National Veterinary School of Maisons


National Veterinary School of Maisons
Faculty positions in Diagnostic Imaging, ENVA, Paris, France
The Centre Hospitalier Universitaire d’Alfort (CHUVA) invites applications for 2
clinical track / academic track, full time positions in small animal radiology at
the rank of senior lecturer (full time clinician) and assistant professor (part-time
clinics, teaching and research). The positions are available on September 5,
2016 or when suitable candidates are identified.
The veterinary teaching hospital is a referral center for Paris and Île-de-France
surrounding area; it is situated on the campus of the Ecole nationale
vétérinaire d’Alfort which is located in the close suburb of Paris (south east).
The campus is currently under refurbishment, the new small animal hospital
building was opened in October 2009, a new preclinical sciences building was
inaugurated in 2015 and other buildings are awaited for the next 5 years.
The small animal teaching hospital is staffed by board-certified specialists in
anesthesiology (2), cardiology (2), behavior (1), dermatology (2), internal
medicine (3), neurology (1), ophthalmology (1), surgery (2), veterinary
pathology (3), theriogenology (2) and zoological medicine (1).
The imaging diagnostic unit offers excellent working conditions and possibilities
for professional development will be accessible. The facilities and the
equipment are of excellent standard. The unit is equipped with digital
radiography, Philips ultrasonography; Philips 64-slices helical CT scanner. MRI
(1,5T) and radiotherapy are available locally.
The 2 recruited posts will fit a team in charge of teaching, clinical services and
research in the field of diagnostic imaging and responsible for graduate and
postgraduate training. The latter includes the future organization of a residency
program in small animal diagnostic imaging.
Candidates can pursue a clinical track (lecturer) or an academic track career
(assistant professor). The clinical track position devotes 80% effort to clinical
practice and instructions in the hospital, the academic track position devotes at
least 50% effort to clinical practice and instruction in the hospital and at least
30% effort to research and other scholarly activities.
Applicants must be either diplomate of the European College of Veterinary
Diagnostic Imaging or the American College of Veterinary Radiology, or an
equivalent medical and scientific status. Teaching and research experiences in
the field of imaging are required. Applicants should be fluent in French but
candidates fluent in English and willing to learn French will be considered. A
permanent position is preferable, but employment over a limited time may
also be of interest.
Complementary information can be obtained from [email protected]. Applicants should submit their CV and intention letter to
[email protected]. Review of applications will begin as soon as
applications are received and will continue until both positions are filled.