Boarding at 9:15 am sharp! Return Approx. 7:00 pm
Boarding at 9:15 am sharp! Return Approx. 7:00 pm
SOLEMNITY OF SAINTS PETER & PAUL, APOSTLES ( A ) JUNE 29TH, 2014 FROM THE PASTOR’S DESK Peter's original name was Simon. Christ Himself gave him the name Cephas or Peter when they first met and later confirmed it. This name change was meant to show both Peter's rank as leader of the apostles and the outstanding trait of his character — Peter (in Hebrew Kephas) the Rock. Peter was born in Bethsaida on the Sea of Galilee. Like his younger brother Andrew, he was a fisherman and dwelt at Capernaum. Peter's house often became the scene of miracles, since the Master would stay there whenever He was teaching in that locality. Together with his brothers John and Andrew, Peter belonged to the first of Jesus' disciples (John 1:40-50). St. Paul: Paul, known as Saul (his Roman name) before his conversion, was born at Tarsus in the Roman province of Silicia about two or three years after the advent of the Redeemer. He was the son of Jewish parents who belonged to the tribe of Benjamin, was reared according to the strict religious-nationalistic party of the Pharisees, and enjoyed the high distinction of Roman citizenship. Veneration of the two great Apostles, Peter and Paul, has its roots in the very foundations of the Church. They are the solid rock on which the Church is built. They are at the origin of her faith and will forever remain her protectors and her guides. To them Rome owes her true greatness, for it was under God's providential guidance that they were led to make the capital of the Empire, sanctified by their martyrdom, the center of the Christian world whence should radiate the preaching of the Gospel. St. Peter suffered martyrdom under Nero, in A.D. 66 or 67. He was buried on the hill of the Vatican where recent excavations have revealed his tomb on the very site of the basilica of St. Peter's. St. Paul was beheaded in the via Ostia on the spot where now stands the basilica bearing his name. Down the centuries Christian people in their thousands have gone on pilgrimage to the tombs of these Apostles. In the second and third centuries the Roman Church already stood preeminent by reason of her apostolicity, the infallible truth of her teaching and her two great figures, Sts. Peter and Paul. A plenary indulgence may be gained today by anyone who makes devout use of a religious article blessed by a bishop and who also recites any approved profession of faith (e.g. the Apostles Creed), as long as the usual conditions are satisfied. Catholic Culture prepared this special section during the Year of St. Paul. SOLEMNITY OF SAINTS PETER & PAUL, APOSTLES (A) JUNE 28, 2014 TO JULY 5TH, 2014 Saturday, June 28th 9:00 am: Memorial Mass …………Altina Louis, Saintilma & Toussaint deceased family members. 4:00 pm: Mass of Thanksgiving………………. Marie Suze Pierre Sunday, June 29th 7:00 am: Memorial Mass ……………………...Lionel Traversiere 11:00 am: Mass of Thanksgiving……………..Kiara Lucilien 1:30 pm: Memorial Mass……………………….. Ferdinan Pierre Monday, June 30th 9:00 am: Memorial Mass ………………………. Idemie Zamor 5:30 pm: Mass of Thanksgiving .…………….Yolanda Desir Tuesday, July 1st 9:00 am: Mass of Thanksgiving ……………...Steven Canell Wednesday, July 2nd 9:00 am: Memorial Mass ……………………….Edner F. Baron Thursday, July 3rd 9:00 am: Mass of Thanksgiving……………….Andris Jean Friday, July 4th 9:00 am: Mass of Thanksgiving…………………Alex Grandoit 5:30 pm: Mass of Thanksgiving……………….Marjorie Alexandre Saturday, July 5th 9:00 am: Memorial Mass………………………..Anne Marie Joseph, Estemise Joachin & Therese Valtimort 4:00 pm: Memorial Mass………………………...Jules Merine SCRIPTURE READINGS Collect: Grant, we pray, O Lord our God, that we may be sustained by the intercession of the blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, that, as through them you gave your Church the foundations of her heavenly office, so through them you may help her to eternal salvation. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. 29 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 SUN Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat SUN Scripture for the week of June 29, 2014 Acts 12:1-11/2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18/Mt 16:13-19 Am 2:6-10, 13-16/Mt 8:18-22 Am 3:1-8; 4:11-12/Mt 8:23-27 Am 5:14-15, 21-24/Mt 8:28-34 Eph 2:19-22/Jn 20:24-29 Am 8:4-6, 9-12/Mt 9:9-13 Am 9:11-15/Mt 9:14-17 Zec 9:9-10/Rom 8:9, 11-13/Mt 11:25-30 St. Angela Merici - 1548 Blue Hill Ave. - Mattapan 2 St. Matthew - 33 Stanton Street - Dorchester SOLEMNITY OF SAINTS PETER & PAUL, APOSTLES ( A ) JUNE 29TH, 2014 SAINT MATTHEW NOUVÈL! NOUVÈL! « C'est une glorieuse solennité pour nous, que celle qui est consacrée au souvenir de la mort si éclatante de deux illustres martyrs, des chefs des martyrs, des princes des apôtres. Je veux parler de Pierre et de Paul, ces deux astres brillants que Dieu a placés comme deux yeux dans son Église. Ils m'ont été donnés pour maîtres, et pour médiateurs, et je puis me confier à eux en pleine sécurité. Ce sont eux, en effet, qui m'ont enseigné les voies de la vie, et ils sont les médiateurs par lesquels je puis m'élever jusqu'au grand médiateur qui est venu rétablir la paix par son sang, entre la terre et les cieux. Ce médiateur est infiniment pur dans sa double nature, attendu qu'il n'a point commis le péché, et que le dol et la ruse ne se sont jamais trouvés sur ses lèvres. Aussi, comment oserais-je, moi qui ne suis que pécheur, doublé de pécheur, moi dont les péchés surpassent en nombre les grains de sable de la mer, comment, disje, oserai-je m'approcher de lui, de lui si pur, moi si impur. Ne doisje pas craindre de tomber entre les mains du Dieu vivant, si je suis assez présomptueux pour m'approcher de lui, pour m'attacher à lui, à lui dont je suis séparé par la distance même qui sépare le bien du mal ? Voilà pourquoi Dieu m'a donné deux hommes, mais deux hommes qui fussent vraiment hommes, et pécheurs et très-grands pécheurs même, deux hommes enfin, qui apprissent en eux-mêmes et par eux-mêmes, comment ils devaient avoir pitié des autres hommes. Ils ont été coupables eux-mêmes de si grands crimes, que de grands crimes trouveront aussi auprès d'eux une facile indulgence; ils se serviront pour les autres de la même mesure dont on se sera servi pour eux. L'Apôtre Pierre a fait un grand péché, peutêtre même le plus grand qu'un homme pût faire, il en a néanmoins obtenu un aussi rapide que facile pardon, au point qu'il ne perdit rien de sa primauté. Et Paul, qui déchira d'abord les entrailles de l'Église naissante, avec une ferveur unique, incomparable, est amené à la foi par la voix du Fils de Dieu lui-même, et si rempli de tout bien en retour de tous ces maux qu'il a faits qu'il devint un vase d'élection, pour porter le nom de Jésus aux nations, et le prêcher devant les rois et les enfants d'Israël. Ce fut un vase digne de son emploi, rempli de choses excellentes, d'une nourriture substantielle pour l'homme sain, et de remèdes pour l'infirme » Yon nouvo Mès kreyòl nan weekend. Se pou moun ki pa gen chans vin lanmès 11 zè nan dimanch. Lap fèt chak Samdi a 5 kè nan apremidi . Program Daycare pou timoun yo pandan lanmès 11 zè a deja komanse depi 11 aout. Krik…Krak! Sen Matye repwann program katechis pou premyè Kominyion BLACK CATHOLIC CHOIR Archdiocese of Boston Black Catholic Choir is hosting a Fundraiser "FUNDRAISER" St. Katharine Drexel Parish 517 Blue Hill Ave. Grove Hall, MA Saturday, June 28, 2014 6:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m. Cost: 25.00 pp Contact: Anna McReynolds (774) 254-3968 PASTORAL PLAN OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF BOSTON The Collaborative Plan involving: St. Angela, St. Gregory & St. Matthew will be in effect starting September 2014. Pray for our Parishes. May God send His Holy Spirit to strengthen them. « Tu es Pierre, et sur cette pierre, je bâtirai mon Église. Je te donnerai les clefs du Royaume des cieux. Ce que tu lieras sur la terre sera lié dans les BATEM cieux, et ce que tu délieras sur la terre sera délié dans les cieux » (cf : Matthieu 16, 18-19) MWA DAOUT Seremoni Batèm: Sen Matye: Samdi 9 Aout, 2014 a 2 zè nan apremidi Klas pou batèm: Pou manman, papa, marenn ak parenn: Samdi 19 jiyè, 2014, a 7 tè nan aswè. Nan Sent Angela Anrejistreman: Vini denpi konnye a. Anrejistreman ap fèt nan Sent Matthew. Bienvenue! SOLEMNITY OF SAINTS PETER & PAUL, APOSTLES - Solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles Jesus asked, “But who do you say that I am?” Simon Peter said in reply, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Do you agree with Peter? Does it make a difference in your life? How? The traditional African American hymn, “Balm in Gilead” gives us this directive and these words of inspiration: “If you cannot preach like Peter, if you cannot pray like Paul/ You can tell the love of Jesus and say, ‘He died for all.’” Evangelization. Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love. For more information about the collaborative process, go to St. Angela Merici - 1548 Blue Hill Ave. - Mattapan ANREJISTREMAN Mèsi pou anrejistre ou anrejistre nan Pawas la. Si w pankò fè sa, fè l vit e ankouraje lòt moun fè l tou. N ap jwenn fòm yo nan legliz la. Sa va pèmèt Pawas la avanse. Se pou Bondye beni nou byen beni! 3 St. Matthew - 33 Stanton Street - Dorchester SOLEMNITY OF SAINTS PETER & PAUL, APOSTLES ( A ) JUNE 29TH, 2014 SAINT ANGELA RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Religious Education program: 9:00 am.-10:45 AM Bernadette Obas Confirmation Class: 12:30 –2:00 pm Josette Beaubrun Pope John Paul II Catholic Academy, BAPTISM Baptism for August 2014 Pou Batèm an kreol inskripsyion kòmanse Registration in English is started. Instruction: English: Saturday, August 2nd, at Noon Français: Samedi, June 21st, 2014 , 7:00 pm : Samedi, July 19th, 2014, 7: 00 pm Baptism Date: Francais: Samedi, 16 Aout, 2014 à 2:00 pm English: Saturday, August 23rd, 2014 @ 1:00 pm Mattapan Campus:120 Babson Street, Mattapan, MA 02126. Registration for Religious Education is started: 2014-15 FAREWELL MASS FOR FR. GABRIEL LORMEUS Père Gabriel Lorméus va nous laisser définitivement en juillet, pour retourner en Haiti. Une messe d’action de grace sera célébrée en son honneur, le samedi 12 juillet à la messe de 4:00 pm, à la Paroisse de Sainte Angela. Woule Woch: Samedi, 5 juillet 2014, à 7:00 du soir Animer par la grande Chorale et le groupe Divine Miséricorde. Louanges Mariales Fr. Gabriel Lormeus return to Haiti definitively in July. A mass of Thanksgiving will be celebrated in his honor on Saturday , July 12 at 4:00 pm at Saint Angela Parish. Dimanche, 6 juillet @ 7:00 du soir Pa bliye! Pa blye! 13 juillet 2014, a 7 tè nan aswè Mès an lonè Notre Dam Fatima, apre Mès la posesyon nan lari Mattapan, pote balèn nou. Pè Lormeus ap tounen nèt an Haiti nan mwa jiyè. Nan okazion sa, nap mete ansanm avèk li pou nou di Bondie mèsi nan you mès Kap célébre jou samdi 12 Jiyè a 4:00 trè nan aswè nan Pawas Sent Angela. Récollection pour les hommes 28 juin 2014; 10:00 am—2:00 pm Marie qui défait les nœuds 3 Soirées de prières à Marie qui défait les nœuds 3, 4 & 5 juillet 2014; 7:00—10:00 pm THE KNIGHTS OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST "Attention, single Catholic men 18-30: Holy Family Festival: ( Joe Dorlus) The Knights of the Holy Eucharist, a community of consecrated brothers dedicated to fostering reverent devotion to Our Eucharistic Lord, invite you to discern your vocation at their House of Formation, located at the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament in Hanceville, Alabama. Learn more:" @ John Paul II Academy ‘s yard ( Mattapan Campus ) Pa bliye! Festival La Sent Fanmi an se: Samedi 19, juillet, pran 11 zè rive 6 zè nan aswè. Holy Family Festival: Saturday, July 19th, 11:00 am to 6:00 pm Cap Ann Trip: with Angela Hylton July 26th ( 9:00 to I'd like to let you know that the Knights offer hospitality to priests. Any priest who would like to make a private retreat at the Shrine (totally free of charge) can visit for more information or to make reservations. 8:00 pm) Cost: $ 85.00 Jéricho: 27 juillet—2 août 2014, 7:00 pm ( 7 jours ) PARISH BULLETIN NOTICE PILGRIMAGE TO SPAIN & FRANCE Parish Bulletin Submission: Marie Suze Pierre “[email protected]” Joseph E Dorlus: [email protected] 617-298-0080 / Fax 617-298-2388 SUBMIT THE BULLETIN NOTICE ON MONDAY Join us for a Pilgrimage to Spain & France We will visit: Paris, Madrid, Avila, Salamanca, Burgos, Lourdes, Never, Chartres, Lisieux & Mont-Saint-Michel Monday September 22—Thursday October 2, 2014 For more information and reservation, please contact: Fr. Gabriel Lormeus Phone: (954)-562-0250 or (617)-298-0080 St. Angela Merici - 1548 Blue Hill Ave. - Mattapan 4 St. Matthew - 33 Stanton Street - Dorchester SOLEMNITY OF SAINTS PETER & PAUL, APOSTLES ( A ) JUNE 29TH, 2014 RETREAT PELERINAGE St. Joseph Retreat Center, 339 Jerusalem Road, Cohasset invites you to the following programs and retreat opportunities. Visit our website,, email [email protected] or call 781-383-6024 for more programs and details. Directed / Private Retreats: July 2-10, July 19 – 22, July 30 – Aug 2, Aug 20 – 28, Aug 29 – Sept 4, Sept 29 – Oct 2, Oct 6 – 14, Oct 15 – 23, Oct 24 – 31 A CONTEMPLATIVE SABBATICAL PROGRAM: January 12 – March 5, 2015 This 53 day Sabbatical Program is open to women and men religious, clergy and lay people of all denominations. Join us for a Morning of Prayer: September 26, 2014, THREE WAYS TO MEND THE HEART: GRATITUDE, FORGIVENESS AND LIVING IN THE PRESENT MOMENT Arrival and light refreshments 9:00-9:30 A.M., reflective input 9:30 A.M. followed by private time for prayer, closing communal experience, departure by 12:15 P.M. Pèlerinage à Notre Dame du Mont Carmel Mercredi 16 juillet 2014 Pour plus d’informations, appeler: Marie Carme Aurelien: 617-817-8819 Marianne Joassainte: 617-522-8751 Gertha Alphonse: 617-298-0080 FAMILY FESTIVAL DAY TRIP TO CAPE ANN ST. ANGELA’S CHURCH PRESENTS… Cape Ann Tour Fundraising Trip -America’s Oldest Port- Come with extra cash to spend on foods Come to support our St. Angela Parish and have a lot of fun at the same time. We thank you in advance. Nou bezwen yon ti extra cob pou nou achte manje.Vini an foul pou nou supote Pawas St Angela pendan nap gen anpil kè kontan. Mèsi davanse Saturday, July 26th, 2014 Cost: $85.00 per person Departing from St. Angela’s Church 1548 Blue Hill Avenue WALK FOR LIFE WALK FOR LIFE Boarding at 9:15 am sharp! Walk to Aid Mothers and Children, sponsored by Massachusetts Citizens for Life, benefits 27 beneficiary groups which help pregnant women and their children, Sunday, June 29, 2014, 1:30, Boston Common, featuring Lift Ministries. Pre-register as a walker, start a team, or make a donation to a specific beneficiary: or call 617-242-4199. Massachusetts Citizens for Life The Schrafft Center, 529 Main Street Boston Massachusetts 02129 United States Return Approx. 7:00 pm For Reservations: The Rectory 617-298-0080, Angela 781-492-2684, Umilta 857-222-6353 & Octavia 617-265-3908 Make check payable to: UMILTA EADIE *NO REFUNDS after July 11th, 2014 Trip Operated by Bloom Tours St. Angela Merici - 1548 Blue Hill Ave. - Mattapan 5 St. Matthew - 33 Stanton Street - Dorchester St. Angela Merici Church St. Matthew Church 1548 Blue Hill Avenue Mattapan, MA 02126 Telephone—617-298-0080 Fax—617-298-2388 Web Site— Email—[email protected] 33 Stanton Street Dorchester, MA 02124 Telephone—617-436-3590 Fax—617-287-2741 Web Site— Email—[email protected] MASS TIMES & SACRAMENTAL INFORMATIONS Sunday Masses: Saturday: 4:00 pm (English) Sunday: 7:00 am (bilingual) French-English 11:00 am (English) 1:30 pm (Haitian creole) Weekday Masses: 9:00 am ( Bilingual, Monday through Saturday ) Monday & Friday: 9:45 am ( Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament ) all day 5:30 pm ( Benediction followed by the Mass ) Holiday Masses: 9:00 am / 5:30 pm / 7:00 pm as announced Charismatic Renewal: Tuesday: 7:00 pm ( Haitian creole ) Marian Praises: ( Les Louanges mariales ) Sunday: 7:00 pm ( 1st Sunday of the month ) in French ( also every Sunday of October and May ) Ist Saturday of the month: Mille Ave Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima: 13th of each month at 7:00 pm Sunday Masses: Saturday:5:00 pm Sunday: 9:30 am ( English ) 11:30 am ( French creole ) Weekday Masses: Monday through Wednesday: 5:00 pm (French / Haitian creole Holiday Masses: As announced Food Pantry: Saturday: 9:00 am to 12.00 Noon By SR. Mary Damian Powers, SM Sponsored by St. Eulalia in Winchester Charismatic Renewal: Friday: 7:00 pm( Haitian creole ) in the Main Church Sunday: 6:00 pm( Haitian creole ) in the Chapel Wednesday –Adoration all day from 8:30AM until 5PM Mass Ist Saturday of the month: Mille Ave Devotion to Our Lady of Fatima: 13th of each month at 6:00 pm STAFF Rev. William P. Joy,Pastor Rev. Gabriel Lormeus, Parochial Vicar / St Angela / St. Gregory Rev. Jean Gustave Miracle, Parochial Vicar / St Angela Ms. Marie Suze Pierre, Secretary / St. Angela Mrs. Colette Ostine, Secretary / St. Matthew Mr. Joseph E. Dorlus, Pastoral Associate Pope John Paul II Catholic Academy, Mattapan Campus Mrs Kathleen Aldridge, Principal. Phone # : 617-265-0019 St. Angela Merici - 1548 Blue Hill Ave. - Mattapan Baptisms: Call Parish office for appointment. Confessions: Call Parish office for appointment. Marriage: Contact one of the Priests at least six (6) months in Advance. Religious Education: Grades: K—8 Sunday, 9:15 am to 10:45 am at the School ; ( Pope John Paul II Academy, Mattapan Campus ) High School Confirmation Program Sunday afternoon as scheduled at the School St. Matthew - 33 Stanton Street - Dorchester For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Spotlight Advertising EstablishEd in 1967 Lee Insurance Agency Inc. service is our business Automobile - Fire - Homeowners 1646 Blue Hill Ave - Mattapan Square, MA 02126 tel: (617) 296-8050 FAx: (617) 296-8054 Agent: Lee Wallace mgr: Sandy Wallace rica’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper America’s Oldest Catholic Newspaper AVENUE John Schiavo-Owner Subscribe: 617-779-3792 Advertise: 617-779-3788 AUTO BODY, INC. 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West Concord, Health and Retirement Trust Clergy Clergy Health and Retirement Trust Caring for and Assisting in the Well-Being of Our Boston Priests Visit us at For Advertising Information, Please Call 617-779-3770 Chowder Ramp up Your Ga me pm 232 Celeste Frey | 978-526-8900 [email protected] m ext. 351 68 Commonw ealth Avenue CORY SILKEN GRIFFIN THUR ARTHUR Join us as we welcome Summer with delicious from the Jazz desserts and music Chris Trio “String Swing.” Clayton Enjoy our lovely area, and tour outdoor garden Tennis our beautiful commun Professional ity. Kindly RSVP by June 23 MAN MGOOD MIRIA 2010 Alex Howa rd Head Coach MA 01742 • June 14th to August 27th • Mondays - Fridays • 1:30 - 5:30 pm • 8 years and up • Through a unique collaboration The with Cambridge Homes , a local assisted living residence and The Griffin Museum, come view remarkable and inspiring photography in a comfortable home-like setting. FEST Booklets Bookmarks Business Cards Calendars Door Hangers Flyers/Brochures Greeting Cards Magnets Newsletters Notepads Plastic Cards Postcards Posters Presentation Folders Stickers Table Tent Cards & much more Proud Printers of This Bulletin 617-779-3777 [email protected] We Have Space Available For You! Pilot Bulletins • Saint Angela, Mattapan and Saint Matthew, Dorchester, MA
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