Comprehensive Pain Management Program at Thunder Bay


Comprehensive Pain Management Program at Thunder Bay
980 rue Oliver Road
Thunder Bay ON
P7B 6V4 Canada
Tel: (807) 684-6000
Backgrounder: Comprehensive Pain Management Program at Thunder Bay
Regional Health Sciences Centre
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre is committed to enhancing the delivery
of our clinical services, including pain management. It is identified as an activity within
the Strategic Plan 2020.
Funding from the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care supported the launch of a
Comprehensive Pain Management program to address both acute and chronic pain.
The Hospital’s Acute Pain Service provides short-term postoperative pain management
for patients who have been admitted to the hospital having undergone surgery or
This service involves all members of the Anesthesia department and provides daily
assessment and treatment plans as well as 24/7 on-call coverage to implement optimal
pain management strategies. A Nurse Practitioner assists with assessments and visits
patients daily, under the direction of the Pain Service physician.
The chronic pain management component is mainly an outpatient program provided
through Ambulatory Care.
Comprehensive Pain Management in the perioperative setting is intended to reduce or
eliminate postoperative pain, improve mobilization, decrease stress on the organs
systems, and enhance overall patient satisfaction.
The Comprehensive Pain Management service received base funding of $ 280,500
from the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
This funding has enabled us to improve access to pain management, while improving
patient satisfaction, comfort, and allowing patients to concentrate on their rehabilitation
and other important aspects of their recovery.
Since March 31st, the Chronic Interventional Pain Clinic has seen and treated over 300
Over 400 new patients have accessed the Acute Pain Service since its launch in July
of this year.
Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre is a leader in Patient and Family Centred Care and a research and
teaching hospital proudly affiliated with Lakehead University, the Northern Ontario School of Medicine and
Confederation College.
Le Centre régional des sciences de la santé de Thunder Bay, un hôpital d’enseignement et de recherche, est reconnu
comme un leader dans la prestation de soins et de services aux patients et aux familles et est fier de son affiliation à
l’université Lakehead, à l’École de médecine du Nord de l’Ontario et au collège Confédération.