CV MODULE- Abbreviated CV`s
CV MODULE- Abbreviated CV`s
Abbreviated CV Philippe MAIRIAUX Personal data Office address: Department of Occupational Health and Health Education, School of Public Health, University of Liège, Sart Tilman B23, B-4000 LIEGE, Belgium. Tél. +32 4 366 25 03 - Fax +32 4 366 28 89 E-mail : [email protected] Home address: Avenue des Capucines, 43, B-1030 Brussels, Belgium. Nationality: Belgian Year of birth: 1950 Expertise : occupational medicine work related musculoskeletal disorders return to work programs ergonomics health promotion program implementation and evaluation Academic/Training Background: Years 1975 Doctor in Medicine, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium 1978 MSc Occupational Medicine, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium 1980 CES Work Physiology and Ergonomics, Univ. Louis Pasteur and Univ. Paris VI France 1989 PhD Work Physiology, Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, Work Experience: Years 1977-78 1978-81 1981-82 1982-90 1990-96 1996- Position and organisation Researcher, Cardiology and Work Physiology Unit, Louvain Univ. Hospital (B) Research fellow, Centre d’Etudes bioclimatiques, CNRS, Strasbourg (F) Research fellow, Robens Institute of Industrial and Environmental Health, University of Surrey (UK) Research Assistant and Lecturer, Occupational Medicine Department, UCL, (B) Associate Professor, UCL, and “Prevention and Research” expert with Cockerill-Sambre company Full-time professor, University of Liège, Belgium Major work commitments : • • • • • Teaching: Public health, ergonomics, occupational health and health promotion courses for B.Sc and M.Sc degrees in Public Health, Medicine, Physiotherapy, Ergonomics, and Occupational Health. Teaching charges: about 220 hr/yr for more than 1600 students. Research main areas of interest: prevention of work related musculoskeletal disorders, return to work strategies for sick-listed workers, biomechanical stress evaluation at the workplace, and participatory strategies for risk assessment in the industry. President of the Scientific Council of the Belgian Fund for Occupational Diseases (FMP/FBZ) Consultancy: scientific advisor to the Belgian Fund for Occupational Diseases (FMP) “Task force” in charge of coordinating the Belgian project for secondary prevention of low back pain. President of the Belgian “Société scientifique de santé au travail” 2007 - 2010 Awards 1978 1990 1994 Concours universitaire award René Barthe International Prize « Santé et Entreprise » Prize Recent grants held : Breast cancer and return to work. Grant funded by the Fondation Roi Baudoin – Fonds Pink Ribbon (15/01/14 – 31/03/16) Prévention et prise en charge par les médecins généralistes et surveillance par les médecins du travail de la consommation de substances psychoactives (alcool, drogues, somnifères et calmants) : connaissances, besoins et offre. Study funded by the Belgian Science Policy Office (Belspo) : project PSY/CD/2011/UPTODATE/BELSPO (15/12/11 – 15/12/14) Return to work after a long sickness absence, study funded by the Belgian SPF Employment (Project HUT/P/MS-BB/PSY15/2) (01/08/2010 – 31/12/2011) Partnership in Medicine, study funded by the Belgian SPF Employment (Project HUT/DIRACT/2009/AP/1) (01/12/2009 – 31/03/2011) Burnout definition and prevalence in the Belgian working population, study funded by the Belgian SPF Employment (Project HUT/P/VC/PSY6/1) (01/12/2009 – 31/10/2010) Financing of occupational prevention services, study funded by the Belgian SPF Employment (Project HUT/DIRACT/2008/SD/1) (01/12/2008 – 31/03/2010) Bourse Mignolet 2008 : « Contribution du médecin du travail à la réinsertion professionnelle des malades de longue durée » Convention avec l’Etat belge « Etablissement de bonnes pratiques pour la prise en charge de la lombalgie en médecine du travail » (01/01/07 – 31/12/07) Contrat de recherche n°14/2005 avec le KCE (Centre Fédéral d’Expertise des soins de santé) « Chronic low back pain » (01/12/05 – 31/12/06) Fonds des Maladies Professionnelles : « Evaluation scientifique du projet pilote de prévention des lombalgies » (01/11/05 – 31/10/06) Fonds Social Européen (FSE) et SPF Emploi (programmation 2000-2006) – projet de recherche n°23 « Evaluation du risque par les travailleurs et la ligne hiérarchique » coordonné par l’équipe ULg (consortium UA, UG, UCL et VUB) CV updated 18/08/14 2