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Sélection taureaux d`IA / 2013
expression is a rolling base which takes into account all the pure breed Salers calves raised in French herds in the last 5 breeding seasons and for 5 measurements (birth weight, weight at 120 days...
Plus en détailVente Elite Auction Sale
• Pedigree: for the males and females = 100 € ; for the bulls RJ, RR VS and RRE VS = 180 € ; • + 5 % of the auction price. − This cost includes all the export expenses. The following health tests a...
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Poids naissance en kg / Birth weight (kg) Poids à 120 jours en kg / Weight at 120 days (kg) Poids à 210 jours en kg / Weight at 210 days (kg) Scoring note at weaning time for conformation note (/10...
Plus en détailn°66 24p.indd - Groupe Salers Evolution
GROUPE SALERS EVOLUTION Maison de la Salers - Domaine du Fau 15140 Saint-Bonnet-de-Salers - France
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