1991-03-19 - The Law Society of Upper Canada
1991-03-19 - The Law Society of Upper Canada
THE LAW SOCIETE CONSEIL CONVOCATION EXTRAORDINAIRE The conferring ofan honorary degree La presentation d'un dip/6me et /'admission and the call to the bar of the graduates au barreau des dip/6mes du cours de of the bar admission course formation professionnelle du barreau SOCIETY DU SPECIAL OF BARREAU UPPER DU CANADA HAUT - CANADA 3 THE GRAND TH E ATRE London, Ontario Tuesday, March 19, 1991 2:30p.m. 5 NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa. Ontario Wednesday, March 20, 1991 3:00p.m. CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ottawa, Ontario ·Le 20 mars 1991 15h 9 ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, March 22, 1991 /0:30a.m. 13 ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto, Ontario Friday, March 22, 1991 3:15p.m. CALL TO THE BAR ADMISSION AU BARREAU 1 The ceremony of Call to the Bar takes place in two La ceremonie entourant !'admission au barreau se separate procedures. First, the Benchers of The Law deroule en deux temps. En premier lieu, le tresorier ou Society of Upper Canada, who are responsible for the la tresoriere, qui est le chef de la direction de la Societe, government of the legal profession in Ontario, are ouvre un Conseil extraordinaire sur l'estrade des called to order on the stage in a Special Convocation conseillers ou des conseilleres de la Societe du barreau by the Treasurer who is the head of the Society. The du Haut-Canada, qui sont responsables de candidates will be presented by the Chair of the !'administration de la profession juridique en Ontario. Admissions Committee to the Treasurer who will Le president ou la presidente du Comite d'admission confer on them the degree of Barrister-at-Law and call presentera Jes candidats ou Jes candidates au Tresorier them to the Bar of Ontario. Convocation will then ou la tresoriere qui leur remettra le dipl6me d'avocat- adjourn and a Special Session of the Court of Appeal plaideur ou d'avocate-plaideuse et Jes recevra au for Ontario and the Ontario Court of Justice will be barreau de !'Ontario. La seance du Conseil sera alors convened by the Registrar. The Chief Justice of levee et le greffier ou greffiere convoquera une session Ontario will preside over the administering of the Oath extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de !'Ontario et la of Allegiance, the Barristers Oath and the Solicitors Cour de justice de !'Ontario. Le juge en chef de !'Ontario Oath, to the newly called members of the Bar. The presidera a la prestation du serment d'allegeance, du Court will then adjourn. Upon completion of these serment des avocats-plaideurs et de celui des procureurs two ceremonies the graduates become Barristers and par les nouveaux membres admis au barreau. La Solicitors, authorized to practise law in the Province of seance de la Cour sera a!ors levee. A!'issue de ces deux Ontario. ceremonies, les diplomes deviennent avocats-plaideurs et procureurs, et sont autorises ou autorisees a exercer le droit dans la province de !'Ontario. OATHS SERMENTS 2 OATH OF ALLEGIANCE You do swear that you will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Second (or the reigning sovereign for the time being), Her heirs and successors according to law. So help you God. BARRISTERS OATH You are called to the degree of Barrister-at-Law to protect and defend the rights and interests of your fellow-citizens as may employ you. You shall conduct all cases faithfully and to the best of your ability. You shall neglect no one's interest nor seek to destroy any one's property. You shall not be guilty of champerty or maintenance. You shall not refuse causes of complaint reasonably founded, nor shall you promote suits upon frivolous pretenses. You shall not pervert the law to favour or prejudice any one, but in all things shall conduct yourself truly and with integrity. In fine, the Queen's interest and your fellow-citizens you shall uphold and maintain according to the constitution and law of this Province. All this you swear to observe and perform to the best of your knowledge and ability. So help you God. SOLICITORS OATH You do sincerely promise and swear that you will truly and honestly conduct yourself in the practice of a solicitor according to the best of your knowledge and ability. So help you God. SERMENT D'ALLEGEANCE Yous jurez que vous serez fidele et rendrez allegeance aSa Majeste la Reine Elisabeth II (ou au monarque qui regne actuellement), ses heritiers ou ses heritieres et successeurs conformement a la loi. Ainsi Dieu vous soit en aide. SE RM ENT DES AVOCATS II vous est confere le dipl6me d'avocat pour proteger et defendre !es droits et !es interets de ceux ou celles de vos concitoyens ou concitoyennes qui peuvent faire appel a vos services. Yous instruirez !es causes fidelement et de votre mieux. Yous ne negligerez !es interets de qui que ce soit ni ne chercherez a detruire sa propriete. Yous ne vous rendrez pas coupable de participation a un pacte de quota !itis ni de soutien d'une partie sans interet Iegitime . Yous ne refuserez pas de defendre Jes causes justes ni n'intenterez pas de recours fondes sur des motifs frivoles. Yous ne denaturerez pas la Joi pour favoriser qui que ce soit ou lui porter prejudice mais, en toutes choses, vous agirez avec franchise et integrite. En conclusion , Yous maintiendrez Jes interets de la Reine et ceux de vos concitoyens ou concitoyennes conformement a la constitution et aux lois de cette province. Yous jurez d'observer et d'appliquer ces principes au mieux de votre connaissance et de votre competence. Ainsi Dieu vous soit en aide. SERMENT DES PROCUREURS Yous promettez sincerement et jurez d'agir avec franchise et honnetete dans vos fonctions de procureur ou procureuse, conformement a votre connaissance et a votre competence. Ainsi Dieu yous soit en aide. LONDON 3 PROGRAMME THE GRAND THEATRE London, Ontario Tuesday, March I 9, I 99 I 2:30p.m. PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, James M. Spence, Q .C., will open Convocation. ADDRESS Roberta L. Jamieson, Ombudsman for Ontario will address Convocation. PRESENTATION OF PRIZES ·The Treasurer will present the prizes won by the graduates of the Bar Admission Course and will congratulate those who have received special appointments. The candidates will be introduced by the Assistant Director, Margaret A. McSorley. Awarded The Pensa & Associates Prize for the student attaining the highest grades in the Bar Admission Course at London Victoria Ramsay James Douglas Skinner A warded The Beverley Genest Prize for the student attaining the highest grade in Family Law in the Bar Admission Course at London Lyrinda Marie Sheppard Appointed Law Clerks to The Honourable F.W. Callaghan, Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) Andrea Jane Caskey Teresa Mary Donnelly CALL TO THE BAR 4 Margot Mary Douglas Ballagh Karen Marie Mahoney Bellehumeur Randy Scott Brant Janet Lorraine Buckingham Gregory Alfred Campbell Andrea Jane Caskey Roderick Roland Catford Dean Hugh Korah Clark Patricia Anne Sarah Conlon Dale Joseph Cox Darlene Yvonne Paula Crooks Robert Ross Cunningham Julie Renee Daniel Angelo Carmelo D'Ascanio Richard Christian Delaney Francesco E. De Sena George Barnhart Dietrich Larry William Dillon Teresa Mary Donnelly Lorraine Christine Drumm Robert John Dumanski Michael Allan Eizenga Heather Lynn Evans Lisa Marie Feasby Derek James Ferris Andrew James Ford Susan Frances Fremit Stephen James Funk Monica Helene Grygier The candidates for call to the bar will be presented to the Treasurer by Donald H.L. Lamont, Q.C. of the Admissions Committee. Mary Patricia Hannan Jim Najeeb Hassan Darwin Eugene Hayward Francine Annette Herlehy Virginia Theresa Hillis Charmian Hills Susan Louise Hoffman Edith Marie Holly Danielle Claire Istl Simon David Johnson William Foster Kelly Fredrick Blake Kenwell Dawn Joanne Kershaw Edward Michael King Diane Ellen Robertson Kirby Alan David Krueger Joseph Michael Laliberte Ian Frank Leach David Francis MacDonald Marilee Ann Marcotte James Ralph Martin Daniel Alexander McCann Carla Lynn McLean Mark Lindsay Millar Shelina Neallani Colleen Marceline Norris James Wayne O'Hanley Eija Helena Peltokangas Roger Anthony Sidney Pinnock Graham Charles Porter Judith Marilyn Potter Victoria Ramsay Ruth Jane Raphael Lynn Ann Joyce Robinson Abha Tomar Romkey Lyrinda Marie Sheppard James Douglas Skinner Deidre Denise Smith Anthony Soares James Earl Stengel Delbert Orland Stewart Gillian Lee Swanson Gerald Shawn Swarts Margaret Szilassy Anne Rose Thomas Cynthia Ann Thrasher Andres Emil Tooming Enio Trignani Harry Frederick Marius Van Bavel William Bela Vass Hilary Jane Vaughan Charles William Walters Paul Michael Walz Richard Lawrence Wasylishyn Darwin Rodger Witmer David Mark Woodward Owen Richard Wyrzykowski Arthur Zuidema Jyoti Varma Zuidema CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Special Sitting of the Court of Appealfor Ontario and the Ontario Court ofJustice Mr. Justice Thomas G . Zuber, Senior Regional Judge for the Southwest Region of the Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) will hold a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Ontario Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. COURT WILL RISE OTTAWA 5 PROGRAMME ...... .. .......... .. .. ......... ....... . ........ ........ .. ... .... ... . ........ ........... . . . .... .. NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE Ottawa. Ontario Wednesday, March 20, 1991 3:00p.m. CENTRE NATIONAL DES ARTS Ottawa, Ontario le 20 mars 1991 /Sh PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, James M. Spence, Q.C. , will open Convocation. ADDRESS Roger Tasse, Executive Vice-President of Legal and Environmental Affairs for Bell Canada, will address Convocation. PRESENTATION OF PRIZES ENTREE SOLENNELLE L'assistance se levera au moment ou le Tresorier et !es conseillers feront leur entree dans la salle. Le Tresorier, James M. Spence, c.r., ouvrira le Conseil. ALLOCUTION Roger Tasse, Vice-president executif (Affaires juridiques et environmentales) de Bell Canada prononcera une allocution devant le Conseil. REMISE DES PRIX The Treasurer will present the prizes won by the graduates of the Bar Admission Course and will congratulate those who have received special appointments. The candidates will be introduced by the Regional Director, Holly Harris. Le Tresorier remettra !es prix qu'ont merites !es dipl6mes ou dipl6mees du cours de formation professionnelle du barreau et felicitera ceux et celles qui ont obtenu des nominations speciales. La directrice regionale, Holly Harris, presentera !es candidats. Awarded The Gowling, Strathy & Henderson Prize for the student attaining the highest grades in the Bar Admission Course at Ottawa; and The Harcourts Advocacy Award for the student attaining the highest combined grades in Civil Litigation, Family Law, Criminal Procedure, and Creditors' and Debtors' Rights Le Prix Gowling, Strathy & Henderson est decerne a l'etudiant ou l'etudiante qui s'est classe premier ou classee premiere au cours de formation professionnelle du barreau a Ottawa; et le Prix Harcourts de plaidoirie est decerne a l'etudiant ou l'etudiante qui s'est classe premier ou classee premiere pour !'ensemble des matieres suivantes: litige civil, droit de la famille, procedure penale, droit des debiteurs et des creanciers Veronica Ana Singer Awarded The Stuart Thom Prize donated by Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt for the student attaining the highest grade in Business Law; and The McCarthy Tetrault Business Law Prize donated by McCarthy Tetrault for the student attaining the highest grade in Business Law at Ottawa Francis Joseph Thatcher Veronica Ana Singer Le Prix Stuart Thom, offert par le cabinet Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt, a l'etudiant OU l'etudiante qui s'est classe premier ou classee premiere en droit commercial; et le Prix McCarthy Tetrault de droit commercial, offert par le cabinet McCarthy Tetrault, est decerne a l'etudiant ou l'etudiante qui s'est classe premier ou classee premiere en droit commercial a Ottawa Francis Joseph Thatcher OTTAWA 6 Awarded The Elisabeth Slasor Prize donated by Gowling, Strathy & Henderson for the student attaining the highest grade in Estate Planning at Ottawa Jean Denis Saumure Awarded The Arthur Wentworth Roebuck Award donated by friends of the late Senator Roebuck for the student attaining the highest grade in Family Law Norah Colleen Sheppard Le Prix Elisabeth Slasor, offert par le cabinet Gowling, Strathy & Henderson, est decerne a l'etudiant OU l'etudiante qui s'est classe premier ou classee premiere en planification successorale a Ottawa Jean Denis Saumure Le Prix Arthur Wentworth Roebuck, offert par !es amis et !es amies de feu le senateur Roebuck, a l'etudiant ou l'etudiante qui s'est classe premier ou classee premiere en droit de la famille Norah Colleen Sheppard Awarded The Samuel Lerner, Q.C. Prize in General Advocacy for the student attaining the highest combined grades in Civil Litigation, Public Law, and Family Law Deborah Anne Mcintosh Le Prix Samuel Lerner; c.r., de plaidoirie generale, a l'etudiant ou l'etudiante qui s'est classe premier ou classee premiere dans !'ensemble des matieres suivantes: litige civile, droit public et droit de la famille Deborah Anne Mcintosh Awarded The Abraham LieffScholarship donated by friends and colleagues of The Honourable Mr. Abraham Lieff to the student within the Family Law Section of Practice Skills who has most clearly demonstrated excellence in the skills required in Family Law Practice Katherine Anne Cooligan La Bourse Abraham Lieff, offerte par des amis, amies et collegues de !'honorable Abraham Lieff, reconnaft !'excellence de l'etudiant ou l'etudiante en droit de la famille qui s'est le plus distingue ou distinguee quant aux aptitudes requises pour la pratique du droit de la famille Katherine Anne Cooligan Appointed Law Clerk to The Honourable F.W. Callaghan, Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) Jane May A !lain Est nomme secretaire juridique du juge en chef de la Cour de justice de !'Ontario (division generale) )'honorable F.W. Callaghan Jane May Allain ADMISSION AU BARREAU CALL TO THE BAR The candidates for call to the bar will be presented to the Treasurer by the Chair of the Admissions Committee, Patricia J. Peters, Q.C. La presidente du Comite d'admission, Patricia J. Peters, c.r., presentera au Tresorier Jes candidats ou Jes candidates a!'admission au barreau. 7 .......... . .. . . . . ... . . .. .. ... . ... . . .. . . . .... ...... .. ..... . ... . . .. . . ..... . .... . .... . ........... .. Marjan Aghaipour Jane May Allain Mary Jane Armstrong Richard Laurie Aronoff David Michael Attwater Solly Avisar Carol Ann Aylward Cindy Jane Baker Howard Allen Baker Brent Herman Bartley Lisa Jane Beatty Barry Paul Becotte Terry Morris Beitner Philip Matthew Benson Anne Charlotte Patricia Bethel Mary Dale Bird Susan Yvonne Bour Michael Alan Braden David Wilfrid Brown Kristine Fredrica Burton Cynthia Jean Calvert Duncan John Cameron Philippe Maurice Capelle Joseph Antoine Denis Chamberland Christine Chartrand Michael Robert Clancy Adrian Robert Cleaver Bernadette Louise Clement Walter Vincent Clifford Barbara Susan Cohen Katherine Anne Cooligan Jacqueline Francoise Corrigan Suzanne Yvonne Cote Barbara Jean Craig Arthur Burton Crook Tanya Louise Crosse Joseph Marc Gilles Daigle Peter James Davidson Julius Dawn Jacques Andre Joseph Despatis Richard Frederick Double Allyson Merren Downs Joseph Reginald Pierre Dumais James Nelson Eastwood David Keith Edwards Jean Dhimy Egalite David Bruce Elder David Elhadad Kirsten Ruth Embree Laura Phyllis Maria Emery Bruce Engel Robert George Alexander Falla Hanna Farah Joseph Omer Jean-Michel Farant Joseph Roger Richard Forget Susan Elizabeth Galarneau Deborah Elizabeth Gallant Catherine Anne Galligan . Jane Ann Gauthier Murray William Gemmell Susan Rita Giamberardino Theo Glas Solomon Maxwell William Gold Kathleen Ann Gowanlock Anne Beatrice Gregory Marie Julie Guindon Elspeth Amanda Gullen Cecilia Mary Hageman Joseph Patrick Hamon John James Hanrahan John David Hempstead Lise Marie Claire Lafreniere Henrie Stuart William Herbert Brian Peter Isaac Brian Harry Johnson Betsy Kane Allan Katz Paul Andrew Frank Keery Barbara Lynn Kelly Nuala Margaret Kenny Deborah Ann Kuehner Raymond Joseph Yvon Lachapelle Mark Stephen Lafrance Mary Alice Lucie Laliberte Marie Cecile Brigitte Laplante Pierre Lapointe Marie Laurette Jocelyne Lauzier Philippa Evelyn Lawson Cheryl Ruth Lean Allan Gary Letourneau Oren Lichtenstein Irene Linklater Andrew Keith Lokan Donna Lee MacEwen Patricia Alice Dougherty MacGuigan Sherry Lynn Maclsaac Mary Bernadette Macleod Lise Therese Maisonneuve Joseph Andre Paul Marin Robert Paul Joseph Martin Sheldon Paul Massie Margaret Rose Matheson Janice Dorothy McCoy Kathleen Marie McGrath Deborah Anne Mcintosh Robert Malcolm Edward Mc Keown John Paul McLaughlin Kathleen Crocket McNair Caroline Patricia Melia Anne Michaud Louise Dominique Michel Susan Winifred Miklas Peter Henry Miller Maria Marthe Montreuil Rosemary Gay Morgan Richard Bruce Alexander Morris Mark Andrew Morrison Wendy Jane Morton Garth Andrew O'Neill Normand Joseph Payette Francis Kenneth Peddle Mindy Pilon Carolyn Gail Pinsky Robin Michele Ann Poley Nicole Micheline Marie-France Prefontaine Dean Mitchell Proctor Ronald Gregory Sai-Ming Pun Daniel Paul Randazzo Michele Vaillancourt Rene de Cotret Sarah Elizabeth Richardson Aaron Gerard Rodgers Joseph Emile Pierre Roger Linda Diane Rychel Kathryn Joanne Sabo Jean Denis Saumure Leslie Elizabeth Saunders Nancy Winnifred Schryburt Adrienne Janet Scott David Allan Scott Julie Christiane Marie Scott Michael Shawn Scromeda Joseph Benoit Eugene Pierre Seguin Norah Colleen Sheppard David Donald Sherriff-Scott Mark Edward Shipowick Donald Malcolm Simonds Veronica Ana Singer Steven Michael Smith Julia Rose Soberman David Peter Sollars Lorna Margaret St. Louis Paul Borden St. Louis Alastair Ian Stewart Carolyn Elaine Stewart Mary Rebecca Stulberg OTTAWA 8 ........... ... .... . . . . ... . . . ...... . . . ........ .. ............ . . . . . . ... . .. . .. . . .. . .. ... .. .. . . .. .... Hollie Ann Taite Monica Leslie Talaga Susan Ann Alter Tateishi Christopher Allan Taylor Francis Joseph Thatcher Marylynn Elizabeth Thompson Marie Emma Leda Josee Tremblay Karla Deanne Unger Simon Philip Valleau Joseph Rejean Louis Vezina Andreas von Cramon-Taubadel Patrick James Walker Kimberly Anne Walsh Akira Garry Watanabe Christian Robert Whalen Linda Ruth Whitfield Heather Jean Williams Joyce Myrna Willmot Andrew James Wilson Kenneth Matthew Wright Roland Arthur Wright Wing Tat Yan Paul Anton Yurack TRANSFERS/CANDIDATS OU CANDIDATES DE L ' EXTERIEUR Terence Patrick Badour William Frank Crooks Ian MacDonald Donahoe Richard William Elliott Stephen James Fogarty James Traill Lyon Paul Murray McKenzie Jo-Coreen Margaret Waters LA SEANCE DU CONSEIL EST CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN LEVEE Special Sitting of the Court of Appealfor Ontario and the Ontario Court ofJustice Seance extraordinaire de la Cour d'Appel de /'Ontario et Cour de Justice de /'Ontario Mr. Justice Patrick T. Galligan, Court of Appeal for Ontario, will hold a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Ontario Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. L'honorable juge Patrick T. Calligan, de la Cour d'appel de !'Ontario tiendra une session extraordinaire de la Cour d'appel de !'Ontario et la Cour de justice de !'Ontario afin de faire preter serment aux diplomes ou diplomees et de Jes admettre comme procureur ou procureure. COURT WILL RISE LA SEANCE DE LACOUR EST LEVEE TORONTO 9 PROGRAMME ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto. Ontario Friday, March 22. 1991 10:30a.m. PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, James M. Spence, Q.C., will open Convocation. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE Awarded The Joseph Sedgwick, Q.C. Prize for Criminal Procedure, and The Vera L. Parsons Prize for the student attaining the highest grade in Criminal Procedure Carol Elisabeth Jamieson Awarded The Walter Williston Prize for Legal Scholarship Frank Edwin Denton The Chair of the Legal Education Committee, Allan Rock , will request the Treasurer to confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. upon The Honourable Madam Justice Bertha Wilson ADDRESS The Honourable Madam Justice Bertha Wilson, Supreme Court of Canada, will address Convocation. PRESENTATION OF PRIZES The Treasurer will present the prizes won by the graduates of the Bar Admission Course and will congratulate those who have received special appointments. The candidates will be introduced by the Director of Education, Alan Treleavan. Appointed Law Clerks to The Honourable F.W. Callaghan, Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) Kirk Dennis Goodtrack Donna Guido/in Timothy John Law John Christopher Noonan Elizabeth Alexandra Waywell Diana Jane Young CALL TO THE BAR 10 The candidates for call to the bar will be presented to the Treasurer by Gordon H.T. Farquharson, Q.C., of the Admissions Committee . . . ....... . . . . . . . .... . . .. . . ... . .. . .. . . . . . . . ...... . . .. . ... . . . . . ....... ......... . . . . . . . . .. . . .. ... . . Allyn Petrie Abbott Ihab Talaat Mohamed Abdel-Aziz David William Acri Shelley Christine Adams Kathryn Belle Aitkenhead Noora Akhavan Ayoub Azam Ali Krishna Reya Derva Ali-Dabydeen James Alexander Allan Silvana Alzetta Cara Lousie Elizabeth Anderson Charlene Shirley Anderson William Douglas Anderson Anthony Angelopoulos Stephen Richard Ashbourne Andrea Dawn AshenBrenner Leonard Joshua Asper Michael John Babcock Paul Edward Bain Stanley Baker Kevin Banks Ruby Ellen Barber Julie Annette Battersby Peter Gordon Bawden Robert Basil Bayne Thomas Edward Bean Sandra Bebris Peter Bederka Brian Dov Belmont George Benak Michael Matthew Berger Robert Alexander Besunder Mary Louise Biggar Joel Evan Binder Peter William Birt Halldor Kenneth Bjarnason Andrew Claudio Borne Andrea Jane Boniuk Keith Cecil Boulter Joel Armstrong Bousfield Marie Jocelyne Nathalie Boutet Gregory Winston Bowden Susan Margaret Bowen Peter Allan Brewer Nan Ellen Brooks Jerry Warren Brown Stephanie Anne Brown Colin Anthony Browne Elizabeth Bucci Bryson Yasu Sidky Butler Andrew Neil Campbell Rochelle Fern Cantor Giovanni Casola Elisabeth Danielle Cassavoy Lubomyr Andrew Chabursky Rosanna Siu King Chan Deh Chien Chen Marie Ee Lin Chen Jane Elizabeth Chisholm Solomon Abraham Chrom Kam Man Chun Elliot Randolph Citron Pascal Carmine Dino Clarizio Scott William Clark Steven Garfield Cloutier Maria Luisa Colavecchia Kenneth Lynn Cole Steven Michael Cole Gregory Scott Coleman Craig Robin Colraine Johanna Bennery Marion Corkery Lori Anne Cornwall Gordon Parker Crann Howard Crosner Karen Lea Crozier Joanne Marie Cuccia Ralph Cuervo-Lorens Douglas Michael Cunningham Gina Marie Da Roza Sean Leo Kevin Daley Silvana Maria D' Alimonte Lindsay McCallum Darling Simon Richard Davey Bruce Franklin Davies John Atwood Roy Dawson Mary Christine Defelice Charles Peter Degutis Roberto Pietro DellaLibera David Lawrence Denomme Frank Edwin Denton Muneshwar Deopaul Andrew Michael Diamond Caroline Margaret Dick John Denis Dickson Christopher Stephen Difrancesco Carmelina DiMondo Martin Jeffrey Doane Darrell Gordon Doxtdator Margaret Mary Doyle Wendall Stephen Doyle Thomas Zalmon Druyan Lewis Dubrofsky Christopher Mark Duncan Margaret Joanne Durant-Marcellus Kevin Smiley Eakins Daniel George Edmondstone Vicky Jeanne Edwards Mitchell Lloyd Eisen Katherine Anne England Philip Gregory Evans Deanna Marie Exner Gerald Joseph Fahey Kevin Ian Fainbloom Keith Gordon Fairbairn Giuseppe Falconeri Mary Lee Farrugia Brian Lawrence Fazackerley Alex Jeffrey Feldbloom Calvin David Ferrier Cosimo Fiorenza Kenneth Jonathan Fisher Susan Lynn Fisher Mark Allan Fletcher Jerold Brian Flexer Peter Nicholas Folkins Sharona Freudmann Thomas Andrew Friedland Peter Fruchter Danilo-Raymond Furlan Alan Meir Gahtan Kevin Phillip Gallagher Janet Louise Gallin Laurie-Anne Galway Richard Trevor Garwood-Jones Glenford Arthur Llewellyn Gayle Mark Adam Gelowitz Cheryl Anne Gibson Alison Robyn Giles Genevieve Alice Gill Yao Yao Go Thomas Harold Goddard Ian Valentine Horwood Godfrey Kirk Dennis Goodtrack Michele Beth Gordon Hilary Rochelle Gorenstein Duncan Davy Gosnell Barbara Ellen Gottesman Gary Waldemar Grab David Grad Steven Leonard Graff Rachel Grinberg Donna Guidolin Marzia Habib Hassan Sidney Hagler Munyonzwe Hamalengwa Irene Lisa Edme Hamilton Stephen David Hamilton Patricia Anne Hannigan Lily Isabelle Harmer Christopher Peter Hart Clifford Jonathan Hart Terry Alan Hartung David Gerald Harvey TORONTO 11 .. . ... . ... . ....... . . . . . ..... .. .. ... ................. ... . . .. . . . .... . ... . .............. . ..... .. ... Andrew John Steven Hatnay Gerardus Ysaak Wilfred Heddema Thomas Andrew Hewitt Craig James Hill Shirley Uda Eleanor Hodder Beverly Jo Hodgson Nina Naseema Hoque Barry David Horne John Howorun Jennifer Louise Huctwith Arleen Vanessa Huggins Clay Stuart Hunter Jay Alan Hutchinson Thomas Bruce Hutchison Alex Abraham lgelman Joseph William Irving Christopher Clarke Hurst Ives Mark Irving Jadd Iona Marlene Jaffe James Jagtoo Carol Elisabeth Jamieson Lisa Ann Joyal Joo Sung Kang Andrew John Kania Gail Ann Karish Fiona Watson Keith Mark Andrew Kelly Kevin Ermil Kemp El-Farouk Abdulaziz Khaki Mary Lisa Kirby Elizabeth Anne Kirley-Switzer Shirley Patricia Knight Larry Cordell Konrad Mitchell Edward Kowalski Kenneth David Kraft Robert Gerard Kreklewetz James Rudolf Kreppner Steven Andreas Kruck Diane Margaret Kruger Joseph Robert Leo Labossiere James Alexander Laks Dougald Scott Lamb Scott Christopher Lamont Alvin Stuart Lampert Sandro Anthony Laudadio Timothy John Law Thomas Ernest Lazier Timothy Edward Leahy Luc Leclair Kevin Donald Lee Norman Thomas Lee Susan Jane Lee Teresa Fung-Lai Lee · John Parker Leefe David Paul Lefkowitz Craig Lloyd Leggatt Joseph Jay David Leider Jacqueline Michelle Lewis Peter Robert Lindsay Clifford Weibel Lloyd Rocco Claudio Loccisano Lori Anne Lockwood Ivan John Loncar Thomas Henri Raymond Lorenz Sandra Patrice Lucas Kenneth Clayton MacDonald Nancy Lee MacDonald Morag MacCallum MacGougan John Allan Mackie Margo Ann MacKinnon William Archibald Douglas MacMurdo Gladys Jean MacPherson Kamini Mahabir Peter Winters Main Zennen Andrew Makuch Carl Albin Anthony Robert Mandrish Andrew Joseph John Marek Daniel Mark Len Hi! Marriott Leonard Paul Marvy David William Tudor Matheson Robert Allan Maxwell Michelle Eveleyn Huntington McAnulty Michael Andrew McBride Michael David Joseph McDonald Michael Gordon McFadden Heather Ann McGee David Mcintyre Lois Elaine McKenzie John Alexander McKinlay Allan Donald McKitrick Douglas Craig McLarty Mary Ruth Carr McLaughlin Harry William McMurtry Darlene Mae McOuat Peter Dean Megoudis Dan Miller Cheryl Diane Elizabeth Mitchell Donald Gregory Mitchell John James Heron Monger John William Montgomery Heather Morgan Elmer Stephen Morrison Matatyau Moya! Neil Cameron Murkar Gordon Patrick Murphy Scott Wayne Nettie Ronald Jacob Nightingale John Christopher Noonan Elizabeth Joy Noonan-Bayne Pierre Gerard Normandin Michael Howard O'Brien David Bruce Olson John Opolko Anthony Carmelo Simeone Pagano Stephen Gregory Paine Duriya Patel Kurt Robert Pearson Clark Dwayne Peddle David John Albert Peirce John Walter Petrykanyn Linda Catherine Phillips-Smith Rolf Martin Piehler Mart Alan Pikkov Karen Joan Pitre Ramneek Kaur Pooni Aaron Mayer Postelnik Dawn Marie Pattie Keith William Pownall Fabio Pozzobon Randy Lee Ragan Kenneth James Ralston Sergio Recchi Mark Francis Reynolds Paul Nunneley Richardson Paul Antony Riddles Colin Jay Ripsman Juliet Susan Robin Paula Ann Rochman Randy-Lynn Rose David Morris Rosenberg Howard Stephen Rosenberg David Leonard Rosenblatt Mark Z'Ave Rosenblum David Evan Rosenthal Mark Stephen Joseph Ross Caroline Ann Rowan Janice Patricia Rubin Lawrence Robert Rubin Jeffrey Aaron Rubinoff Martin John Ryan Marina Sakhno David Matthew Sanders Lynne Anne Saunders Rahul Erik Saxena T 0 R 0 N T 0 12 Randy Stuart Schroeder Andrea Ruth Schwartz-Rosenberg David Gordon Seaton Patricia Van Buren Selden Vikas Sharma Eleanor Shaw Chi-Kun Shi Bohdan De Leliva Shulakewych Steven Howard Shulman Jonathan Isaac Simkin Jeffrey Ray Simser Warren Arnold Singer Rose Maria Sinicrope Hellen Linda Siwanowicz Martha Jane Smale Edward Robert Smith Ian Ross Smith Nancy Lynne Smith Christopher Charles Sorley Abdul Souraya Margaret Maria Sparling Christopher Mark Spear Roger Julian Springfield Jack Squire Steven Kenneth Stauffer David Michael Steele Andrew Stein Rosanne Gail Stein Jeffrey David Maurice Steiner Woyciech Tomasz Stelmaszynski Jason Crawford Stevens Paolo Vito Stocco Harvey Sam Stone Jacqueline Victoria Strachan Diane Elizabeth Stuart Grace Sun Lynn-Beth Sutton Richard Bruce Swan Randall David Telford John Alexander Terry Kathleen Diane Therriault Owen James Earl Thompson Eleanor H. Thom Ann Tierney Mary Kathleen Timmis Gregorio Graziano Tucci Michael Hopeton Tulloch Loma Anne Turnbull Douglas Hutchison Usher George Vegh John Kenneth Venn Paul David Voino Robert Gustavo Volterra Abu Bakar Bin Wahab Ruvan Perry Waltman Dennis Carl Walz Mary Elizabeth Ward Harold Rogers Watson Russell William Watson Michael Geoffrey Watts Elizabeth Alexandra Waywell Alexander William Weir Anne Elizabeth Weir Steven Jonathan Weisz Owen Matthew Wigderson Carol Alberta Willes John Henry Edmund MacGregor Willes Peter Alexander James Willis Mark Wilson Roderick Scott Wiltshire Rhonda Alexis Wing David Michael Winnitoy Juanita Dahlia Wislesky Adelina Chung Kwan Wong Edward Gokjee Wong Ian Robert Joseph Wong Winnie Woon-Hing Wong Frederick Gordon Randall Woodman Frank Derek Woods Robert Maxwell MacKenzie Yalden Peter Francis Yaniszewski Russell Allen Yeomans Diana Jane Young Lawrence Harvey Zucker TRANSFER Mieke Elisabeth Van Den Bergh CONVOCATION WILL ADJOURN Special Sitting of the Court ofAppeal for Ontario and the Ontario Court of Justice Mr. Justice John W. Brooke, Court of Appeal for Ontario, will hold a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Ontario Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. COURT WILL RISE TORONTO 13 PROGRAMME ROY THOMSON HALL Toronto. Ontario Friday, March 22, 1991 3:15p.m. PROCESSION The audience will rise when the Treasurer and Benchers enter the auditorium. The Treasurer, James M . Spence, Q.C., will open Convocation. CONFERRING OF AN HONORARY DEGREE The Chair of the Legal Education Committee, Allan Rock, will request the Treasurer, James Spence, Q.C. , to confer the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon Arthur Richard Andrew Scace, Q.C Awarded The Treasurer's Medal, The Roland 0 . Daly Scholarship, and The Edwin George Long, K.C. Memorial Scholarship for the student attaining the highest grades in the Bar Admission Course; The International Academy of Trial Lawyers Plaque, and The Herbert Egerton Harris Advocacy Scholarship for the student attaining the highest grade in Civil Litigation; The Harcourts Advocacy Award for the student attaining the highest combined grades in Civil Litigation, Family Law, Criminal Procedure, and Creditors' and Debtors' Rights; and The Samuel Lerner, Q.C. Prize in General Advocacy for the student attaining the highest combined grades in Civil Litigation, Public Law, and Family Law David William Martin ADDRESS Arthur R.A. Scace, Q.C. will address Convocation. PRESENTATION OF PRIZES The Treasurer will present the prizes won by the graduates of the Bar Admission Course and will congratulate those who have received special appointments. The candidates will be introduced by the Director of Education, Alan Treleavan . Awarded The Law Society First Prize, The Edwin George Long, K.C. Memorial Scholarship, and The Isadore Levinter Memorial Award for the student attaining the second highest grades in the Bar Admission Course; and The Benjamin Luxenberg Prize for the student attaining the highest grade in Creditors' and Debtors' Rights Thomas Joseph McRae Awarded The Law Society First Prize, The Edwin George Long, K.C. Memorial Scholarship, and The Isadore Levinter Memorial Award for the student attaining the second highest grades in the Bar Admission Course Robert Carl Bela Lando Awarded The Law Society Second Prize for the student attaining the third highest grades in the Bar Admission Course; and The Samuel Lerner, Q.C. Prize in General Advocacy for the student attaining the highest combined grades in Civil Litigation, Public Law, and Family Law Martha Anne McCarthy TORONTO 14 Awarded The Law Society Second Prize for the student attaining the third highest grades in the Bar Admission Course; and The Margaret McNulty Award for the student who, among the graduates of the Faculty of Law, University of Western Ontario, attained the highest grades in the Bar Admission Course Eduardo Esposto Awarded The SJ. Birnbaum, Q.C. Scholarships, Second Prize for the student attaining the second highest grade in Estate Planning David Andrew Hausman Awarded The SJ. Birnbaum, Q.C. Scholarships, Third Prize for the student attaining the third highest grade in Estate Planning Hilarie Ivy McMurray Awarded The Law Society Third Prize for the student attaining the fourth highest grades in the Bar Admission Course Alessandro Dino Muto Brian Forsythe Todd Awarded The Gowling, Strathy & Henderson Prize for the student attaining the highest grades in the Bar Admission Course at Ottawa A warded The Herbert Egerton Harris Advocacy Scholarship for the student attaining the second highest grade in Civil Litigation Michael David Wright Awarded The Practitioners' Prize in Real Estate for the student attaining the highest grade in Residential Real Estate Kevin Andrew McGivney Nigel Stewart Wright Awarded The Margaret P. Hyndeman, 0 .C., Q.C., D.C.L. Prize donated by the Alpha Mu Chapter, Kappa Beta Pi Legal Association for the student attaining the second highest grade in Business Law Jeffrey Clifford Trossman Awarded The William Belmont Common, Q.C. Prize for Criminal Procedure for the student attaining the second highest grade in Criminal Procedure John Arthur Gregory Lister Awarded The SJ. Birnbaum, Q.C. Scholarships, First Prize for the student attaining the highest grade in Estate Planning Paula Beth Hurwitz Awarded The Isadore Levinter Prize donated by The Advocates' Society for the student attaining the highest grade in Public Law Sandra Louise Morris Appointed Law Clerk to The Honourable F.W. Callaghan, Chief Justice of the Ontario Court of Justice (General Division) John Pearson Scott Allen Mara Basso Jennifer Dolman John Scott Elliott Gregory Themis Geatros Jennifer Frear Griffiths David Mark Holmes William John Jamie North Helen Sava Wendy Elizabeth Walberg CALL TO THE BAR The candidates for call to the bar will be presented to the Treasurer by the Chair of the Admissions Committee, Patricia J. Peters, Q.C. Stephen Bruce Abraham Daniel Joseph Abrahams Christina Maria Ackermann Mark Adams Franca Maria Pia Agueci Dorothy Margaret Ainslie Angelina Alexander John Pearson Scott Allen Robert Craig Anderson Christ Andrikakis Sandra Antoniani Esther Louise Armchuk Debra Ellen Arnold David Atlas Ami DuPree Austin Barbara Joan Austin Samuel Raymond Bachinski Gordon David Baird Dianne Jean Ballam Susanne Michele Kathleen Balpataky Michael Marvin Balter Mara Basso Loretta Helen Bateman Paula Lynn Bateman Roger Benjamin Bauman Alexander William Beadie Kenneth Andrew Beallor David Michael Bean Anita Marie Bennett Catherine Mary Bickley Marissa Beata Bielski Peter Brian Birkness John Francis Black Janet Lynn Bobechko Rose Maria Bocska Donald Eardley McEwen Bodkin Edward Wayne Boomer Howard Joseph Arnold Borenstein Margaret Jane Boshart-McCleary Duncan Charles Boswell Mary Margaret Bradley William James Bugyra Pamela Susan Burke Clare Elizabeth Burns Alan James Butcher Gordon Dewar Capern Nicola Alberto Cardinale James Allen Patrick Carlisle Steven Jay Carr Georgina Lee Carson Renza Cecchetto Daniel Lap Fung Chan Timothy William Charles Thomas Joseph Do-Trong Chau · Stanley Chow John Charles Christie Joanne Michelle Clarfield Janet Lee Clark Craig McNeill Clarke Bruce Robert Cluney Veronica Mary Cocco Rhonda Cohen Robert Brian Cohen Jonathan Gregory Colombo Louise Anne Comeau John William Comery Kirk John Cooper Richard Anthony Cooper Rosalind Hope Cooper Marnie Susan Corbold Robert Ekstrom Cormie Brenda Michele Cutler Peter Kalman Czegledy-Nagy Diane Florence Daly Alexander Daschko Daniel Joseph Daviau Karine Krieger Daviau Gordon Allan Davies Sharon Elizabeth Drodge Davis Catherine Elizabeth Davison Lesa Margaret Daw Susan Wendy Del Mui Maria Michaele DelZotto Jeremy Joseph De Melo Sandra Ragland Demson Kevin Michael Derbyshire Kevin Eugene Deveaux Shaun Edward Devine Jennifer Dolman Alexandra Claire Donkin Catherine Mary Doorly Peter Spiros Dotsikas Audrey Lee Douek Maureen Elizabeth Doyle Colette Therese Dubois William Bryan Dunn Denise Rosalin Dwyer Mark Edward Ernest Eagles Julianne Marie Ecclestone Valerie Gene Edward Mark Elkin John Scott Elliott Ivor Ramsay Elrifi Laura Mary-Jean Embree Christian Brent Leif Erickson Kathryn Erickson Eduardo Esposto Joseph Stephen Farkas Steven Michael Fehrle Helena Maria Fernandez Irvin Isak Feuer Roger Stephen Fisher Rosemary Anne Fisher-Cobb Leigh Gerald Fishleigh Douglas John Forer Grainne Mary Kaye Forrest Benito Fortino Brigitte Josephine Marie-Lucie Fouillade Melany Virginia Franklin Bonnie Ann Freedman Derek Gordon Friend Toba Gail Fryer 15 Fay Arlene Fuerst Susan Ann Fulford Tadea Harry Gacich Diana Assunta Galassi Joseph James Garvey Timothy Stephen Garvey Corina Marlen Gayk Gregory Themis Geatros Howard David Gerson David Michael Robert Gibson John Gregory Gilhooly Leslie Susan Giller Michael David Gillis Franco Giordano Guy William James Giorno Barry Lloyd Glaspell Jeffrey Laurence Glass Alonna Lynn Goldfarb Richard Evan Goldman Gordon Peter Goodman Todd Evan Gotlieb Matthew Paul Gottlieb Michael Warren Gouthro Jonathan Russel Grant Mark Anthony Greenstein Glenn Grenier Jennifer Frear Griffiths Nancy Helen Guatto David James Guiney Kirsten Leigh Halpin Toba Ruth Hamersfeld Ian Douglas Hamilton Michael James Hanley Siobhan Ann Hanley Clare Bernadette Hauer David Andrew Hausman Terry Gordon Hawtin John Charles Healy Janikke Anne Urquhart Heiberg Robert Carson Henderson Richard Helmuth Herold Gregory Darren Hersen Ricky John Hesp TORONTO 16 Maureen Catherine Hodgins Carole Elaine Craven Hoglund Harold Robert Anthony Holloway David Mark Holmes Michael Steven Horowitz Michael James Hudack Paula Beth Hurwitz Cameron James Hutchison Glenna Mae Ireland Joan Marie Irwin Rosalind June Jeffries Elizabeth Anne Johnson Tanya Leah Jorgenson Maher Kalaaji Glenn Arthur Kay Mary Elizabeth Keenan Brian Richard Kelly Marie Georgina Kelly Andrew Scott Kerr James William Kershaw Geoffrey Kent Ketcheson Yoo Kyung Kim Jessica Ann Kimmel Dhaman Persaud Kissoon Bertha Rita Kovacs Monica Christine Kowal Elizabeth Catherine Kozma Carolyn Margaret Kramer Jeffrey Alexander Lee Kriwez Barnet Harry Kussner David James La Mantia Robert Carl Bela Lando James Robinson Lane Gali Jonathan Lapid Margaret Pamela Large-Moran Moira Susan Grace Larmer Lee Joseph Latham Peter Daniel Lawson Katherine Margaret Lay Bernard Charles LeBlanc Marie Suzanne Leclair Toby Charles Douglas Lennox Gina Marie Leslie Jennifer Lessing Joel Elliott Levitt John David Lewis Mark Jonathon Lewis John Salvatore Liotta Hugh Graham Lissaman John Arthur Gregory Lister Ryszart George Litkowski Jeffrey Ronald Lloyd Lois Jane Luck Laura Mary Alison Lundie Laurence Dominique Lustman Leonard Raphael Lyn Erin Elizabeth Maccarthy Christopher Dilworth MacDonald Judith Anne MacDonald Mark Patrick MacDonald John Harry Macfarlane Laurie Anne Macfarlane Kevin John MacTavish Douglas Rodger Madden Karen Teresa Manarin Mark Lewis Mandel Rosanne Henrietta Manson Peter Samuel Marr Philip Bernard Marsden Anne Margaret Martasek David William Martin Julia Joy Martin Rita Rosa Mason Tedford Clinton Mason Maria Mavroyannis Karen Maureen McArthur Martha Anne McCarthy Rosemarie Housar McConnell Colleen Heather McDonald Kevin Andrew McGivney Timothy Joseph McGowan Hilarie Ivy McMurray Stephen Francis McNamee Brian George McPhee Thomas Joseph McRae Louisa Joy Michelson Nancy Anne Millar Gail Elizabeth Misra Timothy Holman Mitchell Grant Brian Moffat Elizabeth Anne Moffatt-Montour Ian Aaron Mondrow Sharon Ann Schafer Moon Wesley Todd Moore Timothy Howard Moran Sandra Louise Morris Warren Zev Morris Blair Fraser Morrison Maureen Joy Ann Morton Maureen Elizabeth Murdoch John William Murray Alessandro Dino Muto Larry Michael Najjar Sheila Nemet-Brown Shirley Lynn Netten Susan Louise Nicholas Anastasios Thomas Nicolaou William John Jamie North Randy Gail Novick Sheilagh Marie O'Connell Isabelle Madeleine O'Connor Steven James O'Melia Christine Margaret Grace O'Neill Laura Ann Onischuk Christopher Opoka-Okumu Norman Salvatore Panzica, Jr. Eugenia Papageorgiou Donna Lee Parish Lori Elizabeth Joy Patyk George Cameron Peacock Ellen Pekilis Yvonne Penning Paula Monica Pevato Kathy Lyn Phillips Kathryn Ruth Philpott Luigino Mario Pilla Maria Pitsitikas Lori-Ellen Polachek Michael Jeffrey Polisuk Berzoor Kassamali Popatia Lori Ann Pope Claire Louise Price Mary-Louise Anne Prosen Lisa Ann Ptack Darren John Purcell Michael Rabinovici Aviva Raffoul-Harari Mark William Joseph Rankin Richard Anand Rawana Stephen Clarke Raymond Mark Andrew Reid Risa Heather Revin Bonnie Lou Ellen Richman Stephen Charles Ernest Rigby Heather Gwen Ritchie Antonetta Romano Robert Andrew Rose Alan Ross Andrea Patricia Ross Lynda Susan Ross-Won Agostino Enrico Russo Tracy Charlotte Sandler John Robert Sandrelli Helen Sava Wayne Allen Schatz Randall Ian Schwartz Douglas Hungerford Scott TORONTO 17 Sheila Marie Seguin Bruce Curtis Senkpiel Mary Jean Lucille Shaw Terri Lee Shea Stacey Diane Sheehan Jeremy Scott Attwood Sheppard Ilene Robin Shiller Sudeesh Shivarattan Lynn Christine Silkauskas Helena Maria Simas Silveira Howard Stephen Silverman Harriet Joy Simand Peter Alexander Simm Michael Steven Simrod Avi Jonathan Sirlin Thomas Michael Slahta Carol Jean Smith Gregory Joseph Smith Tamar Lee Smith Pichette Nicholas Peter Smoak Anne Felicite Stairs William John Stanger Melanie Dawn Starr Marina Stefanovic David Alexander Steinberg Leora Judith Sterlin Mark Anthony Stone Geraldine Rose Straus Jeffrey Elliot Streisfield Jacqueline Mary Burton Stubbs Reginald Jay Swanborough Paul Richard Sweeny Joan Chizuko Takahashi Sally Elizabeth Thomas Karen Alvertta Darlene Thompson Nicola Tibolla Valerie June Tingey Brian Forsythe Todd Lynda Ann Toms Richard Marshall Tory Rajna Trbovic Karyn Lee Triffo Jeffrey Clifford Trossman Brian Murray Turnbull Elizabeth Ross Turner Lori Anne Turner Patricia Anne Vire Alexander Michael Voudouris Wendy Elizabeth Walberg Arlene Antoinette Walker Bonnie Rae Warkentin Alexandra Pauline Warly James Hamish McLeod Warnock Stephen Gregory Warren Jacqueline Margaret Weber Andrew Paul Werbowski David Thomas Weyant Leslie Lynn Whicher Andrea Lee White Jennifer Robin Church Whitelaw Sayward Jane Whiteley Sian Elizabeth Williams Annette Donna Maureen Wilson Elaine Victoria Wilson Christopher Harold Karl Wirth Karen Celestine Wishart Crystal Lynn Witterick Vickie Sue Wong Ross Gordon Campbell Wonnick Mark Christian Woolgar David Edward Woollcombe Jerald Martin Wortsman Mark Alexander Wright Michael David Wright Nigel Stewart Wright James Casimir Yaskowich Janet Susanne Young Sandra Anne Young Elizabeth Caroline Zabek Steven Albert Zakem Marianne Zoric David Andrew Zuber CONVOCATION WIL L ADJOURN Special Sitting of the Court ofAppeal/or Ontario and the Ontario Court of Justice Mr. Justice George D. Finlayson, Court of Appeal for Ontario, will hold a special sitting of the Court of Appeal for Ontario and the Ontario Court of Justice to administer the oaths to the graduates and admit them as solicitors. COURT WILL RISE