Curriculum Vitae Paranoia / Psychocide - 2016


Curriculum Vitae Paranoia / Psychocide - 2016
Curriculum Vitae
2 Sumach Street
Toronto (Ontario)
M5A 3J4
+ 1 (514) 570-1748
[email protected]
The Red Queen II - Television series in development (13 x 30min), produced by Téléfiction.
The Passenger - Feature in development. Adapted from Patrick Senécal’s best selling Novel, produced by Film Oddity.
Le Fantôme de la Libération - Feature in development. Coproduction with France.
Paranoia / Psychocide - 2016 - Music Video.
Perfect - CFC short - 2016.
Festivals : Atlantic Film Festival in Halifax & Cinéfest Sudbury. More to come.
I Remember Laura - CFC short - 2015.
Histoire de cul - Short - 2014 - Presented at New Cinema Festival and Kino TO.
“No to the cuts” Web campaign (PSAC/AFPC) - 2013 - Three Web Films cumulating over 113,500 views on YT. “The
True Nature of the Harper Government” was Nominated at the Viral Video Awards in Berlin and presented in multiple
environmental film festivals in San Francisco, Bulgaria, Italy and Romania.
Misère - Short - 2013 - Aired on MaTV. Festivals: Rendez-Vous du Cinema Québécois, New Cinema Festival, Fantasia,
ComicCon’s HorrorFest (Montreal & Quebec City) & Vitesse Lumière.
Trop Tard / Raffy - 2013 - Music Video. Aired on Musique Plus.
Le Faux est à la mode / Raffy - 2012 - Heavy rotation on Musique Plus. Multiple times #1 ranked on daily TOP 5.
La Meilleure maman du monde - Independent short - 2012
La Ronde la nuit - Short - 2011 - Promotional fictional short film for the amusement park’s Halloween special events.
The Red Queen - Independent Webseries - 2011 - Director of three episodes, original concept & executive producer.
Nominated for best Webseries at the Gémeaux Awards in 2012. Over 25,000 copies sold to date (DVD, VOD & iTunes).
Distributed in Canada, France, Belgium, USA, Poland, Italy, Switzerland & Luxembourg.
Corporate and promotional films - 2000 to 2014 - Over twenty projects completed to date.
Olivier Sabino - Curriculum Vitae
L’Autre reflet - Novel - Author: Patrick Senécal - 2016
Le Sexe triste - Novel - Mélanie Harel-Michon - 2015
Malphas: volumes I - II - III - IV - Novel series - Author: Patrick Senécal - 2010 to 2014
Henri Henri - Feature film - Writer/director: Martin Talbot - Released in theaters in November 2014
Le Héros - Novel - Author: Martin-Philippe Tremblay - 2013
Les Éboulements - Feature film (in development) - Author: Eliane Gagnon - 2012
L’Orphéon : 15 minutes - Novel - Author: Patrick Senécal - 2012
LOL - Comedy TV series (Brainstorm sessions) - Aired on TVA channel in 2011
Maple Blood - Feature film (in development) - Author: Sébastien Cholette - 2010
St-Réjean Beach - TV series (in development) - Author: Jean-Sébastien Gallant - 2010
Thriller - Feature film (in development) - Author: Patrick Senécal - 2007
Numix 2015 - Webseries juror.
Montreal ComicCon 2013 - HorrorFest - Juror for the official horror feature film competition.
Quebec City’s Vitesse Lumière Festival 2012 - Honorary president and juror for the official competition.
75+ completed projects (Films, TV, commercials, Music Videos, Docs) between 2004 & 2014 for:
L’inis, Item 7, Vivavision, Radio-Canada (CBC), Amazone Films, MCCCF & MICC (Provincial government
ministries), MELS, Toxa, Orange Tango, Uberdo Films, Estfilmindustry, Laterna Films, Galaxie Presse
International, TOC Films, Cyclope Films, Coptik Films, Diffusion YFB, D7, Les Disques Pixie, etc.
Highlights include:
- Producer of Surmenage, a twelve-minute award winning short film financed by SODEC, NFB, CIF, CIP.
- Producer of two BravoFACT short films with writer/director jf Daunais.
- Line producer of the feature film Derrière-moi, from multiple award winning director Raphaël Ouellet.
- Production manager of Tactik, a teen TV series with a budget of 5.5 M$.
- Prod. manager of 40+ student shorts and TV series episodes for L’inis.
- Prod. manager of two TV ads for TNM (Theatre du Nouveau Monde), the biggest live theater in Montreal.
- Prod. manager of Jack & Jacques, an award winning short film nominated at the 27th Genie Awards.
Olivier Sabino - Curriculum Vitae
Panels and conferences on Webseries - 2011 to 2014
Nouveau Cinema Festival - Regard sur le Saguenay Festival - Canal Savoir (Educational TV channel) Geek Fest - Vitesse Lumière Festival - ComicCon - Concordia University - Writer’s Guild of Canada.
ESB (Montreal’s Show Business School) - 2012 to 2013
Teacher of different classes on preproduction, production and postproduction. Mentor on student films.
L’inis (Montreal’s National Institute of Image and Sound) - 2007 to 2012
Teacher and production mentor to students in the film, television and documentary programs.
CFC (Canadian Film Center) - Toronto - Director’s Lab
Cineplex Entertainment Film Program - 2015 / Short Dramatic Film Program - 2016
L’inis - Montreal - Producer’s Lab
Film Program - 2004 / Special projects - 2005 / Gaspé’s 375th anniversary special project - 2009
UQAM University - Montreal - 2003 to 2004
Screenwriting certificate.
Film Coops & Movie industry union (AQTIS) - Montreal and Quebec City - 2000 to 2008
More than twenty workshops completed on different movie set and postproduction professions.
Ahuntsic CEGEP - Montreal - 1998 to 2000
Degree in Cinema.
Olivier Sabino - Curriculum Vitae