Presentation of Candidates


Presentation of Candidates
Presentation of Candidates
Exercise your right
to vote!
By voting in the Greater Montréal Real Estate Board
(GMREB) general election, you will elect Directors
who will best protect your interests and speak on your
behalf while serving on the Board of Directors. Also,
you will help ensure the GMREB remains a democratic
To assist you in exercising your right to vote, the
GMREB has produced this election guide. Inside, you
will find information on the composition of the new
Board of Directors and how to vote electronically.
There is also background information on each of the
candidates so you can cast an informed vote. This
year, seven (7) directors must be elected.
Why Vote? Composition of the Next
Board of Directors How to Vote Electronically Presentation of the Candidates
List of Candidates 2
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
Composition of the Next
Board of Directors
Candidates who receive the highest number of votes will be declared elected.
However, certain conditions apply:
At no time can there be more than four (4) persons from the same banner/other or two (2)
persons from the same agency sitting as GMREB directors during the same term.
To be considered a banner, a real estate brokerage firm must be made up of at least 5% of
all GMREB members. Given that the GMREB has 9,324 members (as of January 1, 2016),
this means that a firm needs to have 466 members to obtain the “banner” status. For this
election, the “other” group is considered a distinct group and has the same status as
For the purpose of this election, the following companies have the status of banner:
RE/MAX, Groupe Sutton, Royal LePage, Proprio Direct and Via Capitale.
For the 2016 election, the maximum number of candidates that can be elected from each
banner is as follows: • RE/MAX : 2 • Groupe Sutton : 3 • Royal LePage : 4
• Proprio Direct : 4 • Via Capitale : 2 • Other: 3.
To be declared elected, candidates must receive a number of votes that accounts for at
least 1% of all GMREB members (93 votes).
The Board of
Directors will be
made up of a
maximum of fifteen
(15) directors. The
new directors who
are elected will be
serving two-year (2)
terms and they will
begin their term
following the
GMREB Annual
General Meeting,
which will be held on
April 13, 2016.
To be considered valid, a ballot cannot have more votes than the number of vacant
positions, but must have at least as many votes as 2/3 of the vacant positions, which
means five (5) votes for the 2016 election.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
How to Vote Electronically
If you are a member in good standing of the GMREB, you have a right to vote. To do so,
you will need a Personal Identification Number (PIN), which will be sent to your email
address in the week prior to the election.
Here are the steps to follow to vote electronically:
Log on to the
GMREB Extranet
and click on the
“2016 Election”
Identify yourself with
your member code
and PIN. You will then
be directed to the
page that features all
the candidates.
Choose among the
listed candidates.
Don’t forget that
you must vote for a
minimum of five (5)
and a maximum of
seven (7) candidates,
otherwise your ballot
will not be accepted.
Don’t forget that your
PIN is confidential.
So make sure you
protect it as you do
for your debit card
Once you are finished, a message will appear on the screen to
confirm that your ballot has been accepted.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
Presentation of Candidates
1. Ginette Beardsell, Profusion Immobilier
10. Mathieu Lacaille, RE/MAX Imagine
2. Nathalie Bégin, RE/MAX Ambiance
11. Marie-Pierre Lecat, L’Expert Immobilier PM
3. Maxime Béland, Via Capitale Centre
12. Mohamed Mafhoum, Libres-services immobiliers
4. Alphons Beshay, Réseau Immobilier ADRESZ
13. Michel Marois, BluuGlass Immobilier
5. Sylvie Blouin, Royal LePage Tradition
14. Nicolas Roverselli, Plateau Immobilier
6. André Campeau, RE/MAX du Cartier
15. Michel Tremblay, Via Capitale Est de Montréal MT
7. Mathieu Cousineau, Groupe Sutton Synergie
8. Bachir Estephan, Libres-services immobiliers
16. Marie-France Vachon, Keller Williams Urbain
17. Jocelyn Vaillant, Via Capitale du Mont-Royal
9. Sylvain Girard, Compas immobilier
18. Gail Walker, Gail Walker
Important: This year, the candidates’ forms were not revised or translated by the GMREB.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Describe yourself in a few words.
Committed to real estate, full of energy, efficient, enthusiastic. Experience acquired on
different committees over the years. Sustained dedication and exceptional service wherever
involved. Very interested to continue working for the benefit of all brokers.
Ginette Beardsell
Member code
Real estate broker
Number of years as a
real estate broker
18 years
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Degree received
BA in Music
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
The never-ending growth and demand of technology in our industry requires competent and
experienced people in order to provide brokers with all necessary tools, programs and
applications they need in their daily tasks. I would like to continue the work started years
ago, work that will never stop, and apply all my qualifications in order to succeed in this
tremendous task.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
Background in business administration, filing system expertise, and in computer technology
(1980-1998). Fully bilingual. The experience I acquired in different fields over the years
(music, teaching, office manager, business owner, etc.) is the benefit I bring when working
as a member of different committees.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
• Conseil d’administration CIGM
2006 to today
• Conseil de direction Centris
2010 to today
• Comité Audit et Finances
2015 to today
• Comité de Publicité - CIGM
• President of all the regional groups 2013 to today
• President West Regional Group
• Member - West Regional Group
Other relevant information.
Personal interest: golf, traveling, reading, and classical music.
Real estate has become music to my ears!
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Describe yourself in a few words.
Nathalie Bégin
Member code
Courtier immobilier agréé
Number of years as a
real estate broker
17 ans
In what year did you
become a GMREB
17 ans
Degree received
Courtier immobilier agréé
J’ai débuté dans le domaine de l’immobilier en 1989 et dès lors, j’ai eu un gros coup de coeur pour ce travail et les professionnels
de cette industrie qui se renouvelle d’année en année. En 1999, j’obtenais mon permis de courtier. Au cours de ces années, mes
collègues et les courtiers que j’ai rencontrés me décrivent comme quelqu’un qui a son travail, ses collègues et son industrie à
coeur. On apprécie mon sens de l’écoute, mon tempérament toujours axé vers les solutions, ma disponibilité, mon dévouement, ma
franchise, ma collaboration et mon énergie. On me décrit comme étant une personne qui apporte beaucoup d’idées et défend son
opinion. Je suis une personne très curieuse, j’aime lire sur tout ce qui se rapporte à l’immobilier. J’aime être informée et au courant de
ce qui se passe.
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
Tout au long de ma carrière de courtier immobilier, j’ai toujours été disponible aux courtiers pour les aider, les conseillers et les
écouter. J’entendais les interrogations, les questionnements sur le terrain. Puis en 2012 j’ai pris la décision de m’impliquer au sein
du CA de la CIGM comme administrateur afin de pouvoir aider à améliorer notre profession, notre organisation et par ricochet, notre
industrie. Ce que j’ai fait depuis mon arrivée au sein du CA en m’impliquant à fond dans les différents comités et groupes de travail.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
Occupant diverses fonctions dans le secteur de l’immobilier, cela me permet d’apporter tant au niveau du conseil d’administration
que dans les divers comités et groupes de travail où je suis impliquée, une expertise, une expérience et des compétences permettant
de faire avancer les choses. Je suis courtier immobilier et pratique toujours, ce qui me permet de bien comprendre ce que les courtiers vivent sur le terrain et de rester connecté à la réalité. Je suis également formatrice depuis 2007 pour les courtiers immobiliers et
je suis directrice d’un bureau depuis 3 ans. Ce qui m’oblige à toujours être à date tant au niveau des lois, de la règlementation que sur
l’actualité immobilière. Chaque année, je fais une multitude de formations de toutes sortes, en vue d’augmenter mes connaissances,
mes compétences et de pouvoir intégrer le tout au sein de mon travail, du CA, des comités et groupes de travail.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other organization? If so, which one(s)?
Membre du groupe de travail sur les pratiques du courtage au sein de la CIGM, ce groupe s’occupe de tous les aspects reliés directement au travail du courtier tant au niveau de la règlementation que de la pratique. Je suis également la représentante de Montréal au
sein du comité de collaboration provinciale de la FCIQ regroupant un représentant de chaque chambre immobilière au Québec. C’est
dans ce comité qu’on apporte des suggestions, problématiques au sein du système de collaboration et surtout où on trouve des
solutions pour améliorer le travail du courtier dans sa pratique quotidienne au niveau de notre système de collaboration. Je suis
également membre du comité de Ressources Humaines de la CIGM qui s’occupe de la saine gestion au niveau des employés et
membre de la direction. On m’invite également à l’occasion à participer a des rencontres sur différents sujets toujours en rapport à
notre industrie tant la CIGM qu’à l’OACIQ. Je suis également membre du groupe de travail - sondage collaboration et du groupe de
travail sondage à la clientèle. Puis en terminant, je suis également administrateur au sein de la RGCQ (Regroupement des gestionnaires et copropriétaires du Québec). Je me suis impliquée à la RGCQ afin de travailler sur les différents dossiers et problématiques
au niveau de la copropriété au Québec et participer aux solutions.
Other relevant information.
Mon implication au fil des années au sein du CA m’a permis de travailler sur des dossiers forts importants qui touchent directement
notre travail. Je désire poursuivre ce qui est déjà en marche et continuer à offrir mon temps à la CIGM pour vous membres de la
CIGM. Je sollicite donc bien humblement un autre mandat de votre part afin de poursuivre ce travail qui me tient tant à coeur.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Maxime Béland
Member code
Courtier immobilier
Number of years as a
real estate broker
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Degree received
Université Concordia
Describe yourself in a few words.
Courtier immobilier et membre de la CIGM depuis 1997, j’ai été activement impliqué au
développement de notre Chambre à différents niveaux. L’immobilier occupe la majeure
partie de ma vie professionnelle et je souhaite mettre à profit toute mon expertise et ainsi
contribuer à l’avancement de notre profession tout en défendant l’intérêt des membres
de notre Chambre. Les enjeux à venir de notre industrie sont majeurs et le courtier se doit
d’être au centre des discussions.
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
Écouter les besoins, observer les changements et mieux définir la valeur ajoutée du courtier,
dans un but précis : améliorer le niveau de compétences. Notre chambre se doit de garder
les intérêts des membres au coeur de sa priorité et c’est dans cet optique que j’entends
apporter ma contribution au sein de votre conseil.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
Près de 20 ans d’expérience dans l’industrie immobilière en tant que courtier autant sur le
plan de pratique professionnelle que de gestion d’agence. Connaissance de l’industrie due
à mon implication à plusieurs comités au sein de la CIGM. Formation universitaire en
administration des affaires et économiques.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
Conseil d’administration CIGM, Conseil d’administration du Collège Immobilier du Québec,
membre du comité audit et finance CIGM, membre du comité électoral, membre du comité
Other relevant information.
Je demeure préoccupé par la révision de la loi par le gouvernement. Des mémoires ont été
rédigés dans le but de modifier des notions qui auront un impact sur notre travail futur. Un
intérêt que je garde en avant plan. Aussi impliqué auprès de causes caritatives; Le Relais
pour la vie, La grande Guignolée des Médias, Le Grand Défi Pierre Lavoie.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Alphons Beshay
Member code
Real Estate Broker
Number of years as a
real estate broker
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Describe yourself in a few words.
I have many years of experience in administration including:
• President of the company “Amak Composites & Reinforced Composites Inc.” since 1989.
• President of the company “Mère De La Lumiere Inc.” since 2006.
• Member on the board of directors at “St Georges & St Joseph Church” for eight years.
• Lead researcher of multiple projects at l’Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Laval
University and Concordia University.
• Member on the board of directors with “Age Friendly Beaconsfield” (AFB).
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
1- By nature, I love to serve and help others. My experiences include:
• Volunteer for many years at Citizen Advocacy of the West Island for 13 years.
• Volunteer at West Island Palliative center.
2- I have a talent to create and to make inventions; I have 9 patent inventions registered in
Canada & USA.
3- Planing to improve the Greater Montreal’s brokers services.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
1- Administration experiences since 1989.
2- Devoting myself for serving and helping the others.
3- Creative talents.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
Other relevant information.
• I am an honest person and I always keep my word.
• I am a punctual person.
Degree received
M.Sc, Ph. D.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Describe yourself in a few words.
Je suis reconnue dans la profession comme une passionnée de l’immobilier. J’ai cette
profession vraiment à coeur et je veux encore évoluer avec elle.
Sylvie Blouin
Member code
Number of years as a
real estate broker
In what year did you
become a GMREB
COMPLETED Collégiale
Degree received
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
L’immobilier étant en grand changement, je veux mettre mes efforts avec mes collègues
pour rendre notre profession plus positive au sein du grand public et démontrer à nos pairs
qu’il est possible de collaborer et d’avancer ensemble, peu importe la bannière.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
De mon expérience comme courtier immobilier et maintenant comme dirigeante d’agence,
je serais en mesure de faire évoluer la profession. Trouvez de nouvelles idées, élaborer des
solutions pour soutenir nos membres (courtiers) et être à l’écoute de leurs besoins. Comme
administrateur, l’avenir de nos courtiers est primordial.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
Other relevant information.
Je suis cofondatrice de 2 comités de gens d’affaires sur la Rive-Sud qui sont toujours
existants (12 ans pour l’un et 10 ans pour l’autre).
J’ai participé à des chroniques immobilières en direct à la radio sur un période de 2 ans.
En juin 2011, je suis devenue propriétaire de Royal LePage Tradition, ayant une place
d’affaire à Boucherville et Varennes. Depuis 2 ans et demi, Royal LePage Tradition a fait
l’acquision de 2 autres places d’affaires, soit St-Hubert et St-Lambert avec maintenant plus
ou moins 70 courtiers sous ma direction.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
André Campeau
Member code
Courtier Immobilier agréé
Number of years as a
real estate broker
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Degree received
Licence en droit et
Certificat en management
Describe yourself in a few words.
Avocat de formation, j’ai pratiqué dans le domaine du droit immobilier pendant 23 ans. Puis
j’ai été copropriétaire/directeur de deux bureaux de courtage (2001 à 2012). Depuis 2012,
je suis dirigeant d’agence et ai sous ma responsabilité près de 200 courtiers. J’ai aussi suivi
une formation post-universitaire en finances.
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
Je désire poursuivre mon implication comme membre du conseil d’administration. Je
termine présentement mon quatrième mandat comme administrateur à la CIGM. Je suis
impliqué dans plusieurs comités et groupes de travail, et je considère très important de
pouvoir assurer une continuité et un sivi de ces dossiers. Je crois en notre profession, et je
veux demeurer à l’avant-plan dans la défense de nos intérêts à tous.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
Une connaissance approfondie des lois et règlements qui gouvernent le courtage immobilier
et des rouages de l’industrie. Depuis 10 ans je suis en contact avec les principaux acteurs
dans le domaine et j’ai développé des liens étroits qui me permettent de jouer un rôle de
premier plan dans une industrie en pleine évolution.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
J’ai été administreteur à la CIGM de 2006 à 2012, puis de 2014 à ce jour. J’ai été aussi
membre au cours de ces années de plusieurs comités de la Chambre, dont notamment le
Comité d’audit et de finance, le Comité de gouvernance, et le Groupe de travail sur les
pratiques du courtage immobilier.
Other relevant information.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Member code
Agency director
Number of years as a
real estate broker
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Degree received
Describe yourself in a few words.
Very active as a board member on the Greater Montreal Real Estate Board, it did not take a long
time for me to be known as an interested person for many challenging positions. I was elected
President of the Collège de l’Immobilier and treasurer in 2015. I am a natural leader and I am always
very passionate in our field, and this for many years to come. I am convinced I can accomplish
important tasks to continue helping the brokers in their daily activities.
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
Following my first two years as board member, I had the opportunity to work on the new
website. I am working on new projects that will be developed soon and in use by all brokers to
facilitate daily tasks. I would like to continue working in collaboration with other board member in
developing other avenues hat would serve our business, other projects also like create a special
group for beginners and young brokers in order to see them more involved. It would be a great to
hear them talk about their experiences. their vision and give us new ideas. I believe also that he
GMREB should concentrate, in the next couple of years, on its mission: promote and actively
protect the interest and business plans of its members in order to give them all the necessary tools
to succeed in their business objectives. The GMREB has to act as the major player and speaker
when dealing with all government levels, newspapers (media coverage), the public and all real estate
associations.As treasurer, I can see many new challenges to overcome in the next couple of years
due partly to the decrease in the number of brokers. We are already working on finding solutions to
avoid increasing the brokers’ fees or decreasing services. As for Centris, it is the right moment that
services are improved by opening the door to new developers. As for the Collège, the last couple
of years were extremely rewarding. It should continue to offer excellent services to brokers and to
future brokers. I would also like to see the Collège in charge of qualify courses for the UFC program,
and probably at a lower cost for brokers.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
My experience as a broker: 11 years. My experience as an office manager: 3 years. Very knowledgeable in technology serving brokers through Centris. My experience extends also to the following:
Since spring 2015 : President of the Board of the Collège de lmmobilier, President of the Audit &
Finance Committee, Treasurer on the Board of the GMREB. Background: studied in administration.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
2015 : President of the Board of the Collège de lmmobilier, President of the Audit & Finance
Committee, Treasurer on the Board of the GMREB.Since 2014, member on the Centris Committee,
and member on the Publicity and Public Relations Committee.
Other relevant information.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Describe yourself in a few words.
Professionnelle bilingue, compétitive, autonome et disciplinée.
Bachir Estephan
Member code
Courtier Immobilier
Number of years as a
real estate broker
9 ans
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
Capacité à tisser des liens, à influencer les résultats et à traduire/communiquer les besoins.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
Développement, analyse, résolution de problèmes, gestion de temps. Connaissances des
aspects réglementaires et législatifs de l’industrie.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
Other relevant information.
Habileté à transmettre les idées et de l’information d’une manière simple et efficace.
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Degree received
Gestion des affaires et
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Sylvain Girard
Member code
Real Estate broker/owner
Number of years as a
real estate broker
16 years
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Degree received
Bachelor Business
Describe yourself in a few words.
I have been told to have a balanced approach to issues. Cool, calm and collected is the way to go
and I make a point of keeping clear objectives. Teamwork is very gratifying to me because it allows
people to bring their best to the table. When it’s time to take a stand, I always consider how my
decisions will help protect my profession and how it can facilitate our day-to-day activites as real
estate brokers.
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
Getting involved on the board of directors is probably the best way to contribute to the advancement and evolution of our profession. My goal is to make sure that the brokerage law revision
acknowledges our reality as brokers while maintaining our status as self-employed workers. I also
want to keep to a minimum the burden put on us by FINTRAC and help CENTRIS thrive by creating
new business opportunities for real estate brokers.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
I have both the acedemic background and the people skills to assist the board in analizing situations
and develop alternative options. I hold a bachelor’s degree in business administration jointly delivered by HEC Montreal and L’École Supérieure de Commerce de Reims (France). My experience on
the board has given me the perspective needed to elaborate the best solutions in the most
constructive way.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
Board of directors GMREB (2004, 2006 to 2016), Verification committee (2006-2007), Electoral
committee (2006, 2013), CENTRIS committee (2009-2010), Publicity taskforce (2011-2012),
Treasurer GMREB (2013-2015), President of the audit/finance committee (2013-2015), President of
the governance committee (2013-2015), H/R committee (2016-2016), Vice-President GMREB (20152016)
Other relevant information.
Math and income property teacher, agent and broker program (2000-2005), Arbitrator and mediator
for FCIQ (2004-2016), Governor FCIQ (2009-2010), QSC and Matrix ambassador (2010-2011), Media
spokesperson training (2015), Governance committee FCIQ (2015-2016), CREA board member for
Quebec (2015-2017), CREA federal affairs committee (2015-2017), I am fluent in English, French and
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Describe yourself in a few words.
I am trustworthy, dynamic and responsible. I am a firm believer that success is earned
through hard work, integrity and respect.
Mathieu Lacaille
Member code
Agency executive officer
Number of years as a
real estate broker
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
I believe that with my experience, my personality and passion for our work, I could share my
opinion and collaborate to bringing innovative solutions. I would like to participate amongst
other advertising boards to bring new ideas for future campaigns, in order to improve and
promote our profession.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
Being the resource person for about 130 brokers, I have the ability to solve problems
quickly, logically and fairly. The experience gained over the years allows me to express
myself clearly and confidently, to be attentive and to have a broad view on various topics.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
Being a broker with 15 years of experience, I attend several times per year at RE/MAX’s
franchise meetings, where I like to contribute in every possible way.
Other relevant information.
Working hands-on on a daily basis with a large team of brokers, my knowledge about the
laws pertaining to our industry is up to date. Over the years, I have on a regular basis
followed courses pertaining to our business. Always ready to better myself in various ways.
Degree received
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Member code
Real Estate Brocker
Number of years as a
real estate broker
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Degree received
CERIA (Brussels)
Describe yourself in a few words.
As a passionate worker in real estate for the last 18 years, I, like you, am seeing the field being transformed.
As a broker in the field, I feel very concerned by the dangers that we will be facing and I want to participate
in all important decisions that will allow us to promote the place of the Real Estate Broker in the organization, having at heart the sustainability of our professional community. I actively participate in the activities of
the GMREB Groups and in the training sessions that allow us to improve the Real Estate Broker’s reputation
amongst the public. I have the great pleasure to sometimes act as the photographer for these Groups
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
With your support: (vote)
• From within the Board of Directors, I want to support the Member as a Real Estate Broker, to help him
through any hardship and keep on improving our technological resources to stay at the forefront, thereby
enhancing our products to the clients and maintaining our 92% market share in Greater Montreal.
• I want to make the Board the organisation that defends the Broker as an individual, with respect, and ensure
that we have transparent communications between the Board and you, the members! I want the broker to
have a role in the association’s decisions.
•’s public website performance is important to me and I offer solutions to existing irritants.
• I am ready to participate actively in discussions within the Board Directors to promote the fact that a Real
Estate Broker is essential to the customer who wants to buy or sell and I want to promote the cooperation,
that only brokers can bring!
• I just want to listen to YOU to better represent you!
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
Listening - Respect - Sharing – Diversity of ideas - Vision - Innovation - Positive Evolution - Accountability
(act as responsible person!)
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other organization? If
so, which one(s)?
• For the last 2 years, I have been volunteering in the South Shore Group.
• For many years (14 years), I participated in the organization of the Opération Enfant Soleil Telethon at Remax.
Other relevant information.
• I was also part of the Social Committee at Remax Performance.
• Director and organizer of “Courtier Vert” for nearly 3 years.
• Coaching of new brokers in their training.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Member code
Courtier immoblier
Number of years as a
real estate broker
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Degree received
Describe yourself in a few words.
• Enthousiaste et responsable
• Esprit d’analyse, soucieux des échéances et du détail
• Expérience en courtage immobilier
• Expérience en gestion de projets
• Expérience en formation des futures courtiers immobiliers et hypothécaires.
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
Notre métier exige de plus en plus de compétences et de défis auxquels il faut s’adapter au
quotidien. Parmi les moyens que nous sommes appelés à maîtriser, les nouvelles technologies sont au cœur de notre pratique de tous les jours, pour rejoindre un maximum de clients
et de prospects. Avec mon expérience en sciences appliquées et en gestion de projets,
ainsi que mon expérience en enseignement de l’immobilier, j’aimerais participer activement
à l’amélioration de la formation des courtiers et à la bonne gestion de la chambre immobilière du Grand Montréal.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
• Communication : transmettre ses idées et choisir adéquatement la technologie pour
favoriser une bonne performance d’équipe
• Adaptabilité : faire face aux imprévus et trouver les meilleures solutions
• Soutien : faciliter le travail des membres de l’équipe
• Consultation des autres : inspirer confiance et favoriser la collaboration
• Flexibilité interpersonnelle : gérer sainement les différences qui font la différence!
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
Other relevant information.
Formateur en immobilier et entrepreneur.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Michel Marois
Member code
Directeur Agence
Number of years as a
real estate broker
12 ans
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Degree received
Describe yourself in a few words.
Mes 12 années en Courtage Immobilier m’ont permis de gravir tous les échelons, passant d’Agent Immobilier Agréé, à
Propriétaire et Dirigeant d’Agence Immobilière d’une sous-franchise RE/MAX. Présentement, j’exerce mon activité en
tant que Directeur d’Agence. chez BluuGlass Immobilier Inc, et ce nouveau défi prouve l’intérêt sincère que j’ai pour
l’avancement de tous les Courtiers. Je suis un homme disponible, engagé, fiable, intègre, loyal, avec une vision stratégique
qui apprécie le travail d’équipe.
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
Dans un souci de transparence, j’aimerai apporter des lignes conductrices afin de diluer l’information émise au sein du
conseil d’administration pour diriger tous les membres vers des moyens perspicaces afin d’obtenir une satisfaction et une
fierté de faire partie d’un tel organisme fort qui se doit être reconnue par le grand public comme des professionnels sans
contexte du Courtage Immobilier.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
• Faire le pont entre les réalités du marché et les dossiers traités au CA;
• Prôner l’inclusion de tous les membres dans le développement des projets du CA;
• Contribuer à améliorer les services offerts aux membres d’un point de vue crédibilité des courtiers auprès du public;
• Faire valoir le professionnalisme des membres;
• M’assurer que les outils offerts aux membres concordent avec les besoins réels et innovateurs;
• Voir à ce qu’il y ait une meilleure visibilité des inscriptions commerciales
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other organization? If so, which
Membre en règle du Regroupement Commercial Canadien (RCC) depuis plusieurs années, en plus de m’être retrouver
au sein du conseil du Regroupement Commercial de la CIGM comme Bénévole, cette implication et mon dévouement
à toutes leurs activités m’ont permis de faire valoir mes compétences et mes longues expériences au niveau commercial dans tous les secteurs que ce soit le Détail, les Franchises, les bureaux, les Centres d’Achat, la Restauration,
l’Institutionnel, l’industriel et les Super Marché ainsi que les Magasins à Grande Surface.
Other relevant information.
Voici lune partie du résultat d’une Firme reconnue sur ma personnalité
Your behavioral style will cause you to be motivated by certain factors in your environment. Having these present may
make you feel more motivated, and productive. The following are things that you may want in your surroundings to feel
optimally motivated:
• You want decision-making authority equal to the responsibility you are given
• Power, authority, and control to make decisions to achieve successful results.
• People around you who are efficient in getting things done and effective in working with people.
• Air-time to express your ideas and opinions.
• A change-oriented work culture.
• To maintain a level of focus on the big picture and results, not the details and minutia.
• Wants many opportunities to learn various aspects of the organization, industry, and global connections.
• Direct, straight-forward answers to questions.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
Describe yourself in a few words.
Je suis une personne intègre, loyal, soucieux pour mon métier et des choses importantes
de la vie. Je suis très franc et très honnête. Je suis une personne disponible, sympathique
et sportive. Je me lève à 5h45 le matin et je suis très droit dans ma vie.
Member code
Number of years as a
real estate broker
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
Je tiens vraiment à coeur mon métier que j’exerce depuis 16 ans et je compte le faire
jusqu’à ma vieillesse. Je crois fortement en l’immobilier au Québec, il faut cependant
travailler tous ensemble pour garder notre métier et son image auprès des gens et trouver
les meilleures solutions pour y parvenir.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
Mes compétences sont très variées, en voici quelques unes : je suis très fort en publicité,
droit, j’ai de très très bonnes idées à faire partager, je suis disponible et connu auprès de
mes paires. J’ai eu de la chance de pouvoir commencer le métier à 24 ans, donc à 41 ans
j’ai une forte et solide expérience. Je connais tous les rouages du métier.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
Je dirige et préside ma bannière depuis 10 ans. Je fais nos réunions et forme chacun de
mes courtiers que j’ai au... (environ 40). J’assiste aussi les comités de rues en ville pour
promouvoir leur développement.
Other relevant information.
Vous ne serez pas déçu de mes services.
Degree received
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Describe yourself in a few words.
I have been working for 19 years in the east of Montreal’s real estate business. I am always in the
heart of the action and still appreciate the adrenaline of performance. I am well aware that hard
work and perseverance contribute to the development of our abilities ans talents. I enjoy sharing my
knowledge with pairs and am grateful to benefit from the knowledge of others around me.
Michel Tremblay
Member code
Real estate office
manager/real estate agent
Number of years as a
real estate broker
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Degree received
Licensed real estate
agent, condominium
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
For the past two years, I have been a member of the GMREB Board of Directors. Upon my arrival, I
became aware of the amount of pending files and of the fact that so many were accumulating.
I clearly understand the importance of the GMREB when it comes to critical decisions that
influence the profession in Montreal and in the rest of Quebec. I believe that constant improvement
of the Centris tool for members, good management of public relations and improved collaboration
between real estate agents are some of the steps to achieve, what would be my ideal in real estate.
Meaning that, within the next 5 years, 95% of buyers and sellers will perceive the benefits of
working with a real estate agent without having the illusion of economy on transactions when
working without an agent.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
The fact that I am in constantly contact with buyers, sellers and real estate agents, I remain in the
heart of the action in the reality of the real estate business. I see the advantages of certain tools and
the constraints of some regulations that our profession imposes. This direct involvement gives me
the opportunity to hear about and understand the reality of our practice. This allows me to bring to
the Board of Directors’ agenda and to other committees, situations that concern us daily and
ultimately enable us to make sustainable changes.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
• Work group on advertising and public relations
• Work group on the practice of real estate brokerage
• Work group on real estate agent’s offered services and on the integrated communications plan.
Other relevant information.
Many things are worked on and achieved by the GMREB, however only a fraction is known and
recognized by members. One of the challenges I am looking forward to in the next term, is to better
demonstrate the direct and indirect benefits that the GMREB provides to agents.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Member code
Chartered real estate
Number of years as a
real estate broker
In what year did you
become a GMREB
COMPLETED Describe yourself in a few words.
I have been a real estate broker for almost 30 years. I have been able to adapt to all kind of real
estate markets, to all the new generations of clients and to all new technologies. I’m a Team leader
and a Real Estate Coach in a banner in full expansion mode and amazing growth. I like to share my
knowledge and expertise with new brokers. It will be my honour to serve again.
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
I was part of the GMREB Board of Directors from 2005 to 2013. I want to come back to share my
technological knowledge, my communication and public relation skills, as well my networking.
Regularly, I participate in conventions and training to keep me on top and keep me aware of all
those new technologies for the real estate business and new ways to do real estate.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
As mentioned above, my continued training across Canada and the US, allows me to maintain a
global vision of real estate worldwide and have my Montreal colleagues benefit from this knowledge.
My involvement in the Regional Groups for 8 years, will be put to use to help increase the quality of
collaboration in between us as professionals, for the benefit of our clients.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
Absolutely ! Starting in 2000, I was part of the West Island Regional Group. Then in 2005, I was
elected as a member of the Board of Directors for 4 terms. I was the Regional Groups’ President
during those 4 terms. I also participate in other committees during those 8 years. I am an ALC
member (Associates Leadership Council) at KW Urbain. An ALC is the equivalent of a Board of
Other relevant information.
In 2013/2014, I took a Coaching training programme with IPEC, in Toronto. It allowed me to increase
my listening skills and to be able to help my colleagues to perform at higher standards. In fact, at
KW, I’m often invited to coach my colleagues in different agencies, in group, or one-on-one. At the
KW Urbain’s ALC, I’m in charge of the Career Development Committee.
Degree received
Bac es
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Jocelyn Vaillant
Member code
Real estate broker
Number of years as a
real estate broker
In what year did you
become a GMREB
Degree received
B Sc Économie/
M. Urbanisme
Describe yourself in a few words.
Determined and militant summarizes me well. I often say that we must be militant and
believe in our plus value as a real estate broker. I am totally convinced of our important
contribution to the economy and society. One should be “crazy” to go without a real estate
broker. I am determined to work for the defense of brokers as a business group. We have
distinctive advantages I wish to promote publicly.
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
Officer of the GMREB from 2012 to 2014, my main motivation has always been to defend
the interests of brokers, whose only customer is the client. I want to continue to bring
that voice to the board. Which must guide the actions of the GMREB are three principles:
Competition that stimulates, cooperation that strengthens and solidarity that unites. In this
sense, the GMREB must invest in projects that enhance the broker and these 3 principles.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
My academic and professional career has always focused on the analysis of socioeconomic
factors that determine residential choices. Graduated Bachelor of Economic Science and a
Masters in Urban Planning, i am a Real Estate Broker since 2003. Before that, I was a
journalist, reporter and editor in TV production and researcher for socioeconomic studies.
I have been interested in the housing business for over 25 years. I am also concerned by
real estate law. I believe that to be an an Officer and a real estate broker requires varied
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
I was officer of the GMREB from May 2012 to February 2014. I participated in committees
of advertising and governance.
Other relevant information.
An organization like the GMREB must constantly renew itself and try new approaches. For
years now, we have been finger pointing to the public the risks of not doing a real estate
transaction with a broker. By doing so, we have been reducing to silence the real advantages of doing business with a broker and all the other aspects of our role in the transaction.
The risk for us is that the consumer eventually forget our reason for being.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
See the candidate’s video
Describe yourself in a few words.
I am a Commercial and Residential Real Estate Broker, able to work on my own. Celebrating my 30th
year in Real Estate, I wish to make a difference. We need to protect our profession and reinforce our
position in the real estate market. I am proactive and I have a positive outlook regarding our future.
Gail Walker
Member code
Commercial and
Residential Real Estate
Number of years as a
real estate broker
In what year did you
become a GMREB
High school
Degree received
Why would you like to be involved as a Director of the GMREB?
I have a desire to get involved and help our profession by becoming a director for the GMREB. With
your vote, I will focus on the following items;
• Reinforcing the importance of hiring a broker in both Commercial and Residential Real Estate.
• Lobby to abolish the Uber style unregulated illegal Real Estate companies.
• Promote and encourage employment opportunities with the various commercial Real estate cor
porations for our members.
• Encourage all Commercial Brokerage Agencies and their Brokers to join the GMREB.
• Add more tools to Matrix to include marketing tools such as post cards, expired listing letters,
FSBO letters and add internet tools for posting Centris listings on Facebook, LinkedIn etc.
Should you vote for me, I promise to make it my mission to find ways to make your day to day life as
a Real Estate Brokers easier and lobby to create additional opportunities in the corporate world for
our members.
What skills will you bring to the Board of Directors?
I have extensive Real Estate knowledge in commercial and residential real estate.
Have you ever been involved in one or more of the GMREB’s committees, or in any other
organization? If so, which one(s)?
Other relevant information.
My professional experience includes the following:
• Transaction Manager – Brookfield Johnson Controls – Major Bank Institution – Lease renewal,
office leasing for BLJC.
• Real Estate Specialist – Rogers Communication – Telecommunication Sites – Lease renewal,
Special projects, third party lease agreements
• New Development Coordinator- Maestro Management – Allegro Senior Housing
• Real Estate Coordinator- Look Communications - Multi Residential Lease negotiation
• Administrator property management- Olympia and York = Major account National Food Chain
• Group Sutton Clodem, Re/max Future, La Capital, and Le Permanent –Affiliated Real Estate Agent.
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1
Candidates for the 2016
GMREB Election
1. Ginette Beardsell, Profusion Immobilier
10. Mathieu Lacaille, RE/MAX Imagine
2. Nathalie Bégin, RE/MAX Ambiance
11. Marie-Pierre Lecat, L’Expert Immobilier PM
3. Maxime Béland, Via Capitale Centre
12. Mohamed Mafhoum, Libres-services immobiliers
4. Alphons Beshay, Réseau Immobilier ADRESZ
13. Michel Marois, BluuGlass Immobilier
5. Sylvie Blouin, Royal LePage Tradition
14. Nicolas Roverselli, Plateau Immobilier
6. André Campeau, RE/MAX du Cartier
15. Michel Tremblay, Via Capitale Est de Montréal MT
7. Mathieu Cousineau, Groupe Sutton Synergie
8. Bachir Estephan, Libres-services immobiliers
16. Marie-France Vachon, Keller Williams Urbain
17. Jocelyn Vaillant, Via Capitale du Mont-Royal
9. Sylvain Girard, Compas immobilier
18. Gail Walker, Gail Walker
Results will be announced in the afternoon of
April 1, 2016, on the GMREB Website:
Elected Directors will begin their term following the
GMREB Annual General Meeting, which will be held on
April 13, 2016. ( members’ section )
2016 GMREB Election
March 28 to April 1