Conference Writing Herself in the World / Autobiographie féminine et


Conference Writing Herself in the World / Autobiographie féminine et
Conference Writing Herself in the World / Autobiographie féminine et rapport au monde
Université Paris Ouest 14-15 October 2016 Programme
Keynote speaker: Dr Victoria Stewart (Leicester University) Friday 2-3 pm
Dr Stewart’s research interests include the twentieth-century and contemporary novel, war writing and lifewriting. She has particular interests in the representation of the First and Second World Wars (including the
Holocaust) in both fiction and autobiography. Her book Women’s Autobiography: War and Trauma (Palgrave,
2003) considered the work of writers including Vera Brittain, Virginia Woolf and Anne Frank from the
perspective of trauma theory. Narratives of Memory: British Writing of the 1940s (Palgrave, 2006) examines a
range of novels and short fiction from this decade, by authors such as Elizabeth Bowen, Graham Greene and
Patrick Hamilton, focusing in particular on their depiction of the processes of memory. Dr Stewart’s most recent
monograph, The Second World War in Contemporary British Fiction: Secret Histories (Edinburgh University
Press, 2011), considers the use of secrecy as both a trope and a narrative device in recent fictional treatments of
the war.
FRIDAY OCTOBER 14th Bâtiment V ground floor (room V13 or V14)
9am-9.20 – Coffee & registration in conference room (V13/14)
9.20 – Opening Address by Professor Cornelius Crowley
Chair: Corinne Bigot
9.30-10 Stephanie Genty (Université d’Evry) : ‘The Table in the Corner’: Wandering and Writing in Patti
Smith’s M Train (2015).
10-10.30 Catherine Morgan Proux (Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont 2) : Autobiography, Memoir and Travel
Writing: Ella Maillart’s The Cruel Way (1947).
10.30-11 Pin-chia Feng (National Chiao Tung University (NCTU), Taiwan) : Culinary and Tourist Memories:
Representing Sensecapes in Leslie Li’s Daughter of Heaven.
11-11.20 Coffee break
Chair: Claire Bazin
11.20-11.50 Pnina Rosenberg (Technion, Haifa and Jezreel Valley Academic College, Israel) : Writing herself
into the Camp World: Ewa Gabanyi’s Autographic Work Almanac of Memories Auschwitz-Rajsko Concentration
Camp, 1944.
11.50-12.20 Rosalie Ghanem (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3) : Histoire et mémoire dans la construction
de l’héroïne méditerranéenne dans La guerre m’a surprise à Beyrouth de Carmen Boustani.
Lunch 12.30-2pm (bât V 1st floor)
2pm-3pm Keynote speaker : Dr. Victoria Stewart (University of Leicester) : “This was the present then. This was
true.” Diaries, Autobiography and History.
3-3.20 Coffee break
Chair: Stephanie Genty
3.20-3.50 Héloise Thomas (Université de Bordeaux Montaigne) : “Mother, you are eighteen years old”: Female
Lineage, Fractured Nationalities, and Formal Experimentation in Theresa Hak Kyung Cha’s DICTEE.
3.50-4.20 Shanon Finck (University of West Georgia) : ‘Not a shade passing’: Meditations on Aging in Patti
Smith’s M Train and Christine Brooke-Rose’s Remake.
4.20-4.50 Rodolphe Gauthier (Université Paris IV-Sorbonne) : Du matériau autobiographique au discours
politique : la question des représentations dans l’essai King Kong Théorie de Virginie Despentes.
SATURDAY OCTOBER 15th Bâtiment V ground floor Room V14
Chair: Nicoleta Alexoae-Zagni
10am-10.30 Elisabeth Bouzonviller (Université Jean Monnet, Saint Etienne) : From Self-Writing to National ReWriting in Louise Erdrich’s Autobiographical Essays.
10.30-11 Karima Zaaraoui (Université Paris 3 Sorbonne Nouvelle) : Related by herself: Mary Prince’s
11-11.30 Sandra Dufour (Université de Bourgogne) : Correspondence between Lucy Stone and Antoinette
Brown Blackwell: Shared Autobiographies and Consciousness-Raising in the 19th century in the United States.
11.30- 11.50 Coffee Break
Chair: Nathalie Saudo-Welby
11.50- 12.20 Floriane Reviron-Piegay (Université de Saint Etienne) : “Our lives are pieces in a pattern”: Virginia
Woolf’s Autobiographical Fragments or the “anxiety of influence.
12.20-12.50 Hajer Elarem (The Higher Institute of applied Languages of Moknine, Tunisia) : The Relational Self
In Doris Lessing’s Autobiography: Knowing the Self through the (m)other.
Lunch 1pm-2pm (bât V 1st floor)
Chair: Elisabeth Bouzonviller
2-2.30 Eleanora Rao (University of Salerno): “I looked with wonder at the tall houses, the paved streets, the
street lamps.” Rose Cohen’s Out of the Shadow: A Russian Jewish Girlhood on the Lower East Side
2.30-3 Anissa Talahite-Moodley (University of Toronto) : Gender, Race and the Question of Autobiographical
3-3.30 Amaryllis Gacioppo (University of Bologna (Italy), and Monash University (Australia) : Cartography of
Emotion: Embodying Personal History through Psychogeographical Methodologies (Rebecca Solnit’s A Field
Guide to Getting Lost and A Book of Migrations).
3.30-3.50 Coffee break
Chair: Valérie Baisnée
3.50-4.20 Sophie L. Riemenschneider (City University of New York): “Girly Things”: The Use of Mnemonic
Objects in Breast Cancer Narratives.
4.20-4.50 Maria Tamboukou (University of East London): Writing the Memory of Work: Aesthetics Politics and
the Archive.
4.50-5.20 Dilek Direnc (Ege University, Izmir, Turkey) Poetics and Politics of Self and Place in Terry Tempest
Williams’ Refuge.