CEDRAT connection to Isight Dassault Systemes


CEDRAT connection to Isight Dassault Systemes
CEDRAT News - N° 64 - February 2013
CEDRAT connection to Isight - Dassault Systemes:
a further advance in software interoperability.
D. Mavrudieva ; V. Leconte ; N. Exbrayat - CEDRAT.
single electromagnetic simulation is most of the time just
a little part of a broader design. Preliminary analytical
calculations, optimization, 3D CAD, thermal or structure
analysis, multi-physics couplings, system level design… many
tools are needed with different levels of modelling and with
different objectives, but with shared data.
The connection between the tools and the organization of the
data is then essential for an efficient design workflow. Software like
Dassault Systemes’ Isight is there to help designers drive multiple
simulations, organize data exchange between tools, and perform
optimization or robustness analysis. The connected software
are called components and many major CAD/CAE software
components are available today in Isight (more information
on: http:// www.3ds.com/fr/products/simulia/alliances/softwarepartners/solutions-for-isight-and-see/). This article presents two
examples using the newly created CEDRAT software components.
CEDRAT software connection to Isight
CEDRAT tools (1) are already equipped to communicate with various
other software packages, allowing:
• Import/export of CAD/CAE geometries (Flux, InCa3D)
• Import of SPEED & Motor-CAD templates for motors (Flux)
• Flux-Portunus co-simulation
• Driving Flux by Python®, Excel®, Matlab Simulink®
• Connecting to GOT-It optimizer dedicated to CEDRAT suite (2).
In addition of all these interoperability capabilities, CEDRAT
is pleased to announce that Flux v11.1, InCa3D v2.2.3 and
Portunus v5.1are now connected to Isight v5.6 Simulia
package. This strategic collaboration brings new possibilities in
the design process associating both the Isight technology (simflow; design of experiments) and CEDRAT software’s modelling
capabilities (FEM, PEEC method, VHDL-AMS). For instance, it can
integrate any Flux, InCa3D and Portunus models in Isight design
workflows including many other software components.
Fig.1: Isight Design Gateway and workflow example.
Isight - Flux application example
The study case is the TEAM 22 application example dealing with
energy storage in superconducting coils (Fig. 2). The goal is to
store 180 MJ in coils (constraint on the current density) without
exceeding a maximum magnetic field of 0.003 T at distance of
10m. The case description can be found on the next link: http://
Isight - CEDRAT components connection
The connection setup is established by means of coupling
components installed in Isight. With the installation of the
latest versions of Flux, InCa3D and Portunus, the connection
components are automatically added to the Isight Design Gateway
in a dedicated CEDRAT tab. A simple drag and drop of the software
icon into a line of the workflow allows Flux, InCa3D or Portunus
components to be incorporated into an Isight model (Fig. 1). Then,
the component editor allows the project path to be connected
to be defined.
The components feature a fully automatic coupling technology
that will perform several tasks:
• Automatic launching and solving of Flux, InCa3D and
Portunus projects
• Automatic data exchange
• Parameter modifications
• Output values computation
• Use of pre-processing and post-processing python files (for
Flux and InCa3D components)
• Includes time-solving scenario (for Flux component)
• Export of the impedance matrix (for InCa3D component)
Fig. 2: Study device
Fig. 3: Magnetic flux density.
Fig. 4: Isight
Fig. 5: Results.
Initial point
Optimum point
(continued on page 9)
CEDRAT News - N° 64 - February 2013
Fig. 6: Isight workflow.
First, the device is modeled using Flux 2D axisymmetric
magnetostatic application and the initial performances are
analyzed (Fig. 3). Then, the Flux model is integrated in the Isight
workflow (Fig. 4) in order to find the optimum design using the
Isight optimization technique (Fig. 5).
Isight - InCa3D - Portunus application
This second study case deals with the computation of radiated
EMC from an electrical vehicle on-board power module. Fig. 6
below shows the Isight workflow set-up for this application:
It comprises four main parts:
• the aim of Part 1 is to import the MCAD files describing the
complex geometries of the power module, to automatically
fix them thanks to the InCa3D software facilities, to compute
the equivalent RLM matrix and to export it as a macrobloc into
Portunus (system simulation software) in order to compute the
time-domain current values in different parts of the circuit and to
store them in an ad-hoc Excel file;
• in Part 2 this Excel file is mapped with a second InCa3D project
whose goal is to compute the Fourier Transform of the current
values. A pre-processing python script is used and results are
arranged in text files;
• Part 3 is just to avoid long, worthless calculations of the EMC
spectrum of the final quantities: a threshold condition on the
values is implemented in the Isight workflow thanks to the socalled “calculator” component;
• in Part 4 each frequency that has passed
the previous condition is analysed by a third
InCa3D project which computes the radiated
magnetic field of the power module and
stores the results in an Excel file. Fig. 7 shows
the radiated EMC spectrum obtained when
the power module works at a fundamental
frequency of 10 kHz:
Because electromagnetic simulation is at the heart of many
mechatronic system designs, the connection of CEDRAT software
to platforms like Isight is essential. More than an optimization tool,
Isight provides an easy way of interoperating with a wide range of
tools. It is an open gateway to communicate with other CAE tools
and to connect to other physics like structural or thermal analysis.
Isight also helps encapsulate design workflows and hence offers
efficient services to automate, capitalize and deploy simulation
processes. It opens up truly new ways of performing simulation
and design.
Fig. 7: Spectrum of the radiated EMC.
GOT-It: Optimization software for devices and systems in
electrical engineering
Flux: Electromagnetic and thermal finite elements analysis
InCa3D: Conductor impedance and near field simulation
Portunus: Power system simulator
For instance for the optimization based on FEM