US173B - Team Building


US173B - Team Building
SMRI - Stratégie Management RH International - UE - 2014-2015
US173B - Team Building
Thi-Thu-Tra NGUYEN
extraites de BDO
le 05-03-2015
Public concerné et conditions d'accès
Master in Management MIM M2 groups: Orientation
Finalités de l'unité d'enseignement
Objectifs pédagogiques :
At the beginning and at the end of the year, students of Master 2 will be put together to join a fictitious
environment in which they are going to run a business in a competitive framework, at different levels of
Capacités et compétences visées :
In this dynamic exercise, students, the players, who are divided up into teams, run simulated businesses
competing on a given market.
One of key aspect of this simulation training is to promote interactions between students inside a group
(group dynamics leading to common decisions) or between groups (collaboration and/or competition in
various forms).
Nombre de crédits enseignements ECTS
Modalités de validation :
• Specific roles for each student: Production, Marketing, Finance, Synchronize
• Do individual work: analyze the market, the firm, the competitors, the specific strategy &
• Discuss with each other for the common strategy & decision
• Analyze the changes through the years, the quarters with/without market information.
• Prepare for the presentation of debriefing
Contenu de la formation
• The PolyTech/Ariane business simulation proposes a fictitious environment in which you
are going to run a business in a competitive framework.
• Students -> Teams (Firms) run simulated businesses.
• Objectives -> Strategies (production, commercial, financial policy) -> Decisions ->
Economic climate -> Final Results
• Interactions between participants inside a group (group dynamics leading to common
decisions) or between groups (collaboration and/or competition in various forms).
MIP - Management, Innovation, Prospective
Fiche informative sans valeur contractuelle
Responsable national
Thi-Thu-Tra NGUYEN
Contact à Paris
Case courrier: 1D3P40
Cnam - École MS
Département MIP
2 rue Conté
75141 Paris cedex 03
Tél : 01 58 80 87 49
Fax : 01 58 80 87 50
Thi-Thu-Tra NGUYEN
[email protected]