Le journal Underground


Le journal Underground
Le journal
Rock the Statue Green!
Cette année, en célébration du
125ème anniversaire de la Statue de la Liberté, l’association
des professeurs de Français aç
lancé un concours d’art international. C’est pour les élèves de
grande section jusqu’au 12th
grade. Notre Middle School participe à ce concours. Nous devons faire soit une sculpture,
un projet, un chanson, une vidéo, ou une rédaction. Nous
devons faire ces choses avec
seulement des matériaux recyclés. Les gagnants de ce concours auront des prix extraordinaires: 3 de billets pour 2 personnes pour aller en France,
$500 pour chaque personne,
$500 pour chaque groupe et
100 sacs de cadeau. Donc les
7th et 8th se sont séparés en
Le cri d’Henry:
Occupy Wall
Christmas Day
Steve Jobs
Revue littéraire 3
groupes. Certains groupes font
des sculptures, d’autres des
projets, et des rédactions.
Alors : « Bonne chance à tout
le monde! »
Ben Hancox et Theo Golstein
Bustin Boards
Sport: Bruins
Programme des 4
Musique: Blink
Thinkgeek Web4
Staring contest
Flobert le Platypus,
par Ben Loell,
avec l’accord de son
créateur Gabriel Ibarra
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Le journal underground
Le cri d’Henry: Occupy Wall Street
It was 12:00 on the 17 of September and 20
teenagers were sitting on the barrier that divided them from Wall Street and they were
shouting slogans loudly. After 15 minutes
double the number of policemen marched in
and started threatening to arrest the teenagers. We left and I was thinking about the
main ideas of the demonstration: they wanted to get their take on a fair deal without big
corporations, and greed dominating the political spectrum. They expected to go for
months so this was a bad start. After 2 hours
we went to Zuccotti park where the full
demonstration was taking place. The government agencies that were there were normal
policemen, anti terrorism and an agency that
could not
r e v e a l
t h e i r
n a m e .
There was
went along. We were followed by 10 policemen on motorcycles. We shouted slogans
like “hey hey corporate greed has to go!”
and “who’s street? Our street!”. There are
protests like this around the country, even in
Henry Viall
“Christmas Day Bomber” pleads guilty
Yesterday, October 12, 2011,
Umar Farouk
the alleged
Christmas Day
Bomber, pleaded guilty to
eight federal
crime charges
in his trial one day after it started. Some of
those charges were conspiracy to commit an
act of terrorism, attempted murder and attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction. He was sentenced to life sentence with
no chance of parole.
The Christmas Day Bombing happened on
Christmas Day aboard Delta/Northwest Flight
253 from Amsterdam Schiphol airport bound
for Detroit Metro Airport. Passengers aboard
the flight watched in terror as Abdulmutallab
tried to detonate a bomb sewn into his underpants. Luckily, he was stopped by a brave
passenger who was able to stop him before
he detonated, according to U.S. law and
qualifications, a weapon of mass destruction.
Jeffrey Giguere
Le père d’Apple est mort
À l’âge de 56, le créateur de
Apple, Steve Jobs est mort. Il
était le co-fondateur de Apple et
de Pixar Animation Studios. Il est
mort du cancer du pancréas le 5
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Octobre 2011. Il a inventé le
MacBook, le iPhone, le iPod et le
iPad. Beaucoup de personnes ne
savent pas qui a créé leur iPod.
Max Spurrell
Le journal underground
Revue littéraire: The total tragedy
of a girl named Hamlet
In the book The Total Tragedy of a
girl named Hamlet, the main character, Hamlet, wants to be normal.
She has a 7 year old genius sister
and her parents are Shakespeare
fanatics. Hamlet is in the 8th grade
but when she thinks that everything
is ok; something bad happens. Her
freaky genius sister is in her class.
If anything could get worse it does,
Hamlet has to do a
Shakespeare project and she does
not want to tell her parents cause
if she does her parents will be all
excited and freak out. I recommend this book to girls cause it is
probably too girly for the boys.
Adeline Danyla
Website: Bustin Boards
If you want to buy a good longboard and customize the graphics
and all the other part, Bustin
Boards is the site for you. Bustin
Boards is a local company located
in Brooklyn, NY (not made in China). They have a big variety of
longboard decks you can chose
from an endless amounts of differ-
ent components you can add.
They also sell lots of other gears
such as helmets and gloves. If
you are thinking of starting longboarding or you want a second
board, it is a great site to visit.
Have fun and ride safe
Theodore Golstein
Sports: Opening night of the Bruins
des playoffs que les Bruins ont ravagé pour gagner la Stanley Cup. Donc les Bruins devaient
gagner contre cette équipe pour éviter l’humiliation.
Pendant la première période, Brad Marchand,
un des Bruins, a marqué le premier but pour
les Bruins. Le score était 1-0 Bruins. Puis,
pendant les 50 secondes qui restaient dans la
première période, Claude Giroux a marqué un
but pour les Flyers. Le score était 1-1. Et dans
les 3 dernières secondes de la première période, Philadelphie a marqué un but pour
Jeudi soir, les Boston Bruins ont pris “la glace mettre le score à 2-1 Philadelphie. Ce sont les
“pour la premiere fois après leur victoire du seuls buts dans le match et Philadelphie a été
Stanley Cup Championship contre les Vancou- vainqueur Jeudi soir dernier.
ver Canucks. Ils ont joué contre les Philadelphia Flyers. Les Flyers sont une des 4 équipes Jeffrey Giguere
Numéro 8
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Ont participé à ce
Gabriel Ibarra
Theo Golstein
Henry Viall
Ben Hancox
Ben Loell
Programme des concerts
Trans-Siberian Orchestra - Winter
JAY-Z & Kanye West
Tour 2011
18 Novembre
25 Novembre
Mohegan Sun Arena
Dunkin Donuts Center
Genre: symphonic rock, neo-classical
Foo Fighters
TD Garden
Max Spurrell
Genre: Alternative,
hard rock
Adeline Danyla
Badfish- a Tribute to Sublime
17 Decembre
16 Novembre
William Lopez
Genre: Hip Hop
State Theatre, Portland ME
Genre: ska punk, reggae, punk rock,
post-grunge, dub
Gabriel Ibarra
Roxane Robin
Revue musicale: Blink 182
L’album « Neighborhoods » de Blink 182 est sorti très récemment. L’album est moyennement bon. Ma chanson préférée est « Up all Night ».
Les autres chansons comme par exemple « A la mode », « Snake Charmer » ou « Natives » étaient moyennement bonnes. Je recommande à
mes amis d’acheter l’album.
William Lopez
Website: Thinkgeek.com
Thinkgeek.com is a fun website with products linked to
popular geeky themes such as Star Wars, Doctor Who,
or Minecraft. They have great T-shirts and toys, but
they also have entire sections of their website dedicated to things such as bacon, caffeine, and even cubicle
war fare. Most of their products are goofy and silly like
a Tauntan sleeping bag or lightsaber chopsticks. They
also have some weird,
but cool gadgets like
butterfly-knife pens or
playable guitar T-shirts.
In all, it’s a fun site
that’s great to browse
around and buy awesome but sometimes
useless stuff.
Nick Kilner-Pontone
Staring contest:
teacher vs.student
2011, William LathenLopez and Julia K.
Johnston had a staring
« You’re staring at me
like you do in class »
said Will. « How’s that ?» inquired
Johnston. Will did not respond.
Players could blink but not laugh. It
ended when Johnston giggled. « You
lost » laughed William. Julia insisted
that not fair, because one of her students had gotten in the way. Winner
has yet to be confirmed.
Roxane Robin
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Le journal underground