Executive Committee Comité de direction
Executive Committee Comité de direction
12. 2. (11) Canadian Association of University Teachers Association canadienne des professeures et professeurs d’université Executive Committee Comité de direction Nomination Form / Formulaire de mise en candidature Nominee / Candidat ou candidate Root Gorelick Position / Poste Representative-at-large (General) To use this form / Comment utiliser ce formulaire 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Save this file to your desktop / Enregistrez ce fichier sur votre ordinateur. Open the form using Adobe Reader / Ouvrez le formulaire à l’aide d’Adobe Reader. Fill in the fields / Remplissez les champs indiqués. Attach additional documentation as required / Joignez, au besoin, toute documentation supplémentaire. Save completed form to your desktop / Sauvegardez le formulaire rempli sur votre ordinateur. Documentation / Documentation Nominations should include / Les dossiers de mise en candidature doivent comprendre : (a) a letter of nomination / une lettre de mise en candidature (b) the agreement of the nominee to serve if elected / le consentement du candidat ou de la candidate advenant son élection (c) a completed executive committee nomination form / le formulaire dûment rempli de mise en candidature au Comité de direction Nomination deadline : March 1 Date limite des mises en candidature : 1er mars Send completed form to Faites parvenir le formulaire dûment rempli au Chair, Elections and Resolutions Committee Président, Comité des élections et des résolutions Canadian Association of University Teachers Association canadienne des professeures et professeurs d’université 2705, promenade Queensview Drive, Ottawa (Ontario) K2B 8K2 Email / Courriel : [email protected] 1/4 CAUT Executive Committee : Nomination Form Comité de direction de l’ACPPU : Formulaire de mise en candidature Personal information / Renseignements personnels Name / Nom Email / Courriel Root Gorelick [email protected] Telephone / Téléphone Fax / Télécopieur 613-520-2600 x 1586 613-520-3539 Full institution address including academic unit / Adresse complète de l’établissement, y compris l’unité académique Department of Biology and School of Mathematics & Statistics, and Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies Carleton University, 1125 Raven Road, Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6 CAUT is committed to principles of equity and actively seeks to diversity the membership of its committees. Nominees are encouraged to indicate, in the space below , people with disabilities, gay, lesbian, bisexual, , Aboriginal people, and women. Responses are voluntary and will be kept strictly confidential. L’ACPPU souscrit pleinement aux principes de l’équité et s’emploie activement à diversifier la composition de ses comités. Les candidates et candidats sont invités à indiquer, dans l’ vé à cet effet, si elles ou ils s’identifient comme membre d’un groupe racialisé, personne ayant une limitation fonctionnelle, gai, lesbienne, bisexuel, transgenre emme. Les réponses sont facultatives et elles resteront strictement confidentielles. Languages / Langues CAUT’s official languages are English and French. Indicate your level of competence. Les langues officielles de l’ACPPU sont l’anglais et le français. Indiquez votre niveau de compétence. Fluent in English; Non-existent in French University and college appointments / Postes universitaires et collégiaux Provide a brief summary of the university/college appointments held including name of institution, position and years. Décrivez brièvement les postes universitaires/collégiaux occupés et indiquez le nom de l’établissement, le titre du poste et les années en poste. Senior Mathematician; Applied Physics Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University (1983-1994) Assistant Professor, Carleton University (2006-2010) Associate Professor, Carleton University (2010-2016) Instructor in Indigenous Studies, Carleton University (2013 - ) Dossier currently in review for promotion to Full Professor at Carleton University 2/4 CAUT Executive Committee : Nomination Form Comité de direction de l’ACPPU : Formulaire de mise en candidature Experience in academic staff affairs / Expérience des affaires du personnel académique Provide a summary of your involvement with academic staff associations at the local, provincial, and/or national level. Décrivez brièvement vos activités au sein d’associations de personnel académique à l’échelle locale, provinciale et nationale. My involvement with the Carleton University Academic Staff Association has been informal, but quite involved since summer of 2013 when I began serving on the university's board of governors. Since then, I have not only blogged about open sessions of the board of governors, but met with officers of the academic staff association to provide insights into various board activities, such as how the university is financed, where reserve funds are coming from and where they are going, etc. Since July 2015, my involvement with the academic staff association has greatly increased and has become more reciprocal (actually, the academic staff association is now providing me with more help than I am providing them), with the association now providing me with tremendous support for communicating open matters from the board of givernors, for defending academic freedom, and for attempting to thwart board of governor bylaw changes that would preclude union officers from serving on the board. While my work with the Carleton University Academic Staff Association and board of governors and senate are largely seen as a defence of academic freedom and freedom of speech, this work is in fact rooted in due process and equal protection. The combination of due process and equal protection constitute liberty according to US Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy in his decision legalizing same sex marriage. Thus when Carleton's board of governors attempted to ban union officers from serving on the board due to an inherent conflict of interest, I objected that anybody bidding on university contracts should also be precluded from serving on the board. I also argued that associate deans and other management personnel should be prohibited from serving on the board of governors due to conflict of interest insofar as a primary role of a board is to hire and oversee the university president. In order to defend these positions, I have been arguing that the board of governors and university president in senate have failed to follow their own rules, rules memorialized in bylaws and procedures that they drafted. Other relevant experience / Autre expérience pertinente Provide a brief summary of experience or qualifications which you feel would be useful in the position for which you have been nominated. Décrivez brièvement l’expérience ou les compétences acquises qui vous permettraient d’occuper le poste pour lequel vous avez ét In addition to having hands-on experience with university governance at senate and board of governors, I also have had a long research program in diversity. What maintains and increases diversity? How can we measure diversity in a way that does not reward token diversity? How do we insure that diversity is not itself segregated, so as to preclude nominal gender equity at a university, but all women are in social sciences/humanities while all men are in science/engineering. For better or worse, much of this very practical work is mathematical (http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0010912). I have fought hard to maintain the role of university senate in drafting and reviewing provincial submissions suggesting draft Strategic Mandate Agreements. Senate is supposed to oversee academic programs, but these get superseded by management's unilateral submissions of Strategic Mandate Agreement drafts. I am a bit of an anarchist and very much interdisciplinary, which may be appropriate for an at-large position. 3/4 CAUT Executive Committee : Nomination Form Comité de direction de l’ACPPU : Formulaire de mise en candidature Priorities for CAUT / Priorités de l’ACPPU Identify what you feel should be major priorities for CAUT in the next two years. Quelles devraient être, selon vous, les grandes priorités de l’ACPPU pour les deux prochaines années? In addition to my existing ad hoc campaigns to enhance academic freedom and to insure due process in university governance, CAUT should focus on increasing diversity of university faculty members. With CAUT’s equity committee, I would like to pursue some possible untried tacks to improve the status quo. One possible approach to increasing diversity goes to who gets interviewed for tenure-track faculty positions. Most deans and provosts provide funding for three candidates to interview on campus. This should be increased to five interviews, but with the proviso that at least two (2) of the five candidates self-identify as female for each position and that, on average for each department, 2.5 or 3 of the five interviewed candidates self-identify as female. Such an approach could possibly be used to increase diversity of other under-represented groups in tenure-track positions. For example, on average for each department, we could require that one out of ten interviewed candidates self-identify as Aboriginal or Indigenous. A second possible approach to increasing diversity builds upon my previously developed mathematical indices for measuring diversity. Universities should have a target for such diversity indices and a target for how quickly universities will reach those targets. CAUT can advocate for the compensation packages of deans and provosts to be tied to these diversity indices, which will give those administrators incentive to prioritize equity issues, rather than just scapegoating academic departments. Additional comments /Autres renseignements Provide any additional information you feel would be useful to Council delegates in their consideration of your candidacy. Ajoutez tout complément d’information utile que les délégués du Conseil pourraient prendre en compte dans l’appréciation de votre candidature. While possibly naïve, I would like to see CAUT become even more involved with democratization of university governance. I am utterly appalled that my colleagues at University of Ottawa are automatically removed from their bargaining units upon becoming a member of their board of governors. It was eye-opening meeting with internal members of their board and hearing that this removal provision is memorialized in all of their collective agreements. Similar concerns arose when I organized an informal meeting of faculty members on boards at the Council of Ontario Universities annual meeting about boards of governors. While "one size should not fit all" with respect to university governance, especially because labour law and university mandates vary between provinces, it would be useful to more thoroughly survey the existing differences in governance structures, so as to make recommendations for improving draconian situations, such as described above for University of Ottawa or the totalitarian Code of Conduct for board members at Carleton University. I am also curious to learn more about CAUT's recomendations and plans for Indigenizing post-secondary education, especially outside of faculties of education. 4/4