Iscritti_EOJ_tutti (3).xlsx
Iscritti_EOJ_tutti (3).xlsx
Entry Form European Open Junior Agility 2014 Reference Number Referenz-Nummer Numéro de référence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 Country Land Pays Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Austria Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Handler Country Capped Surname Nachname Nom Nikou Nikou Gorisek Charvath Frühwirth Frühwirth Gezgin Hendling Hendling Kladensky Mathis Rissling Rissling Rösner Strassl Wolfmayr Wolfmayr Charvath Ender Gezgin Gezgin Gezgin Horvath Jantschgi Kirchtag Charvath Gorisek Jantschgi Lappi Schlenker Bonte Bonte De Groote De Groote Heremans Hermans Tamy Bonte Coopmans Hermans Ledoupe Ledoupe Ledoupe Prezzi Prezzi Tonglet Tonglet Tonglet Tonglet Andrea Coopmans De Backer De Backer De Backer Name Vorname Prénom Lena Lena Julia Madelaine Viki Viki Jakub Janine Janine Karoline Ramona Diana Diana Sabrina Fiona Julian Julian Isabelle Julia Jasemin Jasemin Jakub Carina Anna Lisa Isabelle Ramona Anna Robin Rebekka Tamy Tamy Imany Imany Caro Caro Bonte Tamy Renske Tobe Florence Florence Florence Andrea Andrea Marine Marine Marine Marine Prezzi Renske Rebekka Rebekka Rebekka Child or Junior Kind / Junior Enfant / junior Child Child Child Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Category Kategorie Catégorie S S S L L L L L L L L L L L L L L M M M M M M M M S S S S S L L L L L L L S L L L L L L L L L L L M M M M S Dog's Nickname Rufname des Hundes Surnom du chien Angel Paige Jeremy Onja Elodie Lucy Fleur Amigo Sly Marlo Dinah Spotty Josie Finn Akira Unity Zury Emil Bajuma Isa Maya Kira Justin Brownie Roby Naomi Luna Fly Zazou Maja kadi Quipassa Justme Enjoy Innez Boroya Efleece Jipsy Kipling Faja Jess Jupiter Kyesko Benji Hoa Hyuma Ioko Lexy Lollypop Swiffer Elly Dog Dog's Name Hundename Nom du Chien Summerblossom Angel Face Una piccolla of Snowdrift Onja von Eickenberg Elodie vom Sonnigen Garten Diva de la Fleur of Magic Garden Alcide Herveaux of Daniels Dream Sylvester of Jennifers Bonfire Lovely Worcaholics Magic Marlo Akira von Maria Plain Unity of Jennifers Bonfire Zury Ann of Jennifers Bonfire Emil Espino vom Kärntnerland Bajuma vom Schmugglerpfad Isa Anjou von Haskerhüs Just-In-Time Fantasy Island Basic Brown of America Naomi Blue vom Kärntnerland Highland Moon of loveley children Fly Over Kiss Me Kadi Quipassa van Nikaron Justme Reviresco's Enjoy Van de galeystukken Innez Boroya Dreamer Efleece Queendy's Jipsy Kipling Faja Jess du Domaine Ponti Jupiter du Domaine Ponti Kitacan's Kyesko Benji Hoa Hyuma Ioko Des Fiers Cadors Lexy-T Modèle Déposé Lollypop Amazing velocity cruise control Swiffer Culzean Castle Hoyden O'the heather Revival Biz Dablovy Stidanky Elly Black of Sprighliness Sex of dog Gesclecht Sexe F F M F F F F M M M F F F M F F F M F F F F M M M F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F M M M F F F F F M F M F F Breed Rasse Race Kavalier King Charles Spaniel Kavalier King Charles Spaniel Zwergpudel Belg. Tervueren Border Collie Border X Schapendoes Border Collie Border Collie ASK o.A. Aussie X Border X Border Collie Border Collie Border Collie Border Collie Sheltie Mudi Schapendoes Mischling Mischling Chinese Crested Dog Hairless Sheltie Mischling Sheltie Zwergpudel Epagneul Nain Continental Französische Bulldog Mischling Border Collie Tervurense herder Border Collie Border Collie Border Collie Border Collie Border Collie Shetland Sheepdog Border Collie Border Collie Tervurense herder Tervurense Herder Border Collie Border Collie Border Collie Border Collie Mechelse herder Border Collie Lakense Herder Shetland Sheepdog Engelse Cocker Shetland Sheepdog Shetland Sheepdog Shetland Sheepdog Team Name Mannschaftsname Nom de l'équipe Austrias Jumping Champions Austrian Gigants Austrian Gigants Austrias fast and furious Austrian Vikinger Austrian Vikinger Austrian Unstoppables Austrias fast and furious Austrian Unstoppables Austrias Drifting Paws Austrias fast and furious Austrias fast and furious Austrias Drifting Paws Austrias Drifting Paws Austrias Drifting Paws Austrian Vikinger Austrian Vikinger Austrian Avengers Austrias Jumping Champions Austrian Hot Dogs Austrian Avengers Austrian Hot Dogs Austrian Hot Dogs Austrian Avengers Austrian Avengers Austrian Hot Dogs Austrian Gigants Austiras Jumping Champions Austrias Jumping Champions Austrian Gigants Belgium Team 5 Large Belgium Team 6 Large Belgium Team 6 Large Belgium Team 3 Large Belgium Team 6 Large Belgium Team 3 Large Belgium Team 3 Large Belgium Team 1 Small/Medium Belgium Team 4 Large Belgium Team 3 Large Belgium Team 5 Large Belgium Team 7 Large Belgium Team 4 Large Belgium Team 5 Large Belgium Team 6 Large Belgium Team 7 Large Belgium Team 5 Large Belgium Team 4 Large Belgium Team 7 Large Belgium Team 2 Small/Medium E.O Team Small/Medium Belgium Team 2 Small/Medium Belgium Team 1 Small/Medium Belgium Team 1 Small/Medium 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 Belgium Belgium Belgium Belgium Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Croatia Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Czech Republic Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland Finland France France France France France France FRANCE France France France France France France FRANCE Heremans Jamoule Merlin Merlin Blažević Blažević Pavlović Pavlović Lukin Krstić Krstić Stilinović Stilinović Stilinović Benešová Dobiáš Petirová Klepalová Machotka Neumanová Bradáčová Černý Macibobová Pospíšilová Pospíšilová Dolejší Juřicová Psotková Snášilová Sommerová Šťastná Ilkanič Machová Martišová Šipková Šonská Šonská Špidlenová Heino Heino Heino Pulli Pulli Kuula Kuula Kuula Berglund Berglund Bailly Bultel Le Bihan Le Peltier Leisser Leisser Liochon Liochon Maurice Nicolas Prouve Marchal Bailly Tobe Kelly Milou Milou Anja Anja Ana Ana Anđela Ela Ela Ana Ana Ana Adéla Jakub Lucie Adéla Dominik Kateřina Magdalena Jan Vanda Anna Anna Vendula Markéta Dorota Tereza Denisa Sabina Filip Dominika Tereza Anna Kristyna Karolina Lenka Helena Helena Helena Elsi Elsi Sini-Maria Sini-Maria Sini-Maria Kim Kim Melissa Camille Nina Justine Matylde Matylde Naomie Maeva Loriane Kateline Julie Melissa Junior Junior Junior Junior child child child child child junior junior junior junior junior Child Child Child Child Child Child Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Junior Junior Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti S S S S L L M M S L L L L S L L L S S S L L L L L M M M M M M S S S S S S S L L L M M S S S M M L L L L L L L L L L L M Konan Jenna Quint Turbo Leeloo Will Berda Nala Teri Bea Bailey Ris Wai Dex Derby Indy Amy Jess Cheery Stella Elza Tami Roxy Jade Roca Gina Danny Falco Denny Arísek Endy Sony Aimee Mája Flurry Jessie Zora Leon Elvis Pink Sissi Skitso Didi Nana Ida Olga Spike Peski Eaven Ihatis Chipie Nuage Schubert Hattor Bella Excel Tonkawa Diane Ena Faraneiht Konan Jenna Little Fantasy King Bassie's Quick Quinton Turbo Leeloo Noonbarra Will Berda Lu Slavonski Brod Teri Rina Petrovi Dvori Tia Petrovi Dvori Mawlch Ris Mawlch Wai Dexter Čupava Pahuljica By Way Alkyra Indiana Jones Aibara Europe Bohemia Patrix Jessý Cheery Cinderella's Ranch Stella Elza Fešák Batumi The Guardians of Albion Axy Renčín Ranč Jade Hrdlička Roca Gulden Land Gina Danny od Belinky Fact Black Z Dáblovy Studánky Denny A3Ch Aramis Z Ploužnické stáje Onyx Diamond z Altheyrosei Bronson Black Bohemia Willow A3Ch Aimee z Částkova Gray Chagy Lenfir Flurry Gold Lenfír Jessie Zora Leon od Prachovských skal Nexocan Eroder Nexocan Fuxia Sensen Mann Larissa Mustantassun April Mustantassun Penelope Kuusikartanon Nemesis Scandyline Chasing The Dream Scandyline Black Saphire Sleepless Big Brother Sleepless Dickery Dickery Dare Des Gardians Fauves Objibwa's Des plaines de Brotonne Du Grands Champ dAubertans M F M M F M F F M F F M F M F M F F F F F F F F F F M M M M M M F F F F F M F F F F F F F F M M F F F F M F F F F F F F Shetland Sheepdog Shetland Sheepdog Jack russell Terrier Keeshond mixbreed australian kelpie croatian sheepdog croatian sheepdog maltese border collie border collie croatian sheepdog border collie miniature schnauzer border collie border collie border collie Jack Russell terrier Jack Russell terrier schnauzer mini border collie border collie border collie border collie border collie beagle sheltie sheltie cocker spaniel kooikerhondje poodle poodle cavalier King Charles spaniel sheltie sheltie Jack Russell terrier Jack Russell terrier schipperke German Shepherd German Shepherd German Shepherd Mudi Mudi Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Shetland Sheepdog Shetland Sheepdog Shetland Sheepdog Shetland Sheepdog Border Collie Berger belge tervueren Border Collie Border Collie Croisé Berger belge malinois Berger Blanc suisse Border Collie Nova Scotia Border Collie Berger de Brie Shetland Belgium Team 1 Small/Medium E.O Team Small/Medium Belgium Team 2 Small/Medium Belgium Team 2 Small/Medium Croatia 2 Croatia 3 Croatia 1 Croatia 1 Croatia 1 Croatia 3 Croatia 2 Croatia 3 Croatia 2 Croatia 1 Czech Large 2 Czech Large 2 Czech Large 1 Czech Mini 4 Czech Mini 3 Czech Mini 3 Czech Large 1 Czech Large 1 Czech Large 2 Czech Large 1 Czech Large 2 Czech Mini 4 Czech Mini 2 Czech Mini 1 Czech Mini 2 Czech Mini 1 Czech Mini 1 Czech Mini 3 Czech Mini 3 Czech Mini 1 Czech Mini 4 Czech Mini 4 Czech Mini 2 Czech Mini 2 The Maxi Flying Finns The Maxi Flying Finns The Maxi Flying Finns The Medi Flying Finns The Medi Flying Finns The Mini Flying Finns The Mini Flying Finns The Mini Flying Finns The Medi Flying Finns The Medi Flying Finns The Team Border Collie The Team Border Collie The Team Border Collie Les P'tits Diables Les Sakapuss Les P'tits Diables Les Sakapuss Les Spidigirls Les Spidigirls Hakuna Matata 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France France GER GER GER GER GER GER GER GER GER GER GER GER GER GER GER GER GER FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE FRANCE Creuzet Detony Levy Liochon Meyer Liochon Melain Meyer Muller Benetruy Benetruy Benoit Benoit Blanc Costes Costes Craig D'Araujo Favier Fontaine Fontaine Hahn La Monica Legrand Lemonnier Loizeau Louche Thil Catillon Craig Fertig Giraud La Monica Lachaud Loizeau Perrin Ravel Sieca Wattecamps Blanc Jacquot Heinen Stein Geier Geier Heinen Jägerfeld Schlathölter Berndt Berndt Blanco Blanco Egler Ewers Gudd Hundt-Goldbach Knegendorf Wahrenberg Morgane Adrien Juliette Maéva Maureen Naomie Mathilde Maureen Nathan Emilie Emilie Audrey Audrey Amélie Alexia Alexia Cassandra Marine Pauline Anna Anna Paula Cindy Thomas Rachel Max Fanny Claire Célestin Cassandra Maud Léna Cindy Samantha Max Marilou Jehanne Anne Lucas Amélie Amandine Alea Johanna Janine Jessica Alea Carlotta Phoebe Teresa Teresa Paula Paula Alina Kristina Angelina Sebastian Arabella Max Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Cadetti Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Juniores Child Child Child Child Child Child Child Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior M M M M M S S S S L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L M M M M M M M M M M M S S M M S S S S S L L L L L L L L L L Aramis Arthus Galaxie Brune Estive Early Domino Gessy Elliot Queen Ginger Flame Vanille Good Keep Chado Express Cannon Ball Black Enjoy Cartoon G'Joey Xs airtime Girl Chanel Delta Chouia Deryn Galaxy Girl Eisho Forest Gump Caline Gold Bye Inaya Farine Ely Osita Black Pearl (Buffy) Eros Demon Black Bouly Homer Dyumna Cobalt Gailor Brown Biloutte Calin Comete Rêve Etoilé Bounty Easy Idefix Jerry Cookie Pixel Lufefe Eddy Fly Dancer Lane Yara Sly Chelsea Billy Delilah Sammy du Domaine de Lauced Du Cèdre Enchanté De la Fontégude Blue Celtics Mercury Fox Ice Queen Des Hauts de Malforêt Des Rives du Lagon Bleu De la Chaumière d'Hénélia Du Domaine du Vauroux Atlein for Stix Dei Matiblu Des Crocs de Provence Des Récits de Basho De l'attrapeur des Rêves Des Rives du Bauzon Du Ribaudeau De la Ribera del Genil Du Grands Champ d'Aubertans Du Royaume d'Angélique des Sirènes enchantées Du Grands Champ dAubertans Du Jardin d'Angélique Des Marais de Courmont Des Perles Noires Des Romarins de Mayerling Blue Bounty vom Klostertal Irresistable Blue Isabelle of Burning Mountain XXL Pixel vom Volkersberg Excellent Choice Jumping for Joy Eddy von der Mühlbachquelle JB Black Saphirs Dream Dancer Lane from the narrow lane Optimum Sly von den Kleinen Helden Chelsea Billy the Kid vom Schuttertäler Tal Delilah (Kneggendorf) Cross Country´s Tomax`Sam M F F M M F M F F F F F M M F F M F F F F F F M M F F F F F F M M M M F M M F M F M F M M F F F M M M F F M F M F M Schnauzer Shetland Berger des Pyrénées Shetland Fox terrier Shetland X Spitz Fox terrier Caniche Border Collie Border collie Border Collie Berger australien Border Collie Border Collie Berger belge malinois Berger australien Berger australien Border Collie Border Collie Border collie Border Collie Border Collie Berger belge malinois Berger australien Croisé Border Collie Border Collie Shipperke Chien d'eau espagnol Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Shetland Caniche nain Jack Russel terrier Shipperke Shetland Sheltie Sheltie Mix Mix Mix Papillon Sheltie Border Collie Mix Australian Shepherd Border Collie Mix Malinois Border Collie Border Collie Mix Australian Shepherd The Smalls Players SM The Smalls Players Fast and furious dog Black and Brown Les P'tits Diables Les Sakapuss Black and Brown Fast and furious dog Black and Brown Les P'tits Diables Les Spidigirls Fast and furious dog Black and Brown The Team Border Collie Les Sakapuss Fast and furious dog Les Spidigirls SM The Smalls Players Hakuna Matata L'élite L'élite L'élite The Smalls Players L'élite SM Hakuna Matata SM Hakuna Matata GPS German Power Sweeties German Energy Racers German Energy Racers GPS German Power Sweeties GPS German Power Sweeties GPS German Power Sweeties Hot Dogs Germany Mission (Im)possible no team right now Mission (Im)possible 100% Animalisch 100% Animalisch Mission (Im)possible 100% Animalisch Mission (Im)possible 100% Animalisch 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 GER GER GER GER GER GER Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary Hungary ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA Illyés Illyés Hagyó Kovács Hagyó Csatlós Csatlós Engelmann Kosmehl Müller Pottrick Heinen Pottrick Enikő Enikő Dorina Borbála Dorina Petra Petra ALESSIO VERNI' CAPURRO D'URBANO PINCHETTI ROSSI RUIZ SCULATI FERRERO FRIGERIO RICCI RIZZA RUIZ LOGINOTTI OSELLA PASOTTI BEDESCHI LOI BERETTA BORAGNO BRAGLIA CHIARAMONTI CHIARAMONTI D'AVINO FERRARI LAGO LEMOINE MILITTO PAGLIA RICCI ROSSI SCAPICCHIO SILIGARDI SIMIONATO VIOTTI CERVELLIN GIORIO MILITTO MORONI MORONI NOVELLI REMONDINA ROSSI SERAFIN TANGANELLI VITONE Sarah Casandra Johanna Robin Luca Robin Illyés Illyés Hagyó Kovács Hagyó Csatlós Csatlós Giorgia Sara Camilla Beatrice Francesca Sara Chiara Norma Michela Thomas Valentina Marco Giada Alessandra Pietro Federica Giulia Giulia Matteo Eleonora Ginevra Ginevra Serena Giorgia Stefania Gabriella Flavia Giulia Jacopo Giulia Asia Emanuele Eleonora Beatrice Greta Claudia Flavia Rebecca Rebecca Matteo Davide Giulia Giovanna Giulia Marta Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Children Children Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior child child child child child child child child child child child child child child child children Children junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior M M M M S S L L L M S S S L L L L L L L M M M M M S S S M M L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L M M M M M M M M M M M Era Jule Piet Wishes Fly Twister Maya Leia Maggie Bojtár Brida Rasco Tappancs GINGER OMBRA DORY LUNA TEO WAVE DEXTER QUEEN LAPO NORI KORA MELMAN CLEO STELLINA BALTO FIAMMA LEMONSODA PUPPY BOY TEA CELINE GUS NIKITA CIUCO JUAN CARLOS JEAN SYRA IRA DEHA QUINCY LAIKA ANGEL TANGO SELLY ASIA TOAST HOGAN MAX LARA LINDA WOODY SUGO NUTELLA ZOE BERRY TANGO Era del Pipa Casita Beauty Succession´s Parker Jones Wishes (Pottrick) Odessa Black of Silver Shadow Twister (Pottrick) Black Bee of Fierce Copoeira Love of Scotland Deep in My Heart Lucky for you Image Homokháti Fürge Zengő Nardai Hurrikán Bea Beauty Power Dogs Rasco GINGER OMBRA DORY CLARABELLA TEO WAVE DEL MULINO PRUDENZA DEXTER IN THE DARK VIBAS QUEEN ORANGE LAPO NORIUKI DEL BIAGIO KORA DEI CONSORTI MELMAN CLEOPATRA STELLINA BALTO FIAMMA LEMONSODA SUGAR FREE TEODOLINDA OF SPIRITS' DOG CELINE GUS NIKITA SHADOWWHITE JUAN CARLOS LUI BALLA CON I BILLY JEAN SYRA J E' UNA MAGIA MARATEA DEL SOGNO ANTICO QUINCY DELOS LAIKA NICHITA TANGO IN THE NIGHT SELLY ASIA TOAST BUGS BUNNY JUMPS ON THE MOON MAX LARA LINDA PRINCE OF SUNLIGHT WONDERBOY SUGO Glow In The Dark du Forestland ZOE DREWBARRYMORE TANGO F F M F F M F F F M F M M F F F F M M F F M M F F F F M F F M F F M F M M M F F F M F F M F F M M M F F M M F F F M Perro de Agua Espanol Mix Beagle Miniature American Shepherd Sheltie Miniature American Shepherd Border Collie Border Collie Border Collie Mudi Border Terrier Papyllon Mixbreed MIXBREED GOLDEN RETRIEVER MIXBREED BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE PARSON RUSSEL MIXBREED SHIBA INU FOX TERRIER MIXBREED MIXBREED MIXBREED MIXBREED PARSON RUSSEL TERRIER BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE MIXBREED BORDER COLLIE GOLDEN RETRIEVER BORDER COLLIE MIXBREED BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE MIXBREED BORDER COLLIE PASTORE DELLE SHETLAND PASTORE DELLE SHETLAND COCKER SPANIEL INGLESE MIXBREED MIXBREED SHETLAND MIXBREED PASTORE DELLE SHETLAND MIXBREED PASTORE DELLE SHETLAND STAFFORDSHIRE BULL TERRIER Hot Dogs Germany German Energy Racers Hot Dogs Germany German Energy Racers Hot Dogs Germany Hungarian L Hungarian L Hungarian L Hungarian SM Hungarian SM Hungarian SM Hungarian SM ITALIA 5 ITALIA 5 ITALIA 5 ITALIA 3 ITALIA 2 ITALIA 1 ITALIA 8 ITALIA 8 ITALIA 12 ITALIA 14 ITALIA 10 ITALIA 10 ITALIA 10 ITALIA 10 ITALIA 12 ITALIA 11 ITALIA 6 ITALIA 3 ITALIA 1 ITALIA 2 ITALIA 6 ITALIA 4 ITALIA 5 ITALIA 6 ITALIA 2 ITALIA 6 ITALIA 3 ITALIA 4 ITALIA 3 ITALIA 4 ITALIA 4 ITALIA 1 ITALIA 1 ITALIA 9 ITALIA 9 ITALIA 7 ITALIA 14 ITALIA 8 ITALIA 14 ITALIA 8 ITALIA 9 ITALIA 12 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA ITALIA Lithuania Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg Luxembourg netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands netherlands Norway Norway Norway Norway Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland Poland ZANOTTO BELOTTI CAMIS CERVELLIN CONTE RAGNOLI REMONDINA RUBALTELLI SCAPICCHIO SCAPICCHIO STEVANELLA ZANOTTO VECCHIA GALLIANI Diminskaite Schiltz Meyer Nenno Nenno Hastert Hastert louwen louwen tunders tunders v/d heiligenberg v/d heiligenberg folbert folbert jaspers jaspers mittemeijer mittemeijer provoost tunders tunders van ginneken van ginneken vogelaar minten minten van ginneken Himle Johannessen Himle Johannessen Kaplińska Felczak Ołubek Pieniak Pieniak Wiertel Wiertel Dziwińska Felczak Felczak Gryglas Pieniak Silvia Morgan Renata Greta Anna Greta Davide Noemi Asia Asia Martina Silvia Gabriele Linda Greta Becky Tanja Yannick Yannick Laura Laura tim tim feline feline nikky sanne iris iris jason jason kyandro kyandro cheyenne alwin alwin wessel wessel wesley bart bart wessel Ina Amalie Ina Amalie Zuzanna Zuzanna Monika Michał Michał Magdalena Magdalena Judyta Zuzanna Zuzanna Katarzyna Michał junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior M S S S S S S S S S S S L Junior Child Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior child child child child child child junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Child Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior L S L L L M S L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L L M M S M M S S S L L L L L L M M M S S JEANS MAYA PUCK JAS KIRA GEMMA VAPE PACO HOLLY OMBRA KODA GIUSY SHONIK LAILA Qiri Dizzy Tinka Quanah Jeys Hina Jayjay kamatz alina cadie tico kimmie magic Kono tommy haley misty djitly ulani tyco Flame mekx Elroy High Five Djimber jade pepper zazou jazzybelle Kee Montana Dingo Visa Chanti Buzz Magic Benek Fleur Whisky Patch Tobi Ares Gandi Nana Eli BLUEJEANS WILD MAYA DI QUARIO RONDO PUCK DEL PIERVEZ JASMINA MYSIA ZAGLADA KIRA VAN GLENALAN LITTLE GEM VA PENSIERO DI VAL ROVERE PACO HOLLY OMBRANY PS DI CASA SAVIO KODA GIUSY ALDEBARAN DELLA LINEA DEI PENSIERI LAILA Eloisa Qiri Made In z Dablovy Studanky vom Islandhof Quanah - Crazy Wolf von Sumelocenna Touch the Snow Fantastic Jeys kamatz Tunwill's alina italian soul Tunwill's curious cadie Tunwill's Mr Bombastic Mr fantastic Dreaming angel v/d Wilbam Nice of you to come bye Deal or no Deal Amduki's Black Pearl Kono tommy haley made of sunbeams misty feelin dreams kiara lynn tyco Armati's Feet of Flame Armati's Go Ginger Flying Mekx Armati's Extrabrilliant Elroy Djimber Armati's funky freestyler jade pepper zazou jazzybelle Personlighetens Tommy C Krohnegården's Montana J4 Joy Roikie`s Billy The Kid Solkrip's tiffani CHANTI Edera Canis ARISCO LOBO Locolindo BLACK MAGIC Dynamic Quest Absolute Beginner BC Vangeldis Shakti Se F'Grande Fuoco Eli Way Amica Amore Shakti Se F'reex Be My Patch WINNIE THE PUFF RESURUSS Ares GHANDI Surdykowska FCI Nana Eleila znad Antałowskiego Potoku M F M F F F M M F F M F M F F F F M M F M M F F M F F F M F F F F M F F M M F M M F M F M F F M M M F F M M M M F F PARSON RUSSEL JACK RUSSEL TERRIER ZWERGPINCHER PARSON RUSSEL JACK RUSSEL TERRIER PASTORE DELLE SHETLAND PASTORE DELLE SHETLAND MIXBREED MIXBREED ZWERGSCHNAUZER JACK RUSSEL TERRIER MIXBREED BORDER COLLIE MIXBREED Groenendael Sheltie Mini Aussie Border Collie Border Collie Sheltie Welsh Corgi Mix sheperd bordercollie bordercollie bordercollie bordercollie bordercollie bordercollie mix bordercollie bordercollie bordercollie bordercollie bordercollie bordercollie bordercollie bordercollie bordercollie bordercollie sheltie pyrenee sheltie Sheltland Sheepdog Sheltland Sheepdog Shetland Sheepdog Sheltland Sheepdog cavalier king Charles spaniel border collie border collie border collie border collie border collie border collie chinese creasted sheltie mix shetland sheepdog mixbreed shetland sheepdog ITALIA 14 ITALIA 11 ITALIA 13 ITALIA 7 ITALIA 11 ITALIA 9 ITALIA 13 ITALIA 7 ITALIA 7 ITALIA 13 ITALIA 11 ITALIA 13 ITALIA 2 ITALIA 12 Roude Léiw 1 Roude Léiw 2 Roude Léiw 2 Roude Léiw 2 Roude Léiw 1 Roude Léiw 1 netherlands 3 netherlands 5 netherlands 4 netherlands 1 netherlands 4 netherlands 3 netherlands 1 netherlands 4 netherlands 2 netherlands 5 netherlands 3 netherlands 1 netherlands 2 netherlands 2 netherlands 1 netherlands 2 netherlands 3 netherlands 5 Little Dutch Little Dutch Little Dutch Visa vs MonKee Visa vs MonKee Visa vs MonKee Visa vs MonKee Poland Medium&Small Poland Large team international - to be completed Poland Large Poland Large Poland Large team international - to be completed team international - to be completed Poland Medium&Small Poland Medium&Small team international - to be completed Poland Medium&Small 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 Portugal Portugal Slovakai Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakia Slovakie Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia Slovenia SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN SPAIN Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Sousa Sousa Štěpánková Koleňáková Kolevová Hanzlová Kolevová Koníková Melknerová Neumann Neumann Dermeková Hanzelová Hanzelová Koníková Koníková Majtánová Melknerová Neumann Papcunová Peleš Simanová Popovičová Ivaskova Ivaskova Némethová Goricanec Korosec Korosec Misic Pokorn Portir Troha Horvat Kramberger Misic Glazer Mezek Mezek Glazer Krajnik CHINCHILLA BRICEÑO GARCIA BAJO FORTUNY GARCIA MICÓ FORTUNY Burgos Burnier Golay Mettraux Risi Sandri Scheiwiller Tabourat Théodoloz João João Táňa Soňa Margaréta Margaréta Margaréta Lucia Barbora Peter Peter Andrea Veronika Veronika Lucia Lucia Adriána Barbora Peter Michaela Marek Veronika Karin Sonja Sonja Dóra Lana Masha Masha Simona Ingrid Aleksandra Anja Anja Spela Simona Valentina Nika Nika Valentina Brina ELENA MARTA ANDREA ADRIAN NÚRIA ANDREA VICENTE NÚRIA Melinda Orlane Lydia Anne Lukas Moana Valeria Simon Maëlle junior junior junior Child Child child Child junior junior junior junior Junior junior junior junior junior Junior junior Junior Junior junior Junior Junior junior junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Kids Kids Kids Kids Kids Child Child Child Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior L L S L M S L L M M M S S S S S S S S S S S L M S L L L L L L L L M S S L M M S S L S S L L L L M L L L L L L L L L Nell TEO Fly Ebby Paula Kaira Connie Nelly Vivien Vivien Baška Kasey Kasey Veverka Veverka Momo Dorothy Jackie Icei Moly Mulan Sarah Ella Heidi Ria Irio Ferris Aba Moon Dixie Lisa Vicky Dona Tay Neli Tom Demi Emily Buffy Ruj BURUNDI DE LOS CERROS DEL QUINTO MAGIA NATA SUCRE FÚRIA BAMBA LUNA DANA DEL PETIT ALIPAC Kalou Saian Cantu Soline Gwyn Destiny Zona Xcell Maya São Roque Toffy Stradi Teo Bubble Terra Vera Ebby Daisy World Paula Little rascal Věropa Kaira Black Chevers Connie Nelly Viva Hunderlov Viva Hunderlov Anuschka Bashi Land Krystal White Yrtep Krystal White Yrtep Call me an Angel Verný tieň Call me an Angel Verný tieň Andante Momo Magnolia PassCo Kontra Fiery Lucifer Jackie ICE LADY Jandaluz Moly Mulan Sarah Elis Hunderlov Hedera Zlata Fantazia Vitality Poseidon Spiridom Irio Ferris Seta del Oro Leangi Pima Andante Andante Eclipse of the Moon Afterglow Carr Spot Ovčarska Lisa Jolly Vicky from Doggone Borders Dona Tay Neli Tom Demi Ankaranska Emily Ankaranska Buffy Hudourniški Bobby Brown BURUNDI MAGIA NATA SUCRE FÚRIA BAMBA LUNA HANNA Kalou Up Saian von Böhmerwald Cantu Soline of Oreska Moon Brenda vom Riedbach-Weideland Destiny MagicProud's Arizona Roadtrip Xcell del Mulino Prudenza Maya F F M F F F F F F F F F F F F F M F F F F F F F F F M M F M M F F F M F M F F M M M F F F F F F F M M M F F F F F F border collie border collie Schnauser Border collie Parson Russell Terrier Poodle Border Collie Border Collie Beagle Foxterrier smooth Foxterrier smooth Cairn terrier pudel pudel Shetland Collie Shetland Collie Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Border terrier Jack russel terrier Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Toy caniche Mix Border collie Foxterrier smooth Shetland Collie Border Collie Border collie Border collie Bearded Collie Border collie Border collie Mix Border collie Mix Mix Mix Mix Cocker spaniel Cocker spaniel Papillon Jack Russel Terrier SPANISH DOG WATER Shetland Sheepdog JACK RUSSELL BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE BORDER COLLIE POODLE Border Collie Chodsky Border Collie Border Collie Border Collie Border Collie Australian Shepherd Border Collie Golden X Tervuren Sousa Power Sousa Power Slovakia I Slovakia IV Slovakia III Slovakia III Slovakia IV Free team/Slovakia V Slovakia III Waiting list/Slovakia V Waiting list/Slovakia V Slovakia II Slovakia V Slovakia V Waiting list/Free team Waiting list/Free team Slovakia II Slovakia III Slovakia I Slovakia II Slovakia I Slovakia I Slovakia IV Free team/Slovakia V Slovakia II Slovakia IV SPAIN LARGE SPAIN-USA small SPAIN-USA small International team??? SPAIN LARGE SPAIN LARGE SPAIN LARGE SPAIN-USA small Swiss Large Team 3 Swiss Large Team 3 Swiss Large Team 3 Swiss Large Team 1 Swiss Large Team 2 Swiss Large Team 2 Swiss Large Team 1 Swiss Large Team 3 Swiss Large Team 4 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss Swiss USA Wyss Burgos Dely Oberholzer Boutellier Hostettler Kaysel Mauroux Metzler Metzler Schori Hediger Hediger Stieger Vögeli Golay Pollien Boeufvé Mozzetti Raetzo McMahon ONEIL Alina Mélinda Corane Nico Michelle Nina Deborah Alicia Inya Inya Tanja Stephanie Stephanie Céline Deborah Cynthia Eliot Chloé Lisanna Laura Keelya CLAIRE Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Junior Kind Kind Kind Kind Kind Kind Kind Kind Kind Kinder Child or Junior L M M M S S S S S S S L L L L M M S S S L M Shino Minnie Diamis Aiko Sharuk Figaro Benvenuto Black Lady Lagoa Artax Speiky Heaven Jive Shiva Shadow DJ Chipie Dounut Alba Ice Clay AMA Shino Aussielove's Minnie Ambre de Forellois Aiko, Blue of Sprightliness Elram s Sharukh Khan my first Sui Figaro Noir de la Ville des Ambassadeurs Zacarosa's Benvenuto Bleeze du Jardin d'Angélique Divertidos Anastasia Goldschakal Artax Atreju Speiky Heaven Tarawood's Jive Kenira-Estella vom Inseli im Schwendetal Shadow Deejay Une sacré chipie des romarin de Mayerling Dounut deforelois Alba black Angel Katchinas Keeper of Hope Ice v.d. Mythen Clay CH. WINDRIFT'S RIGHT ON THE MONEY M F F M M M M F F M M M M F F M F M F M M F Labrador Retriever Miniature Australian Shepherd Shetland Sheltie Papillon Shetland Zwergpudel Sheltie Podengo portugues pequeno Podengo portugues pequeno Jack Russel mix. Border Collie Border Collie Australian Shepherd Border Collie Sheltie Shetland Sheltie Sheltie Sheltie Border Collie KEESHOND Swiss Large Team 2 Swiss Small/Medium Team 3 Swiss Small/Medium Team 1 Swiss Small/Medium Team 1 Swiss Small/Medium Team 1 Swiss Small Team1 Swiss Small Team1 Swiss Small/Medium Team 3 Swiss Small/Medium Team 1 Swiss Small Team1 Swiss Small/Medium Team 2 Swiss Large Team 1 Swiss Large Team 2 Swiss Large Team 4 Swiss Large Team 4 Swiss Small/Medium Team 2 Swiss Small/Medium Team 2 Swiss Small/Medium Team 2 Swiss Small/Medium Team 3 Swiss Small/Medium Team 3 Swiss Large Team 1 mixed sm/med with Spain. Please see
Documents pareils
Jumping juniors SMALL - European Open Junior 2016
S18 Mauroux Alicia
Bleeze du Jardin d´Angélique
(Black Lady)