Leleux Press Review - Leleux Associated Brokers


Leleux Press Review - Leleux Associated Brokers
Leleux Press Review
Tuesday 19/8/2014
BEL 20 (Belgium)
Last Price
Minimum Price
1046,07 (02/09/1992)
Maximum Price
4759,01 (23/05/2007)
CAC 40 (France)
Last Price
Minimum Price
2693,21 (23/09/2011)
Maximum Price
7347,94 (21/10/2009)
AEX (Nederland)
Last Price
Minimum Price
194,99 (09/03/2009)
Maximum Price
806,41 (21/10/2009)
DAX (Deutschland)
Last Price
Minimum Price
438,38 (18/03/2002)
Maximum Price
636497,44 (18/03/2011)
Dow Jones Industries (United States)
Last Price
Minimum Price
0,20 (21/10/2011)
Maximum Price
19737,03 (02/11/2011)
+2,32% MERCK (US)
+1,96% AT&T INC.
+1,84% HOME DEPOT (US)
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Leleux Press Review
Tuesday 19/8/2014
Areva: contrat en Afrique du Sud.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - L'énergéticien sud-africain Eskom a annoncé la signature d'un contrat avec Areva. Celui-ci porte
sur le remplacement des six générateurs de vapeur de la centrale nucléaire de Koeberg, située non loin du Cap.
Le montant de cette opération n'a pas été révélé, mais Eskom a indiqué que les générateurs seront installés en 2018.
L'Afrique du Sud mène une politique énergétique fondée notamment sur une contribution accrue du nucléaire civile. Les
autorités du pays souhaitent ainsi augmenter son apport de 9,6 gigawatts (GW) en dix ans.
LEO CAPITAL GROWTH SPC Plc: Estimated August 15th 2014
Thomson Reuters (18/08/2014)
LEO CAPITAL GROWTH SPC Plc: Estimated August 15th 2014
LEO CAPITAL GROWTH SPC (the 'Company') NET ASSET VALUE OF SHARES The net asset value per share ('NAV')
of the under-mentioned class of shares ofnominal value EUR 50,000 in the Company, as at the close of business on
August15th 2014 is: Participating EUR
ISIN: IE00B5WK6265Shares -----------------+-----+--------------------------+------------+---- ---------- Bloomberg: LEOCAPG ID-----------------+-----+---------------------------+------------+------------- -----------------+-----+---------------------------+------------+--- ----------- Euronext: LEOA-----------------+-----+--------------------------+------------+- ------------This estimated NAV has been calculated by Leo Fund Managers Limited and is onlyan estimate.
The making of such estimates involves known and unknown risks, uncertainties andother factors which may cause the
estimated results, performance or achievementsto be materially different from any actual results, performance or
achievements.Except as required by applicable law, the Company and Leo Fund Managers Limitedexpressly disclaim any
obligation to update or revise such estimates to reflectany change in expectations, new information, subsequent events or
This document is for information purposes only and is not an offer to invest.All investments are subject to risk. Past
performance is no guarantee of futurereturns. Prospective investors are advised to seek expert legal, financial, taxand
other professional advice before making any investment decision. The valueof investments may fluctuate. Results
achieved in the past are no guarantee offuture results.
For further information about this announcement contact:
Quintillion Limited
Tel: +353 1 523 8020
18th August 2014
Bureau Veritas: acquisition aux Etats-Unis.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - Bureau Veritas a annoncé ce lundi après Bourse l'acquisition d'Analysts Inc., spécialisée dans les
analyses de lubrifiants.
Créée en 1960, basée à Los Angeles et comptant environ 190 employés, cette société propose des services d'analyse
d'huiles à de nombreux secteurs industriels : fabrication d'équipements, production d'énergie, transport maritime et routier,
construction lourde, et industries minière et aéronautique.
'Ses programmes d'analyses permettent aux gestionnaires d'équipements de disposer de recommandations pour évaluer
l'état des équipements, planifier les opérations de maintenance, prévenir les pannes et maximiser leur exploitation', a
détaillé Bureau Veritas, qui souligne par ailleurs qu'Analysts est également présente au Mexique et au Japon et a généré
l'an passé un chiffre d'affaires de l'ordre de onze millions d'euros.
'L'acquisition d'Analysts renforce notre présence en Amérique du Nord et nous place en position de leader sur ce marché
très spécialisé des analyses de lubrifiants', s'est réjoui Didier Michaud-Daniel, Directeur général de Bureau Veritas.
'Notre intégration dans le groupe Bureau Veritas va nous permettre d'étendre rapidement nos activités sur le marché
international et de stimuler notre croissance en Amérique du Nord. Cette évolution nous ouvre la perspective de devenir
un leader mondial du marché des analyses de lubrifiants', a pour sa part commenté Michael Forgeron, Président
Blackberry: l'heure des grandes manoeuvres.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - En grande difficulté depuis de longs mois, Blackberry a entamé une véritable révolution sous
l'impulsion de son nouveau 'capitaine' John Chen, ancien patron de Sybase qui a pris les commandes du fabricant
canadien de smartphones fin 2013. Ce dernier vise un retour à la rentabilité en 2016. Un objectif ambitieux qui passe
notamment par des milliers de suppressions d'emplois - le processus touche à sa fin - et plus largement par une nouvelle
Celle-ci consiste notamment en la création d'une nouvelle division, 'BlackBerry Technology Solutions (BTS)', dont le
responsable, Sandeep Chennakeshu, a été nommé aujourd'hui.
Largement boudé par les particuliers, Blackberry entend mettre l'accent sur les entreprises, mais n'a pas pour autant
renoncé à plaire aux premiers. Pour tenter de récupérer des parts de marché, le groupe se prépare en effet à lancer le
'Passport', un nouveau smartphone au format phablet avec un clavier Azerty, l'une des grandes forces 'historiques' de
Ce terminal devrait officiellement être présenté le mois prochain à Londres (Grande-Bretagne). Reste à savoir si ce nouvel
opus marquera le retour au premier plan d'un groupe qui a perdu des milliards de dollars et a failli être racheté à plusieurs
reprises, faute d'avoir été en mesure de rivaliser avec les Samsung et autres Apple sur le segment des smartphones...
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Leleux Press Review
Tuesday 19/8/2014
GE: le titre surperforme, un analyste positif.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - General Electric compte parmi les plus fortes hausses du Dow Jones lundi matin après la reprise
par Crédit Suisse du suivi de la valeur avec une opinion 'surperformance' et un objectif de cours de 30 dollars.
Vers 11h00 (heure de New York), l'action gagne 1,4% à 26 dollars tandis que l'indice Dow avance de moins de 1%. Le
titre affiche encore un repli de plus de 7% depuis le début de l'année.
Dans une note, Crédit Suisse étaye son optimisme par la perspective d'une expansion des marges bénéficiaires de la
division industrielle en 2015 sous l'effet des efforts de 'simplification' et de réductions des coûts entrepris par le groupe.
Le bureau d'études, qui attribue la récente sous-performance du titre aux révisions à la baisse du consensus, estime que
les prochains événements organisés par le groupe (réunion d'analystes en septembre, présentations des prévisions 2015
en décembre) devraient permettre un rattrapage de la valeur en mettant en évidence des perspectives plus favorables
pour 2015.
Ericsson chosen by ASBANC to develop a new channel to enable
Thomson Reuters (18/08/2014)
* ASBANC, Peru's National Bank Association, has chosen Ericsson as partner todesign and implement its Mobile Money
project, the country's largest privateinitiative for financial inclusion * The solution is explicitly tailored to provide a new
channel enablingfinancial inclusion, providing easy-to-use and secure next-generation mobilefinancial services, including
those who do not have access to traditionalbanking services * Asbanc estimates that 2.1 million Peruvians will benefit and
own a mobilewallet by 2019 * Ericsson m-commerce solution includes the development of a mobile moneyplatform,
systems integration, learning services, managed services andsupport ASBANC, Peru's National Bank Association, has
chosen Ericsson's (NASDAQ: ERIC)Wallet solution to power next-generation mobile financial services aiming toinclude 2.1
million unbanked Peruvians within 5 years.Ericsson's solution includes full systems integration in one platform capable
ofhosting all services from different financial and commercial institutions tosecure interoperability. The solution also allows
financial service providers toreuse existing assets to bundle secure telecom and financial services. Inaddition, Ericsson will
provide ASBANC with systems integration, learningservices, managed services and support.
A report from Ericsson ConsumerLab shows that Latin America has many of theconditions needed for high growth of mcommerce services - including high mobilepenetration and a low percentage of banked consumers. Up to 74 percent of
peoplewho are not using m-commerce solutions today would be interested in using suchservices through their mobile
phones, according to the report.
The majority of the population in Latin America - 61 percent - is unbanked, andthere is still a high degree of poverty, the
report shows. With almost half ofthe labor force being casually employed and cash being the most frequent methodof
payment, there are widespread concerns about security. The Ericsson WalletPlatform gives users the ability to store,
transfer and withdraw money in acompletely secure environment.
Oscar Rivera, President of ASBANC, says: 'We see a great potential for thisplatform to extend and further strengthen the
financial system in Peru. This isa huge inclusive effort done by the financial industry that now can count on thesupport from
very important companies within the private sector.'Carolina Trivelli, Digital Money Project Manager, says: 'We are secure
that wewill reach great achievements with digital money services. With this platform wewill connect the unbanked with
easy-to-use financial services that they havepreviously been unable to access. We are confident that Ericsson is a
greatpartner and we count on their support to reach the project's objectives.'
Jo Lindstad, Vice President of Industry & Society, Ericsson Latin America, says:'Based on our technology leadership and
global scale, Ericsson can offer secureaccess to mobile money to people everywhere, including more than a
billionunbanked mobile users. We are very happy to be chosen to implement this m-commerce solution and bring more
innovation into the Latin American market.'
In emerging markets, like Peru, the development of m-commerce services isbeneficial both on societal and individual
levels. M-commerce services providethe unbanked with money accounts and open the gates to the formal economy.
InAfrica and Latin America, this development is already apparent. Thiswill benefit society over time and is an integral part
of the entire developmentof countries.
The full solution will be implemented in phases and ASBANC plans to make thenext generation mobile financial services
generally available in the Peruvianmarket during 2015.
Ericsson Wallet Platform Latin American consumers ripe for m-commerce, report finds M-Commerce in Latin America MCommerce poised for growth in Latin America Open Money
Download high-resolution photos and broadcast-quality video at www.ericsson.com/press
Ericsson is the driving force behind the Networked Society - a world leader incommunications technology and services.
Our long-term relationships with everymajor telecom operator in the world allow people, businesses and societies tofulfill
their potential and create a more sustainable future.
Our services, software and infrastructure - especially in mobility, broadbandand the cloud - are enabling the telecom
industry and other sectors to do betterbusiness, increase efficiency, improve the user experience and capture
With more than 110,000 professionals and customers in 180 countries, we combineglobal scale with technology and
services leadership. We support networks thatconnect more than 2.5 billion subscribers. Forty percent of the world's
mobiletraffic is carried over Ericsson networks. And our investments in research anddevelopment ensure that our solutions
- and our customers - stay in front.
Founded in 1876, Ericsson has its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. Net salesin 2013 were SEK 227.4 billion (USD
34.9 billion). Ericsson is listed on NASDAQOMX stock exchange in Stockholm and the NASDAQ in New York.
www.ericsson.com www.ericsson.com/news www.twitter.com/ericssonpress www.facebook.com/ericsson
Ericsson Corporate Communications Phone: +46 10 719 69 92 E-mail: [email protected]
Ericsson Investor Relations Phone: +46 10 719 00 00 ... (truncated) ...
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Leleux Press Review
Tuesday 19/8/2014
IBM: feu vert à une cession des serveurs x86 à Lenovo.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - IBM avance de 0,8% à 189 dollars en début de séance à Wall Street, à la suite de l'annonce, en fin
de semaine dernière, du feu vert des autorités de régulation à la cession de sa branche de serveurs x86 au groupe chinois
'Cet accord du CFIUS (comité sur l'investissement étranger aux Etats-Unis) constitue une bonne nouvelle à la fois pour
IBM, Lenovo, nos salariés et nos clients', déclare le groupe informatique américain qui prépare désormais la finalisation de
la transaction.
Le périmètre ainsi cédé, pour 2,3 milliards de dollars, comprend les gammes System x, BladeCenter ainsi que les serveurs
'lames' et les 'switchs' Flex System, la gamme intégrée Flex Systems basée sur la technologie x86, les serveurs et
logiciels NeXtScale et iDataPlex.
IBM explique que l'opération lui permet de 'se concentrer sur les innovations de logiciels et de systèmes qui apportent de
nouvelles formes de valeur à ses clients dans des domaines comme l'informatique cognitive, le big data ou le cloud'.
Biogen Idec: le Plegridy autorisé aux Etats-Unis.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - Biogen Idec a annoncé lundi que les autorités sanitaires américaines avaient autorisé la
commercialisation du Plegridy dans le traitement des formes récurrentes de la sclérose en plaques.
Le groupe biotechnologique américain indique dans un communiqué que le feu vert de la FDA s'est appuyé sur une étude
de phase 3 réalisée sur deux ans auprès de plus de 1500 patients ayant montré une réduction de 36% du taux de
récurrence de la maladie au bout d'un an par rapport aux patients traités avec un placebo.
Le Plegridy a récemment été autorisé par la Commission européenne.
A la Bourse de New York, l'action Biogen Idec évoluait en hausse de 1,3% à 147 dollars lundi dans les premiers
Vivendi: GVT attise les convoitises.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - Après Telefonica, Telecom Italia ! Manifestement décidé à griller la politesse à son homologue
espagnol, l'opérateur transalpin proposerait selon Bloomberg sept milliards d'euros pour acquérir GVT, actif brésilien de
Vivendi dont le groupe diversifié français aspire à se séparer depuis de longs mois, dans le cadre de sa stratégie de
recentrage sur les médias.
A la Bourse de Paris, le titre Vivendi évolue en ligne avec la tendance avec un gain de 1,2% à 19,4 euros en début
L'offre que s'apprêterait à formuler Telecom Italia serait supérieure à celle de Telefonica, qui a proposé il y a une dizaine
de jours 6,7 milliards d'euros payables à hauteur de 60% en numéraire et de 40% en titres Vivo, marque sous laquelle le
groupe ibère opère au Brésil.
En cas d'acceptation de ce 'deal', Vivendi disposerait par ailleurs de la possibilité d'acquérir 8,1% de Telecom Italia, qui
avait décidé fin 2012 de ne pas faire d'offre pour le rachat de GVT en raison du prix demandé, d'au moins... sept milliards
L'opérateur a depuis changé d'avis et pourrait selon un journal brésilien proposer 20% de son capital à Vivendi, en sus
d'une participation dans l'entité fusionnée Tim Brazil/GVT.
'Le groupe français a l'avantage de ne pas être pressé, de quoi lui permettre de faire monter les enchères', souligne Aurel
BGC. Et de poursuivre : 'si une valorisation de sept milliards d'euros est effectivement proposée pour GVT, Vivendi
pourrait se laisser tenter alors que cet actif, le premier mis en vente lors de la revue stratégique, n'avait pas attiré d'offres
aussi élevées à l'époque selon la presse.'
Crédit Agricole: démenti de rumeur concernant Xavier Musca.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - Crédit Agricole SA dément que Xavier Musca, son directeur général délégué, ait jamais détenu
directement ou indirectement des actions de Banco Espirito Santo (BES), qualifiant d'erronées des informations parues
dans la presse portugaise.
'La cession de 35,9 millions d'euros auquel il est fait référence dans ces articles a été effectuée par Crédit Agricole SA
dans le cadre d'opérations préparatoires à l'augmentation de capital du BES annoncée le 16 mai dernier', précise le
groupe bancaire.
Il ajoute que le communiqué de la Comissão do Mercado de Valores Mobiliários - CMVM - daté du 15 juillet dernier,
précise que Xavier Musca ne détient aucun titre BES.
Xavier Musca a rejoint Crédit Agricole SA en tant que directeur général délégué en juin 2012. Il a occupé précédemment
les fonctions de secrétaire général de la Présidence de la République de février 2011 à mai 2012.
Ericsson: contrat avec Hrvatski Telekom.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - Ericsson a annoncé lundi avoir été sélectionné par Hrvatski Telekom en tant que partenaire pour la
construction et la maintenance de son réseau de télécommunications.
Le contrat, d'une durée de cinq ans, prévoit la planification et le déploiement d'infrastructures fixes et mobiles, mais aussi
le suivi du réseau.
L'accord prévoit le transfert de quelque 640 salariés de la filiale croate de Deutsche Telekom vers Ericsson Nikola Tesla
Servisi, une nouvelle entité d'Ericsson spécialement constituée pour l'occasion.
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Leleux Press Review
Tuesday 19/8/2014
Hrvatski Telekom selects Ericsson for 5-year managed service
Thomson Reuters (18/08/2014)
* Ericsson signs five-year managed services contract with leading Croatianoperator Hrvatski Telekom, a member of the
Deutsche Telekom Group* Ericsson will support Hrvatski Telekom in raising the quality and efficiencyof its network
Hrvatski Telekom, a member of the Deutsche Telekom Group and the leadingprovider of telecommunications services in
Croatia, has selected Ericsson(NASDAQ: ERIC) as its partner in the construction and maintenance oftelecommunications
The five-year contract for construction and maintenance of telecommunicationsinfrastructure includes planning and
construction of fixed and mobile networks,maintenance of telecommunications infrastructure, telecom network monitoring,
aswell as field maintenance of active access and passive networks.
Davor Toma?kovic, President of the Management Board and CEO of Hrvatski Telekom,says: 'Through this agreement,
Hrvatski Telekom intends to increase the qualityof infrastructure and simultaneously optimize costs related to the
constructionand maintenance of fixed and mobile networks. We have chosen a good and reliablepartner who will increase
the quality of our electronic communications networksat the highest level and at optimal costs. We have entrusted these
importanttasks to a company that is the world leader in this area, so that we can focuson providing advanced and
innovative services for our customers.'
Jean-Claude Geha, Vice President and Head of Managed Services, Ericsson, says:'While extending our relationship with
Hrvatski Telekom and the Deutsche TelekomGroup, we will use our expertise gained from more than 15 years in
telecommanaged services to improve end-user experience and optimize network operatingcosts. By saving time and
resources, Hrvatski Telekom will be able to increaseits investments in innovation, sales and customer management.'
640 Hrvatski Telekom employees will be transferred to Ericsson Nikola TeslaServisi d.o.o , a newly established subsidiary
of Ericsson Nikola Tesla.
Press backgrounder Managed Services
Download high-resolution photos and broadcast-quality video at www.ericsson.com/press
About Hrvatski Telekom Hrvatski Telekom is the leading provider of telecommunications services inCroatia and the sole
company to offer the full range of these services.Alongside fixed and mobile telephony services, HT provides Internet
services,including IPTV, data transmission services and ICT services, and is a leader inall business segments. According
to the results for the second quarter of 2014,HT Group serves 1.1 million fixed-line customers, 2.3 million mobile
subscribersand 620,508 retail broadband access lines and provides television services to393,525 customers. HT is a
member of Deutsche Telekom Group.
Ericsson is the driving force behind the Networked Society - a world leader incommunications technology and services.
Our long-term relationships with everymajor telecom operator in the world allow people, businesses and societies tofulfill
their potential and create a more sustainable future.
Our services, software and infrastructure - especially in mobility, broadbandand the cloud - are enabling the telecom
industry and other sectors to do betterbusiness, increase efficiency, improve the user experience and capture
With more than 110,000 professionals and customers in 180 countries, we combineglobal scale with technology and
services leadership. We support networks thatconnect more than 2.5 billion subscribers. Forty percent of the world's
mobiletraffic is carried over Ericsson networks. And our investments in research anddevelopment ensure that our solutions
- and our customers - stay in front.
Founded in 1876, Ericsson has its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. Net salesin 2013 were SEK 227.4 billion (USD
34.9 billion). Ericsson is listed on NASDAQOMX stock exchange in Stockholm and the NASDAQ in New York.
www.ericsson.com www.ericsson.com/news www.twitter.com/ericssonpress www.facebook.com/ericsson
Ericsson Corporate Communications Phone: +46 10 719 69 92 E-mail: [email protected]
Ericsson Investor Relations Phone: +46 10 719 00 00 E-mail: [email protected]
ABB: contrat dans l'hydrolien en Ecosse.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - ABB a annoncé lundi avoir remporté un contrat auprès d'Atlantis Resources pour la mise en place
d'une connexion électrique basée sur le courant des marées en Ecosse.
Le groupe d'électrotechnique helvético-suédois sera chargé de l'installation des équipements du réseau électrique au sol
dans le cadre de la première étape du projet 'MeyGen' situé sur le détroit de Pentland Firth.
Quatre turbines doivent être été immergées dans cette région du Royaume-Uni, considérée comme l'un des sites
maritimes les plus prometteurs pour les énergéticiens compte tenu de sa situation entre l'Océan Atlantique et la Mer du
La première production d'électricité est attendue en 2016.
Optional Dividend
Corporate Actions Leleux
Associated Brokers (18/08/2014)
The company offers the opportunity to choose between the perception of the dividend in cash or the reinvestment in new
shares. The tax administation considers this dividend in shares as a taxable income and the witholding tax equal to 25% of
the reinvestment amount and tax on the stock exchange of 0,25% will be applied with the delivery of new shares. The
gross dividend amounts 0,05 GBP and the share ratio is unknown.
The owner of the stocks has 2 options :
- Option 1: Reinvest the dividend. - Option 2: Receive the dividend in cash.
The expiration date for this corporate action has been setted on 3 September 2014.
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Leleux Press Review
Tuesday 19/8/2014
Takeover Bid
Corporate Actions Leleux
Associated Brokers (18/08/2014)
A purchase offer is proposed by GLOBAL RESORTS SAS ET CONCERT on all shares CLUB MED for a price of 21,00
EUR per share.
The owner of the stocks has 2 options :
- Option 1: Accept the offer. - Option 2: Refuse the offer.
The expiration date for this corporate action has been setted on 17 September 2014.
Nexans: soutenu par un relèvement de broker.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - Nexans prend 4,3% à 32,7 euros, soutenu par Espirito Santo qui passe de 'vente' à 'neutre' sur le
titre une position assortie d'un objectif de cours de 32 euros, dans une note consacrée au secteur européen des biens
Le broker met en avant une valorisation qu'il juge plus réaliste pour le fabricant de câbles, après une chute de 25% du titre
depuis juin 2014 et une sous-performance de 20% par rapport à l'indice SXNP sur l'année passée.
Espirito Santo estime que 'la nomination d'Arnaud Poupart-Lafarge comme directeur général, en septembre, verra une
concentration accentuée sur la performance opérationnelle', bien qu'il pense que 'cela soit reflété dans le cours de titre'.
Numericable en repli par rapport à son plus haut historique.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - L'action perd 10% par rapport à son plus haut de l'année et reste encore assez chère avec un PER
supérieur à 30 aux cours actuels.
SES: contrat en Afrique de l'Ouest francophone.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - SES annonce un contrat pluriannuel, avec un consortium de diffuseurs emmenés par Africable et
Media Plus, pour la fourniture de services de télévision directe par satellite dans des pays francophones d'Afrique
Ainsi, deux transpondeurs permettront à une nouvelle plateforme de diffuser de la télévision directe par satellite à partir
d'un téléport situé à Bamako, capitale du Mali, aux pays de l'Union Economique et Monétaire Ouest-Africaine.
Le déploiement commencera le 1er octobre prochain au Mali, au Burkina Faso, en Côte d'Ivoire et au Niger. L'opérateur
fournira des capacités sur son satellite SES-4 situé à 22 degrés Ouest.
SES souligne que le service en question offrira un bouquet de 80 chaines et permettra aux pays membres de respecter la
date-limite globale pour la migration numérique, en juin 2015.
Vivendi: Telecom Italia serait en passe de faire une offre.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - Si l'on en croit les informations de Bloomberg, Telecom Italia serait sur le point de formuler une
offre pour acquérir l'opérateur télécoms brésilien GVT, actuellement détenu par Vivendi, qui cherche à s'en séparer de
longue date.
L'opérateur transalpin proposerait 7 milliards d'euros pour racheter cet actif. Son directeur exécutif Marco Patuano avait
rencontré la semaine dernière Vincent Bolloré, président du conseil de surveillance de Vivendi, précisément pour évoquer
l'avenir de GVT.
Pour rappel, GVT est également dans le viseur de Telefonica et de sa filiale Telefonica Brasil, qui au début du mois ont
proposé 6,7 milliards d'euros payables à hauteur de 60% en numéraire et de 40% en titres Vivo, marque sous laquelle le
groupe espagnol opère au Brésil.
En cas d'acceptation de cette transaction, Vivendi disposerait également de la possibilité d'acquérir 8,1% de Telecom
Italia, qui fin 2012 avait décidé de ne pas faire d'offre pour le rachat de GVT en raison du prix demandé, d'au moins... sept
milliards d'euros.
Ericsson: contrat en Australie.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - Ericsson a annoncé la signature d'un contrat avec le groupe de télécoms australien Telstra.
Ce dernier a choisi l'entreprise suédoise comme partenaire stratégique pour sa prochaine génération de services et
équipements optiques, dont l'importance ira crescendo vu la multiplication des opérations sur le cloud, a souligné David
Robertson, l'un des hauts responsables de Telstra.
Les deux groupes collaborent déjà depuis plusieurs années, comme l'a rappelé Hakan Eriksson, responsable d'Ericsson
en Australie et en Nouvelle-Zélande.
Le groupe suédois avait signé un partenariat stratégique analogue avec l'équipementier de réseaux américain Ciena.
Selon les termes de cet accord, Ericsson distribue les plateformes optiques par paquets de Ciena ('Converged Packet
Optical'), dont les gammes 5400 et 6500.
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Leleux Press Review
Tuesday 19/8/2014
Valmet to supply first OptiConcept M board production line i
Thomson Reuters (18/08/2014)
Valmet Corporation's press release on August 18, 2014, at 11:00 a.m. EET
Valmet has made a contract with Pratt Paper (IN), LLC for the supply of thepaper machine for Pratt's new greenfield paper
mill in Valparaiso area, Indiana,USA. The mill will utilize recovered paper in the production of recycledlinerboard and
corrugated medium. The start-up of the new paper machine, PM16,is scheduled for 2015.
The order is included in Valmet's third quarter 2014 orders received. The valueof the order is not disclosed.
'OptiConcept M is a new and modular way to design, build and operate a papermachine. Its modular approach enables
short delivery times, quick start-up andlow project costs. This will be Valmet's first OptiConcept M installation inNorth
America and we are all proud to work with Pratt on this project,' saysMike Gray, SVP Sales, Valmet North America
The new machine will have a wire width of 6.25 meters and a design speed of1,200 m/min. Valmet's scope of delivery will
comprise a complete OptiConcept Mboard production line from headbox to winder.
Image: Valmet's OptiConcept M paper machine
About Pratt
Pratt Industries is America's 5th Largest Corrugated Packaging Company and theworld's largest, privately-held 100%
recycled paper and packaging company, withmore than 4,000 highly-skilled, green-collar employees dedicated to
theenvironment and sustainability. Pratt was founded in the USA some 20 years agoand, since then, has shown dramatic
growth with sophisticated manufacturingfacilities in more than 20 states.
VALMET CORPORATION Corporate Communications
For further information, please contact: Mike Gray, SVP Sales, Valmet North America, tel. +1 920 738 8542 Bill Bohn,
President, Valmet North America, tel. +1 770 263 1542 Jari Siitonen, Sales Director, Paper mills, Valmet tel. +358 40 765
Valmet Corporation is a leading global developer and supplier of services andtechnologies for the pulp, paper and energy
industries. Our 11,000 professionalsaround the world work close to our customers and are committed to moving
ourcustomers' performance forward - every day.
Valmet's services cover everything from maintenance outsourcing to mill andplant improvements and spare parts. Our
strong technology offering includesentire pulp mills, tissue, board and paper production lines, as well as powerplants for
bio-energy production.
The company has over 200 years of industrial history and was reborn through thedemerger of the pulp, paper and power
businesses from Metso Group in December2013. Valmet's net sales in 2013 were approximately EUR 2.6 billion.
Valmet'sobjective is to become the global champion in serving its customers.
Valmet's head office is in Espoo, Finland and its shares are listed on theNASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.
Read more www.valmet.com , www.twitter.com/valmetglobal
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Leleux Press Review
Tuesday 19/8/2014
Ericsson awarded 5th Emmy® Award for JPEG2000 interoperabili
Thomson Reuters (18/08/2014)
* The National Academy of Television Arts & Sciences has awarded a 2014 Emmy®Award in Technology & Engineering to
Ericsson for Standardization andProductization of JPEG2000 Interoperability * Reflects Ericsson's pioneering work in
promoting interoperability betweenvendor JPEG2000 solutions * Promotes industry ecosystems built on open standards
Ericsson (NASDAQ:ERIC) today announced it will receive a Technology & Engineering Emmy® Award from the National
Academy of Television Arts & Sciencesfor its work in developing pioneering JPEG2000 interoperability technology. Thisis
Ericsson's fifth Emmy® Award recognition and it will be formally presented tothe company at a ceremony on January 8th,
2015 at the Bellagio Hotel during theConsumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, USA.
Ericsson has consistently championed the industry need to support open standardsto foster better integration of different
vendor technologies, and itsgroundbreaking work in pushing forward JPEG2000 interoperability is demonstrableevidence
of this. Ericsson has worked closely with other vendors to define theparameters and necessary methodologies for
JPEG2000 interoperability in order toovercome the issues of video ecosystems containing different proprietarysolutions.
Ericsson also participated in a number of testing events where itsequipment demonstrated full interoperability.
Per Borgklint, Senior Vice President and Head of Business Unit Support Solutions, Ericsson said: 'We are truly delighted to
be awarded with a fifthEmmy® Award. This award underlines how committed Ericsson is to developingindustry-wide
standardization and vendor interoperability. By enabling JPEG2000interoperability, we are giving content owners,
broadcasters and TV serviceproviders the necessary technologies and infrastructures to evolve their IPvideo services for
the delivery of richer and broader TV experiences forconsumers.'
JPEG2000 is a compression standard that is widely used in broadcast applicationswhere high capacity networks are
available. The technology enables thedistribution of very high picture quality content for live events like sports,offering a
cost-effective method of high bit-rate content delivery over IP.Although JPEG2000 compression has been used for almost
10 years, issues withinteroperability hindered its solution effectiveness. Consequently, efforts toimprove its interoperability
were initiated with formal testing following theissuing of a Technical Recommendation by the Video Services Forum in April
About the Technology & Engineering Emmy® Awards
The Technology & Engineering Emmy® Awards honors achievements in two areas:Science Engineering & Technology for
Broadcast Television, which includesbroadcast, cable and satellite distribution; and Broadband and PersonalTelevision
encompassing interactive television, gaming technology, the Internet,cell phone, private networks and personal media
Previous Ericsson Emmy® Awards in Technology & Engineering:
2013 - An Emmy® Award for Video on Demand Dynamic Advertising Insertion for thepioneering development of dynamic
ad insertion for Video on Demand content2011 - An Emmy® Award for Pioneering Development and Deployment of Active
FormatDescription Technology and Systems2008 - An Emmy® Award for Pioneering Development and Deployment of
MPEG-4Advanced Video Coding (AVC) systems for high definition television (HDTV)2007 - An Emmy® Award for
Development, productization, and commercialization ofinteractive Video-on-Demand (VOD) two-way infrastructure and
signaling, leadingto large scale VOD implementations
Download high-resolution photos and broadcast-quality video at www.ericsson.com/press
Ericsson is the driving force behind the Networked Society - a world leader incommunications technology and services.
Our long-term relationships with everymajor telecom operator in the world allow people, businesses and societies tofulfill
their potential and create a more sustainable future.
Our services, software and infrastructure - especially in mobility, broadbandand the cloud - are enabling the telecom
industry and other sectors to do betterbusiness, increase efficiency, improve the user experience and capture
With more than 110,000 professionals and customers in 180 countries, we combineglobal scale with technology and
services leadership. We support networks thatconnect more than 2.5 billion subscribers. Forty percent of the world's
mobiletraffic is carried over Ericsson networks. And our investments in research anddevelopment ensure that our solutions
- and our customers - stay in front.Founded in 1876, Ericsson has its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. Net salesin
2013 were SEK 227.4 billion (USD 34.9 billion). Ericsson is listed on NASDAQOMX stock exchange in Stockholm and the
NASDAQ in New York.
www.ericsson.com www.ericsson.com/news www.twitter.com/ericssonpress www.facebook.com/ericsson
FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT Ericsson Corporate Communications Phone: +46 10 719 69 92 Email: [email protected] Ericsson Investor Relations Phone: +46 10 719 00 00 E-mail:
[email protected]
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Leleux Press Review
Tuesday 19/8/2014
Invitation to telephone conference on 21 August to present E
Thomson Reuters (18/08/2014)
East Capital Explorer's interim report 1 January - 30 June 2014 will bepublished on Thursday, 21 August 2014, before the
stock market opens. The reportwill be presented at a telephone conference with Mia Jurke, CEO at East CapitalExplorer
and Kestutis Sasnauskas, Founding Partner and Head of Private Equity &Real Estate at East Capital.
Thursday, 21 August 2014 Time:
(Swe), +44 203 364 53 74 (UK), +1 855 753 22 30 (US)
10.00 am CET Dial-in numbers:
+46 8 505 564 74
Please dial-in a few minutes before the conference starts. The presentation forthe telephone conference will be made
available on www.eastcapitalexplorer.comno later than 15 minutes before the conference begins.
To listen to the webcast, click here.
The webcast will also be available on the website after the telephone conference.
Contact information
Kristina Karusuo, East Capital Explorer +46 8 505 977 18
Financial reporting calendar
Interim Report, 1 January - 30 June 2014 on 21 August 2014 Interim Report, 1 January - 30 September 2014 on 7
November 2014
Year-end Report, 1 January - 31 December 2014 on 12 February 2015
About East Capital Explorer
East Capital Explorer AB (publ) is a Swedish investment company, created withthe specific aim of bringing unique
investment opportunities in Eastern Europeto a broader investor base. The company makes direct investments into
privateand public companies but investments are also made through East Capital'sprivate equity, real estate and
alternative investment funds. East CapitalExplorer's main investment theme is domestic growth and the Company targets
fastgrowing sectors such as Retail and Consumer goods, Financials and Real Estate.East Capital Explorer has appointed
East Capital to manage its investmentactivities. East Capital Explorer is listed on NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Mid Cap.
Listing: NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Mid Cap - Ticker: ECEX - ISIN: SE0002158568 -Reuters: ECEX.ST - Bloomberg:
ECEX SS Equity
Zurich Insurance: sous-performe avec une note mitigée.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - Zurich Insurance sous-performe l'indice SMI avec un gain de 0,7% à moins de 272 francs suisses,
sur une note mitigée de Crédit Suisse qui relève son objectif de cours de 286 à 294 francs suisses, mais reste confirme
son opinion 'neutre'.
Le bureau d'études rehausse ses hypothèses de BPA rehaussées de 5% pour 2015 et de 2% pour 2016, mais il réduit de
6% son estimation pour l'année en cours, pour refléter une charge d'imposition plus élevée au titre du premier semestre.
S'il reconnait Zurich Insurance comme bon marché dans l'absolu, Crédit Suisse voit le titre plus neutre sur une base
relative, avec la présence, ailleurs, de potentiels de retours aux actionnaires similaires et couplés à des valorisations de
départ plus basses.
Ahold: 1,1 million d'actions rachetées la semaine passée.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - Ahold a fait l'acquisition de près de 1,1 million de ses propres actions la semaine passée, à un prix
moyen d'environ 12,84 euros.
Le groupe néerlandais a ainsi déboursé sur cinq jours près de 14,2 millions d'euros dans le cadre de son programme de
rachats de deux milliards d'euros mis en place l'an dernier.
A ce jour, le groupe de distribution a dépensé environ 1,69 milliard d'euros sur cette enveloppe, pour acquérir plus de
129,8 millions de ses propres actions.
Wendel: Materis a reçu une offre ferme pour Chryso.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - Wendel a annoncé lundi le succès du refinancement de Materis Paints et de Chryso, deux sociétés
de sa sa filiale Materis, ainsi que l'ouverture de négociations exclusives en vue de la cession de Chryso.
La semaine passée, Materis a mené deux opérations de refinancement distinctes sur Materis Paints et Chryso, obtenant
notamment une dette senior in fine de maturité sept ans d'un montant de 267 millions pour Materis Paints et 165 millions
pour Chryso.
Une ligne de crédit revolving de maturité six ans a également été décrochée, à hauteur de 72 millions d'euros pour Materis
Paints et 38 millions pour Chryso, en vue de financer les besoins en fonds de roulement, acquisitions et investissements
des deux sociétés.
Par ailleurs, une enveloppe supplémentaire autorisée (non confirmée) de 88 millions d'euros pour Materis Paints et de 42
millions pour Chryso leur a été allouée afin de financer des acquisitions et investissements.
Wendel explique avoir décidé d'accompagner l'opération en investissant 150 millions d'euros sous forme de prêt
d'actionnaires à Materis.
Materis a reçu peu après une offre ferme de LBO France en vue de l'acquisition de la totalité du capital de Chryso, ce qui
a conduit à l'ouverture de négociations exclusives.
Cette transaction, qui valoriserait Chryso à environ 290 millions d'euros en valeur d'entreprise, pourrait intervenir dans le
courant du second semestre 2014.
Une cession permettrait de rembourser en grande partie le prêt d'actionnaires mis à disposition par Wendel.
Concernant Materis Paints, Wendel dit vouloir conserver son rôle d'actionnaire 'actif' auprès de l'équipe de direction et
accompagner son développement dans les années à venir.
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Leleux Press Review
Tuesday 19/8/2014
Atari: CA trimestriel gonflé par un effet périmètre.
Cercle Finance (18/08/2014)
(CercleFinance.com) - Le chiffre d'affaires du groupe Atari s'établit à 2,2 millions de dollars, soit 1,6 million d'euros pour le
premier trimestre 2014/2015, multiplié par six en comparaison annuelle en raison d'un effet périmètre.
L'éditeur de jeux vidéo rappelle en effet que ces revenus comprennent le chiffre d'affaires des sociétés américaines, cela
n'était pas le cas lors du premier trimestre 2013/2014.
En effet, à l'issue de la procédure de Chapter 11 aux Etats-Unis, le groupe a repris le contrôle de ses filiales américaines à
compter du 24 décembre 2013, et celles-ci ont donc été réintégrées dans le périmètre de consolidation à cette date.
Atari précise néanmoins que son chiffre d'affaires 'représente une croissance très significative de l'activité du groupe
conformément aux objectifs annoncés lors de la publication des comptes annuels'.
'Tous les produits du groupe ont contribué à l'activité avec notamment une bonne performance de 'Roller Coaster Tycoon'
et un redémarrage de l'activité de licence', explique-t-il.
Biofrontera AG: Belixos® now available through Amazon in Ger
Thomson Reuters (18/08/2014)
Biofrontera AG / Biofrontera AG: Belixos® now available through Amazon in Germany and UK. Processed and transmitted
by NASDAQ OMX Corporate Solutions. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Leverkusen, 18 August 2014 - Biofrontera (AIM/FSE:B8F), the Europeanbiopharmaceutical company, announces
that its derma-cosmetics productsBelixos(®) Crème and Belixos(®) Liquid are now available on Amazon.de
Both Belixos(®) products contain valuable ingredients extracted in a complex andvery gentle process from Mahonia
aquifolium, a medicinal plant that has beenused for centuries by North American Indians. In the crème this is
supplementedby the antibacterial properties of green tea and the soothing effects ofchamomile to create a unique
active ingredient combination. Moisturizing oat,urea and the zinc-PCA complex against dandruff complement the Mahonia
extract inBelixos(®) Liquid. With their innovative biocolloid formulations Belixos(®)products provide a balanced
combination of active substances.
The sound scientific basis behind Belixos(®) and the unique combination ofvaluable plant ingredients are intended
to set new standards in the highlycompetitive active cosmetics market. In people suffering from itchiness orchronic
ailments, such as atopic dermatitis or psoriasis, the combination ofcaring and regenerative effects may reduce the need
for medical treatment.
The Belixos(®) product range is gradually being expanded. The first of the newproducts, the scalp tonic Belixos(®)
Liquid, was launched at the beginning of2014, Belixos(®) Gel and Belixos(®) Protect are to follow in the course of
theyear. The gel is intended as regenerative daily care for skin with acne androsacea, Belixos(®) Protect is a day
cream for photodamaged skin with protectiveanti-aging properties.
Prof. Hermann Lübbert, Chief Executive Officer of Biofrontera commented: 'The UKis the first country outside Germany
in which we have made our Belixos(®)products available. Amazon provides a perfect platform to offer these productsto a
wide group of people seeking care for itching or inflamed skin. We adviseeverybody who experiences itching after a
mosquito bite or due to eczema, or whohas a sunburn, to give Belixos(®) Crème a chance.'
Biofrontera AG
+49 (0) 214 87 63 2 0Prof. Hermann Lübbert, Chief Executive Officer
[email protected] Schaffer , Chief Financial Officer www.biofrontera.comAnke zur Mühlen, Corporate
Brainwell Asset Solutions
+49 (0) 152 08931514Jürgen Benker
finnCap (Nomad and Broker)
Steven Norcross(Corporate Broking)
+44(0) 20 7220 0500Geoff Nash / Christopher Raggett (Corporate Finance)
Seton Services Limited (IR)
+44 (0) 20 7603 6797Toni Vallen
Gable Communications
+44 (0) 20 7193 7463John Bick
+44 (0) 7872
Notes to Editors:
Biofrontera AG (AIM/FSE: B8F, ISIN DE0006046113) is a biopharmaceutical companyspecialising in the development
and distribution of dermatological drugs andmedical cosmetics for the treatment and care of skin diseases.
Biofrontera'smain product is Ameluz(®), a prescription drug approved for use in Europe forthe treatment of mild to
moderate Actinic Keratosis (superficial skin cancer) byphotodynamic therapy (light therapy). Biofrontera is the first small
Germanpharmaceutical company to receive a centralized approval for a drug developedin-house. The Company is
looking to further develop Ameluz(®) for use in BasalCell Carcinoma and is currently progressing through regulatory
approvals to sellthe product in other territories, in particular the largest pharmaceuticalmarket, the USA.
In addition, the Company markets the Belixos(®) cosmetic series with plantextracts, currently available in cream
and liquid formulations which offernurturing and regenerating effects for people suffering from pruritus, dry skinor chronic
ailments such as eczema or psoriasis.
Biofrontera group was founded in 1997 by Prof. Dr. Hermann Lübbert, the CEO, andis headquartered in Leverkusen,
This press release contains forward-looking statements based on the currentlyheld beliefs and assumptions of the
management of Biofrontera AG, which areexpressed in good faith and, in their opinion, reasonable. Forwardlookingstatements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors,which may cause the assumptions
expressed or implied in this press release to befaulty. Given these risks, uncertainties and other factors, recipients of
thisdocument are cautioned not to place undue reliance on the forward-lookingstatements. Biofrontera AG disclaims
any obligation to update these forward-looking statements to reflect future events or developments.
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Leleux Press Review
Tuesday 19/8/2014
Ahold update terugkoop aandelen
Thomson Reuters (18/08/2014)
Zaandam, 18 augustus 2014 - Ahold heeft in de periode van 11 augustus juli toten met 15 augustus 1.102.084 van haar
gewone aandelen teruggekocht. De aandelenwerden teruggekocht voor een gemiddelde prijs van EUR 12,8446 per
aandeel voor eentotaalbedrag van EUR 14,16 miljoen. De terugkoop vond plaats in het kader van hetprogramma voor de
terugkoop van EUR 500 miljoen aan aandelen dat Ahold op 28februari 2013 bekendmaakte en dat, zoals bekendgemaakt
op 4 juni 2013, isverhoogd met EUR 1,5 miljard tot een totaalbedrag van EUR 2 miljard.
Tot op heden zijn in het kader van dit programma in totaal 129.844.155 gewoneaandelen teruggekocht voor een
totaalbedrag van EUR 1.688,00 miljoen.
Ahold Persvoorlichting: 088-659 5343 Ahold Investor Relations: 088-659 5213 Twitter: @AholdNews
Indien de Nederlandse versie van dit persbericht afwijkt van de Engelse versie,is de Engelse versie leidend.
Telstra chooses Ericsson for its next generation optical net
Thomson Reuters (18/08/2014)
* Telstra selects Ericsson as its strategic supplier for its next generationoptical network equipment and services * Telstra
continues to differentiate itself through superior performance withEricsson's and Ciena's optical networking * Telstra gets
ready for Service Provider SDN and NFV with Ericsson Telstra, Australia's leading telecommunications provider, confirms
Ericsson(NASDAQ:ERIC) as its continued supplier for optical transport equipment andservices. The agreement includes
the supply of Ericsson optical transportequipment and services as well as Ciena packet-optical platforms.
David Robertson, Director Transport and Routing, Engineering, Telstra says: 'Wewant to have one of the world's best
optical networks and this agreement willprovide us with the ability to dynamically move and shape transport capacitywith
the flexibility and scalability to streamline our network operations. Thiswill help us ensure a consistent satisfactory
customer experience, despite thedemands for high traffic across different parts of the transport network.
'The continued improvement of Telstra's optical technology will increasebandwidth capacity and also lower latency which is
of growing importance as moreand more operations move to the cloud,' Robertson says.
This agreement also supports the introduction of sophisticated software definednetworking (SDN) and network function
virtualization (NFV) functionality, whichwill form an essential path to deliver flexible and scalable control networks.
By implementing cloud and real-time control capabilities of Service Provider SDNand NFV, boundaries of the traditional
data center can be transcended withoutcompromising quality
Håkan Eriksson, Head of Ericsson Australia and New Zealand says: 'We have workedwith Telstra over a number of years
to pilot the latest cloud networkingtechnologies incorporating SDN and NFV. The new agreement with Telstra ensuresthat
we can begin to introduce this functionality into the Telstra transportnetwork throughout Australia.'
Ericsson signed a strategic agreement with Ciena (NYSE: CIEN) in February 2014enabling Ericsson to sell and support
Ciena's Converged Packet Opticalportfolio, and collaborate on the joint development of the Multilayer WANController.
'More so than ever, we're seeing the value of an ecosystem model prove out asthe transition continues toward networks
that scale and adapt to network-levelapplications and services,' said Philippe Morin, senior vice president ofWorldwide
Sales and Field Operations at Ciena. 'We are delivering on thatpromise through our partnership with Ericsson, bringing
customers best-in-classsolutions that address the evolving requirements for open, programmable,software-defined
The agreement with Ericsson will mean Telstra will continue to deliver the mostreliable and best performing connectivity of
any carrier in Australia.
Download high-resolution photos and broadcast-quality video at www.ericsson.com/press
Ericsson is the driving force behind the Networked Society - a world leader incommunications technology and services.
Our long-term relationships with everymajor telecom operator in the world allow people, businesses and societies tofulfill
their potential and create a more sustainable future.
Our services, software and infrastructure - especially in mobility, broadbandand the cloud - are enabling the telecom
industry and other sectors to do betterbusiness, increase efficiency, improve the user experience and capture
With more than 110,000 professionals and customers in 180 countries, we combineglobal scale with technology and
services leadership. We support networks thatconnect more than 2.5 billion subscribers. Forty percent of the world's
mobiletraffic is carried over Ericsson networks. And our investments in research anddevelopment ensure that our solutions
- and our customers - stay in front.
Founded in 1876, Ericsson has its headquarters in Stockholm, Sweden. Net salesin 2013 were SEK 227.4 billion (USD
34.9 billion). Ericsson is listed on NASDAQOMX stock exchange in Stockholm and the NASDAQ in New York.
www.ericsson.com www.ericsson.com/news www.twitter.com/ericssonpress www.facebook.com/ericsson
Ericsson Corporate Communications Phone: +46 10 719 69 92 E-mail: [email protected]
Ericsson Investor Relations Phone: +46 10 719 00 00 E-mail: [email protected]
Page 11 of 12
Leleux Press Review
Tuesday 19/8/2014
Basilea appoints Chief Commercial Officer
Thomson Reuters (18/08/2014)
Basilea Pharmaceutica AG / Basilea appoints Chief Commercial Officer . Processed and transmitted by NASDAQ OMX
Corporate Solutions. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.
Basel, Switzerland, August 18, 2014 - Basilea Pharmaceutica Ltd. (SIX: BSLN)reports today that it has appointed David
Veitch as Chief Commercial Officer ofBasilea Pharmaceutica International Ltd. Mr Veitch will join the company
onSeptember 1, 2014. As a member of the management committee, he will beresponsible for leading Basilea's
commercial operations, including sales,marketing, pricing and market access, reporting to Chief Executive OfficerRonald
David Veitch brings over 25 years of international commercial experience in thepharmaceutical industry to Basilea. He has
led cross-functional organizations atthe country and European level and was responsible for the launch of
numerousbrands across many therapeutic areas. Most recently he was President EuropeanOperations at Savient
Pharmaceuticals. Prior to Savient, from 1996 to 2011, Mr.Veitch held various positions with increasing responsibilities at
Bristol-MyersSquibb UK and Europe. Mr. Veitch's last position at Bristol-Myers Squibb wasSenior Vice President Europe,
Middle-East and Asia, Marketing and BrandCommercialization, leading the commercial organization for the region with
afocus on specialty care brands. He started his pharma career in 1987 atSmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals, UK. Mr
Veitch holds a Bachelor of Sciencedegree in biology from the University of Bristol, UK.
'We are very pleased to have David Veitch join our team as Chief CommercialOfficer. His extensive experience and indepth knowledge of Europeanpharmaceutical markets will be instrumental in the commercialization of ourbroad-spectrum
antibiotic Zevftera/Mabelio,' said Ronald Scott, Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Basilea. 'We anticipate launching Zevtera in
Germany in the secondhalf of this year, followed by launches in additional key European markets in2015. In the event our
antifungal isavuconazole is approved next year, Basileacould have two hospital anti-infectives with European market
authorization bythe end of 2015. This would afford the company significant commercial synergyand put Basilea in a strong
position to optimize the value of these two drugs.We look forward to working with David to bring our new medications to
About Basilea
Basilea Pharmaceutica Ltd. is headquartered in Basel, Switzerland and listed onthe SIX Swiss Exchange (SIX: BSLN).
Through the fully integrated research anddevelopment operations of its Swiss subsidiary Basilea
PharmaceuticaInternational Ltd., the company focuses on innovative pharmaceutical products inthe therapeutic areas of
bacterial infections, fungal infections and oncology,targeting the medical challenge of rising resistance and non-response
to currenttreatment options. Basilea's pipeline includes the antibioticZevtera(®)/Mabelio(®) (ceftobiprole medocaril) and
the antifungal isavuconazole.
Zevtera/Mabelio is a bactericidal broad-spectrum intravenous antibiotic from thecephalosporin class, covering Grampositive and Gram-negative pathogens such asmethicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Pseudomonas
spp., whichare frequent causes of hospital-acquired pneumonia.(1) It is approved for thetreatment of adults with hospitalacquired pneumonia (HAP, excluding ventilator-associated pneumonia, VAP) and community-acquired pneumonia (CAP)
in certainEuropean countries(2) and is currently under regulatory review in Switzerland.
Isavuconazole (drug substance: isavuconazonium sulfate) is an investigationalonce-daily intravenous and oral broadspectrum antifungal for the potentialtreatment of life-threatening invasive fungal infections which predominantlyoccur in
immunocompromised patients such as cancer patients undergoingchemotherapy. It has EU and U.S. orphan drug status
for the treatment ofinvasive aspergillosis and mucormycosis. In the U.S., isavuconazole was grantedFDA fast-track status
and designated a Qualified Infectious Disease Product(QIDP) for invasive aspergillosis, mucormycosis and candidiasis
under the U.S.GAIN Act. In July 2014, Basilea submitted a European Marketing AuthorizationApplication (MAA) and its codevelopment partner Astellas Pharma Inc. submitteda U.S. New Drug Application (NDA) seeking isavuconazole approval
for thetreatment of invasive aspergillosis and mucormycosis. Basilea holds full rightsto isavuconazole in markets outside of
the U.S. and Canada where Astellas is thelicense holder.
This communication expressly or implicitly contains certain forward-lookingstatements concerning Basilea Pharmaceutica
Ltd. and its business. Suchstatements involve certain known and unknown risks, uncertainties and otherfactors, which
could cause the actual results, financial condition, performanceor achievements of Basilea Pharmaceutica Ltd. to be
materially different fromany future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by suchforward-looking
statements. Basilea Pharmaceutica Ltd. is providing thiscommunication as of this date and does not undertake to update
any forward-looking statements contained herein as a result of new information, futureevents or otherwise.
For further information, please contact:
+-----------------------------+--------------------------------+ Media Relations
Investor Relations +-----------------------------+-------------------------------+ Peer Nils Schröder, PhD
Barbara Zink, PhD, MBA Head Public Relations &
Head Corporate
Development Corporate Communications +41 61 606 1102
+41 61 606 1233 [email protected]
[email protected] +-----------------------------+--------------------------------+ This press release can be downloaded
from www.basilea.com.
1 R. N. Jones. Microbial etiologies of hospital-acquired bacterial pneumoniaand ventilator-associated bacterial pneumonia.
Clinical ... (truncated) ...
Responsible Editor: Olivier Leleux - Visit our Web site : http://www.leleux.be - Customer information: 0800/25511.
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