam.
problem sets
There are two problem sets in MyMathLab: Homework and the Study Plan. The homework
problem sets are graded, the study plan problem sets are optional and are not graded. Online
help and examples are available in MyMathLab.
There is a graded homework assignment in MyMathLab for each chapter as well as a
MyMathLab orientation. Click the Homework button and select the desired chapter.
MyMathLab will allow you to attempt most problems three times before providing the correct
answer. If you fail to obtain the correct answer, you may make another attempt at the problem
by clicking the Similar Exercise button. You may save your work at any time and return to the
homework problems later. An incorrect answer will cause problems to be identified in your
MyMathLab study plan to help you master the objective.
There is a problem set in the Study Plan for each section of the text. The Study Plan problems
are available to assist you in mastering the course objectives and there is no specific assignment.
These problems are ungraded.
There are no projects for MATH140.
MATH 140 assignments from Blitzer, Algebra and Trigonometry, 4th ed
For each class meeting the following topics and sections from the textbook are assigned.
Tue Mar 20
Real Numbers & Exponents
P1, P2
Thu Apr 19
topic 9, Linear Functions & Slope
2.3, 2.4
Thu Mar 22
Radicals & Polynomials
P3, P4
Tue Apr 24
topic 10, Transformations & Composite
2.5, 2.6
Tue Mar 27
topic 3, Factoring Polynomials & Rational
P5, P6
Thu Apr 26
Inverse Functions & Solving polynomials
2.7, 3.1, 3.4
Thu Mar 29
topic 4, Graphs & Linear Equations
1.1, 1.2
Tue May 1
topic 11, Inequalities & Variation
3.6, 3.7
Tue Apr 3
topic 5, Rational Equations & Complex
1.3, 1.4
Thu May 3
topic 12, exam, ch 2 & 3
Thu Apr 5
topic 6, Quadratic Equations
1.5, 1.6
Tue Apr 10
Thu Apr 12
topic 7, exam, ch 1
Tue Apr 17
topic 8, Functions & Graphs
2.1, 2.2
Tue May 8
topic 13, Exponential & Logarithmic
4.1, 4.2
Thu May 10
topic 14, Exponential & Logarithmic
4.3, 4.4
Tue May 15
topic 15, Systems of Linear Equations
8.1, 8.2
Thu May 17
exam, ch 4 & 8