TRAVEL VISA PRO Cameroon Visa Call us for assistance – Toll-free: (866) 378-1722 Fax: (866) 511-7599 CAMEROON VISA STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE Thank you for considering Travel & Visa Pro for your CAMEROON Visa & Travel needs. You’ll make an excellent choice if you use our services since our agency specializes in expediting Cameroonian visas and are located 5 minutes walk away from the consulate. Our travel professionals help you avoid delays, save money and time. Please follow our FOUR Steps instructions. We must receive all required documents by our office before expediting your visa to Cameroon This information is for US citizens only. If you're not a US citizen, please contact us. STEP ONE: Obtain, Complete, and SIGN these documents A Valid Passport: You have to MAIL us your current valid and signed U.S. passport. Passport should be valid at least SIX (6) months after your intended arrival to Cameroon. Also, you should make sure you have at least ONE (1) completely blank page for visas in your passport. If your passport is about to expire or needs more pages, please contact us and we will help to obtain new, renew or add pages to Your passport. TWO (2) Passport Style Photographs: We advice to go to a passport photographer since she/he is familiar with passport style photograph requirements. Photographs must be 2x2 inches in size. If you have a digital photograph, you can email it to [email protected] with Your First and Last name in subject line. TWO (2) Visa Questionnaire/Applications Please COMPLETE and SIGN Your Cameroon visa application forms. We ask you to fill as much info as possible, but if you are not sure what to write for one question or the other please leave it blank. We will fill it ourselves rather than you fill incorrect information. You can always call 8663781722 with your questions. Application is enclosed. Proof of Financial Ability: You must provide a copy of a recent bank statement or a letter from your bank verifying you have sufficient funds to support yourself. Bank statement must contain your name and address Travel Visa Pro Visa Order Form Please complete Travel Visa Pro Visa Order Form – Download it HERE: (see our website for processing time and fees). This form gives us your name, address, exact shipping address for visa, and payment method. You do not have to fill order form for each applicant. If all visas are to be mailed to the same address, we just need one form and payment. U.S. citizens born in Cameroon and who held a Cameroonian passport prior to their naturalization must surrender their former Cameroonian passport when applying for a Cameroonian visa for the first time. Additional Instructions: o A Copy of Roundtrip ticket/itinerary containing the name of passenger, the confirmed itinerary, flight number and arrival/departure dates. o Yellow Fever Vaccination: please provide a copy or original of your yellow fever certificate. o Business Visas ONLY: You must provide us with a business letter (on letterhead) from Your employer, addressed to the Cameroonian Consulate General, stating the Your name and title, how long you have worked for the company. Please, state very clearly in the letter, the nature of the activities to be performed in Cameroon, as well as the duration of stay. If you’re self-employed, a recent bank statement will be required. In San Francisco: 2021 Fillmore St San Francisco, CA 94115 Local: (415) 229-3210 [email protected] In Washington DC: 1802 Vernon St NW Washington, DC 20009 Local: (202) 684-7150 [email protected] In New York: 167 Madison Ave., Ste 201 New York, NY 10016 Local: (212) 380-7866 [email protected] In Houston, TX: 3401 Louisiana St, Ste 130 Houston, TX 77002 Local: (713) 936-0773 [email protected] In Los Angeles: 1055 W. 7th St.,Ste 3337 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Local: (310) 878-2590 [email protected] In Seattle: 506 2nd Ave., Ste 1404 Seattle, WA 98104 Local: (206) 855-5185 [email protected] In Chicago: 141 W Jackson Blvd, Ste 3401 Chicago, IL 60604 Local: (312) 800-1268 [email protected] o Applicants under 18 years old: must provide notarized letter of consent signed by both parents/guardians. The letter should explicitly state that both parents agree with the trip and should specify who is travelling with the child. Also, parents/guardians should provide copy of their passports' vital pages. STEP TWO: Select Return Shipping method: In order to keep our prices competitive, we ask you to pay for your visa return shipping from Cameroon consulate to your address. Because we use our FedEx account regularly, we get volume discounts and are willing to share them with you. Please select your preferred return shipping method and add SHIPPING FEE to your payment. IMPORTANT: Fees are given per address and includes shipment of up to THREE passports/visas. If you have FOUR passports or more going to the same address, please add $15.00: o FREE – Include Prepaid Self-Addressed Envelope o $20.00 -- FedEx Express Saver (4.30PM delivery on 3rd business day) o $25.00 -- FedEx Standard Overnight (3.00PM delivery on next business day) o $30.00 -- FedEx Priority Overnight (10.30AM delivery on next business day) o $49.00 -- FedEx SATURDAY Priority Overnight (12noon delivery on Saturday) o $49.00 -- FedEx Standard Overnight to HI, AK, PR (3.00PM delivery on next business day) o $49.00+ - FedEx INTERNATIONAL Priority Overnight (12noon delivery to Canada) STEP THREE: Make a Payment: Please add shipping and our visa expediting fees (see table below) together and provide us with payment. We accept the following payment types: By Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard, Amex). PREFERRED METHOD: By Check/Money Order. Make checks payable to “TRAVEL AND VISA PRO” By PayPal: Send payments to [email protected] CALL OUR LOCAL OFFICE San Francisco, CA (415)-229-3210 Washington, DC (202)-684-7150 New York (212)-380-7866 Los Angeles, CA (310)-878-2590 Houston, TX (713)-936-0773 Seattle, WA (206)-855-5185 Chicago, IL (312)-800-1268 Atlanta, GA (404)-900-6886 FOR CONSULAR, SERVICE FEES, AND ALL PROCESSING TIMES, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT: OR NEW SERVICE FREE PASSPORT REPLACEMENT COVERAGE FOR $9.99 per person In San Francisco: 2021 Fillmore St San Francisco, CA 94115 Local: (415) 229-3210 [email protected] In Washington DC: 1802 Vernon St NW Washington, DC 20009 Local: (202) 684-7150 [email protected] This affordable passport replacement program offers FREE replacement of your passport if it has been lost, stolen, or damaged – for total up to $499 in free services. Upon receipt of your claim, we will secure the fastest speed necessary to process your passport. Please read complete terms and conditions of the program at,do.index In New York: 167 Madison Ave., Ste 201 New York, NY 10016 Local: (212) 380-7866 [email protected] In Houston, TX: 3401 Louisiana St, Ste 130 Houston, TX 77002 Local: (713) 936-0773 [email protected] In Los Angeles: 1055 W. 7th St.,Ste 3337 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Local: (310) 878-2590 [email protected] In Seattle: 506 2nd Ave., Ste 1404 Seattle, WA 98104 Local: (206) 855-5185 [email protected] In Chicago: 141 W Jackson Blvd, Ste 3401 Chicago, IL 60604 Local: (312) 800-1268 [email protected] STEP FOUR: Mail your application Please mail all required documents to us. See document checklist below. We recommend you to send your paperwork via traceable, overnight delivery service such as FedEx, DHL, USPS Express or similar courier. Attn: Visa Dept. Travel Visa Pro 1802 Vernon St NW, Washington, DC 20009 If you need to order passport assistance (e.g. New Passport, Add Pages, Renewal, etc.) before we can process your visa, please mail your package to our Passport Center in San Francisco: Travel Visa Pro, 2021 Fillmore Street, San Francisco, CA 94115 (415)-229-3210 IMPORTANT SHIPPIPNG ADVICE: Required document checklist: Passport TWO Photographs Visa Order Form TWO Visa Applications (please do not forget to sign) Additional Paperwork for MULTIPLE ENTRY and BUSINESS VISAS Additional Paperwork for MINORS TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Travel & Visa Pro acts only as an agent, and only Embassy/consular officials and U.S. Passport Office agents make the final determination when deciding how fast a visa or passport will be issued and for what period of time (validity) visas can be issued. U.S. Passport Services reserve the right to prioritize the processing according to the departure date provided by the applicant. Embassy/consulate officials also have the right to ask for additional documentation in order to issue a passport or visa. Travel & Visa Pro accepts no responsibility for the services of the Passport Agency or Embassy/Consulate in connection with the granting of passports or visas, nor for any delays, loss of passports or other materials occasioned by such services or by any delivery services such as FedEx, UPS, or the US Postal Service. Damage compensation is not available. In the case where a visa or passport application has been canceled or rejected, the service fee will be non refundable. In case mistake is made on our part in dates/names, please notify us within 12 hours after receipt of your visa for necessary corrections to be made. If your trip has been postponed or dates are changed, some consulates permit visa correction for a fee. An administrative fee of $17 will be added to all cancelled orders. In San Francisco: 2021 Fillmore St San Francisco, CA 94115 Local: (415) 229-3210 [email protected] In Washington DC: 1802 Vernon St NW Washington, DC 20009 Local: (202) 684-7150 [email protected] In New York: 167 Madison Ave., Ste 201 New York, NY 10016 Local: (212) 380-7866 [email protected] In Houston, TX: 3401 Louisiana St, Ste 130 Houston, TX 77002 Local: (713) 936-0773 [email protected] In Los Angeles: 1055 W. 7th St.,Ste 3337 Los Angeles, CA 90017 Local: (310) 878-2590 [email protected] In Seattle: 506 2nd Ave., Ste 1404 Seattle, WA 98104 Local: (206) 855-5185 [email protected] In Chicago: 141 W Jackson Blvd, Ste 3401 Chicago, IL 60604 Local: (312) 800-1268 [email protected] EMBASSY OF THE REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON AMBASSADE DE LA REPUBLIQUE DU CAMEROUN Tél. : (202) 265-8790 Fax : (202) 387-3826 Email: [email protected] 3400 International Drive, N.W. Washington, DC 20008 DEMANDE DE VISA / VISA APPLICATION (ECRIRE EN LETTRES MAJUSCULES SEULEMENT / WRITE IN CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY) Etat-Civil du voyageur / Civil Status of the traveler Noms : Surname Née / Maiden Name* : Prénoms : Given Names Date de Naissance : Date of Birth Jour/Day Mois/Month Année/Year Photographie (Agrafer ou coller la photo) 2 inches X 2 inches Lieu de naissance / Place of Birth Ville / City or Town : Nationalité / Nationality Pays / Country : Photograph Origine / Origin: (Staple or glue the photo) Actuelle/ Current: Naturalisé(e) le*: Naturalized on* *Si cela s’applique If applicable Informations sur le passeport du voyageur / Traveler’s Passport Information Passeport N° : Passport N° Date de délivrance : Date of issue Pays ou Autorité Emettrice : Issuing Country or Authority Lieu de délivrance : Place of issue Date d’expiration Date of expiration Informations sur le voyageur / Information about the traveler Noms des parents / Parents’ names : Père/Father: Mère/Mother: (a) Situation familiale / Family status : Célibataire / Single Marié(e) / Married (a) Divorcé(e) / Divorced Veuf (ve) / Widow(er) Nom, sexe et numéro de téléphone de l’époux (se) ou du (de la) partenaire Provide spouse’s or partners NAME, SEX, and PHONE NUMBER: Enfants / Children: - Nombre / Number: || - Age / Age: 0 – 5 5 – 10 Pas Marié(e) mais vivant en couple Unmarried but living with a partner (a) Profession: Occupation 10 – 15 Employeur: Employer Plus de 15 / Over 15 Situation militaire: Military status Adresse et contact du voyageur / Traveler’s address and contact information Adresse/Address : Rue/Street address: Ville/City: Etat/State: Zip Code Pays/Country Tél./Phone: Cell: ( ) Autre #/Other #:( ) E-mail: Apt. Nº Personne à contacter en cas d’urgence / Emergency contact person: Nom / Name Numéro de Tel. / Phone Number ( ) Lien/Relationship Séjour De /Stay Of Un Mois / One Month Nature et durée du visa sollicité / Type and duration of visa requested: Jours / Days (ou bien cocher la case ci-dessous qui s’applique / or check the corresponding box below) Trois Mois / Three Months Six Mois / Six Months rehtO / ertuA Entrées / Entries : Unique / Single Multiple / Multiple Motif(s) du voyage / Reason(s) for traveling: (cocher les cases qui s’appliquent / check all that apply) Affaires / Business Tourisme / Tourism Etudes / Studies Transit / Transit Famille / Family Autre / Other Officiel / Official Visite / Visit Réservé au Service Consulaire / Reserved to the Consular Service VISA N° 1/2 Plans de voyage / Travel plans : Date et lieu de départ des Etats-Unis / Date and place of departure from the USA: Date et lieu d’entrée au Cameroun / Date and place of entry in Cameroon: Date et lieu de départ du Cameroun / Date and place of departure from Cameroon : Où comptez-vous vous rendre en sortant du Cameroun ? Where do you intend to go when leaving Cameroon? Avez-vous déjà visité le Cameroun? Si oui, A quelle(s) date(s) : Have you ever visited Cameroon? If yes, When? Avez-vous déjà habité le Cameroun pendant plus de trois (03) mois sans interruption ? Have you ever made an uninterrupted stay of more than three (03) months in Cameroon? (b) Précisez à quelles dates : If yes, specify the dates (b) OUI/YES ON/NON Attaches familiales au Cameroun (adresses exactes) : Relatives in Cameroon (exact addresses) Références au Cameroun (nom et adresse exacte) : References in Cameroon (name and exact address) Indiquez les noms et adresses des commerçants/industriels que vous désirez rencontrer s’il s’agit d’un voyage d’affaires Give names and addresses of businessmen/manufacturers you wish to meet if this is a business trip: Comptez-vous installer au Cameroun un commerce ou une industrie ? Do you intend to establish a business in Cameroon? (c) Veuillez Spécifier/Expliquer : Please specify/explain (c) OUI/YES ON/NON Indiquez vos adresses exactes au Cameroun pendant votre séjour : Specify your exact addresses during your stay in Cameroon Vous engagez-vous à n’accepter aucun emploi rémunéré ou au pair durant votre séjour au Cameroun, à ne pas chercher à vous y installer définitivement et à quitter le territoire à l’expiration du visa qui vous sera éventuellement accordé ? Do you agree not to accept any employment, either at a salary or for room and board during your stay in Cameroon, not to seek to remain in Cameroon permanently and to leave the Cameroonian territory at the expiration of the visa that may be granted to you? OUI/YES ON/NON . Ma signature engage ma responsabilité et m’expose, en sus de poursuites prévues par la loi en cas de fausse déclaration, à me voir refuser tout visa à l’avenir. . My signature renders me responsible and exposes me, in case of any false statements, in addition to any penalties imposed by law, to be refused any Cameroon visa in the future. Signature (Must be that of the requester him/herself) (Doit être celle de la personne requérante elle-même) Date 2/2
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