ENPA016 - Belle Epoque and Roaring Twenties


ENPA016 - Belle Epoque and Roaring Twenties
Appréciez notre Savoir France
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Agence de voyages réceptive - Incoming travel agency - Incoming Reisebüro
Spécialiste groupes - Specializing in groups - Gruppenspezialist
Belle Epoque and Roaring Twenties
A programme to discover and understand these incredible periods
Day 1: Arrival in Paris late afternoon. Welcome by your guide at the airport or the train station and transfer to your
hotel. Room allocation. Each participant receives a map of Paris and information about restaurant and current shows.
Welcome dinner in a local restaurant.
Day 2: Our first guided visit is at the Orsay Museum dedicated to painting and sculpture from 1848 to the beginning of
20th century. Lunch at the museum restaurant “La Belle Epoque”. Afternoon Seine river cruise starting from the foot
of Eiffel Tower, symbol of the influence of Paris at the end of the 19th century. Our programme continue with a visit to
the famous restaurant “Chez Maxim’s” where in front a hot chocolate and a delicious pastry, we will learn the history of
this mythic place of the Belle Epoque. Evening optional show at the “Lapin Agile” one of the oldest cabaret of
Montmatre, founded in 1875.
Day 3: Morning walking tour through Montparnasse on the steps of artists who lived here as Kisling, Bourdelle,
Brancusi, Picasso, Leger, Foujita or Modigliani….We continue with the visit of the Montparnasse museum and
have lunch at the famous restaurant La Coupole where artists used to meet. Afternoon guided tour of the Musée
Bourdelle, famous sculptor pupil of Rodin, who lived and worked in Montparnasse until 1929. Evening optional show at
the “Moulin Rouge “ cabaret associated to the entertainment at the time of the Belle Epoque and famous for its
wonderful Parisian revue .
Day 4: Morning guided tour of the National Museum of Modern Art at the Pompidou centre which presents
collection of all kind of plastic art, architecture and French design from 1900 to nowadays. Afternoon visit of the Picasso
Museum with collection presenting the artist’s evolution along its carrier from 1894 to 1972. Evening farewell dinner at
the “Boeuf sur le Toit” a Parisian restaurant named as the famous cafe in the rue Boissy d’Anglas where in 1920 the
“Group of six” celebrated around Jean Cocteau.
Day 5: Transfer to the airport or station
Our services
4 x overnight and breakfast in central Paris
Escorted airport or station transfer by private coach
Welcome dinner in a local restaurant
Private coach and professional guide for the whole programme
Admission and guided tour at: Orsay museum; Montparnasse museum,
Bourdelle museum, National museum of Modern Art, Picasso museum.
Visit of “Chez Maxim’s” restaurant with hot chocolate and pastry
One hour Seine river cruise on a panoramic boat
Lunch at restaurant “La Coupole” in Montparnasse
Farewell dinner at the restaurant “Le Boeuf sur le Toit”
transglobe, 188 chemin du Vallon Notre Dame, F 06140 Vence
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