Registration to Paris-Saclay master program for


Registration to Paris-Saclay master program for
Registration to Paris-Saclay master program for foreign
If Université Paris-Sud is the institution for administrative registration
Download the files
Fill the registration file
collect all the necessary additional files: certificate of social insurance, certificate of « responsabilité
civile », copy of passport, last certificate of graduation/academic result necessary to be enrolled, the
charter for access to the computer account, a photograph.
After getting the visa for France, use the
website for making an appointment with the registration office of the science faculty.
Choose “Licence, DUMI, magistère ou MASTER” and then “'Obtenir un rendez-vous effectuer
votre inscription administrative”.
Do not indicate any “Numéro OPI”, just your name (Nom), first name (prénom) and birthdate (date
de naissance).
When arrived in Orsay campus, go to the rgistration office in building 336. After having completed
the registration, contact the educational follow-up institution if it is different from Université ParisSud.
If Université Paris-Sud is the institution for educational follow-up but
not that for administrative registration
Register as a student in the institution for administrative registration (cf.
Download the simplified registration file at
Fill the simplified registration file and send it to “UFR Sciences – Service - Scolarité Masters
bâtiment 336 – 91405 ORSAY cedex” together with the certificate of administrative registration and
the charter for access to the computer account.
Programs associated to the science faculty
Master 1st year and Master 2nd year in:
Agrosciences - Environnement – Territoires – Paysages – Forêts / Agrosciences,
Environment, Territory, Landscape, Forest
Biologie intégrative et physiologie / Integrative Biology and Physiology
Biodiversité - Écologie et Évolution / Biodiversity, Ecology, Evolution
Bio-Informatique / Bioinformatics - Computational Biology
Biologie-Santé / Life Sciences and Health with the exception of M2 tracks in
“Microbiologie : microbiote, agents pathogènes et thérapeutiques anti-infectieuses”,
“Endocrinologie et métabolisme”, “Imagerie Biomédicale”, “Immunologie”,
“Cancérologie”, “Relation Hôte-Greffon”, “Reproduction développement”, “Sciences
chirurgicales : oncologie, neurosciences et nouvelles technologies” and M1 track in “Santé”
Chimie / Chemistry with the exception of M2 tracks in “Chimie Pharmaceutique” and
“Recherche & développement en stratégies analytiques”
Économie de l'Environnement de l’Énergie et des Transports / Environmental, Energy and
Transport Economics
Électronique - Énergie électrique -Automatique / Electrical engineering, with the exception
of M2 track in “Imagerie Biomédicale”
Énergie / Energy
Génie civil / Civil Engineering
Génie des procédés et bio-procédés / Process and Bioprocess engineering
Génie industriel / Industrial Engineering
Gestion des territoires et développement local / Land Management and Community
Informatique / Computer science
Ingénierie nucléaire / Nuclear energy
Mathématiques et applications
Mécanique / Mechanics
Méthodes informatiques appliquées à la gestion des entreprises – MIAGE / IT Methods
Applied to Company Management
Nutrition et sciences des aliments / Nutrition and Food Science
Physique / Physics with the exception of with the exception of M2 track in “Imagerie
Biomédicale” and “Radiophysique médicale”
Sciences de la Terre et des planètes et environnement / Earth and Planetary Sciences,
Sciences et génie des matériaux / Materials Science and Engineering