Professor Eric Baccino (France)
Professor Eric Baccino (France)
IALM - FASE Representative (2013 – 2015) Professor Eric Baccino (France) Born in 07/30/56 in France Married to Marie Christine; two sons Thomas and Matthias. CURRENT POSITION Professor and head of the research laboratory of “ legal medicine and clinical toxicology ” at the Faculty of medicine , university of MONTPELLIER. Head of the medicolegal unit (clinical forensic medicine and pathology) at the university hospital of MONTPELLIER (CHU) . PROFESSSIONAL ACTIVITY Clinical forensic medicine : examination of victims of child abuses, rapes, assault and battery ; evaluation of bodily dammage…; Forensic autopsies; Forensic anthropology and identification. Teaching to medical students , law students, interns , future specialists in forensic medicine , continuing education attendees. In MONTPELLIER mainly but also RENNES and PARIS. Responsable et créateur de l’Eureopean Workshop in Forensic Anthropology. Research in forensic anthropology DEGREE COURSE Medical school : University of MARSEILLE : 72 to 79 Mlitary service : CASABLANCA MOROCO : 80 Intern in medicine : BREST university hospital 81 to 85 Doctor in medicine : 85 Assistant in forensic medicine : 85 to 90 BREST university hospital Professor of forensic medicine : 90 to 97 medicine BREST university hospital Professor of forensic and head of hospital unit: university hospital of MONTPELLIER since September 1997 Medical specialties (French national board certified): Forensic medicine 1985, Gastroenterology 1986, Internal medicine 1987 Other diplomae: Master in biology (University of RENNES 1987), University diploma in clinical toxicology (University of PARIS 1987) Trainings abroad: LOS ANGELES coroner’s office d’août 1987 à Février 1988 Laboratoire de Neuro-Chimie et Neuro-Toxicologie de l’Université de Stockolm du 28/05/89 au 11/06/89; Forensic anthropology course Smithsonian Institution Washington du 30/09/89 au 09/10/89. SCIENTIFIC SOCIETIES Member American Academy of Forensic Sciences (1989); fellow since 1999 Member Société de Médecine Légale et de Criminologie de France (1990). Membre du CA depuis 1999. Member de l’International Academy of Legal Medicine (1995). Past President IAFS (1999/2002) in charge of the organisation of the trienal world meeting of IAFS in Montpelleier France in september 2002. Current President of FASE (forensic anthropology society of europe) Current Secretary of LA SOCIETE DE MEDECINE LEGALE ET DE CRIMINOLOGIE DE FRANCE SELECTED RECENT PUBLICATIONS: A simple Technique for Age Estimation in Adult Corpses : The two Criteria Dental Method: H. LAMENDIN, E. BACCINO ; Journal of Forensic Sciences, 37, n° 5, 1992, 13731379. Outer Science ear temperature and time of death ; E. BACCINO : Forensic International,. Vol. 83/2, 133-146, 1996 Determination of age at death : Assessment of an algorithm of age prediction using numerical three- dimensional CT data from pubic bones : E PASQUIER , L de SAINT MARTIN , V BURDIN , C MOUNAYER, C LE REST , D COLIN , D MOTTIER , C ROUX, E BACCINO ; American Journal of Physical Anthropology ; 108: 261 -268 ; 1999. Evaluation of seven methods of estimating age at death from mature human skeletal remains : E BACCINO ; Journal of Forensic Sciences ; 44 (5) : 39 - 44 ; 1999. HOBIES AND LEISURES Tennis , swimming, bicycle and motorcycle; Reading and music.