Why songs and raps? - Hertfordshire Grid for Learning


Why songs and raps? - Hertfordshire Grid for Learning
Why songs and raps?
songs and raps are fun and memorable
they promote confidence and fluency
they teach rhythm, pronunciation and intonation
songs and raps embed complex structures
they support the 5 strands of the KS2 Framework
for Languages
KS 2 Framework for Languages
Oracy (O)
Literacy (L)
Intercultural Understanding (IU)
Knowledge about Language (KAL)
Language Learning Strategies (LLS)
Ideas for introducing songs & raps
Framework reference in brackets
Use flashcards/ props to reinforce meaning (LLS)
Use small drum to teach rhythm (O4.3)
Invent actions to engage kinaesthetic learners (03.1; LLS)
Pupils respond physically to repetitive sounds eg jump up; pass
object; touch nose; run to different parts of room (O3.4; LLS)
Build confidence through whole class repetition (O3.2)
Teach songs/raps line by line modulating voice to retain interest
– loud; soft; happy; sad; monster; alien; baby (03.2; KAL; LLS)
Mouth words for pupils to identify or copy (O3.2; KAL; LLS)
Hold competition to find best idea for memorising certain words
and phrases (LLS)
Ideas for using songs & raps
(without text)
Hold singing competitions between groups (O3.1; LLS)
With question and answer (q & a) songs get class to
stand in circle chorusing q; throw mini bean bag to
individuals volunteering a. (O5.3; O3.1)
Use q & a songs as basis for pairwork and role plays
Compare French and English traditional songs (IU)
Perform for parents or in an assembly (O3.1)
Ideas for using songs and raps
(with text)
Invite class to decipher “mystery” passage on ppt [hum
tune or clap out rap rhythm as clue] (L3.1; L3.2)
Play games looking for rhymes, recurring phonemes and
“sneaky secret silent letters” (L3.1; KAL)
Elicit observations on links between phonemes and
spellings (L3.2; KAL) and comparisons with English
Invite volunteers to read passage aloud to class (L3.2)
Play games with the text: eg read aloud line of song –
pupils have to point to it on ppt. (L4.2; L6.3)
Groups compete to sequence correctly lines of verse
written on separate cards (L5.3)
Fill in the missing word (L3. 3)
Pupils adapt songs using familiar vocabulary (L5.3)
Some suggested resources
Chantez plus fort! Bevis, Romanteau, Hopwood
(Brilliant Publications) songs written for KS2
Un Kilo de Chansons Kay
(Nelson Thornes Ltd) songs written for KS2 & 3
Les Chansons et Raps de Monsieur X Hicks
(Impington Village College) songs written for KS2
Comptines à chanter (Milan) traditional songs and rhymes
Singing in French MacGregor & Chadwick
(A & C Black) songs written for KS2 & KS3
klein/sommaire.htm (text & recordings of trad songs)
CILT Resource File 6 Rhythm and Rhyme Martin
songs & rhymes: ideas and photocopiable resources
8 Songs and Raps
Bonjour Rap
Où habites-tu? (3 Blind Mice)
Tu es de quelle nationalité? (London’s Burning)
Wayne Rooney Rap
Quelle est ta couleur préférée? (I can sing a rainbow)
Quel est ton animal préféré? (I can sing a rainbow)
Lisa Simpson Rap
Je voudrais une limonade
(She’ll be coming round the mountain)
© Alison Ough
© Alison Ough
© Alison Ough
Le rap de Wayne Rooney
10, 20, 30
J’adore le sport
40, 50, 60
Je suis si fort
70, 80
J’aime jouer aux boules
Et 90, 100,
Le foot, c’est cool!
© Alison Ough
© Alison Ough
© Alison Ough
Le rap de Lisa Simpson
Je vous présente ma famille
Je vous présente ma famille
Voici ma mère, voici mon père
Voici ma soeur, voici mon frère
Je vous présente ma famille
© Alison Ough
Bonjour monsieur
Bonjour mam’selle
Vous désirez?
Bonjour monsieur
Je voudrais une limonade
Bonjour mams’elle
Je voudrais une limonade
Vous désirez?
Je voudrais une limonade
s’il vous plaît!
© Alison Ough
Une limonade,
C’est un euro
Une limonade,
C’est combien
une limonade?
C’est un euro
C’est combien?
Une limonade,
C’est combien
une limonade?
C’est combien?
© Alison Ough
Celia Federer
Tiffany Horncastle
Noémie Jean
Jamie Ough
Elena Piazza