Marc Bourreau Curriculum Vitae Address: Telecom ParisTech


Marc Bourreau Curriculum Vitae Address: Telecom ParisTech
Marc Bourreau Curriculum Vitae Address: Telecom ParisTech Department of Economics and Social Sciences 46, rue Barrault 75013, Paris, France Tel: +33 1 45 81 72 46 Email: marc.bourreau@telecom-­‐ Website: http://ses.telecom-­‐ 1. Current positions • Professor of Economics, Telecom ParisTech (since 2007). • Head of the Innovation and Regulation Chair at Telecom ParisTech (since 2011). 2. Former positions • Head of Economics and Management Group (2008-­‐2011). • Associate Professor of Economics, Telecom ParisTech (2000-­‐2007). • Regulatory Economist, France Telecom, Department of Regulatory Affairs (1997-­‐
2000). • Researcher in Economics, France Telecom, research center (CNET) (1994-­‐1997). 3. Other positions and affiliations • Research Fellow at CREST, Industrial Economics Lab (since 2002). • Research Fellow at Cepremap, Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris (since 2007). • Scientific Committee, Florence School of Regulation, Media and Communications Area, European University Institute (since 2009). • Member of the Board of Directors, Idate DigiWorld (since 2016). • Various visits to the Harvard Kennedy School (2004-­‐2016), to the Institute Advanced Study (2013-­‐2015), to Koç University (2003-­‐2004), and to the Toulouse School of Economics (1997-­‐2001). 4. Education • Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches, University Paris I Panthéon-­‐Sorbonne, 2003. • PhD in Economics, University Paris II Panthéon-­‐Assas, 1999. • MSc in Economics, University Paris IX Dauphine, 1993. • MSc in Engineering, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications, Paris, France, 1992. 4. Editorial positions • Editor, Information Economics & Policy (since 2011). 1 •
Editorial Board, Telecommunications Policy (since 2009). Editorial Board, Review of Network Economics (since 2016). Editorial Secretariat, DigiWorld Economic Journal (formerly Communications & Strategies; since 2010). Previously member of the Editorial Board (2003-­‐2010). Editorial Board, International Journal of Music Business Research (since 2012). 5. Additional professional activities Organization of conferences and workshops • International Conference on the Economics of ICT, Telecom ParisTech, 8 conferences organized between 2006 and 2015. • Summer School, "Digital Economics", Telecom ParisTech, July 2014. • Workshop "Economics of Telecommunications", Telecom ParisTech, March 2009. • Workshop "Economics of E-­‐Commerce", Telecom ParisTech, June 2002. Participation to scientific committees • 6th Conference in Telecommunications Technoeconomics (CTTE), Helsinki, Finland, 2007. • International Telecommunications Society (ITS) Europe Conference 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. • Biennial Conference of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS), 2008, Montréal, Canada. • Co-­‐track Chair (Economics of Information Systems), 29th International Conference on Information Systems (ICISS), Paris, France, 2008. • Scientific committee, AIM 2010, La Rochelle, France. • Scientific committee, ICT Conference Munich, 2013. • Scientific committee, Florence School of Regulation Communications & Media Scientific Seminars, European University Institute, 5 conferences between 2012 and 2016. Referee • Journal of the European Economic Association, Rand Journal of Economics, European Economic Review, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Journal of Industrial Economics, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Review of Industrial Organization, Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Journal of Public Economics, Journal of Regulatory Economics, European Journal of Law & Economics, International Journal of Production Economics, Economic Inquiry, Information Economics and Policy, Telecommunications Policy, Review of Network Economics, Annales d’Economie et de Statistiques, etc. 6. PhD supervision • Matthieu Manant, 2003-­‐2007 (assistant professor at University Paris 11). • Thomas Houy, 2004-­‐2008 (assistant professor at Telecom ParisTech). • Marianne Verdier, 2005-­‐2008 (full professor at University Paris 2). 2 •
Joeffrey Drouard, 2006-­‐2010 (assistant professor at University Rennes 1). Serge Pajak, 2007-­‐2011 (assistant professor at University Paris 11). Germain Gaudin, 2009-­‐2013 (postdoc at DICE, University of Düsseldorf). Sisley Maillard, 2011-­‐2015 (economic analyst). Current supervision: Winston Maxwell, since 2011; Maude Hasbi, since 2013; Rafael Ferraz, since 2013; Jordana Viotto, since 2013; Carlotta Mariotto (co-­‐supervision with Marianne Verdier), since 2014; Arrah-­‐Marie Jo, since 2015; Jean-­‐Marc Zogheib, since 2015. 7. Awards, fellowships, grants Grants • 2006: Grant from Ministry of Culture, "Economics of the French Recorded Music Industry", with François Moreau. • 2008: Grant from Ministry of Culture, "Diversity in Cultural Industries", with François Moreau. • 2009: ANR grant, "Digitization of Cultural Industries". • 2006, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015: Orange grants "Economics of Telecommunications". Awards • 2014: Pommerehne Prize from the Journal of Cultural Economics for the paper "Selling less of more? The impact of digitization on record companies". • 1999: PhD thesis Prize, Institut de Recherches Economiques et Sociales sur les Télécommunications (IREST). • 2000: PhD Thesis Prize, Université Paris II Panthéon-­‐Assas. 8. Citations • Google Scholar: 1500+ citations; h-­‐index 20; g-­‐index 35. • RePEc: among top 10% authors. 9. Research interests • Industrial economics; regulation; economics of telecommunications; digital economics; economics of innovation. 10. Publications Publications in peer-­‐reviewed journals • "Size of RJVs and Degree of Cooperation in Product Development," 2016, with Pınar Doğan and Matthieu Manant, International Journal of Industrial Organization, forthcoming. • "Competition and Interoperability in Mobile Money Platform Markets: What Works and What Doesn’t?" 2015, with Tommaso Valletti, Communications & Strategies, N°99, 11-­‐32. 3 •
"Making money by giving it for free: Radiohead’s pre-­‐release strategy for In Rainbows," 2015, with Pinar Doğan and Sounman Hong, Information Economics and Policy, 32, 77-­‐93. "Geographical Access Markets and Investments in Next Generation Networks," 2015, with Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig, Information Economics and Policy, 31, 13-­‐
21. “Price distortion under fixed-­‐mobile substitution”, 2015, with Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig, Economia e Politica Industriale, 42(4), 441-­‐454. "Net Neutrality with Competing Internet Platforms," 2015, with Frago Kourandi and Tommaso Valletti, Journal of Industrial Economics, 63(1), 30-­‐73. "Piracy and Creation: The Case of the Music Industry," 2015, with Maya Bacache and François Moreau, European Journal of Law & Economics, 39(2), 245-­‐262. "Fixed-­‐Mobile Substitution and Termination Rates," 2015, with Steffen Hoernig (main author) and Carlo Cambini, Telecommunications Policy, 39(1), 65-­‐76. "Cooperative and Noncooperative R&D in Two-­‐Sided Markets," 2014, with Marianne Verdier, Review of Network Economics, 13(2), 175-­‐190. "Old Technology Upgrades, Innovation, and Competition in Vertically Differentiated Markets," 2014, with Paolo Lupi and Fabio Manenti, Information Economics and Policy, 29, 10-­‐31. "Level of Access and Infrastructure Investment in Network Industries," 2014, with Pinar Doğan and Romain Lestage, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 46(3), 237-­‐260. "Access regulation and the transition from copper to fiber networks in telecoms," 2014, with Carlo Cambini and Pinar Doğan, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 45(3), 233-­‐258. "Progressive Entry and the Incentives to Invest in Alternative Infrastructures," 2014, with Joeffrey Drouard, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 45(3), 329-­‐351. "Fixed Mobile Integration," 2014, with Steffen Hoernig (main author) and Carlo Cambini, Journal of Regulatory Economics, 45(1), 57-­‐74. "Dynamic Entry and Investment in New Infrastructures: Empirical Evidence from the Fixed Broadband Industry," 2014, with Maya Bacache and Germain Gaudin. Review of Industrial Organization, 44(2), 179-­‐209. "Selling less of more? The impact of digitization on record companies," 2013, with François Moreau, Michel Gensollen, and Patrick Waelbroeck, Journal of Cultural Economics, 37(3), 327-­‐346. "Access Pricing, Competition, and Incentives to Migrate from "Old" to "New" Technologies," 2012, with Carlo Cambini and Pinar Dogan, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 30(6), 713-­‐723. "Level of access and competition in broadband markets," 2012, with Pinar Dogan, Review of Network Economics, 2012, Vol. 11(1). "Ex-­‐ante regulation and co-­‐investment in the transition to next generation access," with Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig, Telecommunications Policy, 2012, Vol. 36(5), pp. 399-­‐406. "The impact of a radical innovation on business models: Incremental adjustments or big bang?" 2012, with François Moreau and Michel Gensollen, Industry & Innovation, vol. 19(5), pp. 415-­‐435. "Upstream Competition between Vertically Integrated Firms," with Johan Hombert, Jérôme Pouyet, and Nicolas Schutz, Journal of Industrial Economics, Vol. 59(4), pp. 677-­‐713, 2011. 4 •
"A Critical Review of the "Ladder of Investment" Approach," with Pinar Dogan and Matthieu Manant, Telecommunications Policy, Vol. 34(11), pp. 683-­‐696, 2010. "Cooperation for Innovation in Payment Systems: the Case of Mobile Payments," with Marianne Verdier, Communications & Strategies, 2010. "National FTTH Plans in France, Italy and Portugal," with Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig, Communications & Strategies, n°78, pp. 107-­‐126, 2010. "Component sharing through licensing," with Pinar Dogan, Communications & Strategies, n°77, pp. 113-­‐132, 2010. "Private cards and the bypass of payment systems by merchants," with Marianne Verdier, Journal of Banking and Finance, Vol. 34(8), pp. 1798-­‐1807, 2010. "Cooperation in Product Development and Process R&D Between Competitors," with Pınar Doğan, International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 28(2), pp. 176-­‐190, 2010. "Pirates or Explorers? Analysis of Music Consumption in French Graduate Schools," with D. Bounie and P. Waelbroeck, Brussels Economic Review, Vol. 50(2), pp. 167-­‐
192, 2007. "Modularity and Innovation in Digital Markets," with Pınar Doğan and Matthieu Manant, Review of Network Economics, Vol. 6 (2), pp. 175-­‐193, 2007. "Piracy and the Demand for Films: Analysis of Piracy Behavior in French Universities," with David Bounie and Patrick Waelbroeck, Review of Economic Research on Copyright Issues, Vol. 3(2), pp. 15-­‐27, 2006. "Build or Buy Strategies in the Local Loop," with Pınar Doğan, American Economic Review, Papers & Proceedings, Vol. 96(2), pp. 72-­‐76, 2006. "An Economist’s Guide to Local Loop Unbundling," with Edmond Baranès, Communications & Strategies, n°57, pp. 13-­‐31, 2005. "Comment on Peitz and Waelbroeck’s "Guide to Digital Music"," CESifo Economic Studies, vol. 51, pp. 433-­‐437, 2005. "Unbundling the Local Loop," with Pınar Doğan, European Economic Review, vol. 49, pp. 173-­‐199, 2005. "Comments on upload taxation plans," with Michel Gensollen, Laurent Gille, and Nicolas Curien, Communications & Strategies, n°55, pp. 17-­‐44, 2004. "The impact of uncertainty about demand growth on preemption," Journal of Economics & Business, vol. 56, pp. 363-­‐376, 2004. "Service-­‐based vs. infrastructure-­‐based competition in local markets," with Pınar Doğan, Information Economics and Policy, vol. 16, pp. 287-­‐306, 2004. "Trends in Information and Communication Technologies," with Michel Gensollen, Communications & Strategies, n°53, pp. 53-­‐69, 2004. "Mimicking vs. Counter-­‐programming Strategies for Television Programs," Information Economics and Policy, vol. 15, pp. 35-­‐54, 2003. "Local loop unbundling: the case of France," Communications & Strategies, n°49, pp. 119-­‐135, 2003. "Regulation and Innovation in the Telecommunications Industry," with Pınar Doğan, Telecommunications Policy, vol. 25, pp. 167-­‐184, 2001. "The Economics of Internet Flat Rates," Communications & Strategies, n°42, pp. 131-­‐
152, 2001. 5 Publications in French peer-­‐reviewed journals •
"Niveau d'accès et investissement dans les réseaux de telecommunications," 2016, with Pınar Doğan and Romain Lestage, Revue Economique, vol. 67, 141-­‐152. "Une analyse économique du phénomène de la longue traîne dans les industries culturelles", 2015, Revue Française d'Economie, vol 30(2), 179-­‐216. "L'impact du piratage sur l'achat et le téléchargement légal : une comparaison de quatre filières culturelles," 2014, with Irène Bastard and François Moreau, Revue Economique, vol. 65, 573-­‐600. "De la visibilité à l’attention : les musiciens sur Internet," 2012, with Irène Bastard, Sisley Maillard and François Moreau, Réseaux, N°175, 19-­‐42. "Les marchés à deux versants dans l'industrie des jeux vidéo," 2012, with Myriam Davidovici-­‐Nora, Réseaux, N°174, 97-­‐135. "L’impact de la suppression de la publicité sur les chaînes de télévision publiques," 2011, with Christian Grece, Revue Economique, vol. 62(5), pp. 781-­‐811. "Incitations à l'entrée et incitations aux investissements dans le secteur des télécoms," 2011, with Pinar Dogan and Matthieu Manant, Revue Française d'Economie, vol 25(4), 147-­‐181. "La détention et l’usage des instruments de paiement en France," with David Bounie, Abel François and Marianne Verdier. Revue d’Economie Financière, n°91, pp. 53-­‐76, 2007. "L’impact d’Internet et des Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication sur l’industrie de la musique enregistrée", with Michel Gensollen, Revue d’Economie Industrielle, N°116, pp. 31-­‐70, 2006. "Crise des ventes et téléchargements sur les réseaux peer-­‐to-­‐peer : le cas de la France," with Benjamin Labarthe-­‐Piol, Réseaux, n°139, pp. 106-­‐144, 2006. "Le peer-­‐to-­‐peer et la crise de l’industrie du disque : une perspective historique," with Benjamin Labarthe-­‐Piol, Réseaux, n°125, pp. 17-­‐54, 2004. "Sécurité des paiements et développement du commerce électronique," with David Bounie, Revue Economique, vol. 55, pp. 689-­‐714, 2004. "Un point sur la relation entre technologies de l’information et de la communication et productivité," with Chiraz Karamti, Information Sciences for Decision Making, n°13, Special issue ISDM’Majecstic03, 13 pages, 2003. "Communautés d’expérience et concurrence entre sites de biens culturels," with Michel Gensollen, Revue d’Economie Politique, vol. 113, pp. 61-­‐89, 2003. "Concurrence par les services ou concurrence par les infrastructures dans les télécommunications," with Pınar Doğan, Economie Publique, n°12, pp. 45-­‐70, 2002. "Les économies d’échelle dans l’industrie des médias," with Michel Gensollen and Jérôme Perani, Revue d’Economie Industrielle, n°100, pp. 119-­‐135, 2002. "Mimétisme ou contre-­‐programmation ? Un modèle de concurrence entre programmes pour la télévision en clair," with Laurent Benzoni, Revue d’Economie Politique, vol. 111, n°6, pp. 885-­‐908, 2001. "La boucle locale radio comme vecteur d’entrée dans les télécommunications," Revue Française d’Economie, vol. 15, pp. 111-­‐143, 2001. "Quelques réflexions sur le développement de la concurrence dans la boucle locale," with Eric Debroeck, Communications & Stratégies, n°36, pp. 145-­‐162, 1999. 6 Books • Régulation des communications électroniques, ouvrage collectif sous la direction de Marc Bourreau, Hermès, 2016. • Portrait des musiciens à l'heure du numérique, with Maya Bacache and François Moreau, Opuscule du Cepremap, n°22, Editions rue d'Ulm, avril 2011. • Les musiciens dans la révolution numérique : Inquiétude et enthousiasme, with Maya Bacache, Michel Gensollen and François Moreau, Editions de l'IRMA, 2009. Book chapters • "Les enjeux de la régulation des infrastructures," with Denis Lescop and Gérard Pogorel, in Les dilemmes de l'économie numérique, Laurent Gille (editor), éditions fyp, pp. 147-­‐164, 2009. • "Les marchés à 2 versants dans les médias," with David Bounie, in Web Culture, Xavier Greffe et Nathalie Sonnac (editors), Dalloz, pp. 477-­‐491, 2008. • "Economies of scale in media markets," in The International Encyclopedia of Communication (ed. Donsbach), Volume IV. Wiley-­‐Blackwell (Oxford, UK and Malden, MA), pp. 1426-­‐1430, 2008. • "L’impact du numérique sur la filière de la musique enregistrée," with Michel Gensollen, in Mutation des STIC : Acteurs, ressources et activités, Pierre Vialle (editor), Hermès, Paris, pp. 143-­‐192, 2007. • "Online bidding and buying on the same site," with Christian Licoppe, in Internet and Digital Economics, Eric Brousseau and Nicolas Curien (eds), Cambridge University Press, pp. 510-­‐535, 2007. • "Pricing Information Goods: Pay vs. Free Content," with Virginie Lethiais, in Internet and Digital Economics, Eric Brousseau and Nicolas Curien (eds), Cambridge University Press, pp. 345-­‐367, 2007. • "Mimicking vs. Counter-­‐programming Strategies for Television Programs," (reprint), The Economics of the Mass Media, Gillian Doyle (ed.), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2007. • "France: Digital television as an attempt to enhance competition in an oligopolistic market," in Digital Television in Europe, Allan Brown and Robert Picard (ed.), Lawrence Elbaum Associates, 2004. • "Il mercato televisivo in Francia," in Il mercato televisivo italiano net contesto europeo, A. Perrucci and G. Richeri (ed.), Il Mulino Studi e Ricerche, pp. 83-­‐163, 2003. • "The Economics of Internet Flat Rates," in Price Regulation: Contributions to the WIK Seminar on Regulatory Economics, Königswinter, 19-­‐21 November 2001, WIK Proceedings, Nr. 8, pp. 71-­‐94, 2002. Working papers • "The Impact of an Advertising Ban on Public Television," with Christian Grèce. Under revision. • "Interchange Fees and Innovation in Payment Systems," with Marianne Verdier. Under revision. 7 •
"Stars vs. Underdogs in Online Music Markets: The Effect of IT on Visibility, Artists’ Broadcasting, and Fans’ Activities", with Sisley Maillard and François Moreau. "Cheating and 360-­‐Degree Contracts in the Recorded Music Industry", with Maya Bacache and François Moreau (submitted). "L’artiste maudit 2.0 : l’impact des TIC sur le revenus des musiciens", with Maya Bacache and François Moreau (submitted). "Digital Platforms, Advertising and Taxation," with Bernard Caillaud and Romain De Njis (submitted). "Market Entry and Fighting Brands: the Case of the French Mobile Telecommunications Market," with Yutec Sun and Frank Verboven. "Impact of Internet on the Pricing of CD Titles in France," with Lukasz Grzybowski. Work in progress • "The Market for Standard Essential Patents", with Yann Ménière and Tim Pohlmann. • "Licensing Standard Essential Patents with Costly Enforcement", with Yann Ménière and Rafael Ferraz. • "Looking Good or Selling Well-­‐-­‐-­‐Advertising Strategies in Media," with Martin Peitz. • "Net Neutrality and Asymmetric Platform Competition," with Romain Lestage. • "Cooperative Investments and Access Regulation for Next Generations Networks," with Carlo Cambini and Steffen Hoernig. • "Digitization and Entrepreneurship: Self-­‐releasing in the Recorded Music Industry," with Maya Bacache and François Moreau. • "Streaming Platforms and Recommendation Bias," with Pinar Dogan and Germain Gaudin. 11. Reports and other publications • "Les revues de sciences humaines et sociales en France : libre accès et audience," with Maya Bacache-­‐Beauvallet and Françoise Benhamou, Rapport IPP N°11, July 2015. • "Enabling Digital Financial Inclusion through Improvements in Competition and Interoperability: What Works and What Doesn't?" June 2015, with Tommaso Valletti, CGD Policy Paper 065. • "Taxation and the digital economy: A survey of theoretical models," Final Report PSE-­‐TSE-­‐Telecom ParisTech, February 2015. • "Les revenus des musiciens en France," avec Maya Bacache et François Moreau, Revue Juris Art & Culture, 2013. • "La diversité culturelle dans l'industrie de la musique enregistrée en France (2003-­‐
2008)", with François Moreau and Pierre Senellart, Culture Etudes, n°2011-­‐5, pp. 1-­‐
16, 2011. • "Cooperation Models for the Development of Mobile Payment Solutions," with Marianne Verdier, The Lydian Payments Journal, January, 2010. • "Marché de gros et de détail dans les télécommunications : un fonctionnement intimement lié," with Jérôme Pouyet, La Lettre de l’Autorité, N°56, mai-­‐juin-­‐juillet-­‐
août 2007, ARCEP, p. 30, 2007. • "Musique enregistrée et numérique : quels scénarios d’évolution de la filière ?" with Michel Gensollen and François Moreau, Culture Prospective, N°1, pp. 1-­‐16, 2007. 8 •
"Les enjeux de la regulation des infrastructures : Faut-­‐il dégrouper la fibre optique ?" with Denis Lescop and Gérard Pogorel, in La société de la connaissance à l’ère de la vie numérique, Colloque du dixième anniversaire du GET, pp. 73-­‐87, 2007. "The payment industry: facing new challenges. Introduction," with David Bounie, Communications & Strategies, n°66, pp. 11-­‐15, 2007. "Competition in two-­‐sided markets: introduction to the special issue," with Nathalie Sonnac, Communications & Strategies, n°61, pp. 11-­‐15, 2006. "Quel avenir pour la distribution numérique des œuvres culturelles ?" with Michel Gensollen and François Moreau, Internet Actu, FING, mars, 2005. "Les comportements de paiement des français : description statistique et analyses économétriques," with David Bounie, Abel François and Ludovic Lebart, Rapport de contrat, Groupement CB, 2005. "Concurrence entre réseaux et accès bilatéral," with Jérôme Pouyet, Rapport CREST-­‐
LEI pour l’Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications, 2004. "Tarification de l’accès : théorie et pratique," with Jérôme Pouyet, Rapport CREST-­‐
LEI pour l’Autorité de Régulation des Télécommunications, 2004. "Distribution de contenus sur Internet : commentaires sur le projet de taxation de l’upload," with Michel Gensollen, Laurent Gille and Nicolas Curien, Les Cahiers de l’Internet, n°4, Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération (FING), 2004. "ICTs and Improved Consumer Control on Content Supply: the Case of the Entertainment, Video Games and Software Industries," with Michel Gensollen, Rapport pour le projet européen IST STAR, 2002. "Emerging Disruptive Technologies and Services: Approach, Methodology, and First Insights," with Michel Gensollen and Laurent Gille, Rapport pour le projet européen IST STAR, 2001. 12. Teaching Administrative tasks • Co-­‐director of HEC-­‐Telecom ParisTech Major "Digital Business", 2000-­‐2014. • Co-­‐director of the Master Program "IREN" (CentraleSupélec-­‐Ecole Polytechnique-­‐
Telecom ParisTech-­‐University of Paris Dauphine-­‐University of Paris Sud). • Director of the "Regulation of Telecommunications" Executive Training Program at Telecom ParisTech. Courses • Introduction to Industrial Organization (between undergraduate an graduate). • Economics of the Internet (graduate). • Regulation of Telecommunications (executive). 9