The “Cars and Garages” situation – reception year (children aged 4-5)
The “Cars and Garages” situation – reception year (children aged 4-5)
Back to the french version Software for learning the concept of numbers for preschoolers May 2014 Back to Gerpref MARENE The resources of the “Learning the concept of numbers for preschoolers” software kit are the result of the collaborative work within the MARENE Group. We are very interested in receiving feedback on experiments run in class. If you have any comments please contact: [email protected] or [email protected] Acknowledgements: we would like to thank Michel Guillemeau and Typhaine Le Méhauté for the design of the “Cars and Garages” and “Passenger Train” software programmes. Learning situations combining the software programme and related equipment. We offer two learning situations designed for developing the concept of numbers for which we have created software programmes and related equipment. The “Cars and Garages” situation – reception year (children aged 4-5) The “Cars and Garages” software programme The “Cars and Garages” equipment Software: Software download: File.swf (click on the left-hand link, save the file on your computer, then open. The file below will tell you how to start the software programme) How to start the software programme: Cars_and_Garages_Launch_the_software_programme For teachers: “Cars and Garages” software tutorial: Cars_and_Garages_Instructions Organise your class according to the number of computer stations available: Cars_and Garages_Procedure_according_to_number_of_computer_stations_info In class: Reception year session: Cars_and_Garages_Class_session Printable and laminatable pictures designed for the pooling of information for use on a board: Cars_and_Garages_Equipment The “Passenger Train” situation – Year 1 (children aged 5-6) “Passenger Train” software programme “Passenger Train” equipment Software: Download the software programme: File.swf (click on the left-hand link, save the file on your computer, then open. The file below will tell you how to start the software programme) How to start the software programme: Launch_the_passenger_Train_software_programme For teachers: “Cars and Garages” software tutorial: Passenger_Train_Instructions Organise your class according to the number of computer stations available: Passenger_Train_Procedures_according_to_number_of_computer_stations In class: Year 1 session: Passenger_Train_Session Sheets so you can make the equipment pupils: Passenger_Train_equipment yourself and worksheets Further information: Besnier, S. (2014) Faire des mathématiques en préscolaire: usages et appropriation de jeux numériques par les enseignants. AQEP, vivre le primaire, 27(1). for Besnier, S. & Bueno-Ravel, L. (2014). Usage des technologies en mathématiques à l’école maternelle: le travail documentaire des enseignants, ReSMICTE (Review of Science, Mathematics and ICT Education), 8(1), 63-80. Besnier, S., Eysseric, P. & Le Méhauté, T. (juin 2014). Mallette de ressources mathématiques pour l’école maternelle (MS-GS). 41e colloque international Copirelem, 18-20 juin, Mont de Marsan – Lien Arpeme (en construction) Bueno-Ravel, L., Eysseric, P., Riou-Azou, G. & Soury-Lavergne, S. (juin 2014). Mallettes de ressources mathématiques pour l’école, cycle 1- cycle 2. 41e colloque international Copirelem, 18-20 juin, Mont de Marsan – Lien Arpeme (en construction) Miscellaneous: The COPIRELEM work on learning situations for developing the concept of numbers in preschool will (soon) be available on the ARPEME website. Back to Gerpref MARENE
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