Curriculum vitae_girault_english_09042014


Curriculum vitae_girault_english_09042014
Curriculum vitae – Frédéric GIRAULT
Frédéric GIRAULT
Gas Physics/Geophysics/Geochemistry
Dr. from Paris Diderot University (France)
Birth date: January 8th, 1985
Personal address: 28 rue Emile Zola, 77290 Mitry-Mory, France
Personal phone: +33 1 64 67 71 87
Mobile phone: +33 6 82 27 00 40
E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]
Web site:
Work experience
Post Doc Ecole Normale Supérieure de Paris (ENS) & Commissariat à l’Énergie Atomique et
aux Énergies Alternatives (CEA), Paris; Supervisors : A. Schubnel, E. Pili
• Measurement of fluids (radon, H2, CO2, H2S, Ar, CH4) produced by rock samples under
stress (tri-axial cell)
• Modeling of radon emanation from rock under stress
Post Doc, EVOSS & SMASH projects (8 months) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris
(IPGP), Paris; Supervisor: S. Tait
• Numerical modeling of Plinian plumes and lava fountains
• Validation of the model using real-time observations by satellite and analogical
Teaching and research assistant (ATER) Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP), Paris
• Research on gas transport, radium and radon signature
Short projects (laboratory) and long projects management in collaboration (France, UK,
Portugal, Spain, Poland).
• Teaching at B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels (84 hours)
Ph.D. Thesis Gas physics / Geochemistry (3 years) Paris Diderot Univ. (Paris VII), Paris
Supervisor: F. Perrier ; Defended November 22nd, 2011 with highest honors
• Study of carbon dioxide and radon fluxes in the Nepal Himalayas. Applications to the
seismic cycle study, to the carbon dioxide sequestration and to the radon transport in
the environment.
Fieldwork: Improvement of gas flux measurement methods, Geological mapping,
Management and supervision of field campaigns (in Nepal and in France), Management of
short (1-2 weeks) and long (>1 year) projects
Laboratory: Development and testing of emanation experiments, Inter-comparisons, Work
in collaboration (France, UK, Nepal)
Modeling: Analytical and numerical modeling of basic and complex physical processes,
Development of multilayer coupled CO2 and radon transport models
• Teaching and collaborative works at B.Sc. and M.Sc. levels (64 hours/year)
Second M.Sc. experience (6 months) IPGP, Paris; Supervisor: F. Perrier; with highest
honors. Characterization and modeling of carbon dioxide and radon-222 discharge near
the large Nepalese faults.
First M.Sc. experience (5 months) IPGP, Paris; Supervisors: P. Bernard & H. Lyon-Caen.
Development of detection method for particular seismic signals, application to the Corinth
Gulf (Greece)
B.Sc. experience (5 months) IPGP, Paris; Supervisor: J.-P. Valet; with high honors. Analyze
and interpretation of magnetic and paleomagnetic data from marine sediments
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Curriculum vitae – Frédéric GIRAULT
Skills, methods and techniques used
Gas physics
Accumulation chamber method, CO2, radon-222 and CH4 concentration sensors,
Scintillation flask technique for radon, Methods for radon emanation (films & flasks),
Radon and radium concentration in water, Self-Potential, Thermal infrared imaging.
Geochemistry Sampling of water and gas phases, Isotopic ratios measurements from gaseous and water
phases (carbon, oxygen, helium, neon), Mass spectrometers, Pycnometry, Temperature
measurement methods.
ERT, Georadar, Gamma ray detector, Gravimetric methods, SQUID magnetometers,
Electromagnets, Magnetic susceptibility measurement, Seismic sounding methods, Triaxial cell.
Metamorphic geology, Structural geology, Geological maps, Thin-sections.
Languages and computer skills
French (mother tongue), English (spoken and written, fluent),
German (spoken and written, medium level), Nepali (basics)
Matlab, PV-Wave (FORTRAN-type syntax), FORTRAN90, Res2DInv, Surfer, ArcGIS, Google
Earth, LabVIEW, Paleomac, Maxima, Microsoft Office, Latex, Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Web sites, blogs, wikis, databases (html, php, sql, java)
Ph.D. in Geophysics. Paris Diderot Univ. (Paris VII), Paris; with highest honors
M.Sc. in Geophysics. Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris (IPGP), Paris; with highest
B.Sc. in Earth, Environment and Planets Sciences. Paris Diderot Univ. (Paris VII), Paris; with
high honors
Earth Sciences Degree. Pierre et Marie Curie Univ. (Paris VI), Paris; with high honors
First year of mathematics-biology preparatory course for “Grandes écoles”. Lycée SteGeneviève, Versailles (78)
Synergetic work
Reviewer for
Org. assistant
Radiation Measurements, Comptes Rendus Geoscience, Digital Signal Processing, Journal
of Environmental Radioactivity, Science of the Total Environment, Natural Hazards and
Earth System Sciences, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, Environmental
Engineering and Management Journal
Second France-Canada Workshop on CCS, IPGP, Paris, 2011.
Nepal: District of Mines and Geology, Tribhuvan Univ.; USA: Caltech; UK: Univ. of
Northampton, Kingston Univ.; Portugal: Coimbra Univ.; Spain: Univ. of Salamanca;
Poland: Wroclaw Univ. of Tech.; Germany: Saxon Academy of Science Leipzig; France:
Algade, CRPG Nancy, ENS Paris, CEA, IPGP, BRGM, ISA Lille, LMCM-MNHN.
ERC Consolidated Grant MetCO2 (PI: C. Groppo) : Himalayan metamorphic CO2;
BQR ENS (PI: P. Barré) : Continuous H2 concentration during deformation;
ERC EDEN Oct2014 (PI: G. Gillmore) : Relationships between gas emission at surface and
natural and artificial circulation of geological fluids (geothermal well)
Teaching activities
Bibliographical Report (1st year M.Sc. level)
Geophysics for the Environment (1st year M.Sc. level)
Natural Hazards and Environment (1st year M.Sc. level)
Overview of Earth Sciences (2nd year B.Sc. level); Experimental Physics (3rd year B.Sc. level)
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Curriculum vitae – Frédéric GIRAULT
Additional researcher and teacher training
- Porous Media: from Pore Structure to Medium Transport Properties [course of P. Adler,
Y. Bernabé et A. Maineult]
- Variability of Sea Level [course of K. Lambeck]
- From Earth Sciences to the Realm of Science: On the Role of Experimenting in Scientific
Inquiry [course of F. Perrier, É. Kaminski et J. Gaillardet]
- History of Ideas in Geosciences [course of several professors]
- Mass Spectrometry [course of J.-L. Birck]
- Training to English Scientific Communication (Earth Sciences)
- Knowledge, Learning, Cognition, Society [ course of several professors]
- Teaching of Sciences at the University: Relevance and Review of Didactics [ course of
several professors]
- Risk Training: Fire, Chemicals, Electricity and Compressed gas
- First aid formation certificate
Collective responsabilities
Tutoring for Work Experience (Secondary School Pupils)
Rock Samples Archive set-up (Paris Diderot Univ.) dedicated to teachers and students
Involvement in Team Meetings (Geomagnetism Team, IPGP)
Other activities and hobbies
Member of the Association of Paleontology of Villers-sur-Mer (Normandy, France)
Badminton in club, Tennis, Ski, Trekking
International driving license B
Girault, F., Perrier, F. (in press). The Syabru-Bensi hydrothermal system in Central Nepal – II. Modelling and
significance of the radon signature. J. Geophys. Res. – Solid Earth.
Girault, F., Perrier, F., Crockett, R., Bhattarai, M., Koirala, B.P., France-Lanord, C., Agrinier, P., Ader, M.,
Fluteau, F., Gréau, C., Moreira, M. (in press). The Syabru-Bensi hydrothermal system in Central Nepal – I.
Characterization of carbon dioxide and radon fluxes. J. Geophys. Res. – Solid Earth.
Girault, F., Carazzo, G., Tait, S., Ferrucci, F., Kaminski, E. (2014). The effect of total grain-size distribution on
the dynamics of turbulent volcanic plumes. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 394, 124-134.
Perrier, F., Girault, F. (2013). Harmonic response of soil radon-222 flux and concentration induced by
barometric oscillations. Geophys. J. Int., 195, 945-971.
Girault, F., Perrier, F., Gajurel, A.P., Bhattarai, M., Koirala, B.P., Bollinger, L., Fort, M., France-Lanord, C.
(2012). Effective radium concentration across the Main Central Thrust in the Nepal Himalayas. Geochim.
Cosmochim. Ac., 98, 203-227.
Girault, F., Perrier, F. (2012). Measuring effective radium concentration with large numbers of samples. Part II
– experimental method and uncertainties. J. Environ. Radioactiv., 113, 189-202.
Girault, F., Perrier, F. (2012). Measuring effective radium concentration with large numbers of samples. Part I
– general properties and representativity. J. Environ. Radioactiv., 113, 177-188.
Girault, F., Perrier, F. (2012). Estimating the importance of factors influencing the radon-222 flux from
building walls. Sci. Total Environ., 433, 247-263.
Perrier, F., Girault, F. (2012). Measuring effective radium concentration with less than 5 g of rock or soil. J.
Environ. Radioactiv., 113, 45-56.
Girault, F. (2011). Etude des flux de dioxyde de carbone et de radon dans l'Himalaya du Népal (in French).
Ph.D. Thesis. Paris Diderot University (Paris VII), Paris. 638p.
Girault, F., Poitou, C., Perrier, F., Koirala, B.P., Bhattarai, M. (2011). Soil characterization using patterns of
magnetic susceptibility versus effective radium concentration. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11(8), 22852293.
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Curriculum vitae – Frédéric GIRAULT
Girault, F., Perrier, F. (2011). Heterogeneous temperature sensitivity of effective radium concentration from
various rock and soil samples. Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 1619-1626.
Richon, P., Perrier, F., Koirala, B.P., Girault, F., Bhattarai, M., Sapkota, S.N. (2011). Temporal signatures of
advective versus diffusive radon transport at a geothermal zone in Central Nepal. J. Environ. Radioactiv.,
102, 88-102.
Girault, F., Gajurel, A.P., Perrier, F., Upreti, B.N., Richon, P. (2011). Radon emanation of heterogeneous basin
deposits in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. J. Asian Earth Sci., 40, 595-610.
Girault, F., Koirala, B.P., Perrier, F., Richon, P., Rajaure, S. (2009). Persistence of radon-222 flux during
monsoon at a geothermal zone in Nepal. J. Environ. Radioactiv., 100, 955-964.
Solicited oral and poster contributions
Girault, F., Schubnel, A., Pili, É. (2014). Comportement des fluides sous contraintes : le radon comme outil de suivi
des changements transitoires de perméabilité : mesures en ligne dans une presse triaxiale (in French). Journée
Scientifique du Service RCE, CEA, Bruyères-le-Châtel, France (Oral).
Girault, F., Carazzo, G., Tait, S., Ferrucci, F., Kaminski, É. (2013). Effect of the grain-size distribution on the maximum
height of Plinian columns. American General Assembly 2013, San Francisco, USA (Poster).
Pili, É., Nicolas, A., Girault, F., Schubnel, A., Fortin, J., Passelègue, F., Richon, P. (2013). Radon emanation during
compression, fracturing and heating of granites. American General Assembly 2013, San Francisco, USA (Poster).
Girault, F., Schubnel, A., Pili, É. (2013). Comportement des fluides sous contraintes – Emanation de radon de
granites fracturés thermiquement et mécaniquement (in French). Meeting LRC-Yves-Rocard CEA-ENS, ENS,
Paris (Oral).
Girault, F. (2012). Etude des flux de dioxyde de carbone et de radon dans l’Himalaya du Népal (in French). Research
& Development Team, AREVA, Paris, France (Conference).
Girault, F., Perrier, F., France-Lanord, C., Bhattarai, M., Koirala, B.P., Bollinger, L., Sapkota, S.N. (2011). Large scale
organization of metamorphic carbon dioxide discharge in the Nepal Himalayas: an evidence for earthquake
induced permeability changes? American General Assembly 2011, San Francisco, USA (Oral).
Girault, F. (2011). Caractérisation des sols par la susceptibilité magnétique et la concentration en radium effectif (in
French). Seminar of Geomagnetism Team, IPGP, Paris, France (Conference).
Girault, F., Bhattarai, M., Koirala, B.P., France-Lanord, C., Bollinger, L. (2011). Radon-222 as a tracer of advective
versus diffusive CO2 transport in a tectonic active zone. Developments In Noble Gas Understanding and
Expertise 2011, IPGP, Paris, France (Oral).
Girault, F. (2011). Flux de dioxyde de carbone et de radon dans une zone de faille active : caractérisation et
modélisation au Népal central (in French). ISTerre, Université J. Fourier, Grenoble, France (Conference).
Girault, F., Perrier, F., Bhattarai, M., Koirala, B.P., Richon, P., France-Lanord, C., Sapkota, S.N. (2010).
Characterization and modelling of gas discharge in Lower Dolpo, Western Nepal. 6th Nepal Geological Congress,
Kathmandu, Nepal (Oral).
Girault, F., Koirala, B.P., Bhattarai, M., Rajaure, S., Richon, P., Perrier, F. (2010). The Himalayas of Nepal, a natural
laboratory for the search and measurement of CO2 discharge. European General Assembly 2010, Vienna,
Austria (Oral).
Girault, F., Koirala, B.P., Bhattarai, M., Rajaure, S., Richon, P., Perrier, F. (2010). Radon emanation of rock and soil
samples: A tool for stratigraphy, geology, geophysical modelling and radon health hazard. European General
Assembly 2010, Vienna, Austria (Poster).
Girault, F. (2009). Dégazage de CO2 et de radon-222 dans l’Himalaya du Népal : caractérisation et premières
interprétations (in French). Seminar of Geomagnetism Team, IPGP, Paris, France (Conference).
Girault, F. (2007). Le champ magnétique terrestre : paléomagnétisme, tectonique des plaques et extinctions
majeures (in French). Association of Paleontology, Villers-sur-Mer, Normandy, France (Conference).
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