American Council for Québec Studies


American Council for Québec Studies
American Council for Québec Studies
Newsletter, Summer 2007
The Hope of summer
It is with a sad heart that I open this summer newsletter message with the
thought that our friend and colleague, Dick Williamson of Bates College, passed
away last week. Here was a man who modeled family and social values, who led
by his commitment to excellence, and who inspired by his humanity. We will miss
his endless good will, his constant smile, and his enthusiastic encouragement to
move forward.
During this cycle that followed the successful conclusion of the 15th
biennial conference in Cambridge, Massachusetts, I can report that the
association was successful in maintaining the support of the Canadian and
Québec governments. Expressions of appreciation are therefore in order to
Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) and to
Québec’s Ministère des relations internationales (MRI) for their generous
contributions to the work of the ACQS.
Unfortunately, this newsletter is scheduled to appear two weeks before the
next meeting of the Executive Board. Unable to discuss the outcomes of our
future deliberations, I can at least provide you with a list of topics that will appear
on the agenda; these are essentially the product of the post-conference breakfast
meeting of the membership in Cambridge last fall. Items for discussion will
include a proposal to evaluate the adequacy of the current structure of the
organization to disseminate information and to provide services nationwide; a
suggestion to revisit the practice of providing outreach activities to prospective
Québec Studies Programs and of creating a mentorship program to support
these initiatives; a recommendation to study ways to resolve the fear of language
syndrome that inhibits the participation of interested faculty who sense an
inadequate proficiency in French. My hope is to be able to report the results of
these deliberations along with recommendations on improving the financial
solvency of and on inaugurating a publicity campaign for ACQS in a letter to the
membership in August. In the meantime, I wish you all a productive while also
restful summer.
Raymond J. Pelletier
One of the best parts of being the vice president of ACQS is that the
position focuses mainly on our biennial conference program. The 2006
conference was an intense experience for me, from receiving paper proposals in
March, organizing sessions in May (and all summer!), inviting keynote speakers,
and working out the details of the program design, the concurrent activities, and
the actual conference events in the fall. Now that the conference is over, I have
been able to sit back and relax!
However, several key issues for ACQS will be decided in the next few
months. First, we need to look into new sources of funding, given the uncertain
nature of future funding from the governments of Québec and Canada. We are
also looking into the possibility of a new home for the journal Québec Studies.
And we are looking forward to coordinating our participation with ACSUS in both
the Toronto and Québec City conferences in Fall 2007 and Fall 2008; we would
also enjoy recreating some of the new features that were included for the first
time in the 2006 conference, such as the concurrent film festival, the RendezVous du Cinéma Québécois, and the Teachers’ Workshop.
For all of these major planning efforts, I will be working hard with the
Executive Board of ACQS this summer and fall. At the same time, I want to
appeal to the current members of ACQS for your advice and comments. Many of
you have been active in our organization for years and know of resources that
might have gone forgotten or unnoticed. Others have just joined recently and can
bring new ideas and suggestions to ACQS. I welcome both old and new with
enthusiasm and know that together we will build a stronger and more widereaching organization than ever.
Best wishes for happy mid-summer celebrations, wherever you may be:
Bonne Fête Nationale! Happy Fourth of July!
Juliette M. Rogers
Vice President and Conference Program Chair
As I write these words, Jane Moss and I are preparing issue no. 41 for the
printers. Included in this issue are literary articles on Nelly Arcan’s Putain and
Alexis Lefrançois’s poetry, as well as interviews with Marie-Célie Agnant and the
Québec musical group Loco Locass. Our social science offerings include an
essay on the Canadian tradition of Québec lieutenants for English-Canadian
prime ministers and a pedagogical article on the teaching of Québec history.
Despite our best efforts, the journal remains behind in its publishing
calendar. The good news is that we will soon have remedied this situation.
Already in preparation are issues on the St. Lawrence water basin, AngloQuébec writing, Acadian literature, Franco-Ontarian writing, and la chanson
There is much good reading ahead!
Émile J. Talbot, Editor-in-Chief, Québec Studies
As the new book review editor, I would like to encourage any members
interested in contributing reviews to Québec Studies to contact me at the
following address: [email protected]. Please send me your e-mail and
"snail mail" addresses and specify your areas of interest. Québec Studies
does not review creative works. I will contact you should a book in your
area of expertise become available; you could also contact me with
suggestions. I look forward to hearing from you!
Patrice Proulx, Book Review Editor, Québec Studies
If you have any news that you would like to share with ACQS members in
the next issue of the electronic Newsletter, please contact secretary Leslie
Choquette via e-mail ([email protected]) or regular mail (French
Institute, Assumption College, 500 Salisbury St., Worcester, MA 01609-1296.)
We look forward to hearing from you!
Regarding membership, if you haven’t yet sent in your dues for 2006 and
2007 (all memberships now run for two years), please renew now. Subscriptions
to Québec Studies and to the online ACQS Newsletter are included with the
payment of dues. If you have already renewed, then heartfelt thanks for your
sustained support of the ACQS!
Leslie Choquette
ACQS Endowment Fund
The ACQS is creating an endowment to help fund the organization's activities.
Professor Jane Moss, past president of ACQS and current managing editor of
Québec Studies, started the endowment with $1000.00 in contributions. At its
next meeting in July, the ACQS board will discuss a name for the endowment
and the types of activities that could be funded from endowment. Contributions
to this endowment are tax deductible. The entire executive board would like to
express its heartfelt thanks to Jane for this most generous contribution to the
future of ACQS!
Samuel Fisher
Québec Studies
Spring/Summer 2006
Table of Contents
Editor’s Note
Jane Moss
Political History
J.P. Lewis
Courting Cartier: English-Canadian Prime Ministers and
their Québec Lieutenants
Cultural Conversations
Christopher M. Jones
Un Interview avec Loco Locass
Patrice J. Proulx
Breaking the Silence: An Interview with Marie-Célie
L’érotique et la poétique
Anne Brown
Une lecture sociologique de Putain ou la
démystification de la femme corps-sexe
Catherine Dupuis-Morency
Alexis Lefrançois ou le prisme des fuites
Pedagogical Forum
Marc Collin, Jocelyn Létourneau,
Integrating Québec History into the Curriculum
Paul Buck
Book Reviews
History, Culture, and Politics
José António Brandao
Ghost Brothers, Adoption of a French Tribe by Bereaved
Native America: A Transdisciplinary Longitudinal
Multilevel Integrated Analysis. Rony Blum.
Howard Cody
Consensual Disagreement:Canada and the Americas.
Ed. Patrick Imbert.
Naomi Black
Québécoises et représentation parlementaire. Manon
Literary Studies
Susan Ireland
Dictionnaire des écrivains émigrés au Québec, 18001999. Daniel Chartier.
Jonathan Gosnell
Écrire en langue étrangère. Interférences de langues et
de cultures dans le monde francophone. Eds. Robert
Dion. Hans-Jurgen Lusebrink, et János Riesz.
Sandra Hobbs
L’humour et le rire dans les littératures francophones
des Amériques. Ed. Józef Kwaterko.
Eve Irène Therrien
Théâtre comique de Régis Roy (1864-1944). Eds.
Mariel O’Neill-Karch et Pierre Karch.
Art History
J. Craig Stirling
Clarence Gagnon 1881-1942: Dreaming the Landscape.
Eds. Hélène Sicotte et Michèle Grandbois.
Notes on Contributors
Notes to Contributors
Prior to the Annual General Meeting on May 25-26, 2007, ICCS-CIEC
sponsored a Canadian Studies Forum entitled Teaching and Research in
Canadian Studies in the Changing Academic World (May 24, 2007). This forum
was intended to address the new priorities outlined by Canada’s Department of
Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT). Throughout the day, participants
met in small groups to discuss research, teaching, rejuvenation, and outreach.
The results will be compiled and made available on line at: ACQS was represented at the Annual General Meeting by past
president Roseanna Dufault.
In 2005, the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Canadian
Studies/Revue internationale des etudes canadiennes was asked by the
Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade (DFAIT) to constitute a list
of the 30 most significant works on Canadian Studies written by internationally
renowned specialists on Canada. The objective was to celebrate knowledge and
scholarship on Canada developed at the international level in honor of the 25th
anniversary of the International Council of Canadian Studies. Several long-time
ACQS members were featured on the list, namely: Leslie Choquette, for
Frenchmen into Peasants: Modernity and Tradition in the Peopling of French
Canada (1997); Karen Gould, for Writing in the Feminine: Feminism and
Experimental Writing in Québec (1990); Mary Jean Green, for Women and
Narrative Identity: Rewriting the Québec National Text (2001); Marc Levine, for
The Reconquest of Montreal (1990); and Émile J. Talbot, for Reading Nelligan
(2002). Excerpts from several of these books were reprinted in 30 Years of
Canadian Studies around the World/30 ans d’études canadiennes dans le
monde, the latest issue of the lInternational Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue
internationale des etudes canadiennes, vol. 33-34 (2006).
Louise H. Forsyth of the University of Saskatchewan has edited an Anthology of
Québec Women’s Plays in English Translation. Volume I (1966-1986). Toronto:
Playwrights Canada Press, 2006. 570 p. ISBN: 0-88754-868-7. This volume
contains the entire text of eleven plays by Anne Hébert, Le temps sauvage (tr.
Pamela Grant & Gregory Reid); Françoise Loranger, Double jeu (tr. Louise H.
Forsyth); Marie Savard, Bien à moi (tr. Louise H. Forsyth; Antonine Maillet,
Évangéline deusse (tr. Luis de Céspedes); Marie-Claire Blais, L’Océan (tr. Ray
Chamberlain; Luce Guilbeault et al, La nef des sorcières (tr. Linda Gaboriau);
Denise Boucher, Les fées ont soif (tr. Alan Brown); Louisette Dussault, Moman
(tr. Linda Gaboriau); Jovette Marchessault, La terre est trop courte, Violette
Leduc (tr. Susanne de Lotbinière-Harwood); Marie Laberge, L’homme gris (tr.
Rina Fraticelli); Lise Vaillancourt, Marie-Antoine, Opus 1 (tr. Jill MacDougall. The
volume also contains an introduction to each play and playwright, a general
introduction, and selected bibliographies.
Barbara Godard of York University has recently published a new edition of her
translation of Nicole Brossard's Picture Theory (Toronto: Guernica, 2006).
Jane Koustas has been named Associate Dean of the Faculty at Brock
University (St. Catherines, Ontario). During the 2005-2006 academic year, she
was the Visiting Chair of Canadian Studies at University College Dublin.
Marc Levine has resumed his duties at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
The Trustees of Gallaudet University have bestowed the title of Professor
Emerita on Constantina Mitchell in recognition of her years of outstanding
teaching, scholarship, and service. Tina and her husband Paul are now living in
Montreal, where they do freelance translation. They have just completed the
translation of their historical novel, A Silent Passage.
Jane Moss will be dividing her time between Maine and North Carolina for the
next two years. She will continue to teach at Colby College during the fall terms
and then take up her new position as Visiting Professor of Canadian Studies and
Co-director of the Canadian Studies Program at Duke University during the
spring semesters. She will retire from Colby College at the end of the 2009. At
Duke, she will join Jean-Jacques Thomas, who as director of Duke's Canadian
Studies program has strengthened the francophone component of the program.
Moss's co-director will be Duke historian John Thompson.
Miléna Santoro joined Chantal Maillé as a new associate editor of the
International Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue internationale des etudes
canadiennes in May 2007.
The Association for Canadian and Quebec Literatures (ACQL) recently awarded
the Gabrielle Roy prize (anglophone section) honoring the best work of literary
criticism published in English, to Sherry Simon, for Translating Montreal:
Episodes in the Life of a Divided City, published by McGill-Queen's University
Press. Simon's exhaustive analysis of linguistic and cultural transfers in
Montreal's writing communities is informed by her keen understanding of the
spatial, political, and cultural dynamics of the city, its history, and its intersection
of languages. By examining various "moments of translation," Simon
demonstrates how these communities speak for and to each other in a work that
historicizes the changing face of Montreal, from a colonial city neatly divided by
the English and French solitudes, to the "reconquest" of the city by the emerging
Québécois identity during the Quiet Revolution, and finally, to the inter-cultural
and inter-lingual cosmopolitan city of today. The jury also voted to give an
honorable mention to Paula Ruth Gilbert for Violence and the Female
Imagination, published by McGill-Queen's University Press. Gilbert's
comprehensive and detailed work examines representations of female cruelty
and violence in recent Quebec fiction by women.
Richard C. Williamson, Charles A. Dana Professor Emeritus of French at Bates
College (Lewiston, ME), died on the night of June 19 while en route to Louisville,
KY, with his wife, Deborah, to compete in bicycling events at the National Senior
Games. He was 62 and the apparent cause of death was a heart attack. Dick
attended the SUNY Plattsburgh Québec Summer Seminar in 1980 and frequently
taught courses on French-Canadian literature at Bates. He was a longtime
member of ACQS and a frequent participant at ACQS and ACSUS Conferences.
Franco-American chanteuse Josée Vachon has returned to the stage after a year
off. Her upcoming performances include:
Berlin, NH, June 21 at 7 pm, St. Kieran Community Arts Center, 603-752-1028
Waterville, ME, August 12 at 2 pm, Franco Fest, Front Street, 207-680-4204
Manchester, NH, September 8 at 7 pm, Franco-American Centre, 52 Concord
Street, 603-669-4045
Colloque international « La Résistance des marges »
Université Sainte-Anne (Nouvelle-Écosse, Canada), 15-20 août 2007
Pour plus d'informations : [email protected]
Colloque international : Deux grands romans canadiens, Bonheur
d’occasion et Two Solitudes, à l’aune des cultures étrangères
Centre culturel canadien, Paris, 25-26 septembre 2007
Pour plus d'informations : [email protected]
Colloque : Produire et reproduire la francophonie en la nommant
Université d’Ottawa, 27-30 septembre 2007
Pour plus d'informations : [email protected]
39e Congrès des algonquinistes
Université York, Toronto, 18-22 octobre 2007
Pour plus d'informations :
Premier Colloque mondial de l’AIÉQ sur le thème « Culture québécoise et
valeurs universelles »
Québec, 29 octobre-1 novembre 2007
Pour plus d’informations :
Biennial Meeting of the Association for Canadian Studies in the United
States (ACSUS)
Westin Harbour Castle Hotel, Toronto, November 14-18, 2007
For more information:
25th Anniversary of the Canadian Constitution: Perspective from the West
Edmonton, November 22-24, 2007
For more information: Marie-Claude Levert 780-485-8635 or [email protected]
Canada Exposed/ Le Canada dévoilé, May 2008
ICCS will sponsor a conference on “Canada Exposed/ Le Canada dévoilé”
in May 2008, just prior to the Annual General Meeting. A call for papers will be
issued soon.
L’écriture au féminin au Canada français
Université Laurentienne, Sudbury, Ontario, 6-8 mai 2008
Dans le cadre de ce colloque, les personnes intéressées sont invités à
soumettre une proposition de communication portant sur la littérature au féminin
en Acadie, en Ontario français ou dans l’Ouest, selon l’approche théorique de
leur choix. Les propositions portant sur l’œuvre d’écrivaines québécoises,
françaises o d’autres littératures francophones s’inscrivant dans une perspective
comparative avec l’œuvre d’une auteure du Canada français seront aussi
considérées. Les organisateurs prévoient publier un ouvrage qui rassemblera
des articles tirés des communications présentées lors du colloque. Les
propositions de communication (200 à 250 mots), accompagnées d’une courte
notice bio-bibliographique, dovient être envoyées anant le 30 juin 2007 à
Johanne Melançon à l’adresse courriel [email protected]
Migrations, transferts et échanges de part et d’autre de l’Atlantique,
Québec, 2-8 juin 2008
A l’occasion du 400e anniversaire de la fondation de Québec, le 133e
Congrès national des sociétés historiques et scientifiques, organisé par le
Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques, se tiendra a Québec du 2 au 8
juin 2008. Les propositions de communications peuvent être envoyées jusqu’au
30 septembre 2007. Pour tous les renseignements au sujet de ce congrès,
consulter le site à l’adresse suivante :
Colloque international “Lire et relire Gabrielle Roy”, Montréal, octobre 2009
Pour marquer le centenaire de la naissance de Gabrielle Roy (19091983), le Groupe de recherche sur Gabrielle Roy de l’Université McGill annonce
qu’il organisera, au mois d’octobre 2009, à Montréal, un colloque international
consacré à l’œuvre et à la pensée de la romancière.
En réunissant des critiques et des chercheurs de tous horizons, il s’agira,
d’une part, de faire le point sur les lectures et les travaux qu’a suscités jusqu’ici
l’œuvre de Gabrielle Roy et, d’autre part, de favoriser l’ouverture de nouvelles
pistes de recherche et d’interprétation.
Un appel de communications officiel sera diffusé dans le courant de 2008.
Outre ce colloque, d’autres manifestations sont prévues pour le centenaire
de Gabrielle Roy en 2009, dont une grande exposition itinérante, le lancement
d’une nouvelle édition des Œuvres complètes et une soirée de commémoration à
l’intention de la communauté littéraire et du public lecteur.
Le Groupe de recherche sur Gabrielle Roy a ses locaux au Département
de langue et littérature françaises de l’Université McGill. Il est dirigé par François
Ricard (Université McGill), Jane Everett (Université McGill) et Sophie Marcotte
(Université Concordia) et reçoit l’appui financier du Conseil de recherches en
sciences humaines du Canada. Site web :
Pour plus d’information, contacter François Ricard
([email protected]) ou Sophie Marcotte ([email protected]).
Prix du Québec Conference Subventions
Included in the Prix du Québec awarded to Professor Émile Talbot in 2006
is a gift of $2,500 from the government of Québec to promote Québec studies in
the United States. Emile has designated these funds to support students or
young faculty to participate in conferences related to Québec. The funds have
been divided into ten awards of $250 each. Nine of these awards are still
available and will be made through ACQS. Please contact Professor Talbot at
[email protected] if you are interested in applying for these funds. A brief
statement of the nature of your participation at the conference is all that is
Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (BAnQ)
Cet appel de candidatures est destiné aux chercheurs étrangers
souhaitant effectuer un séjour de recherche au Québec. Les bourses offertes
visent à couvrir , en tout ou en partie, les frais de déplacement et d’hébergement
encourus pour consulter les collections de BAnQ. Pour cette édition du concours,
la réception des dossiers s’étend du 15 mai au 15 novembre 2007 et une
décision sera rendue au plus tard quatre mois après la réception d’une
Les recherches financées par BAnQ dans le cadre de son Programme de
soutien à la recherche doivent porter sur une composante ou sur un aspect des
collections patrimoniales de l'institution, sur son histoire ou sur celle de ses
collections, ou encore sur le thème des relations France-Québec depuis 1760.
Les champs disciplinaires admissibles sont ceux des sciences humaines et
Le règlement et la description complète du Programme de soutien à la
recherche sont disponibles sur le portail Internet de BAnQ au
sous l'onglet Services par clientèle (à gauche de l'écran) en choisissant Si vous
êtes du milieu de la recherche. Pour en savoir davantage, on peut également
joindre madame Isabelle Crevier, agente de recherche, au numéro de téléphone
(514) 873-1101, poste 3831, ou à l'adresse électronique suivante :
[email protected]
Government of Canada Research Grant Program
The Research Grant Program promotes research that contributes to a
better knowledge and understanding of Canada, its relationship with the United
States, and its international affairs. The grant is designed to assist individual
scholars, or a team of scholars, in writing an article-length manuscript of
publishable quality and reporting their findings in a scholarly publication and at
scholarly conferences, thus contributing to the development of expertise on
Canada in the United States. We welcome efforts to integrate the research
findings into the applicant's teaching load.
We are particularly interested in projects that have policy relevance for
Canada and Canada-U.S. relations. Topics that are highly relevant to CanadaU.S. relations include smart and secure borders; North American economic
competitiveness; regulatory cooperation; Canada-U.S. trade and investment
partnership; energy security and sustainability; environmental sustainability;
emergency planning and management; Canada-U.S. security and defense
cooperation; Canada in Afghanistan; global health policy; and changing
demographics in North America. We strongly encourage projects that include
collaboration with researchers at Canadian institutions.
Applications will be considered in accordance with the procedures,
guidelines and conditions described below. Over the past three years, applicants
have had a 41 percent success rate.
This program is intended for full-time faculty members at accredited U.S.
four-year colleges and universities, as well as scholars at American research
institutions. Recent Ph.D. recipients who are citizens or permanent residents of
the United States are also eligible to apply. Applicants are ineligible to receive
the same grant in two consecutive years or to receive two individual category
Canadian Studies grants in the same grant period.
Terms and Conditions
The International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS), through the
Canadian Embassy, Washington, D.C., will provide the successful candidates
with funds to help meet expenses for the period of time for which an award is
sought in accordance with the following conditions:
1. Applicants must personally apply for the grant and carry out their own
research. Contractual or commissioned research does not qualify for support,
and grants are not given for work undertaken as part of the applicant's formal
program of studies leading to a degree;
2. Grants are provided to help defray direct costs related to a project, including
travel primarily within Canada and the U.S. as necessary, and research
materials. Allowable budget items include: first-time membership fee for the
Association for Canadian Studies in the United States or a Canadian academic
association for the principal investigator and/or research assistant; funding to
attend a conference to present research related to the proposed project; and
research support. No provision is made for release time stipends, salaries, or
overhead costs to the institution;
3. Applicants may request funding up to US$15,000; applicants whose project
focuses on the priority topics listed above and who can demonstrate matching
funds from others sources may request funding up to US$20,000;
4. 70 percent of the total amount granted will be forwarded to each successful
applicant upon receipt of a signed and dated Notice of Grant. The second
payment will be made only after the ICCS, through the Canadian Embassy,
receives an electronic version of an article-length manuscript of publishable
quality, an abstract, and a letter that summarizes activities supported by this
grant, describes publication plans, and offers feedback on the grant program.
These materials are due by February 15, 2009 unless an extension is approved
by the Embassy. Failure to do so may result in cancellation of the second
5. The rights to the manuscript will remain the exclusive property of the
researcher. The Embassy requests an offprint or a photocopy of the published
article. The article should acknowledge that the research was completed with the
assistance of the Government of Canada.
Application Requirements
Applicants must complete the online application form and submit the
following materials electronically in a single file (in Rich Text (RTF) or Adobe
Acrobat (PDF) format).
1. An abstract, approximately 200 words in length, that states the research
question, the rationale for the study, the hypothesis (if any), and the proposed
methodology. The abstract is the first item a reviewer typically reads and is an
indispensable part of the proposal;
2. A concise proposal (four to eight pages, double-spaced) which will:
1. Identify the key issues or the main theoretical problem in the study;
2. Describe and justify the appropriate methodology;
3. Provide a schedule of activities, including travel plans, detailing research
contacts and institutions or sites to be visited and describing how this travel
relates to your research;
4. Indicate what will be learned from this research, why it is worth knowing,
and how one will know the conclusions are valid;
5. Identify all members of the research team (if a team project) and specify
each member's affiliation and role in the study;
6. Identify, if applicable, the research assistant(s) and how this project will
provide a mentoring and learning experience for the assistant;
3. A detailed budget that describes and justifies anticipated expenditures and
indicates other funding sources. Travel and accommodation costs (for research
or conference presentations) must be itemized by destination and include dates;
research materials, research assistant support, publication and other direct costs
must be specified; cost sharing from other sources must be documented;
4. A curriculum vitae (not to exceed 5 pages);
5. The names and contact information of two scholars from whom the applicants
will solicit recommendations. Only one of these two recommendations may be
from the applicant's own institution. It is the responsibility of the applicant to
ensure that letters of recommendation are sent directly by the letter writers to the
Embassy. The letters must be sent electronically to:
[email protected] no later than September 30, 2007.
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered. For inquiries,
please email the above address or call: (202) 682-7727.
Evaluation of Applications
Upon receipt of the application:
1. The Embassy will send a notice of receipt to the applicant;
2. The Embassy will send a copy of the application to the appropriate Canadian
Consulate General in the United States for appraisal and comments;
3. The assessment process may involve consultation with the applicant's
referees and others who can comment on the merits of the proposal. In some
cases, an applicant may be invited to submit an amended application;
4. All applications will be evaluated by a multidisciplinary, pre-selection
committee comprised of representatives of the U.S. and Canadian academic
communities. Key review criteria are the academic merit, relevance for Canada
or Canada-U.S. relations, and originality of the project; the applicant's scholarly
promise and ability to accomplish the proposed research; and the likelihood that
the research will advance the knowledge and understanding of Canada or
Canada-U.S. relations. All applicants will be notified of the results of their
applications by the Canadian Embassy, normally within 90 days of the deadline
for submission of applications.
Nouveau regard sur les régions frontalières canado-américaines
La revue Histoire sociale lance un appel à contributions pour un numéro
sur les relations, rapports et continuités historiques entre les États-Unis et le
Canada. Au cours des vingt dernières années, l'histoire de l'Amérique du Nord
s'est métamorphosée, passant des récits nationaux et de l'histoire des relations
diplomatiques officielles à l'étude structurée des mouvements transnationaux, de
l'empire et du colonialisme, et des processus de mondialisation dans leur
ensemble. Histoire sociale sollicite des travaux portant sur les dynamiques
régionales, l'exercice du pouvoir dans les régions frontalières canadoaméricaines et les questions de transactions sociales et d'échanges culturels
entre les populations de ces deux pays intimement liés. Une attention particulière
pourra être accordée aux textes liés à l'ethnicité, à la race, aux rapports sociaux
entre les sexes, à la sexualité, aux classes sociales et aux diasporas. La date
limite pour soumettre un texte est le 1er septembre 2007. Prière d'envoyer les
textes à: Histoire sociale - Social History, Université d'Ottawa, 155, rue SéraphinMarion, Ottawa (Ont.) K1N 6N5; ou par courriel: [email protected].
La vie quotidienne au Québec jusqu’au début du XIXe siècle
A l’occasion du 400e anniversaire de la fondation de Québec, les éditions
Archives et Culture, à Paris ont confié à Gilbert Pilleul, secrétaire de la
Commission franco-québécoise sur les lieux de mémoire communs, la direction
d’un ouvrage collectif sur ce sujet. Il s’agit de réveiller la mémoire du public
français sur ce que fut l’histoire et la vie des premiers colons et immigrants partis
de France pour donner naissance à un nouveau pays. L’ouvrage comprendra
une partie historique rappelant les grandes phases de l’histoire du Québec et
divers chapitres sur : les colons et immigrants, les Indiens, les lieux, le nouveau
pays, la vie quotidienne. À chaque fois de courts chaptires ou mini-thèmes
accompagnés d’illustrations et d’extraits de textes. Exemples : la province de
Québec dans la Confédération, les filles du roi, les Iroquois, le grand nord et la
baie d’Hudson, le castor, fêtes et loisirs. Les articles devront être remis avant le
mois d’octobre 2007 pour publication au printemps 2008. Liste des minichapitres et conditions de participation envoyées sur demande :
[email protected] ou (33) 03 85 59 14 72 ou encore archiveset
[email protected]
Le comité de direction de Mens : Revue d'histoire intellectuelle de
l'Amérique française compte célébrer le 400e anniversaire de la ville de Québec
en publiant, en 2008, un numéro spécial sur l’histoire intellectuelle et culturelle de
la Vieille Capitale, intitulé Québec, ville d’idées et de culture. Nous invitons donc
tout chercheur intéressé par les auteurs, les institutions culturelles ou scolaires,
les associations, les mouvements d’idées qui ont marqué l’histoire de Québec à
nous soumettre un article touchant l'un ou l'autre de ces sujets.
Date de tombée : 15 décembre 2007. Les chercheurs intéressés peuvent
nous soumettre leur texte par courriel [email protected]
Pour tout renseignement concernant les directives aux auteurs, consultez
la rubrique « Directives aux auteurs » qui se trouve dans le site Internet de la
revue, à l’adresse suivante:
La revue Arabesques ouvre pour son édition et son programme 2007 ses
pages à toutes les soumissions d’auteurs de toute la francophonie. Aucune date
limite n’est fixée et aucun thème précisé. Le comité de rédaction sera heureux de
lire et de présenter vos contributions à nos lecteurs—essais, articles, études
littéraires, textes de création (poésie, nouvelle, conte, récit), travaux artistiques
(peinture, photographie, calligraphie).
Une attention particulière sera accordée aux articles d’études littéraires et
de recherche universitaire liés à la modernité et l'état actuel de la littérature et de
la condition de l’évolution de l'humanité dans le nouveau contexte de la
[email protected]
Université Laval, Tenure-track Position in International Relations
The Department of Political Science invites applications for a position in
International Relations with a preference for Canadian foreign and security
policy. All candidates should send a letter of intention, current curriculm vitae,
three letters of recommendation, and a copy of significant publications by
August 17, 2007 to:
Pauline Côté, Chair
Department of Political Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
Pavillon Charles-De-Koninck
Université Laval
Québec (Québec), Canda, G1K 7P4
Email : [email protected]
Subscribe to Qué
Qué, a monthly electronic newsletter published by the Québec
Ministry of International Relations, provides news on Québec and elsewhere in
the world that highlight the province’s flourishing relationships with its
international partners. To subscribe, go to
Abonnez-vous à Mémoires vives
Nous sommes heureux de vous présenter le plus récent numéro de
Mémoires vives, le bulletin virtuel de la Commission franco-québécoise sur les
lieux de mémoire communs (CFQLMC).
Voici le lien pour consulter
vives :
Sur le 400e anniversaire de Québec, voir les hyperliens suivants: la Société du
400e anniversaire de Québec et le Festival d'été international de Québec
The American Council for Québec Studies sponsors a biennial conference
and publishes Québec Studies, a semi-annual bilingual journal.
The Council is administered by an eight-person executive board whose
officers are elected every two years. They, in turn, are assisted by an
administrator who is appointed by them to conduct the business of a permanent
secretariat. The editors of Québec Studies are selected by the officers.
For further information about the ACQS, its membership, activities,
conference, and publications, please refer to the Council’s website, which is
located at
The 2005-2007 Executive Board:
Raymond J. Pelletier
University of Maine at Orono
Vice President
Juliette M. Rogers
University of New Hampshire
Leslie Choquette
Institut français, Assumption College
Samuel Fisher
University of South Alabama
Past President
Kevin J. Christiano
University of Notre Dame
Manon Bradley
Plattsburgh State University
Québec Studies
Managing Editor
Book Review
Emile J. Talbot
University of Illinois
Jane M. Moss
Colby College
Patrice Proulx
University of Nebraska at Omaha
ACQS MEMBERSHIP FORM (Please print out and mail)
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Check appropriate dues rate:
_____Regular 2-year membership (U.S. only) $100 US
_____International 2-year membership $125 US
_____Student*/unaffiliated scholar 2-year membership (U.S. only) $75 US
_____International student*/unaffiliated scholar 2-year membership $100 US
* Please provide a photocopy of your valid student ID card.
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Please mail this form with your payment to
ACQS Secretariat
Plattsburgh State University
133 Court Street
Plattsburgh, NY 12901