Directory of the International Theatre Institute ITI Annuairede l`Institut
Directory of the International Theatre Institute ITI Annuairede l`Institut
Directory of the International Theatre Institute ITI Annuaire de l’Institut International du Théâtre ITI Regularly updated / Mis à jour régulièrement Version 5 / September/Septembre 2016 Content / Contenu 0) Main Addresses / Adresses Principales 1) General Secretariat / Secrétariat Général (Headquarters) 2) Executive Council / Conseil Exécutif 2014-2016 3) Honorary Members and Presidents / Membres et Présidents d´Honneur 4) World Theatre Ambassadeurs / Ambassadeurs Mondiaux du Théâtre 5) Centres / Centres 6) Cooperating Members / Membres Coopérants 7) Committees, Forums, Networks, Project Groups, Working Groups / Comités, Forums, Réseaux, Groupes de Projets, Groupes de Travail 8) Regional Councils / Conseils Régionaux 9) ITI / UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts / Réseau pour l´éducation supérieure pour les Arts de la scène 10) Akt-Zent, ITI Research Organization Akt-Zent, organisation de Recherche de l’ITI. 11) Partner Organizations / Organisations partenaires 0) Main Addresses / Adresses principales International Theatre Institute ITI / Institut International du Théâtre ITI UNESCO Office UNESCO, 1 rue Miollis 75732 Paris Cedex 15 France Tel. +33 1 45 68 48 80 Fax: + 33 1 45 68 48 84 info(at) International Theatre Institute ITI / Institut International du Théâtre ITI ITI Headquarters 1332 Xinzha Road, Jing´an, Shanghai 1 China 200040 Tel: +86 21 6236 7033 Fax: +86 21 6236 3053 ITI International Office Fujairah / Bureau international de l´ITI de Fujaïrah International Theatre Institute ITI Fujairah Tower, Floor 7, P.O. Box 7444 Fujairah / United Arab Emirates Tel: +971 (0)92 050 213 Fax: +971 (0)92 222 959 Contact: Hessa Al Falasi hessa(at) 1) ITI General Secretariat / Secrétariat Général de l’ITI (Headquarters) International Theatre Institute ITI Headquarters 1332 Xinzha Road, Jing´an, Shanghai China 200040 Tel: +86 21 6236 7033 Fax: +86 21 6236 3053 info(at) Director General ITI / Directeur général de l´ITI Tobias BIANCONE t.biancone(at) Directeur for Collaborations / Directrice des collaborations CHEN Zhongwen chen.zhongwen(at) ITI Communications Officer / Chargée de communication de l´ITI Malory DOMECYN malory.domecyn(at) ITI Establishment Officer TANG Yiming tymmail(at) Accountant and Office Manager / Comptable et Manager du bureau GUO Ping Accountant France / Comptable France 2 Renaud MESINI renaudmesini(at) 2) Executive Council / Conseil Exécutif 2014-2016 President, Vice Presidents, Executive Board Members EB, Executive Council Members EC, Honorary Members and Presidents – always in alphabetical order. Président, Vice-présidents, Membres du Bureau Exécutif EB, Membres du Conseil Exécutif EC, Membres et Présidents d’Honneur – toujours par ordre alphabétique. Excecutive Board Members / Membres du Bureau Exécutif EB President the ITI / Président de l’ITI Mohammed Saif AL-AFKHAM (Fujairah UAE/EAU) President of ITI, Member of EB and EC / Président de l’ITI, Membre de l’EB et de l’EC afkham99(at) Vice Presidents of ITI / Vice-présidents de l’ITI : Emilya CACHAPERO (USA / Etats-Unis) ITI Vice President Americas, Member of EB and EC / Vice-présidente Amériques de l’ITI, Membre de l’EB et de l’EC ecachapero(at) Ann Mari ENGEL (Sweden / Suède) ITI Vice President Europe, Member of EB and EC / Vice-présidente Europe de l’ITI, Membre de l’EB et de l’EC annmari(at) JI Guoping (China / Chine) Vice President Asia & Pacific of the ITI, Member of EB and EC / Vice-président Asie & Pacifique de l’ITI, Membre de l’EB et de l’EC ctawangling(at) Hamadou MANDE (Burkina Faso) ITI Vice President Africa, Member of EB and EC / Vice-président Afrique de l’ITI, Membre de l’EB et de l’EC theatrecorneille(at) Secretary of ITI / Secrétaire de l´ITI Ali MAHDI NOURI (Sudan / Soudan) ITI Secretary, Member of EB and EC / Secrétaire de l’ITI, Membre de l’EB et de l’EC alimahdinouri(at) Treasurer of ITI / Trésorier de l´ITI Apostolos APOSTOLIDES (Cyprus/ Chypre) 3 Treasurer, Member of EB and EC / Trésorier, Membre de l’EB et de l’EC apostolosrees(at) Executive Council Members EC / Membres du Conseil Exécutif EC Alfira ARSLANOVA (Russia / Russie) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC alfira.arslanova(at) Tatjana AZMAN (Slovenia / Slovénie) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC tatjana.azman(at) Daniel BAUSCH (Switzerland / Suisse) Member of EC / Membre de l’EC daniel.bausch(at) Carlos CELDRAN (Cuba) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC argost(at); carlosceldranperez(at) Cecile GUIDOTE ALVAREZ (Philippines) ITI Spokesperson for UNESCO and UN, Member of EC / Porte-parole de l’ITI auprès de l’UNESCO et de l’ONU, Membre de l’EC cecilia.alvarez7(at) LE QUY Duong (Vietnam) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC lequyduong(at) Joachim LUX (Germany / Allemagne) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC iti(at) Marcio SOUZA (Brazil / Brésil) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC marciosouza(at) Fabio TOLLEDI (Italy / Italie) Member of the EC / Membre de l’EC teatro(at) 3) Honorary Members / Membres d’honneur Ask the ITI General Secreatariat for getting you in touch with the person. / Demandez au Secrétariat Général de l´ITI de vous mettre en contact avec la personne. Manfred BEILHARZ (Germany /Allemagne), Honorary President / Président d´honneur 4 Radu BELIGAN (Romania / Roumanie), Honorary President / Président d´honneur Martha COIGNEY (U.S.A. / Etats-Unis), Honorary President / Président d´honneur DONG Wei (China / Chine) Georgette GEBARA (Lebanon / Liban) KIM Jeong-ok (Korea Rep. / Rep. de Corée), Honorary President / Président d´honneur Ramendu MAJUMDAR (Bangladesh), Honorary President / Président d´honneur André-Louis PERINETTI (France), Honorary President / Président d´honneur Raija-Sinikka RANTALA (Finland / Finlande) Nikos SHIAFKALIS (Cyprus / Chypre) Riitta SEPPÄLÄ (Finland / Finlande) José SOLE (Mexico / Mexique) Jennifer WALPOLE (Australia & France /Australie & France) 4) World Theatre Ambassador / Ambassadeurs Mondiaux du Théâtre Ask the ITI General Secreatariat for getting you in touch with the person. / Demandez au Secrétariat Général de l´ITI de vous mettre en contact avec la personne. Vigdis FINNBOGADOTIR (Iceland / Islande) Santiago GARCIA (Colombia / Colombie) Girish KARNAD (India / Inde) SHANG Changrong (China / Chine) Wole SOYINKA (Nigeria) Robert STURUA (Georgia / Géorgie) Anatoli VASSILIEV (Russia / Russie) Arnold WESKER (United Kingdom / Royaume Uni) C) Centres / Centres Algeria / Algérie Centre Algérien de l’ITI 105 cité Adaoui Wilaya d'Adrar 01001 Algeria P: Cheikh OKBAOUI; VP: Boukerche ELHADI; SG: Hamza BOUKIR Tel: +213 669975354, +213 666055424 okbaouicheikh(at), cheikholojya(at) Argentina / Argentine Centre Argentin de l'ITI c/o Argentores Pacheco de Melo 1820 Buenos Aires 1126, Argentina P: José Pepe SORIANO; VP: Leonor MANSO; SG: Francisco JAVIER Tel: + 54 4825 2929 5 artesdelespectaculo(at) Armenia / Arménie Armenian Centre of ITI /Centre Arménien de l’ITI Moskovyan 3/ Yerevan State Youth Theatre Yerevan, Armenia 375001 Dir.: Hakob Ghazanchyan Tel: +374 1 565 153 Fax: +374 1 581 974 itiarmenia(at), Austria / Autriche Austrian Centre of ITI /Centre Autrichien de l’ITI Türkenstrasse 19 (Mezzanine) A-1090 Vienne, Austria P : Helga DOSTAL ; SG : Franz Eugen DOSTAL Tel: +43 1 319 47 00 Fax: +43 1 310 82 92 helga.dostal(at) Azerbaijan / Azerbaïdjan Azerbaijan Centre of ITI /Centre Azerbaïdjan de l’ITI 16 Khagani Street Baku AZ 1000 Azerbaidjan P: Azer NEJMATOV; Executive Secretary/Secrétaire exécutif: Lala MAMMADOVA Tel: +994 12 93 1703 Fax: +994 12 98 5252 iti.azeri(at) Bangladesh Bangladesh Centre of ITI/ Centre Bangladais de l’ITI House 10A Road 25A Block A Banani Dhaka 1213, Bangladesh P: Nasiruddin YOUSUFF; SG: Debaprosad DEBNATH Tel: +8802 55033840, +8802 8832280, +88 01711377142 iti.bdcentre(at) Belgium / Belgique (Flemish/Flamand) Centre Belge de l'ITI (Fl.) Flanders Arts Institute c/o Marijke De Moor Ravensteingalerij 38 1000 Brussels 6 Belgium Chairman: Guy COOLEN Tel: +32 2 274 17 60 guy.coolen(at) Belgium/Belgique (French/Français) Centre Belge de l'ITI (Fr.) c/o Théâtre & Publics asbl Quai Banning 5 4000 – Liège Belgique P: Valérie CORDY; VP: Jean-Henri DRÈZE; Treasure: Marc GOORIS; Secretariat: Marine LIARD Tel: +32 4 223 45 98 Fax : +32 4 223 46 33 iti_cbf(at), jean.henri.dreze(at), vcordyfabrique(at), marine(at) Benin Centre Béninois de l'ITI 03 BP 4448 Jéricho- Cotonou Benin P: Pascal WANOU; SG: Erick Hector HOUNKPE Tel: +229 979 834 74, +229 957 961 45 itibenin(at), wapas_bj(at) Bosnia and Herzegovina / Bosnie-Herzégovine Bosnia and Herzegovina Centre of ITI International Theatre Festival MESS Centre Bosniaque de l'ITI Festival international de théâtre MESS Marsala Tita 54/1 71000 Sarajevo Bosnia and Herzegovina P: Almir IMSIREVIC; VP: Selma SPAHIC; SG: Aida PILAV Tel/Fax: +387 332 11972 selma(at), mess(at) Botswana Botswana Centre of ITI Centre Botswanais de l’ITI P.O.Box V 1963, Ramotswa Botswana P : Bathusi LESOLOBE ; SG : Connie RAPOO Tel: +267 7258 6133, +267 7130 3866 Fax: +267 574 8920 7 info.bciti(at) Brazil/Brésil Centro Brasil ITI Centre Bresilien de l’ITI Praça Dom José Gaspar, 30 4º andar São Paulo- SP – CEP 04710-010 Brazil P: Ney Luiz PIACENTINI; VP: Luiz Antonio Dias de AMORIM; SG: Alexandre Binder KAVANJI Tel: +55 11 2117 4711 Fax: +55 11 2117 4700 amorimluiz(at) Burkina Faso Centre Burkinabè de l'ITI 01 BP 5743, Ouagadougou 01 Burkina Faso P: Hamadou MANDE; VP: Etienne MINOUNGOU; SG: Minata DIENE; Deputy SG: Modeste Wendyam COMPAORE Tel: +226 25 36 59 42, +226 70 22 42 12 theatrecorneille(at), culturedequartier(at), cb_iit (at), mandehama (at) Cameroon / Cameroun Centre Camerounais de l'ITI BP 44 Akono, Cameroun P: José Charles EWANE, VP : Emelda SAMBA, SG: Arsène BEYENE ABOUNA Tel: +237 694816244 iti_cameroun(at) Central African Republic / Centrafrique Centre Centrafricain de l’ITI Association Socio-Culturelle Compagnie Masseka Théâtre Quartier Malimaka, 5è Bangui, BP971 Centrafrique P : Modeste GOBIA MAURAYE, VP : Patrick Ludovic NBOUMOLOMAKO, SG: Benjamin RENDEKOUZOU Tel : +236 75 54 59 57, +236 72 45 85 13 gobi_mauraye(at), massekatheatre(at) Chad / Tchad Centre Tchadien de l'ITI B.P 4330 -Njamena 8 Chad P: Vangdar Dorsouma Tel: +235 66 29 39 07 vangdar(at) China / Chine Chinese Centre of ITI, (Chinese Theatre Assoc.) Centre Chinois de l’ITI (Association Chinoise du théâtre) B508, Bldg.32, No.1 Bei Shatan, Chaoyang District Beijing 100083 China P: JI Guoping; SG: WANG Ling (Int'l Coord.) Tel:+86 10 5975 9516 Fax: +86 10 5975 9518 ctawangling(at) Chinese Taipei / Taipei Chinois ITI Centre of the Chinese Taipei Theatre Association Chinese Taipei Theatre Association Centre du Taipei Chinois de l’association du théâtre Association du théâtre de Taipei Chinois B1, No. 113, Sec. 2, Zhongshan North Road Taipei 104, Taiwan P : John Y.H.HU; SG : Thomas C.L.LIU Tel: +886 2 2567 3679 Fax: +886 2 2568 2335 thomas(at),, taipei_theatre(at) Colombia / Colombie Centre Colombien de l'ITI Calle 22 No 3 - 54 antiguo edificio La Gota de Leche Santa Marta - Magdalena Colombie P: Luz Patricia MORENO LINERO Tel: +57 5 4231273 fecaribe(at) Congo Democratic Republic / Congo République Démocratique Centre Congolais (R.D.) de l'ITI BP 6264 Kinshasa VI, Congo RéP Démocratique P: Mwadi Yinda MITENDO; SG: NGAKI Kosi Jean-Marie Tel : +24 389 893 1731, +24 399 290 8395, +24 381 502 5746 iitcongokin(at), mitendosam(at), 9 Congo Republic /Congo République Centre de l'ITI de la RéP du Congo BP 155 Pointe Noire, Congo ReP P: Frédéric PAMBOU ; SG: Jean Léopold NGOULOU Tel: +242 05 557 50 66 (P), +242 05 553 39 68 (SG) iticongobrazza(at), ngoujel(at) Croatia / Croatie Croatian Centre of ITI Centre Croate de l’ITI Basaricekova 24 10 000 Zagreb Croatia P: Zeljka TURCINOVIC ; SG: Dubravka CUKMAN; Program Assistant/Assistant de programme: Matko BOTIC; Producer/Producteur: Nina Krizan Tel : +385 1 4920 667, +385 1 4920 669 Fax: +385 1 4920 668 hc-iti(at) Cuba Cuban Centre of ITI Centre Cubain de l’ITI Calle 4, Nº 257, entre 11 y 13, Vedado, CP: 104400 La Havane Cuba P:Carlos CELDRAN ; V-P: Osvaldo CANO, Antonia FERNANDEZ; SG: Alina RICARD Tel: +53 7 835 57 65, +53 7 830 41 26 argost(at) Cyprus / Chypre Cyprus Centre of ITI Centre Chypriote de l’ITI 38 Regaena Street Nicosia 1010 Cyprus P: Giorgos NEOPHYTOU ; V-P: Minas TIGKILIS ; Ex. Director: Christos GEORGIOU Tel: +357 22 67 49 20 Fax: +357 22 68 08 22 ccoiti(at) Czech Republic /Tcheque République Czech Centre of ITI 10 Centre Tchèque de l’ITI c/o Divadelni Ustav Celetna 17 110 00 Prague, Tcheque Rép P: Tana FISCHEROVA ;Ex.Dir.:Pavla PETROVA; SG: Mirka POTUCKOVA Tel: +420 2 24 81 27 54 Fax: +420 2 24 81 02 78 iti(at), mirka.potuckova(at) Denmark / Danemark Danish centre of ITI Centre Danois de l’ITI Farvergade 10,5 DK1463 Copenhagen K. Denmark P: Per Bech JENSEN, VP: Maj-Britt MATHIESEN, GS: Laura RAMBERG Tel: +45 53 56 11 54, +45 27 21 92 32 mail(at) Dominican Republic / République Dominicaine Dominican Republic ITI Centre Centre Dominicain de l’ITI Ave. Jacobo Majluta Residencial del Parque, Edificio 3, Apt 4 Ciudad Modelo, Santo Domingo Norte República Dominicana P: Basilio NOVA Tel: +1 809 364 0802, +1 809 918 9249 basilio_nova(at) Egypt / Égypte Egyptian ITI Center Centre Egyptien de l’ITI 3 Alfardouss street (formerly "Aldorry street"), ground floor Off Almaraghy street, Agouza Giza, Egypt P: Nehad SELAIHA, VP: Essam El SAYED, SG: Nora AMIN Tel: +20 1223 1022 05 noraamin2005(at) Estonia / Estonie Estonian Centre of ITI Estonian Theatre Agency Centre Estonien de l’ITI 11 Agence Estonienne de théâtre Telliskivi 60A, building C1 Tallinn 10412 Estonias / Estonie P: Anu LAMP, Dir: Andres Laasik Tel: +372 628 2342, +372 628 2330 Fax: +372 628 2344 info(at), andres(at) Faroe Islands / Îles Féroé Faroese Centre of ITI Centre Féroïen de l'ITI c/o Faroese Actors Union Leikarafelag Foroxa PO Box 66 110 Torshavn Faroe Islands P: Kjartan HANSEN, VP: Gunnva ZACHARIASEN, GS: Jona K. THOMSEN Tel: +298 50 90 60, +45 41 31 9339 leikarafelag(at) Finland / Finlande Finnish Centre of ITI, TINFO – Theatre Info Finland Centre Finlandais de l’ITI- Théâtre Infos Finlande Meritullinkatu 33 A 2 00170 Helsinki 17 Finlande D: Hanna HELAVUORI, Press and Communication/Communication et Presse: Sari HAVUKAINEN, Executive Producer for International Projects/ producteur exécutif pour les projets internationaux : Jukka Hyde HYTTI Tel: +358 9 2511 2120 (Office), +358 9 25 11 21 21 (Director) tinfo(at), mikko.karvinen(at), Fujairah / Fujaïrah (United Arab Emirates / Emirats Arabes unis) UAE Centre of ITI – Fujairah Centre EAU de l’ITI/ Fujaïrah P.O.Box 7444 Fujairah - U.A.E D: Mohammed ALAFKHAM Tel: +971 92 23 05 38 Mob: +971 506 299 166, +971 504 708 080 Fax: +971 92 22 29 59, info(at), afkham99(at), halfalasy(at) 12 Georgia / Géorgie Georgian Centre of ITI Centre Georgien de l’ITI c/o Dr. Levan Khetaguri 19 Chavchavadze ave., Tbilisi, 0179, Georgia P: David SAKVARELIDZE, SG: Dr. Levan KHETAGURI Mob: +995 595 305 000 Fax: + 995 322 250 089 lkhetaguri(at) Germany / Allemagne German Centre of ITI Centre Allemand de l’ITI Mariannenplatz 2, D-10997 Berlin Germany P: Joachim LUX, VP: Kay WUSCHEK, Bettina SLUZALEK D: Thomas ENGEL, Ass. D: Michael FREUNDT Tel: +49 30 6110 7650, Fax: +49 30 6110 76522 a.doffin(at), info(at) Ghana Ghana Centre of ITI Centre Ghanéen de l’ITI P.O. BOX AN 10713 Accra-North, Ghana P: Akosua ABDALLAH, VP: Amandzeba NAT BREW, GS: Abdul Karim HAKIB Tel: +233 244 670 605, +233 244 841 692 akosabdallah(at), iticentreghana(at), abakariman(at) Greece / Grèce Hellenic Centre of the ITI Centre hellénique de l'ITI "Michael Cacoyannis" Foundation 206, Piraeus Str. (near Chamosternas Str.) Tavros, Athens 177 78 Greece P: Emmanouil KOUTSOURELIS Tel/Fax: +30 210 330 31 49 itigr(at), office(at), Hungary / Hongrie Hungarian Centre of ITI 13 Centre Hongrois de l’ITI Krisztina Krt.57 Budapest 1013 Hungary P: Anna LAKOS, VP: Janos NOVAK Tel: +36 1 212 52 47, +36 1 375 23 72 Fax: +36 1 212 52 47, +36 1 375 11 84 mail(at), lakoshanna(at) Iceland / Islande Icelandic Centre of ITI Performing Arts Iceland Centre Islandais de l’ITI Arts de la scène Islande Lindargata 6 101 Reykjavik, Iceland P: Marta NORDAL Tel: +354 6949094 marta(at) India / Inde Indian Centre of ITI Centre Indien de l’ITI c/o International Association for Performing Arts and Research IAPAR, Association Internationale pour les Arts de la scène et la Recherche, Pune Avartan, 5 Hill View Society, 46/4 Erandawane Paud Road, Pune 411 038 Maharashtra, India P: Sushama DESHPANDE, V-P: Ajay JOSHI, SG: Vidyanidhee SUDHEER VANARASE vanarase(at) Indonesia / Indonesie Joglo Gumuk, Gang Gumuk Rejo, Rt. 03/RW 02 Gengdeng, Kasihan, Benthul 55184 Yogyakarta, Indonesia President: Rizky SASANO Vice-President: Katia ENGEL General Secretary: Dede PRAMAYOZA 4062 Email: rizkysasono(at); indonesia.iti(at) Phone: +62 8180 4062 126 Iran Iranian Center of ITI (Dramatic Arts Center of Iran) Centre iranien de l’ITI (Centre des arts dramatique d’Iran) Vahdat Hall, Ostad Shahryar Street, 14 Hafez Avenue, Tehran 1133914934 Iran P: Mahdy SHAFIEE, Director of Int’l Relations: Mehrdad RAYANI-MAKHSOUS, Secretary: Molood SADEGHIFAR Tel: +98 21 6670 8861 Fax: +98 21 6672 5316 dramatic.artcenter.iran(at), mehrdadrayani(at), iti.iran(at) www. Iraq / Irak Iraqi Centre of ITI Centre Irakien de l’ITI Muntada AL-Masrah, AL Sinak, AL Rasheed str. Bagdad, Iraq P: Sami Abdul HAMEED NURI ghassansami(at), sami_abdulhameed(at) Ireland / Irlande Irish Centre ITI Irish Theatre Institute Centre Irlandais de l’ITI Institut Irlandais du théâtre 17 Eustace Street, Temple Bar Dublin 2 D02 F293 Ireland P: Aideen HOWARD, VP: Gina MOXLEY, SG: Siobhán BOURKE, GM: Eláine Donnelly Tel: +353 1 670 4906 Fax: +353 1 633 4813 edonnelly(at) Israel / Israël Israeli Centre of ITI Centre Israélien de l'ITI 32 Shlomo Ben Yosef 6912530 Tel Aviv, Israel P: Gad KAYNAR Tel/Fax: +972 3 546 61 57 i.t.i.israel(at), gkenar(at) Italy / Italie Italian Centre of ITI 15 Centre italien de l’ITI Via Giuseppe Candido, 23 73100 Lecce, Italy P: Fabio Roberto TOLLEDI, VP: Vincenzo Antonio TOTO, Secretary/Secrétariat: Giorgio ZORCU Tel: +39 0832 306194 Fax: +39 0832 301823 iti.italiancentre(at) Japan/Japon Japanese Centre of ITI Centre Japonais de l’ITI c/o National Noh Theatre, Sendagaya 4-18-1, SHIBUYA-KU Tokyo 151-0051, Japan P: Taeko NAGAI (Ms), VP: Tadashi ABIKO, Yoshio HATANO SG: Shuji SOTA Tel/Fax: +81 3 34 78 21 89 Fax: +81 3 34 78 72 18 mail(at), tae.n-1129(at) Jordan / Jordanie Jordanian Centre of ITI in c/o NCCA Centre Jordanien de l’ITI Arjan-Ibn Al-Haytham Street – Building 70 P.O.Box 926687 Amman 11110 Jordan P: Sawsan DARWAZA, SG: Lina ATTEL Tel: +962 6 569 02 92, +962 6 569 02 93 Mob: +962 777 460 146 Fax: +962 6 569 02 91 lina.attel(at), ppc.sawsan(at) Korea Republic / République de Corée Korean Centre of ITI Centre Coréen de l’ITI 86-8 Ihwajang-gil, Jongno-Gu Seoul, 110-810 Korea P:Chy-Rim CHOI, V-P: Bok-hee KIM, Tae-ji CHOI, Soo-ho GUK, Gae-bae PARK, Jin-soo JUNG, Geunhwe GI, Seung-hwan SONG, Jung-il CHOI, Chang-hwa KIM, Sang-gyu PARK, Soo-kyoung OH, Ho-sung JOO, SG: Jaeh-oh CHOI Tel: +82 2 22 20 0789 Fax: +82 2 22 20 08 00 isooshin(at) (d failed), jacst99(at) (d failed), jochoi66(at) Kosovo 16 Kosovo Centre of ITI Centre de l’ITI du Kosovo c/o Theatre and Movie House AKT L. Kalabria, Kompleksi Aldex, Str. Shefqet Shkupi, K. III, Nr.10. 10000 Prishtina, Kosovo P : Mentor ZYMBERAJ, GS : Elmaze NURA Tel : +37744 148636, +38649 148636 thmh_akt(at) Latvia / Lettonie Latvian Centre of ITI Centre Letton de l’ITI Alberta iela 9-3 LV 1010, Riga Latvia P: Brigita SILINA, VP: Juris BARTKEVICS, SG: Juris RIJNIEKS Tel: +371 26399282 itilatvia(at) Luxembourg Centre Luxembourgeois de l'ITI c/o Fédération Luxembourgeoise des Théâtres Professionnels B.P 2683 L-1026 Luxembourg P: Christian Kmiotek Tel: +352 2648 0946 info(at), primm(at) Macedonia Republic / République de Macédoine Macedonian center of ITI Centre Macédonien de l’ITI ASNOM 20/2/28, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia P: Ivanka APOSTOLOVA, SG: Igor PANEV Tel: + 389 75 288 143 Ivankaapostolova(at) macedoniancenterofiti(at) Mali Malian Centre of ITI Centre Malien de l’ITI Médina Coura, Rue 10, Porte 625 BP E 2124, Bamako, Mali P : Aguibou DEMBELE, SG : Adama TRAORE Tel: +223 76 47 31 08 Mob: +223 66 33 34 91 17 tamarokene(at), ascuda03(at), direction(at) Mexico / Mexique Centro Mexicano ITI Centre Mexicain de l’ITI Calle Orizaba #193 Colonia Roma Norte Delegación Cuauhtémoc C.P. 06700 Ciudad de México, México P: Isabel QUINTANAR, VP: Medardo TREVINO, SG: César Christo MUÑOZ Tel: +52 55 56 89 66 08 teatro(at) Monaco Centre Monégasque de l'ITI Direction des Affaires Culturelles 4, boulevard des Moulins MC 98000 Monaco P: Jean-Charles CURAU, Patrice CELLARIO Tel: +377 98 98 83 03 Fax: +377 93 50 66 94 mondial-theatre(at) Mongolia / Mongolie Mongolian Centre of ITI Centre Mongol de l’ITI P.O.Box 711, UB 28 Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia P: Sarantuya SAMBUU, SG: Boloroo NAYANBAATAR Tel: +976 11 322 132 Mobile: +976 9901 31 86 Fax: +976 11 322 132 itimongolia.sma(at) Morroco / Maroc Morrocan Centre of ITI / Centre Marocain de l’ITI c/o Théâtre National Mohammed V, BP 172 RP Rabat Morroco Phone: +212 537 20 79 35 Fax: + 212 537 70 72 73 Email: lahrrare(at) President: Latefah Ahrrare Vice-President: Mohamed Benhsein General Secretary: Rafika Benmaimoun 18 Nepal / Népal Nepal Centre of ITI Centre Népalais de l’ITI P: Anup BARAL, VP: Bijay DEUJA, SG: Bal Bahadur THAPA, T: Looniva TULADHAR Tel: +977 1 442 7823, +977 9841 728 994 bijaybishfot(at) Netherlands / Pays Bas Netherlands Centre of ITI Centre Néerlandais de l'ITI Fonds Podiumkunsten/Dutch Performing Arts Postbus 85974 2508CR Den Haag The Netherlands D: Henriëtte Post, Rep: Anja KRANS Tel: +31 70 7072700 Mob: +31 6 246 97297 a.krans(at), Niger Niger Centre of ITI Centre Niger de l'ITI S/C Kotondi Chek Amadou BP 11413 Niamey, Niger Tel: +227 96 98 37 53 P: Cheick Amadou KOTONDI, VP: Edouard Amadou LOMPO, SG: Mahamat Saleh ADO kotondi2(at) Nigeria Nigerian Centre of ITI Centre Nigérian de l'ITI Department of Theatre & Cultural Studies, Nasarawa State University P.M.B 1022, Keffi Nasarawa State, Nigeria P: Emmanuel Samu DANDAURA, VP: Sunday Enessi ODODO, Alex ASIGBO, GS: Sola BALOGUN Tel: +234 8060 030 607 Itinigeria(at), dandaura(at) Oman Centre of ITI / Centre Omanais de l’ITI c/o Oman Society for Theater PO Box 945 Muscat 133 Al-Khwair Oman 19 President: Imad Alshanfari General Secretary : Mohamed Almaamari ost.mct(at) Phone: +968 232 9955 Fax: +968 232 9559 Palestine Palestine Centre of ITI / Centre Palestinien de l’ITI c/o Bayt Al-Masrah Bahar Street, Karamah District Gaza Strip, Palestine Phone: +970 82 85 69 67 baytalmasrah(at) President: Mohammed G. H. Shashaa Vice-President: Naeem ahmed Khalil Hamdan Secretary General: Khalil Sulaiman Suwailem Abu Khammash Peru / Pérou Centre Péruvien de l'ITI Avda. Angamos Oeste 120, Lima 18 Peru P: Ricardo MORANTE, SG: Jorge SARMIENTO Tel: +51 1 242 61 63 anexo 254, +51 1 242 63 00 anexo 254 Fax: +51 1 242 49 23 rmorante3(at) Philippines/Philippines Philippines Centre of ITI Centre Philippins de l’ITI World Theatre-Dance Secretariat Unit Unité du secrétariat Mondial de la danse et du théâtre 1203 Gotesco Twin Towers B, Concepcion St, Ermita, Manille Philippines Chairman: Jose Laderas SANTOS, P: Cécile GUIDOTE-ALVAREZ, SG: Isagani CRUZ Tel: +63 9158 983 947, +63 9999 777 771, +63 2 5246 662 dreamcenterphilippines(at), cecilia.alvarez7(at) Puerto Rico Puerto Rico Centre of ITI Centre de l’ITI de Puerto Rico Teatro Coribantes P.O.Box 19832 San Juan PR 00919-0832 San Juan, Puerto Rico 20 P: Rafael ROJAS Tel: +1 787 754 1991 Fax: +1 787 765 7666 info(at) Romania / Roumanie Centre Roumain de l'ITI c/o UNITER Str.George Enescu 2-4 70141 Bucaresti, Romania P: Ion CARAMITRU, SG: Doina LUPU Tel: +40 21 315 36 36, +40 21 311 32 14 Fax: +40 21 312 09 13 office(at), doina(at) Russia / Russie Russian Centre of ITI Centre Russe de l’ITI 6k1, Sheremetevsky str. Мoscow, 129594 Russia P : Yuri SOLOMIN, VP: Anatoly POLYANKIN, SG: Alfira ARSLANOVA Tel/Fax: +7 495 600 3415 rusiti(at) Saudi Arabia / Arabie Saoudite Saudi Arabia Centre of ITI Centre Saoudien de l’ITI P.O.Box 3060 Taif 21944 Saudi Arabia P: Ibrahim Q. ASSIRY, VP: Naif ALbogami, SG: Sami Saleh ALZAHRANI Tel: +96 655 977 6622 Fax: +96 627 383 830 iti.saudi(at), ibrahim.assiry(at), sssz2(at) Senegal / Sénégal Centre Sénégalais de l'ITI Théatre National Daniel Sorano BP 5500 Dakar, Senegal P: Ousmane DIAKHATE Tel: +221 77 553 51 91 lettresmodernes(at) Serbia / Serbie Serbian Centre of ITI Centre Serbe de l’ITI Zmaj Jovina 22/1 21 21000 Novi Sad, Serbia P: Svetislav JOVANOV, SG: Dusana TODOROVIC Tel: +381 21 451 077, +381 21 451 273 Fax: +381 21 6615 976 dusana.todorovic(at), dusana.todorovic(at) Sharjah (United Arab Emirates/ Emirats Arabes Unis) U.A.E. Centre of ITI – Sharjah Centre des EAU de l’ITI- Sharjah Department of Culture and Information, Government of Sharjah Ministère de la Culture et de l’Information, Gouvernement de Sharjah P.O.Box 5119, Sharjah, U.A.E. ReP: Yousuf AYDABI Tel: +971 6 567 1116 Fax: +971 6 566 2126 sdci(at), m.kumar(at), dr.aydabi(at) Sierra Leone Sierra Leone Centre of the ITI c/o Ministry of Tourism and Cultural Affairs Centre Sierra Léonais de l’ITI c/o Ministère du Tourisme et des Affaires culturelles B28 Kingharman Road Brookfields Freetown, Sierra Leone P: Elvira M. J. BOBSON-KAMARA, SG: Carew SALAMI Tel: +232 252 435 01, +232 607 501, +232 766 075 01 saloneiticentre(at) Slovakia / Slovaquie Slovak Centre of ITI Centre Slovaque de l’ITI Theatre Institute (Divadelny ustav) Institut du théâtre (Divadelny ustav) Jakubovo nam. 12 81357 Bratislava, Slovakia VP: Darina KAROVA, SG: Diana SELECKA Tel: +421 2 20487 102 103 Fax: +421 2 52 93 15 71 slovak_iti(at), diana.selecka(at) Slovenia / Slovenie Slovenian Centre of ITI Centre Slovène de l’ITI c/o Združenje dramskih umetnikov Slovenije Cankarjeva 11, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia 22 P: Tatjana AŽMAN, VP: Maruša GEYMAYER OBLAK, SG: Staša MIHELČIČ Tel: +386 24 11 728 Mob: +386 41 941 112 Fax: +386 42 62 249 tatjana.azman(at), marusa.oblak(at), stasa.mihelcic(at) South Africa / Afrique du Sud South African Centre of ITI Centre Sud-Africain de l'ITI PANSA 3b Beach Road, Woodstock Cape Town, South Africa 7925 Postal Add: Postnet Suite 237, P/Bag X18, Rondebosch, 7700 Chair: Natalia Da ROCHA, VP: Phestus MOTSHABI, Adm.: Michael BRITTON, Coord.: Kurt EGELHOF Tel/Fax: +27 21 448 3513 nationalcoordinator(at) Spain / Espagne Centro Español del ITI Centre Espagnol de l’ITI c/o Instituto Universitario de Danza Alicia Alonso (ISDAA) Universidad Rey Juan Carlos de Madrid Camus de Fuenlabrada Edificio de gestión C/ Camino del Molino s/n 28913 Fuelabrada (Madrid), Spain Dir.: Alberto GARCIA CASTANO, Sub-Dir.: Luis LLERENA Tel: +34 914 888 177 instituto.danza(at), luis.llerena(at) Sri Lanka Sri Lanka Centre of ITI Centre Sri-Lankais de l’ITI Tower Hall theatre Foundation #123,Wijerama MW, Colombo 07 Sri Lanka Dir.: Lionel Fernando, Assi. Dir.: Sampath Perera Tel: +94 11 269 56 33, +94 715 199 400 Fax: +94 11 267 85 17 adedu(at), witsamkumper(at) Sudan / Soudan Centre de l’ITI du Soudan College of Music and Drama 23 Sudan University for Science and Technology Khartoum, Republic of Sudan P: Fadlala Ahmed ABDALA, VP: Mustafa Ahmed EL-KHALIFA, SG : Sayyid Ahmed AHMAED, Hon. P: Ali MAHDI NOURI alimahdinouri(at), fadlalaahmed(at), sidahmedhmd(at) Sweden / Suede Svensk Teaterunion – Swedish Centre of ITI Centre Suédois de l’ITI Kaplansbacken 2 SE-112 24 Stockholm, Sweden P: Ulrika Holmgaard, D: Ulricha Johnson Tel: +46 8 462 25 30 Fax: +46 8 462 25 35 info(at), ulricha(at) Switzerland / Suisse SuisseTHEATRE - ITI Théâtre Suisse-ITI 6 rue Charles-Vuillermet 1005 Lausanne, Switzerland P: Claude GRIN, VP: Daniel BAUSCH Tel: +41 79 345 68 78 info(at) Togo Centre Togolais de l'ITI ITI-TOGO 08PP 8089, Lomé, Togo D: Julien Y. MENSAH, S: Ramses B. ALFA Tel: +228 949 37 55, +228 931 77 23, Fax: +228 22 44 00 ititogo(at), julienmensah(at) Turke y/ Turquie Turkish Centre of ITI Centre Turque de l’ITI c/o Refik Erduran A1-45 Blok D 15 Sinanoba, Bcekmece Istanbul, 34900 Turkey P: Refik ERDURAN Tel/Fax: +90 212 864 01 72 Mob: +90 0532 344 01 92 refik.erduran(at) 24 Uganda / Ouganda Uganda Centre of ITI Centre Ougandais de l’ITI c/o Department of Performing Arts & Film, Makerere University P.O.Box 11909 Kampala, Uganda P: Jessica KAAHWA, VP: Philly JJEMBA itiuganda2014(at), pjemba(at), akaahwa(at) U.S.A / Etats Unis U.S. Centre of ITI Centre Américain de l’ITI Theatre Communications Group 520 Eighth Avenue, 24th Floor New York, NY 10018-4156 U.S.A P: Michael S. ROSENBERG, D: Emilya CACHAPERO, Associate Dir: Kevin BITTERMAN Tel: +1 212 609 59 00 Fax: +1 212 609 59 01 iti(at), kbitterman(at), ecachapero(at) Venezuela Centro venezueliano del ITI Centre Vénézuélien de l’ITI J 403302510 Centro Cultural Cervantes El Tigre, Edo Anzaotegui Venezuela P: Yahaira SALAZAR, VP: Juan Antonio Gonzalez, SG: Maria Elena LOZANO Tel: +58 283 514 88 07 Skype: itivenezuela centroitivenezuela(at) Vietnam Vietnamese Centre of ITI Centre Vietnamien de l’ITI The Vietnam Stage Artists Association (Hoi Nghe si San khau Viet Nam) 51 Tran Hung Dao Street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi, Vietnam Dir.: LE TIEN Tho Tel: +84 4 943 99 14, Fax: +84 4 943 42 93 skviet1957(at) 25 Yvory Cost / Côte d'Ivoire Centre Ivoirien de l’ITI 13 BP 1456 Abidjan 13 Côte d'Ivoire P: Coulibaly ZIÉ; VP: Ouédraogo ABLAS Tel: +225 05732491, +225 07672350 oablas(at), centreivoirien(at) Zimbabwe Zimbabwe Centre of ITI Centre Zimbabwelévoc de l’ITI 68 Mchlery Avenue, Eastlea Harare, Zimbabwe Chairperson: Zane LUCAS, Vice chair: Joe POWELL, Coordinator: Lloyd NYIKADZINO Tel: +263 733 203 636 itizimbabwe(at), lloydnyikadzino(at) 6) Cooperating Members / Membres Coopérants Banga Naya Samhati Arun MUKHOPADHYAY, President CK-43, Salt Lake, Sector-II Kolkata 700 091 India anyatheatre(at) Chinese Opera Institute Institut de l’Opéra chinois LIM Fang Hua, Chairman 28 Aliwal Street #03-05 Aliwal Arts Centre Singapore 199918 Tel: +65 6222 6551 Fax: +65 6339 9931 Contactus(at) Consejo Argentino de la Danza Conseil Argentin de la danse Beatriz DURANTE, President Laprida 1563 Pº7 A ( 1425) Buenos Aires, Argentina durantebeatriz(at) 26 CRT St Blaise Centre de Recherches Théâtrales St Blaise Martine BOUTMY-LETAILLEUR, President 7 square des Cardeurs 75020 Paris, France Tel/Fax: +33 9 51 34 34 97 crtblaise(at) Escola Superior de Teatro e Cinema Ecole supérieure de théâtre et de cinéma Margarida SARAIVA Av. Marquês de Pombal, 22B, 2700-571 Amadora Portugal Tel: +351 21 498 94 16 Fax : +351 21 493 76 20 estc(at), mmargarida(at) Global Arts and Development Centre (GADEC) Centre Mondial des Arts et du développement Abdul Karim HAKIB, Executive Director P.O. Box AN 10713 Accra-North Ghana Tel: +233 244 841 692, +233 265 614 809 gadecgh(at) Institut del Teatre Institut du Théâtre Mercè Saumell VERGÉS Head of Cultural Services Pça. Margarida Xirgu, s/n. 08004 Barcelona Spain Tel: +34 93 227 39 03 Fax: +34 93 227 39 22 saumellvm(at) International Theatre Festival of Small Laboratory Performances « Chelovek Theatre » Festival International du théâtre des performances de petit laboratoire Maya Davidova BRANDESOVA KTC Spartak, 19 Lenin Prospect 27 454007 Chelyabinsk, Russia Tel: +351 775 44 50 brandesova(at) Janakaraliya (Theatre of the People) Parakrama NIRIELLA 238A, Rajagiriya Road Rajagiriya Sri Lanka Tel: +94 773175638 janakaraliya(at) Maison d’Europe et d’Orient Dominique DOLMIEU Pôle Culturel Européen 3, passage Hennel 75012 Paris, France Tel: +33 1 40 24 00 55 contact(at) MY PHAT Center for Professional Training and International Collaboration in Performance Centre de formation professionnelle et de collaboration Internationale en matière de performances LE QUY Duong 216 Nguyen This Minh Khai Street Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam Tel: +82 8 3930 8579 Fax: +84 8 3930 9079 lequyduong(at) National School of Drama Professor Dr. Anuradha KAPUT Bahawalpur House, Bhagwandas Road New Delhi 110001, India Tel: +91 11 3387137 Fax: +91 11 338 4288 drama_school_in(at) (d failed) National Theater Institute Institut National du théâtre Mrs. Rathna Pushpa KUMARI, Director No. 70/B/14/SP, YMBA Building 28 Colombo-08, Sri Lanka Tel/Fax: +94 11 2672718, +94 11 2689536 Mob: +94 714113457, +94 777645921 csdp1998(at), nationaltheaterins(at) Professional Association of Canadian Theatres (PACT) Association professionnelle des théâtres Canadiens Sara MEURLING, Executive Director 215 Spadina Avenue, Suite 555, Toronto, ON M5T 2C7, Canada Tel: +1 416 595 6455 sara(at) Seoul International Dance Competition Compétition Internationale de Danse de Seoul Ms. Young-Il HUR 2F 1057-13 Nam Hyun-Dong KwanAk-Gu 151800 Seoul, Korea Tel: +82 2 588 7570 Fax: +82 2 588 7578 ballet(at) (d falied) Short+Sweet Theatre Mark CLEARY P.O.Box 462 Newtown, 2042 NSW Australia Tel: +61 2 95195081 mark(at) Theatre Designer’s Institute Nasirul HAQUE, Member Secretary 81/A, Kakrail (1st floor) Dhaka 1000 Bangladesh theatre.designers(at) Theatre Institute Chattagram Ahmad Iqbal HAIDER K.C: DEY Road Chittagong 4000 Bangladesh Tel: +880 31 2861504/05 Fax: +880 31 2861505 tic_bangladesh(at) (d failed) 29 Theatre of Young Spectator of the Sakha Republic (YAKUTIA) Théâtre des jeunes spectateurs de la République Sakha (Yakoutie) Aleksey PAVLOV 25, Kirov Street, Yakutsk Russia, 677027 Tel/Fax: +8 411 2 35 07 82, +8 411 2 43 43 28, +8 411 2 43 35 90 smekh(at) Youth and Children Centre for Arts Foundation Centre de la jeunesse et des enfants pour la fondation des Arts Kotu SILO DRIVE The Gambia, West Africa P.O. Box 3103, Serrekunda Tel: +220 7108310, +220 7890588 yccafoundation(at) 7) Committees, Forums, Networks, Project Groups, Working Groups / Comités, Forums, Réseaux, Groupes de Projets, Groupes de Travail Action Committee For Artists Rights / Comité d'action pour les droits des artistes (ACAR) President : Ann Mari ENGEL (Sweden), annmari(at) Coordinator: Thomas ENGEL (Germany), th.engel(at) Secretariat of the Action Committee for Artists Rights c/o ITI Centre Germany, Mariannenplatz 2, 10997 Berlin, Germany Cultural Identity And Development Committee / Comité pour l´Identité Culturelle et le Développement (CIDC) Honorary President CIDC: Nikos SHIAFKALIS (Cyprus / Chypre), The CIDC is newly structured into three Project Groups. / Le CIDC est divisé en trois Groupes de Projets. Info see / voir: N-HIM, TCZ, SCN Network – Heritage, Indigenous Cultures, Migration / Réseau – Patrimoine, Cultures Indigènes, Migration (N-HIM) Theatre in Conflict Zones Network / Réseau du Théâtre en Zones de Conflit (TCZ) Theatre for Social Change Network / Réseau du Théâtre pour le Changement Social (SCN) Dramatic Theatre Committee / Comite du Théâtre Dramatique (DTC) Honarary President: Faynia WILLIAMS (UK) President: Hakob GHAZANCHYAN (Armenia/Arménie), itiarmenia(at) Secretary: Reinhard AUER (Austria/Autriche), auer.reinhard(at) 30 Forum for Theatre Training & Education / Forum pour la formation & l’éducation du théâtre (FTTE) Coordinator: Apostolos APOSTOLIDES (Cyprus/ Chypre), apostolosrees(at) Secretariat: Marine LIARD (Belgium / Belgique Fr.), marine(at) International Dance Committee / Comité International de Danse (IDC) President: Andromachi LINDAHL (Cyprus / Chypre), lindahl(at) Vice-President: Marcia DE LA GARZA (USA / Etats-Unis) Vice-President: Nicolle VIEIRA (Brazil/Brésil) General Secretary: Andromachi LINDAHL (Cyprus / Chypre), lindahl(at) International Festival Forum / Forum International Des Festivals (IFF) President: Susanne DANIG (Denmark/ Danemark), susanne(at) (stepped down) Vice-President: Ablas OUEDRAOGO (Côte d’Ivoire), bacart4(at), dramacriture(at) Vice-President: LE QUY Duong (Vietnam), lequyduong(at) Vice-President: Corinna BETHGE (Germany/Allemagne), info(at) General Secretary: Dusana TODOROVIC (Serbia/ Serbie), dusana.todorovic(at) International Monodrama Forum / Forum International du Monodrame (IMF) President: Mohammed AL AFKHAM (Fujairah UAE / Fujairah) afkham99(at) Vice-President: Annette DOFFIN (Germany/Allemagne), a.doffin(at) Vice-President: Nina MAZUR (Ukraine), ninamzr(at) Secretariat: Olga POZELI (Greece / Grèce) olga.pozeli(at) ITI Publications Committee / Comité des publications de l´ITI (IPC) Honorary President: Ramendu MAJUMDAR President: Alfira ARSLANOVA (Russia/ Russie), alfira.arslanova(at), General Secretary: Babul BISWAS (Bangladesh), waterflowerbd(at) International Playwrights’ Forum / Forum International des Auteurs Dramatiques (IPF) President: Andrea ZAGORSKI (Germany/ Allemagne), a.zagorski(at) Vice-President : Chang-Hwa GIM (Korea Republic/ République de Corée), gim2100(at) Vice-President: Marcio SOUZA (Brazil/ Brésil), marciosouza(at) Secretary General: Ursula WERDENBERG (Switzerland/Suisse), uwerdenberg(at) Music Theatre NOW Network (MTNN) Board Members Membres du conseil d’administration President: Guy COOLEN, (Belgium/Belgique) guy.coolen(at) Laura BERMAN (Germany / Allemagne), laura(at) Roland QUITT (Germany/Allemagne), rquitt(at) Axel TANGERDING, (Germany/Allemagne) meta-theater(at) Nick Rongjun YU, (China/Chine) nickyu(at) Beth MORRISON (USA/ Etats-Unis) 31 Network –Heritage, Indigenous Cultures & Migration / Réseau – Patrimoine, Cultures Indigènes & Migration (N-HIM) President: Jorge Z. Ortoll, (U.S.A/ Etats-Unis), jorge.ortoll(at) Vice-President: Christos Georgieou (Cyprus/ Chypre), directoriti(at) New Project Group (NPG) Groupe de nouveaux projets Coordination: Emilya CACHAPERO (U.S.A/ Etats-Unis) ecachapero(at) Theatre in Conflict Zones Network / Réseau du Théâtre en Zones de Conflit (TCZ) President: Alexander STILLMARK (Germany / Allemagne), stillm(at) General Secretary: Fabio TOLLEDI (Italy / Italie): fabio.tolledi(at) Theatre for Social Change Network / Réseau du Théâre pour le Changement Social (SCN) President: Cecile GUIDOTE ALVAREZ (Philippines), cecilia.alvarez7(at) Vice-President : Isabelle QUINTANAR (Mexico/Mexique), teatro(at) General Secretary: Parakrama NIRIELLA (Sri Lanka), janakaraliya(at) Young Practitioner’s Committee / Comité des Jeunes Practiciens (YPC) Coordination: Lloyd NYIKADZINO (Zimbabwe), lloydnyikadzino(at) Coordination: Taiwo AFOLABI (Nigeria), taiwoafolabi4(at) Coordiantion: Shimrit MALUL (Israel/Israël), shimritim(at) 8) Regional Councils / Conseils Régionaux Regional Council Africa / Conseil Régional Afrique President: Ambroise MBIA (Cameroon/Cameroun), iti_cameroun(at) Vice-President Partnerships/VP chargé des partenariats: Dr. Hamadou MANDE (Burkina Faso), theatrecorneille(at) Vice-President Network Development/VP chargé du développement du réseau: Pascal WANOU (Benin / Bénin), wapas_bj(at) Secretary General Communication & Documentation /SG de lacommunication et de la documentation: Vangdar DORSOUMA (Chad / Tchad), vangdar(at) Secretary General Training & Cultural Activities/ SG de la formation et des manifestations culturelles : Ablas OUEDRAOGO (Ivory Coast / Côte d’Ivoire), oablas(at) Regional Council Balkans / Conseil Régional Balkans Coordinator: Zeljka TURCINOVIC (Croatia/Croatie), zeljka.turcinovic(at) 9) ITI UNESCO Network for Higher Education in the Performing Arts / Réseau pour l´Education Supérieure des Arts de la Scène de l´ITI et UNESCO 32 c/o International Theatre Institute ITI 10) ITI International Research Centre AKT-ZENT Research Centre of ITI, Skalitzer Strasse 97, 10997 Berlin, Germany Tel: +49 30 6128 7274 Artistic Director: Dr. Jurji ALSCHITZ (Germany / Allemagne) Programme Director: Christine SCHMALOR (Germany / Allemagne), akt.zent(at) 11) Partner Organizations of ITI / Organisations Partenaires de l´ITI International Association of Theatre at the University IATU / Association Internationale du Théâtre à l’Université AITU President: Jean-Marc LARRUE, jmlarrue(at) Secretary General: Alain CHEVALIER, alain.chevalier(at) International Association of Theatre for Children and Young People / Association Internationale du Théâtre pour l’Enfance et la Jeunesse ASSITEJ President: Yvette HARDIE, Honorary President: Wolfgang SCHNEIDER, soltau-Schneider(at) Secretary General: ???? sec.gen(at) International Association Of Theatre Critics IATC / Association Internationale des Critiques de Théâtre AICT President: ??? Secretary General: M. Michel VAIS, vais(at) International Amateur Theatre Association IATA / Association Internationale du Théâtre Amateur AITA President/Président: Rob VAN GENECHTEN, Belgium, aitaiata(at) Vice-President/ Vice-Président: Tim JEBSEN, USA tim(at) French Speaking Secretary/Secrétariat (Français): Béatrice CELLARIO, Monaco, beatricecellario(at) English Speaking Secretary/ Secrétariat (Anglais): Mr. Aled RHYS-JONES, Wales, a.rhysjones(at) Co-ordinator for Children and Youth / Coordinateur pour l’Enfance et la Jeunesse: Josef HOLLOS Austria, joco.hollos(at) General Secretariat/ Secrétariat général: Anne GILMOUR, London, England, secretariat(at) International Federation of Actors / Fédération Internationale des Acteurs FIA 33 President/ Président ???? Secretary General/ Secrétariat général: Dominick LUQUER, dluquer(at), office(at) International Federation for Theatre Research / Fédération Internationale Pour La Recherche Théâtrale FIRT President/ Président : Professor Brian SINGLETON, bsnglton(at) Co-Secretary General/ Co-Secrétariat général: David WHITTON, d.whitton(at) Co-Secretary General/ Co-Secrétariat général: Frederic MAURIN, maurin.frederic(at) International Puppeteers Union / Union Internationale de la Marionnette UNIMA President/ Président: M. Dadi PUDUMJEE, president(at) Secretary General/ Secrétariat général: M. Jacques TRUDEAU, jacquestrudeau23(at), sgi(at) International Society of Libraries and Museums for the Performing Arts / Société Internationale des Bibliothèques-Musées des Arts du Spectacle SIBMAS President/ Président: Winrich MEISZIES Secretary General/ Secrétariat général: Sylvie FRANÇOIS, sylvie.francois(at) International Organization of Scenographers, Theatre Architects and Technicians / Organisation Internationale des Scénographes, Techniciens et Architectes de Théâtre OISTAT President: M. Louis JANSSEN, louis(at) / president(at) Executive Director/Directeur exécutif: ???? executivedirector(at) Arab Theatre Institute / Institut Arabe Du Théâtre ATI Secretary General/ Secrétariat général: Isamail ABDALLAH, gsata(at) International Drama/Theatre and Education Association IDEA President/ Président: ????, president(at) Vice-President/Vice-Président: Ms Mercy MIREMBE, vicepresident(at) International Theatre of the Opressed Organization/ Théâtre international de l'Organisation opprimée European Theatre Convention ETC / Convention européenne du Théâtre 34 President/ Président: Jean-Claude BERUTTI, jcberutti(at) Secretary General/ Secrétariat général: Christa MUELLER, cmueller(at) General Director/Directeur général: Heidi WILEY, c/o Deutsches Theatre, Schumannstr. 13 A, D10117, Berlin, Germany Theatre Without Borders TWB/ Théâtre sans frontières Director/ Directeur: Roberta LEVITOW, rlevitow(at), World Dance Alliance WDA / Alliance mondiale de la Danse President Asia Pacific/ Président Asie Pacifique President America/ Président Amérique President Europe/ Président Europe General Secretary/ Secrétariat Général 35