the bishop`s stortford high school


the bishop`s stortford high school
March 2014
Kellett School, Hong Kong
Château de la Baudonnière, Normandy, France
Saturday 22nd/Sunday 23rd March
Airport Express, Central (Starbucks)
Flight departure (CX261)
Arrival at Paris (Coach from Airport)
Arrival at Château
21.00 Sat 22nd
00:05 (local time)
06:20 Sun 23rd (local time)
12:00 approx. Breakfast stop at
Motorway services
Saturday 29th March/Sunday 30th March
Departure from Château
Day in Paris
Flight departure (CX278)
Arrival at Airport (HK)
Airport Express, Central
07:00 approx
19:50 (local time) Sat 29th
15:05 (local time) Sun 30th
16:15 Sun 30th
If on returning to HK, we are delayed beyond the last Airport
Express to Central (00:48), parents will have to collect their child
from the Airport.
Mr L. Falconer
Group Leader – Head of Languages Faculty
Mrs M.
Teacher of French
contact number
Telephone contact throughout the week:
An email will be sent from school on Monday 24th March to confirm
our safe arrival – please assume that ‘no news is good news’. For
the return flight, parents are encouraged to visit the HK airport
website to check for any delays. Telephone contact with staff should
be made with Kellett School (3120 0700).
Any problems
encountered in France will be dealt with by staff in the first
instance, and parents will be contacted immediately if necessary, by
the school’s emergency contact in HK.
Students phoning home:
If the number is 3665 5300, students will have to dial the following
number: 00852 3120 0700 (i.e. Dial 00852 before the number).
Please try not to encourage your children to phone home: ‘no news
is good news’.
All-inclusive trip, including pocket money.
Kellett Emergency Contact card:
Students will be issued an Emergency card in case of problems or
getting lost. This will be distributed at the airport before departure
and should be carried at all times. This records all the emergency
telephone numbers that any pupil should require throughout the
duration of the visit.
Valid passport (and visa if required)
Personal medication x2
Small ruck-sack for day-trips
Pencil case and pencils
French/English dictionary
Games and books for the journey
Waterproof jacket or cagoule
Tracksuit bottoms
Lots of socks and underwear
Indoor shoes or slippers
Trainers or shoes
Washbag: soap, shampoo, flannel,
tooth paste, tooth brush, comb...
Personal toiletries
One small and one large towel
Plastic bags for laundry
Passeport valide (et visa si exigé)
Médicaments personnels x2
Petit sac à dos pour les excursions
Trousse et crayons
Dictionnaire français/anglais
Jeux et livres pour le trajet
Veste imperméable
Bas de survêtement
Sweats ou pull overs
Beaucoup de chaussettes et de sousvêtements
Pyjamas/chemise de nuit
Chaussures d'intérieur ou chaussons
Baskets ou chaussures
Trousse de toilette: savon, shampooing,
gant de toilette, dentifrice, brosse à
dents, peigne...
Affaires de toilette personnelles
Une petite et une grande serviette de
Sacs en plastique pour le linge sale
Medical matters:
In order to minimise problems, it is important that students let staff
know immediately if they feel ill.
All medication should be handed to Mr Falconer upon arrival at the
airport express. It should be clearly labelled with name and
The school holds a comprehensive travel insurance policy to cover
all overseas school visits. The policy will cover normal benefits
associated with travel insurance including medical, hospital and
repatriation expenses where necessary. If it was necessary to
cancel a visit due to circumstances not covered by the travel
insurance policy, then costs may not be recoverable.
Students will be a member of a group in a foreign country. To be
sure of having an enjoyable time, they must be prepared to make
an effort to get on with the other students and staff who they will
be living with at the centre. Sensible behaviour and consideration is
essential especially with centre staff.
As you are aware, you are representing Kellett, and at all times we
expect the very highest standards. With this in mind, I’d like to take
the opportunity to remind you that…
We expect you to be polite and courteous at all times.
Students are always to be punctual when arrangements have
been made to meet at a certain time and place.
Students are not to dash around the centre. Be considerate.
Students are not to go out alone. Students must be accompanied
by at least one other from our party.
No alcoholic drinks or smoking are allowed for the entire trip.
Any damage will be charged to parents/guardians.
If any pupil is uncooperative with staff they may be asked to
leave the visit. This will be at parents’ expense.
English is spoken / understood by most people in France. They
will understand if students are being rude as well as when they
are being polite.