Syllabus: 7th Grade here


Syllabus: 7th Grade here
7th Grade -
Annette Koerten
Agenda for the year
Here is at a glance the agenda of the year:
Please visite my website :
Resource: Textbook : Espaces (Mitschke – Tano)
• Hardcopy in the classroom
• Virtual textbook (go to my website to access your account)
1 : Introduction - Salut
B. Greetings
C. Numbers
Verb être (to be)
Adjectives agreement
Culture :
o Le Monde Francophone and Aix en provence
o French calendar
o French Celebration (food and art…)
o Songs: (Frère Jacques, Allouette, Au claire de la lune…)
o Movie: (Ratatouille – Le Petit Nicolas…)
o Books: (from my French collection in my classroom)
Unit 2 : School A la Fac
School subjects
Days of the week
Telling Time
Er verbs and present tense of avoir (to have)
Forming Questions and expression negative
Culture :
o La France (geography of France)
o French school system – City: Lille
o French Celebration (food and art…)
o Songs: (Savez-vous planter des choux, Sur le pont
o Movie: (Rugrats in Paris, être et avoir…)
o Books: (from my French collection in my classroom)
Mots de Passe
We will learn one hundred French expressions from the “Mots de
Passe list” (The link is in my website:
This year projects and activities:
Dialogues greeting
Slide show on things that you like
Skits :
Writing : Make a comics book with Toondoo
Speaking : Create an avatar with Voki
Lab : Video and activities from the chapter
Posters on school supplies
Reading activities
Reading : samples (this year we will be working on reading
Reading 1 : Which answer is correct?
Halle Berry, la belle afro-américaine, est née à Cleveland le 14 août 1966.
Elle a commencé sa carrière dans les concours de beauté, pour terminer
finaliste du concours Miss Monde.
• ☐ Halle started off her career as a beauty contestant.
• ☐ Halle became Miss World.
• ☐ Halle came last in the Miss World competition.
Reading 2 : Which answer is correct?
Grâce à son role dans “A l'ombre de la Haine” en 2002, elle est la première
afro-americaine à avoir remporté L'Oscar de la meilleure actrice. Which
answer is correct?
• ☐ She won an Oscar in 2002.
• ☐ She was the first Afro-American actress to win an Oscar for best
☐ She won the Oscar because she is Afro-American.
Reading 3 : Read the following sentences. Which answer is correct?
A 42 ans elle a accouché le 16 mars 2008 d'une petite Nahla son premier
• ☐ She retired when she was 42.
• ☐ She went to bed as she was ill.
• ☐ Her first child was born in 2008.
8th Grade - French
Annette Koerten
Agenda for the year
Here is at a glance the agenda of the year
Please visite my website :
Resource: Textbook : Espaces (Mitschke – Tano)
• Hardcopy in the classroom
• Virtual textbook (go to my website to access your account)
Days of the week
School supplies
Verbs to and to have
Unit 3 : La Famille
Physical Description (descriptive and possessive adjectives)
Vocabulary Family
Prepositions of location and disjunctive pronouns
Culture :
o Paris (districts and monuments)
o Famous French persons (Gérard Depardieu, Yannick Noha,
Catherine Deneuve,…)
o French Celebration (food and art…)
o Songs: (Selection of French popular songs…)
o Movie: (Tintin – Donkey skin…)
o Books: (from my French collection in my classroom)
Unit 4 : Bon appétit
Fruits and vegetables
foods and Drinks
City, Place, direction
Verbe aller (to go)
Interrogative words
Verbs : prendre (to take) and boire (to drink)
Regular IR verbs
Culture :
Le Maghreb (French speaking countries in North Africa)
France : La Normandie et La Bretagne (North of France)
French Celebration (food and art…)
Songs: (Selection of French popular songs…)
Movie: (A Monster in Paris – A Cat in Paris…)
Books: (from my French collection in my classroom)
Unit 5 : Le temps libre
Sports and activities
Season and Month of the year
Verb faire (to do)
Irregular IR verbs
ER verbs with spelling change
Culture :
o Le Maghreb (French speaking countries in North Africa)
o France : La Loire et le Centre (North of France)
o Canada : Québec
o Famous French persons (Zinédine Zidane, Laura Flessel…)
o French Celebration (food and art…)
o Songs: (Selection of French popular songs…)
o Movie: (Le Count de Monte Cristo – La belle et la Bête…)
o Books: (from my French collection in my classroom)
Field Trip: Québec trip May 19th to May to May 23rd
Watch the 2015 Québec video: go to my website
Please bring “Boxtop”
Projects for the year
La Famille :Power Point / Picture album / Poster
Food: Design a menu for a restaurant and skit
Create a comics book : Visiting Paris (Monuments)
Mardi gras, Masks and activity
Skits (Dialogues)
Lab : Video and activities from the chapter
Reading activities
Reading : samples
Reading 1 : Which answer is correct?
Halle Berry, la belle afro-américaine, est née à Cleveland le 14 août 1966.
Elle a commencé sa carrière dans les concours de beauté, pour terminer
finaliste du concours Miss Monde.
• ☐ Halle started off her career as a beauty contestant.
• ☐ Halle became Miss World.
• ☐ Halle came last in the Miss World competition.
Reading 2 : Which answer is correct?
Grâce à son role dans “A l'ombre de la Haine” en 2002, elle est la première
afro-americaine à avoir remporté L'Oscar de la meilleure actrice. Which
answer is correct?
• ☐ She won an Oscar in 2002.
• ☐ She was the first Afro-American actress to win an Oscar for best
☐ She won the Oscar because she is Afro-American.
Reading 3 : Read the following sentences. Which answer is correct?
A 42 ans elle a accouché le 16 mars 2008 d'une petite Nahla, son premier
• ☐ She retired when she was 42.
• ☐ She went to bed as she was ill.
• ☐ Her first child was born in 2008.