Water Resources in China and the Effect of Climate Change on them


Water Resources in China and the Effect of Climate Change on them
Water Resources in China and the Effect of Climate Change on them
Extrait du Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie
Water Resources in China and
the Effect of Climate Change
on them
- International Edition - Multimedia library -
Date de mise en ligne : jeudi 16 avril 2015
Description :
This report, written for the IHEST, first provides the reader with some key figures on China's resources, consumption and access to water.
Copyright © Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie Tous droits réservés
Copyright © Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie
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Water Resources in China and the Effect of Climate Change on them
China has large water resources, but these are very unevenly distributed ; because of its large population, however,
the water available per capita lies well below the global average. Climate change is set to exacerbate the situation,
made already worse by widespread pollution.
This report, written for the IHEST, first provides the reader with some key figures on China's resources, consumption
and access to water.
It then looks at the forecast of the IPCC for China on climate change and how this change will affect its water
China's water situation has been aggravated by widespread pollution, as well as an inefficient use of its resources,
discussed in the third chapter.
The report than takes a look at water governance in China, focusing on the key environmental policies and the
importance the control over water has for China.
China will be faced with a widening gap between water demand and supply. The final chapter therefore looks at the
different approaches China is taking to tackle this problem.
<a href="IMG/pdf/water_resources_in_china_uk.pdf" title='PDF - 2.6 Mo' type="application/pdf">
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