Frankfurt | Francfort 2013


Frankfurt | Francfort 2013
Frankfurt | Francfort 2013
We acknowledge the financial support of the
Government of Canada through the Canada
Book Fund at Canadian Heritage
Nous reconnaissons l’aide financière du
gouvernement du Canada par l’entremise
du Fonds du livre du Canada de Patrimoine
Welcome to the Canada Stand
The Frankfurt Book Fair is a showcase for Canadian publishers
of all kinds. You’ll find 51 of them on the Canada Stand this
year, and more throughout the fair. Together they represent the
outstanding quality and creativity of Canadian publishing.
The Rights Canada catalogue offers more great Canadian fiction,
nonfiction, and children’s books. The fall 2013 edition features
42 titles, many in digital format, for which rights are available.
Ask for your copy at the reception area (8.0 K 83).
Many more titles are listed on,
where you can also consult a list of international book fairs to
arrange meetings in advance with Canadian publishers present.
We encourage you to explore the variety and quality of Canadian
publishing and to forge new partnerships with Canadian
publishers. Here’s to a successful fair!
Bienvenue au Stand du Canada
La Foire du livre de Francfort est une vitrine pour les éditeurs
canadiens de tous genres. Vous trouverez 51 d’entre eux sur le
Stand du Canada cette année, et d’autres dispersés dans toute
la foire. Ensemble, ils représentent la qualité exceptionnelle et la
créativité de l’édition canadienne.
Le catalogue Droits du Canada propose encore plus de livres
canadiens tout aussi exceptionnels, qu’il s’agisse d’œuvres de
fiction, de documents ou de livres pour enfants. L’édition de
l’automne 2013 présente 42 titres, dont plusieurs en format
numérique, pour lesquels les droits sont disponibles. Demandez
votre exemplaire à la réception du stand (8.0 K 83).
De nombreux autres titres sont répertoriés sur notre site à, où pouvez également consulter la
liste des foires internationales du livre auxquelles participent des
éditeurs canadiens afin d’organiser des réunions à l’avance.
Nous vous encourageons à découvrir la variété et la qualité
de l’édition au Canada et à renforcer vos échanges avec vos
collègues canadiens. Que votre foire soit bonne et fructueuse !
Livres Canada Books
8.0 K 83
1 Nicholas Street, Suite 504
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 7B7 · CANADA
+1 613 562-2324 · Fax +1 613 562-2329
[email protected] ·
  @livresCAbooks
François Charette, Executive Director
Christy Doucet, Programs Manager
Kate Edwards, Programs Manager, Association of Canadian
Livres Canada Books supports the work of Canadian publishers
for the development of exports, rights sales and international
partnerships through a range of services, including financial
support, promotion, research, training and a collective presence
at major international book fairs. Visit our website to explore
Canadian publishing and find out more about Livres Canada
Livres Canada Books appuie l’action des éditeurs canadiens pour
le développement des exportations, des échanges de droits et
des partenariats internationaux par l’entremise d’une gamme
de services dont l’aide financière, la promotion, la recherche,
le développement professionnel et une présence collective aux
principales foires internationales du livre. Pour découvrir l’édition
canadienne ou en savoir plus sur Livres Canada Books, visitez
notre site Web.
Acacia House
6.0 29F/30F
62 Chestnut Avenue
Brantford, Ontario N3T 4C3 · CANADA
+1 519 752-0978 · Fax +1 519 752-8349
[email protected]
Bill Hanna, Vice-President
Kathy Olenski, Associate Agent
Literary agency representing mainly Canadian authors of fiction
and non-fiction, both literary and commercial. It also sells rights
for eight publishers: Brindle & Glass, ECW, Great Plains, The
Collins Press, New Star, NeWest, TouchWood, Turnstone.
Established: 1985
Annick Press
8.0 L 92
15 Patricia Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M2M 1H9 · CANADA
+1 416 221-4802 · Fax +1 416 221-8400
[email protected] ·
Colleen MacMillan, Associate Publisher
Gayna Theophilus, Sales and Rights Manager
Founded over 30 years ago, Annick Press is one of Canada’s most
dynamic and enterprising children’s book publishers. Our awardwinning books crackle with originality and become passageways
to new ideas as they excite, entertain, and challenge the reader.
Annick books are translated into over 15 languages and regularly
licensed for stage and screen.
Established: 1975
Distribution: Firefly Books (USA)
Arsenal Pulp Press
8.0 K 73
202-211 East Georgia Street
Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 1Z6 · CANADA
+1 604 687-4233 · Fax +1 604 687-4283
[email protected] ·
Brian Lam, Publisher
Robert Ballantyne, Associate Publisher
Arsenal Pulp Press is a trade publisher based in Vancouver,
Canada specializing in literary fiction and non-fiction, cultural
studies, LGBT literature, and alternative cookbooks (including
vegan) and craft books.
Established: 1971
Distribution: Consortium Book Sales and Distribution (USA), New South
Books (Australia and New Zealand), Turnaround Publisher Services (UK)
Bayard Canada
8.0 L 74
4475 Frontenac Street
Montreal, Québec H2H 2S2 · CANADA
+1 514 278-3020 · Fax +1 514 278-3030
[email protected] ·
Suzanne Spino, President
Yvon Métras, Deputy Director, Book Division
Jean-François Bouchard, Director Strategy and Development
Gilda Routy, Director Book Division
Bayard Canada is the leading publisher of children’s magazines
and books and religious books in Canada. We publish for all ages,
in English and in French, on a number of topics: science, nature,
humour, faith, spirituality, and more. Bayard Canada is committed
to helping our readers – young and old – explore and understand
the world around them by publishing books that encourage
imagination and reflection.
Established: 1991
Imprints: Owlkids Books, Novalis, Raton Laveur, Petit Monde Vivant, Les
Débrouillards, Cheval Masqué
Bayeux Arts | 36 Views
8.0 L 66
119 Stratton Crescent SW
Calgary, Alberta T3H 1T7 · CANADA
+1 403 612-6778 · Fax +1 403 249-2477
[email protected] ·
Ashis Gupta, Publisher
Arjun Gupta, Director
Print and digital solutions for books on art, culture, nature, fiction,
poetry, children’s literature, graphic novels.
Established: 1994 (Bayeux Arts), 2012 (36 Views)
Distribution: University of Chicago Press Book Distribution (USA)
Beaver Books Publishing
8.0 K 78
177 Merizzi Street
Saint-Laurent, Québec H4T 1Y3 · CANADA
+1 514 725-1515 · Fax +1 514 725-3457
[email protected] ·
George Papp, President
Joyce Delaney, General Manager and CMO
Bill Mersereau, Co-edition Production Manager
Beaver Books Publishing has been designing and producing
original educational products for children that combine quality
and fun since 2004. Our mission is creating books and resources
that keep children engaged as they learn via top-notch materials
that never neglect the fun factor.
Breakwater Books
8.0 K 83
PO Box 2188
1 Stamp’s Lane
Saint-John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador A1C 6E6 · CANADA
+1 709 722-6680 · Fax +1 709 753-0708
[email protected] ·
Rebecca Rose, President
James Langer, Managing Editor
Breakwater will celebrate its 40th year of publishing in 2013.
It was expressly created to provide a voice for the writers of
Newfoundland and Labrador in our own community as well as in
the national and international publishing communities. As such,
the Breakwater brand is indicative of the artistic and cultural life
of Newfoundland and Labrador, both within the Atlantic region
and within the Canadian literary landscape in general. In recent
years, Breakwater has successfully begun publishing cutting edge
literature in all genres, including children’s books, literary and
commercial fiction, educational curricula, non-fiction, and poetry,
while at the same time continuing to support its culturally
significant backlist titles.
Established: 1973
8.0 K 103
97-B Montée des Bouleaux
Saint-Constant, Québec J5A 1A9 · CANADA
+1 450 638-3338 · Fax +1 450 638-4338
[email protected] ·
Antoine Broquet, Publisher
Line Lamontagne, Publisher
Publisher of books on Nature, Gardening, Home improvement,
Travels, Sports, Health, Psychology, Parenting, Children,
Photography, Pets, Astronomy, Craft, etc.
Established: 1979
Distribution: Prologue (Canada), Dilisco (France, Belgium and
Luxembourg), Transat (Switzerland)
Brush Education
8.0 L 76
6531-111 Street
Edmonton, Alberta T6H 4R5 · CANADA
+1 780 989-0910 · Fax +1 780 989-0930
[email protected] ·
Glenn Rollans, Partner
Brush Education specializes in publishing print and digital learning
resources for the post-secondary market. We publish across
a wide range of subject areas, including education, medicine,
psychology, history, and K–9 training.
Distribution: Baker & Taylor (USA), Book Systems Plus (UK)
Charron Éditeur
8.0 L 98
955 rue Amherst
Montréal, Québec H2L 3K4 · CANADA
+1 514 523-1182 · Fax +1 514 597-0370
[email protected] ·
Pierre Bourdon, Vice-President, Publishing (Groupe Homme)
Charron Éditeur publishes non-fiction books under Éditions La
Semaine since 2005 and more recently, fiction books under
Recto-Verso éditeur.
Established: 2005
Chenelière Éducation
8.0 K 67
5800 rue Saint-Denis, bureau 900
Montréal, Québec H2S 3L5 · CANADA
+1 514 273-1066 · Fax +1 514 276-0324
[email protected] ·
Jacques Rochefort, Président et directeur général (Chenelière
Éducation) et Vice-président principal Livres (TC Médias)
Robert Boivin, Vice-président, Collégial/Universitaire, Ressources
didactiques et Droits internationaux
Frédéric Aubert, Directeur principal, Collégial/Universitaire
Éditeur d’ouvrages pédagogiques de langue française, Chenelière
Éducation publie plus de 2 600 auteurs issus de tous les niveaux
Fondation : 1984
Marques : Beauchemin, Chenelière Éducation, Chenelière/McGraw-Hill,
Gaëtan Morin Éditeur, Graficor, Éditions de la Chenelière
Distribution : Presses universitaires de France (PUF) (Belgique et
France), Patrimoine (Belgique et Luxembourg), Pirouette éditions (France
et Belgique), ToThèmes Diffusion (France), Servidis (Suisse), Horizon
Éducation (Afrique, Moyen-Orient et Maghreb), Soprodiff (Afrique
Chouette Publishing
8.0 L 78
1001 Lenoir Street, Suite B-238
Montreal, Québec H4C 2Z6 · CANADA
+1 514 925-3325 · Fax +1 450 672-5448
[email protected]
Luc Payette, President
Anne Paradis, Publisher
Simon Payette, Licensing and Business Development Manager
Published in 20+ countries with 15+ millions books sold and
broadcast in 50+ countries, Caillou is a success! With the input of
child-psychologists, Caillou books help children cope with various
developmental stages of their lives.
Established: 1987
Imprints: Caillou, Baby Caillou
Distribution: Independent Publishers Group (USA), Interforum (France)
Coteau Books
8.0 K 101
2517 Victoria Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan S4P 0T2 · CANADA
+1 306 777-0170 · Fax +1 306 522-5152
[email protected] ·
Catherine Mitchell, Rights Contact
Winner of 2010 Governor General’s Award for children’s
literature, Coteau Books publishes quality Canadian-authored
novels/chapter books for young readers at the juvenile (ages
9 –12), young adult/tween (ages 13 –15) and teen (15+) levels.
Distribution: John Reed (Australia), Orca Book Publishers (USA)
La courte échelle
8.0 L 64
160 rue Saint-Viateur, bureau 404
Montréal, Québec H2P 1A8 · CANADA
+1 514 274-2004 · Fax +1 514 270-4160
[email protected] ·
Hélène Derome, Présidente
Geneviève Thibault, Éditrice, Éditions La Mèche
La courte échelle est présente dans le paysage littéraire
québécois depuis 30 ans. On retrouve les titres de la courte
échelle en plus de 20 langues. Polar, récit, roman intimiste ou
humoristique, la maison s’engage à présenter des récits toujours
Fondation : 1978
Marques : la courte échelle, La mèche, Parfum d’encre
Distribution : Librairie du Québec (France)
Crabtree Publishing
8.0 K 83
616 Welland Avenue
St. Catharines, Ontario L2M 5V6 · CANADA
+1 905 682-5221 · Fax +1 905 682-7166
[email protected] ·
Kelly McNiven, Editorial and Rights Coordinator
Reagan Miller, Educational Consultant
Publisher of full-colour non-fiction trade and educational books,
specializing in science, history, social studies, biography, sports,
and reading for grades pre-K to eight.
Established: 1978
Distribution: INT Books (Australia and New Zealand), Roundhouse
Press (UK)
8.0 K 71
3 Church Street, Suite 500
Toronto, Ontario M5E 1M2 · CANADA
+1 416 214-5544 ext. 232 · Fax +1 416 214-5556
[email protected] ·
Beth Bruder, Vice-President
Margaret Bryant, Director of Sales and Marketing
Dundurn, a Canadian publisher, has over 1,800 titles in print and
1,500 ebooks. Dundurn publishes over 100 new titles each year
including literary fiction, mysteries and teen fiction as well as
history and popular nonfiction. Our books have won numerous
awards and been optioned for movies and films as well as being
published internationally. Dundurn is a thriving and growing
publishing company and is proud to publish and sell Canadian
authors and their stories.
Established: 1972
Distribution: Gazelle Books (Europe and UK), Ingram Publisher
Services (USA)
ECW Press
8.0 L 90
2120 Queen Street E, Suite 200
Toronto, Ontario M4E 1E2 · CANADA
+1 416 694-3348 · Fax +1 416 698-9906
[email protected] ·
Crissy Calhoun, Managing Editor
Erin Creasey, Director, Sales and Marketing
ECW Press is an independent Canadian trade publisher, with
a focus on fiction, mystery, memoir, pop culture, pop science,
sports, music, and young adult books.
Established: 1974
Distribution: Independent Publishers Group (North America), New South
Books (Australia and New Zealand), Turnaround Publisher Services (UK)
Éditions AdA
8.0 K 98
1385 boulevard Lionel-Boulet
Varennes, Québec J3X 1P7 · CANADA
+1 450 929-0296 · Fax +1 450 929-0220
[email protected] ·
François Doucet, Président
Matthieu Fortin, Directeur artistique / Production
Mylène Archambault, Directrice des droits / Adjointe de
Éditions AdA Inc. est une entreprise qui édite et distribue à
grande échelle. Elle distribue ses propres produits et ceux de
plusieurs autres maisons d’édition du Québec et de l’Europe.
Marques : Éditions AdA, AdA Audio, SGNT Média, AdA Jeunesse
Distribution : DG Diffusion (Belgique et France), Transat (Suisse)
Éditions Caractère
8.0 K 65
5800 rue Saint-Denis, bureau 900
Montréal, Québec H2S 3L5 · CANADA
+1 514 273-1066 · Fax +1 514 276-0324
[email protected] ·
Marc Laberge, Vice-président, parascolaire et grand public pour
TC Média (Éditions Caractère)
Mathieu De Lajartre, Directeur de l’édition pour TC Média Livres
(Éditions Transcontinental)
Membre de TC Média depuis 2012, Caractère est le leader en
ouvrages parascolaires. Caractère publie aussi des livres pratiques,
jeunesse et des ouvrages destinés aux parents.
Fondation : 1984
Distribution : Prologue (Canada)
Éditions Goélette
8.0 K 140
1350 Marie-Victorin Street
Saint-Bruno-de Montarville, Québec J3V 6B9 · CANADA
+1 450 653-1337 · Fax +1 450 653-9924
[email protected] ·
Alain Delorme, President
Ingrid Remazeilles, Publisher
Since 1997, Goélette is the leader in word and puzzle books in
French Canada. We make affordable and quality-oriented books
for all ages, from cooking and picture books to novelty and
activity books. We reach a vast range of readers.
Firefly Books
8.0 K 79
50 Staples Avenue, Unit 1
Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 0A7 · CANADA
+1 416 499-8412 · Fax +1 416 499-1142
[email protected] ·
Lionel Koffler, President
Diane Vanderkooy, Rights and Contracts Manager
Firefly Books Ltd. is a publisher and distributor of non-fiction
for adults and children, with strength in the areas of astronomy,
gardening, reference, transportation, sports, crafts, science,
cooking, house and home, and nature.
Established: 1977
Imprints: Firefly Books Ltd; Boston Mills Press
Distribution: Ashton International (Asia), Bookport Associates (Southern
Europe), Chris Lloyd Sales and Marketing (UK and Northern Europe),
Cranbury International (South America and Caribbean), Peribo (Australia),
Stephan Phillips (South and Sub-Saharan Africa)
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
8.0 K 99
195 Allstate Parkway
Markham, Ontario L3R 4T8 · CANADA
+1 905 477-9700 · Fax +1 905 477-2834
[email protected] ·
Sharon Fitzhenry, CEO
Richard Dionne, Publisher
Fitzhenry & Whiteside is a private limited corporation owned by
the Fitzhenry family with over 1,500 titles in print. We publish
or reprint, through our group of companies, about 100 titles per
annum. The house specializes in history, biography, poetry, sports,
photographic books, reference, photography, and children’s and
young adult titles.
Established: 1966
Distribution: Ingram Publishing Services (USA), John Reed Distribution
Formac Lorimer Books
8.0 K 75
5502 Atlantic Street
Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 1G4 · CANADA
+1 902 421-7022 · Fax +1 902 425-0166
[email protected] ·
James Lorimer, Publisher
Nancy Sewell, Rights Manager
We publish 30+ titles each year of childrens and young adults
fiction, cookbooks, illustrated history and biography.
Established: 1971 (Lorimer), 1977 (Formac)
Distribution: Casemate (USA), Casemate UK (UK military), Orca Books
(USA children’s/YA)
Greystone Books
8.0 K 88
343 Railway Street, Suite 201
Vancouver, British Columbia V6A 1A4 · CANADA
+1 604 875-1550 · Fax +1 604 875-1556
[email protected] ·
Rob Sanders, Publisher
Publisher of high quality environmental issues, natural history,
science, popular culture and literary non-fiction.
Established: 1993
Imprints: Greystone Books, Me to We Books
Distribution: Perseus International
Groupe Homme
8.0 L 98
955 Amherst Street
Montréal, Québec H2L 3K4 · CANADA
+1 514-523-1182 · Fax +1 514-597-0370
[email protected] ·
Pierre Bourdon, Vice-President, Publishing
Florence Bisch, Director, Subsidiary and Digital Rights Sales
Liette Mercier, Director of Publishing
Groupe Homme currently produces 150 titles per year, making it
Québec’s largest publisher. Also strong on the French market, our
list includes psychology and self-help, health, parenting, sport,
nutrition, cookbooks, how-to and reference books (Homme),
spirituality (Le Jour), illustrated non-fiction for children (Petit
Homme) and pet care (La Griffe).
Established: 1958
Imprints: L’Homme, La Griffe, Le Jour, Petit Homme, Presses Libres
Foreign distribution: Interforum (Belgium, France, Switzerland)
Groupe Librex
8.0 L 98
La Tourelle
1055 René-Lévesque Boulevard E, Suite 300
Montreal, Québec H2L 4S5 · CANADA
+ 1 514 849-5259 · Fax +1 514 849-1388
[email protected] ·
Johanne Guay, Vice-President, Publishing
Carole Boutin, Director, Contracts and Subsidiary Rights
Through its five publishing houses (Libre Expression, Trécarré,
Logiques, Publistar, Stanké), Groupe Librex publishes a wide array
of literary genres: fiction, biographies, essays, travel guides and
illustrated reference works, for the general public .
Established: 1976
Imprints: Libre Expression, Logiques, Publistar, Stanké, Trécarré
Distribution: Interforum (France)
Groupe Sogides
8.0 L 98
955 Amherst Street
Montreal, Québec H2L 3K4 · CANADA
+1 514 523-1182 · Fax +1 514 521-4434
[email protected] ·
Céline Massicotte, President
Pierre Lespérance, President, Book Division, Quebecor Media
Groupe Sogides Inc. is the largest book publisher in Québec. The
company includes Groupe Homme (Les Éditions de l’Homme,
Le Jour éditeur, Presses Libres, and Utilis), Groupe Librex (Libre
Expression, Trécarré, Quebecor, Stanké, Logiques, and Publistar)
and Groupe Ville-Marie Littérature (L’Hexagone, VLB éditeur, Typo,
and La Bagnole).
Established: 1958
Distribution: Interforum (France)
Guy Saint-Jean
8.0 K 94
3440 Industriel Boulevard
Laval, Québec H7L 4R9 · CANADA
+1 450 663-1777 · Fax +1 450 663-6666
[email protected] ·
Nicole Saint-Jean, President
Jean Paré, Executive Director
Jacques Fréchette, Production Manager
Marie-Claire Saint-Jean, Publishing Manager, Literary Fiction
Élise Bergeron, Publisher, Practical Division
Claude Durocher, Sales and Rights Manager
A general publishing company specialising in quality non-fiction
(cooking, health, parenting, gardening, lifestyle) as well as
fiction, particularly popular for adults and young adults, as well
as erotica. Bestselling series for adults and teenagers include
the Stories to Make You Blush and the new Oseras-tu? (Truth or
dare?) by Marie Gray and Les Soeurs Deblois by Louise TremblayD’Essiambre.
Established: 1981
Distribution: Caravelle (Belgium), Dilisco (France), Transat (Switzerland)
House of Anansi Press
Groundwood Books
8.0 K 95
801-110 Spadina Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2K4 · CANADA
+1 416 363-4343 · Fax +1 416 363-1017
[email protected] ·
Sarah MacLachlan, President and Publisher
Matt Williams, Vice-President, Publishing Operations
Janie Yoon, Senior Editor
Gillian Fizet, Rights Manager
House of Anansi and Groundwood Books publish the highest
quality fiction, non-fiction and poetry.
Established: 1967
Imprints: Anansi International , Arachnide (French to English translation),
Astoria (short fiction), Groundwood Books (Children’s), Spiderline (crime
Distribution: Publishers Group West (USA)
Hurtubise | XYZ
8.0 K 89
1815 De Lorimier Avenue
Montréal, Québec H2K 3W6 · CANADA
+1 514 523-1523 · Fax +1 514 523-9969
[email protected] ·
Arnaud Foulon, Vice-President, Publishing and Operations
Alexandrine Foulon, Vice-President, Sales and Marketing
Loic Hervouet, Publisher, Éditions Marcel Didier
Founded in 1960, les Éditions Hurtubise publishes 120 titles
a year. Today, more than ever, our top priority is to encourage
literature in all its forms – novels (some popular, some refined)
and essays. Since 2012, Hurtubise develops young adult’s
literature by publishing well known authors like Michel J.
In 2009, les Éditions XYZ was acquired by les Éditions Hurtubise.
Founded in 1985, this publishing house issues nearly 25 titles a
year (novels and essays). Jocelyne Saucier has had great success.
Her last novel, Il pleuvait des oiseaux, was acclaimed by critics
and she was the first author from Quebec to win the Prix des
cinq continents de la Francophonie. Marie-Renée Lavoie with La
petite et le vieux is getting known around the world too.
Established: 1960 (Hurtubise), 1985 (XYZ)
Imprints: Éditions Hurtubise, Éditions XYZ
Distribution: Distribution du Nouveau Monde (France)
Kids Can Press
8.0 K 86
Corus Quay
25 Dockside Drive
Toronto, Ontario M5A 0B5 · CANADA
+1 416 479-7191
[email protected] ·
Yvette Ghione, Editorial Director
Adrienne Tang, Rights Manager
Alison Van Ginkel, Rights and Sales Associate
Publishers of quality fiction and non-fiction books for children of
all ages.
Established: 1973
Distribution: Everybody’s Books (South Africa), Landmark Press (Australia
and New Zealand), Letterbox Library (UK), Publishers Marketing Services
Leméac Éditeur
8.0 K 91
4609 rue d’Iberville, 1er étage
Montréal, Québec H2H 2L9 · CANADA
+1 514 524-5558 · Fax +1 514 524-3145
[email protected] ·
Lise Bergevin, Directrice générale
Marilena Bono, Directrice, service des droits
Notre politique éditoriale essentiellement à caractère littéraire
s’inscrit surtout dans les domaines du roman, des nouvelles, du
théâtre contemporain et de l’essai. Leméac Éditeur compte plus
de 1 500 titres dans son catalogue et publie annuellement une
trentaine de titres dont certains en coédition.
Fondation : 1957
Distribution : Librairie du Québec (France)
McGill-Queen’s University Press
8.0 K 82
1010 Sherbrooke Street W, Suite 1720
Montreal, Québec H3A 2R7 · CANADA
+1 514 398-3750 · Fax +1 514 398-4333
[email protected] ·
Philip Cercone, Executive Director
Adrian Galwin, Rights and Projects Manager
Publishing books that defend, refute, and create fresh
interpretations, MQUP is in the business of debate. With over
2,800 books in print and numerous awards and bestsellers, our
goal is to produce rigorously edited, beautifully produced books.
Established: 1969
Distribution: Combined Academic Publishers (Europe, Ireland, Middle
East, North and South Africa), CUP Services (USA), East-West Export
Books (Asia , Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific)
Mosaic Press | IPI
8.0 L 54
1252 Speers Road, Units 1 and 2
Oakville, Ontario L6L 5N9 · CANADA
+1 905 825-2130 · Fax +1 905 825-2130
[email protected] ·
Howard Aster, President
Publishers of important literary and non-fiction works oriented
to the international market, including fantasy, horror, humour,
theatre, sports and essays. Selling audio and film rights
Established: 1975
Distribution: Gazelle Books Services (UK), Midpoint Trade Books (USA)
8.0 L 74
10 Lower Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2Z2 · CANADA
+1 416 363-3303 · Fax +1 416 363-9409
[email protected] ·
Joseph Sinasac, Publishing Director
Glenn Byer, Associate Publisher
Novalis publishes books and resources primarily about
religion, theology, liturgy, scripture, prayer, spirituality,
and related contemporary issues in church, society,
and culture from the Roman Catholic and ecumenical
Christian tradition in French and English.
Established: 1936
Distribution: Columbia Press (Europe, Ireland and UK), John Garratt
Publishers (Australia and New Zealand), Twenty-Third Publications (USA)
The Novelty Book Company
8.0 L 88
333 James Shaw Street
Beaconsfield, Québec H9W 6G5 · CANADA
+1 514 812-3407
[email protected] · [email protected]
John Cox, Director General
Yurima Jimenez, Managing Director
Sergio Szwarcberg, Publishing Director
Known for our interactive, innovative, high quality books
for children of all ages. With adaptable formats of licensed
and non-licensed titles. From storybooks, gift books, charts,
math fun, puzzles, pull-tabs, to musical titles and more.
Owlkids Books
8.0 L 74
10 Lower Spadina Avenue, Suite 400
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2Z2 · CANADA
+1 416 340-2700 · Fax +1 416 340-9769
[email protected] ·
Karen Boersma, Publisher
Judy Brunsek, Director of Sales and Marketing
Owlkids Books offers something for every child. Our innovative
picture, fiction, and non-fiction books span a wide variety of
subjects. Owlkids Books titles encourage discovery and cross
many markets.
Established: 1976
Distribution: Publishers Group West (USA)
Pajama Press
8.0 K 101
469 Richmond Street E
Toronto, Ontario M5A 1R1 · CANADA
+1 647 221-7120 · Fax +1 905 477-3691
[email protected] ·
Catherine Mitchell, Rights Manager
Pajama Press is an independent company publishing an awardwinning list of quality children’s picture books, non-fiction and
novels for the trade, school, and library markets. We publish
both new voices and well-known, award-winning authors and
Distribution: Orca Books (USA)
Pembroke Publishers
8.0 K 102
538 Hood Road
Markham, Ontario L3R 3K9 · CANADA
+1 905 477-0650 · Fax +1 905 477-3691
[email protected] ·
Mary Macchiusi, President
Practical books for teachers on major education issues, initiatives
and classroom practices. Topics include all aspects of literacy
and learning: reading, writing, classroom management, school
leadership, character education, etc.
Established: 1985
Imprints: Pembroke
Distribution: Education Services (Australia), Eurospan (Europe and UK),
Publishers Marketing Services (Singapore), Stenhouse Publishers (USA)
8.0 K 72
5740 Ferrier Street
Montreal, Québec H4P 1M7 · CANADA
+1 514 738-0202 · Fax +1 514 738-5102
[email protected] ·
Albert Soussan, President
David Soussan, Vice-President, Sales
Lionel Soussan, Vice-President, Production
Brenda Daly, Art Manager
Tammy Desnoyers, Licensing Manager
Mathieu Bigard, France Sales Manager
Andy Chan, Asia Sales Manager
Robyn Cousins, Australia Sales Manager
Michael Gimber, Germany Sales Manager
Gavin Lang, UK Sales Manager
Sheima Benembarek, Co-Editions
Cinzia Giancarli , Co-Editions
Children’s book publisher.
Established: 1979
8.0 K 92
1650 Lionel-Bertrand Boulevard
Boisbriand, Québec J7H 1N7 · CANADA
+1 800 363-2864 · Fax +1 800 361-8088
[email protected] ·
Guy Langlois, Chairman and CEO
Francine Paquette, President
Nathalie Langlois, Digital Marketing Manager
Prologue Inc. is a Canadian book distributor with a full range
of marketing, sales representation and distribution services of
French language books throughout Quebec and French Canada.
Established: 1976
QA International | Québec Amérique
8.0 K 59
329 De la Commune Street W, 3rd Floor
Montreal, Québec H2Y 2E1 · CANADA
+1 514 499-3000 · Fax +1 514 499-3010
[email protected] ·
Caroline Fortin, President
Rossana Sommaruga, Director of Business Development
Renowned for its remarkable designs, eye-catching illustrations
and solid content, QA international is a leader when it comes
to visually innovative reference content. Its outstanding visual
dictionaries and reference guides on subjects as diverse as
anatomy, ecology, geography, astronomy, cooking, health and
sports have earned QA International a strong reputation among
international publishers and partners from around the world.
Since 1974, more than 2,000 titles have been published by the
Québec Amérique division. Literature, essays and encyclopedic
works are found side by side in its rich and varied catalog. With
unequaled flair, the company has gone forward and successfully
integrated state-of-the-art computer technologies in all
elements of the publishing process, both electronically and on
paper. With an impressive number of award-winning authors
in its catalog and the exceptional quality of the works it has
published, Québec Amérique has shown unequivocally how
committed and faithful it is to great literature.
Established: 1989
Distribution: Dohosha Shuppan (Japan); El Hombre de la Mancha
(Panama); El Horminguero (Guatemala); Everybody’s Books (South Africa);
Firefly Books, Scholastic (USA); Oxford University Press (UK), Zanichelli
Editore (Italy)
Robert Rose
8.0 K 77
120 Eglinton Avenue E, Suite 800
Toronto, Ontario M4P 1E2 · CANADA
+1 416 322-6552 ext. 3126 · Fax +1 416 322-6936
[email protected] ·
Robert Dees, President
Nina McCreath, Manager International Sales and Corporate
Judith Finlayson, Author
Robert Rose Inc. was founded in 1995 as a publisher specializing
in cookbooks, including culinary reference and appliance-related
cookbooks, and recently we have expanded into health-related
titles. We have established ourselves as one of North America’s
leading cookbook publishers.
Established: 1995
Distribution: Chris Lloyd (UK and Europe), Orca Book Publishers (UK and
RMB | Rocky Mountain Books
8.0 K 90
103 -1075 Pendergast Street
Victoria, British Columbia V8V 0A1 · CANADA
+1 250 360-0829 · Fax +1 250 386-0829
[email protected] ·
Don Gorman, Publisher
RMB is an established and dynamic book publisher based
in Canada. We specialize in quality nonfiction relating to
international mountaineering, adventure travel, mountain culture,
environmental issues, documentary photography and outdoor
Distribution: Gardners Books (UK), Ingram Book Company (USA),
Heritage Group Distribution (Canada)
Second Story Press
8.0 K 69
20 Maud Street, Suite 401
Toronto, Ontario M5V 2M5 · CANADA
+1 416 537-7850 · Fax +1 416 537- 0588
[email protected] ·
Margie Wolfe, President and Publisher
Publishing for both adults and children, Second Story Press
titles focus on social justice issues – women, kids’ power, the
environment, and the Holocaust – in prizewinning books that
have been translated into more than 50 languages.
Established: 1988
Distribution: CHS Educational Resources (Singapore), Everybody’s
Books (South Africa), Gazelle Book Services (UK), Orca Books (USA),
Steimatzky (Israel)
Shoebox Media
8.0 K 97
5600 rue Cypihot
Saint-Laurent, Québec H4S 1V7 · CANADA
+1 514 571-9933
[email protected] ·
Pierre Patterson, Propriétaire
Al Di Buono, Propriétaire
Distributeur Nord-Américain de livres, CD et DVD. Éditeur livres
jeunesse. Fabriquant de livres.
UBC Press
8.0 K 80
Ponderosa B, Main Floor
2029 West Mall
Vancouver, British Columbia V6T 1Z2 · CANADA
+1 604 822-3807 · Fax +1 604 822-6083
[email protected] ·
Melissa Pitts, Director
Publisher and distributor of scholarly books, some general trade
and text, non-fiction. Canadian agent for US, Canadian, and
British academic publishers
Established: 1971
Distribution: Asia Publishers Services (China, Hong Kong, Korea, Taiwan),
East West Export Books (Asia excl. China and Taiwan, and the Pacific incl.
Australia and New Zealand), Eurospan Group (Africa, Europe, UK, and
Middle East), SBS – Special Book Services (South America), University of
Washington (USA)
University of Alberta Press
8.0 K 83
Ring House 2, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2E1 · CANADA
+1 780 492-3662 · Fax +1 780 492-0719
[email protected] ·
Linda D. Cameron, Director
Books on the Canadian West and North, Canadian history,
native studies, regional topics, biography, natural history, the
environment, travel narratives and reference books. Series
include Mountain Cairns, a series on the history and culture
of the Canadian Rocky Mountains, Wayfarer, a literary travel
series, and the Robert Kroetsch series of Canadian literature.
Established: 1969
Imprints: Gutteridge Books, Pica Pica Books, University of Alberta Press
Distribution: Gazelle Academic (UK), Wayne State University Press (USA)
University of Ottawa Press
Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa
8.0 K 83
542 King Edward Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6N5 · CANADA
+1 613 562-5663 · Fax +1 613 562-5247
[email protected] ·
Lara Mainville, Director/Directrice
University of Ottawa Press: Canada’s oldest French language
university press and the only bilingual university press in North
Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa : la plus ancienne maison
d’édition francophone au Canada et le seul éditeur universitaire
bilingue en Amérique du Nord.
Distribution: University of Toronto Press (USA), Marston (Europe and
UK), Distribution du Nouveau-Monde (France), Servidis (Switzerland),
Exportlivre (Other regions)
University of Regina Press
8.0 K 83
3737 Wascana Parkway
Regina, Saskatchewan S4S 0A2 · CANADA
+1 306 585-4758 · Fax +1 306 585-4699
[email protected] ·
Bruce Walsh, Director
University of Regina Press makes its selling debut at Frankfurt
with the memoir Time Will Say Nothing: A Philosopher’s Descent
into Iran’s Notorious Evin Prison by the internationally celebrated
scholar Ramin Jahanbegloo.
Read the excerpt at
We will also be buying titles by leading scholars who have not
yet been published in English.
University of Toronto Press
8.0 L 70
10 St. Mary Street, Suite 700
Toronto, Ontario M4Y 2W8 · CANADA
+1 416 978-2239 · Fax +1 416 978-4738
[email protected] ·
John Yates, President Publisher and CEO
Hamish Cameron, Vice-President, Distribution and MIS
Brian MacDonald, Sales and Marketing Manager
Lisa Jemison, Rights and Permissions Coordinator
One of North America’s premier scholarly presses, UTP publishes
exceptional works for the scholarly world on all areas of
humanities, social sciences, and business. UTP has created
P-shift – an XML editorial workflow and digital management
Established: 1901
Distribution: UTP Distribution (United States), NBN International (UK
and Continental Europe)
Weigl Educational Publishers
8.0 K 100
6325 -10 Street SE
Calgary, Alberta T2H 2Z9 · CANADA
+1 403 233-7747 · Fax +1 403 233-7769
[email protected] ·
Linda A. Weigl, President and Publisher
Warren Rylands, Vice-President, Marketing and Sales
As one of the largest educational publishing houses in Canada,
Weigl Educational Publishers Limited has a solid, long-standing
reputation for publishing high-quality Canadian content in the
form of textbooks and K-12 school library books.
Established: 1979
Distribution: AB Gleerups Universitetsbokhandeln (Sweden), Educational
Concepts (Australia), Forlaget Flachs (Denmark), Roundhouse (UK)
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
8.0 K 87
75 University Avenue W
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3C5 · CANADA
+1 519 884-0710 ext. 6124 · Fax +1 519 725-1399
[email protected] ·
Penelope Grows, Sales, Marketing and Rights Manager
Founded in 1974, Wilfrid Laurier University Press has established
a reputation for excellence in scholarly publishing in the areas
of history, literature, sociology, social work, life writing, film and
media studies, aboriginal studies, women’s studies, philosophy,
and religious studies. We publish 30–35 titles a year and have
over 365 titles in print.
Established: 1974
Distribution: Gazelle Book Services (Europe and UK), Lightning Source
(Australia), UTP Distribution (USA)
Publishers Associations
Associations d’éditeurs
Association of Canadian Publishers (ACP)
The Association of Canadian Publishers (ACP) represents
approximately 135 Canadian-owned and controlled book
publishers from across the country. The membership is diverse
and includes publishers from a variety of genres. Over 80% of
Canadian-authored titles are published by the Canadian-owned
sector. This means a strong Canadian-owned sector is vital
to the development of new Canadian authors and writers.
Association nationale des éditeurs de livres (ANEL)
The Association nationale des éditeurs de livres represents close
to 125 French-language publishers in Québec and Canada. Its
mission is to support the growth of the publishing industry and
to promote Québec and French-Canadian books at the national
and international levels. ANEL members publish a wide variety
of books, ranging from novels to textbooks, essays and children’s
books. Member publishers are located in Québec, Ontario,
Manitoba and New-Brunswick.
Association of Canadian University Presses (ACUP)
The Association of Canadian University Presses serves the interest
of Canadian scholarship by encouraging the dissemination of the
fruits of research and scholarship.
Canadian Publishers’ Council (CPC)
The Canadian Publishers’ Council represents the domestic and
international interests of English-language of 21 companies that
publish books and other media for elementary and secondary
schools, colleges and universities, professional, reference, retail
and library markets.
Literary Press Group of Canada (LPG)
The LPG is a not-for-profit association of Canadian literary
book publishers. Its mandate is to foster the survival, growth
and maintenance of Canadian owned and operated publishing
houses through advocacy and group initiatives. Some of the
main functions of the LPG are to act as an advocate for its
members to the various government and funding bodies;
provide members with access to a professional sales force that
represents them to the Canadian (and in some cases, the US)
trade book market; provide access to advertising opportunities
through the LPG ad project; and create and implement group
sales and marketing initiatives. LitDistCo, an affiliate of the LPG,
provides members of the LPG, as well as other Canadian owned
and operated publishing houses, with distribution services
Regroupement des éditeurs canadiens-français (RECF)
The Regroupement des éditeurs canadiens-français was founded
in 1989 to support Francophone publishers outside Québec and
to facilitate cooperative business ventures. Currently, the RECF
includes 16 Francophone publishers in Moncton, Ottawa, Toronto,
Sudbury, Winnipeg and Regina. The RECF represents its members
at the national level and coordinates a number of business
initiatives designed to strengthen their presence in the Canadian
book industry.
Suppliers of Canadian Books
Fournisseurs de livres canadiens
Books for Business (formerly Britnell Books)
2115 South Service Road, Unit 2
Oakville, Ontario L6L 5W2 · CANADA
+ 1 800 387-1417
[email protected] ·
Books for Business began as a bricks and mortar book store
in 1991 in Toronto, Canada, and has now grown to be an
authoritative online resource in business publications for national
and international professionals
505 rue Bélanger, bureau 223
Montréal, Québec H2S 1G5 · CANADA
+1 450 671-3888 · Fax +1 450 671-2121
[email protected] ·
Depuis 1982, Exportlivre est une agence d’exportation du
livre et un service de renseignements sur le livre québécois
et canadien. Qu’il s’agisse de livres publiés en français ou en
anglais, Exportlivre peut fournir toutes les catégories de livres :
littérature générale, littérature jeunesse, livres scientifiques et
techniques, livres universitaires, manuels scolaires, publications
Librairie du Québec
30 rue Gay-Lussac
75005 Paris
+33 1 43 54 49 02 · Fax +33 1 43 54 39 15
[email protected] ·
Ouverte depuis 1995, la Librairie du Québec propose une
vaste sélection d’ouvrages touchant tous les sujets : littérature,
tourisme, histoire, premières nations, sciences sociales, sciences
humaines, jeunesse, etc. Un fonds de près de 10 000 références
auquel s’ajoute un choix de périodiques, journaux et disques
compacts. La librairie organise régulièrement des rencontres avec
des auteurs et participe à diverses manifestations et salons du
livre en France.
8.0 K59
8.0 K77
8.0 K90
8.0 K95
8.0 K89
8.0 K86
8.0 K91
8.0 K82
8.0 L 74
8.0 L 88
8.0 L 74
8.0 K102
8.0 K72
8.0 K92
8.0 K83
8.0 K83
8.0 L 70
8.0 K100
8.0 K87
8.0 K69
8.0 K97
8.0 K80
8.0 K83
Also in Frankfurt | Également à Francfort
Acacia House
6.0 29F/30F
Éditions Goélette
8.0 K140
Mosaic Press / IPI
8.0 L 54
Second Story Press
Shoebox Media
UBC Press
University of Alberta Press
University of Ottawa Press /
Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa
University of Regina Press
University of Toronto Press
Weigl Educational Publishers
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Bayard Canada
Béliveau Éditeur
Éditions de l’Isatis
Éditions de Mortagne
Éditions du Boréal
Éditions du CHU Sainte-Justine
Éditions du CRAM
Éditions La Peuplade
Éditions Le Dauphin Blanc
Éditions Les 400 coups
Éditions Médiaspaul
Éditions Sylvain Harvey
Groupe Fides
Lux Éditeur
Presses de l’Université Laval
Le Quartanier
Quattro Books
8.0 K88
8.0 L 98
8.0 L 98
8.0 L 98
8.0 K94
Annick Press
Arsenal Pulp Press
Bayard Canada
Bayeux Arts / 36 Views
Beaver Books Publishing
Breakwater Books
Brush Education
Charron Éditeur
Chenelière Éducation
Chouette Publishing
Coteau Books
La courte échelle
Crabtree Publishing
ECW Press
Éditions AdA
Éditions Caractère
Firefly Books
Fitzhenry & Whiteside
Formac Lorimer Books
Greystone Books
Groupe Homme
Groupe Librex
Groupe Sogides
Guy Saint-Jean
House of Anansi Press /
Groundwood Books
Hurtubise / XYZ
Kids Can Press
Leméac Éditeur
McGill-Queen’s University Press
The Novelty Book Company
Owlkids Books
Pembroke Publishers
QA International /
Québec Amérique
Robert Rose
RMB / Rocky Mountain Books
6.1 A 35
8.0 K 83
8.0 L 92
8.0 K93
8.0 L 74
8.0 L 66
8.0 K78
8.0 K83
8.0 K103
8.0 L 76
8.0 L 98
8.0 K67
8.0 L 78
8.0 K101
8.0 L 64
8.0 K83
8.0 K71
8.0 L 90
8.0 K98
8.0 K 65
8.0 K79
8.0 K99
8.0 K75
Quebec Stand | Stand du Québec
Canada Stand | Stand du Canada
K100 K102
K99 K101 K103
Canada Stand | Stand du Canada
8.0 K 83
Annick Press
Arsenal Pulp Press
Bayard Canada
Bayeux Arts / 36 Views 8.0L66
Beaver Books Publishing
Breakwater Books
Brush Education
Charron Éditeur
Chenelière Éducation 8.0K67
Chouette Publishing 8.0L78
Coteau Books
La courte échelle
Crabtree Publishing
ECW Press
Éditions AdA
Éditions Caractère
Firefly Books
Fitzhenry & Whiteside 8.0K99
Formac Lorimer Books 8.0K75
Greystone Books
Groupe Homme
Groupe Librex
Groupe Sogides
Guy Saint-Jean
House of Anansi Press / Groundwood Books 8.0K95
Hurtubise / XYZ
Kids Can Press
Leméac Éditeur
McGill-Queen’s University Press
The Novelty Book Company
Owlkids Books
Pajama Press
Pembroke Publishers
QA International / Québec Amérique
Robert Rose
RMB / Rocky Mountain Books
Second Story Press
Shoebox Media
UBC Press
University of Alberta Press
University of Ottawa Press / Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa
University of Regina Press
University of Toronto Press
Weigl Educational Publishers
Wilfrid Laurier University Press
Also in Frankfurt / Également à Francfort
Acacia House Éditions Goélette Mosaic Press / IPI 6.0 29F/30F
8.0 K 140
8.0 L 54
Quebec Stand | Stand du Québec
6.1 A 35
Bayard Canada
Béliveau Éditeur
Éditions de l’Isatis
Éditions de Mortagne
Éditions du Boréal
Éditions du CHU Sainte-Justine
Éditions du CRAM
Éditions La Peuplade
Éditions Le Dauphin Blanc
Éditions Les 400 coups
Éditions Médiaspaul
Éditions Sylvain Harvey
Groupe Fides
Lux Éditeur
Presses de l’Université Laval
Le Quartanier
Quattro Books
Livres Canada Books
504−1 Nicholas
Ottawa ON K1N 7B7 · CANADA
+1 613 562-2324 · Fax +1 613 569-2329
[email protected] ·
  @livresCAbooks