Name BARD, Denis Address Telephone + 33-(0)2-9902


Name BARD, Denis Address Telephone + 33-(0)2-9902
BARD, Denis
+ 33-(0)2-9902-2932
+ 33-(0)2-9902-2695
[email protected]
+ 33-(0)6-1380-6415
1998-2011 Professor, department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, EHESP School of Public Health,
Rennes (France). Specialized in epidemiology of environmental risks, health risk assessment of
environmental contaminants
1994-1998 Head, Laboratory of Epidemiology & Health Detriment Analysis, Fontenay-aux-Roses (France)
Research scientist, Laboratory of Epidemiology & Health Detriment Analysis, Institute for
Radioprotection & Nuclear Safety (IPSN), Fontenay-aux-Roses (France)
1987-1992 Research scientist, Health studies Department (Service des Etudes Médicales) within the
French Utility Corporation (Électricité et Gaz de France, Paris)
1989-1990 Research scientist, National Institute for Health & Medical Research (INSERM) Network for the
Development of Environmental Epidemiology in Vietnam
Research scientist, RISC-Santé Network, Regional Institute of Health (ORSIF), Paris: conducted
health risk assessment of PCBs and their thermal degradation products
1984-1985 Research scientist, Health & Development Institute, Department of Public Health, Paris VI
University: Implementing the National Reference Centre for Imported Diseases
Medical doctor for the oil industry, North Sea
1981-1982 “French Doctor”, Médecins sans Frontières
1978-1992 General Practitioner and Clinical Nutrition Specialist, Bichat University Hospital (Paris)
PhD (HDR) in Environmental Health, University Rennes I, France. Epidemiology, Environmental Risk
Assessment and Decision Making in Environmental Health
Certificate, Inferential Statistics, Epidemiology, Risk assessment & Decision-making in Public Health.
Summer Programme, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics (University McGill, Montreal,
Master in Public Health (University Paris VII)
Master in Human Nutrition Epidemiology (University Paris VII)
Certificate, Statistics in Medicine & Epidemiology (University Paris V)
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Certificate, Nutritional Epidemiology (ISTA-CNAM, Paris)
Doctor of Medicine, Faculty Necker-Enfants-Malades (University Paris V)
EHESP School of Public Health, Rennes
Currently investigating:
Interactions between socio-economic status, environmental exposure (air pollution) and health
risks (asthma and myocardial infarction, multiple sclerosis) and pattern of epidemiological
patterns related to these issues
Conducted studies on health risks of dioxins, pesticides, lead, bromates (e.g. exposure assessment, doseresponse relationship)
Institute for Radioprotection & Nuclear Safety (IPSN), Fontenay-aux-Roses
Designed and carried out studies on epidemiology and risk assessment of ionizing radiations:
reconstructed dosimetry of nuclear industry workers within a cohort
supervised case-control studies on domestic radon risks, effects of environmental exposure to
ionizing radiation in the former USSR (Mayak complex), post Chernobyl disaster epidemiological
studies in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia (French-German Initiative Program)
explored feasibility of disaster epidemiology and surveillance around hazardous sites
studied respective interest of information provided by epidemiological, toxicological data and
mathematical modeling, value of information and decision-making in Environmental Health.
Health Studies Department, Électricité et Gaz de France, Paris
Conducted health risk assessment of PCBs, Dioxins and Free-living amoebas.
Assessed toxicological data on dioxin and parent compounds, mechanisms of action.
Discussed health hazard indicators.
Assessed epidemiology and ecology of free-living amoeba.
Involved in the modelling of dose-response relationships for low-level exposures to chemicals
National Institute for Health & Medical Research (INSERM)
Conducted case-control studies on possible Agent Orange effects (liver cancer, hydatiform mole) in
Bichat University Hospital, Paris
Designed and collected data on the field (Cameroon) for a physiological study: Massive
overfeeding and energy balance in men - the guru-walla model, with the I. de Garine (CNRS) food
anthropology group and Inserm Unit 286.
Took part as a Staff Member in a clinical study: Effects of a moderate dietary fibre supplement on
hunger rating, energy input and faecal energy output in normal man.
Projet PAISARC+ : AFSSET 2008, ANSES 2010, Fondation Cœur et Artères 2010
Projet NANOP AFSSET EST-2006/1/15
Projet PAISIM AFSSET EST-2006/1/2
Projet PAISIM ANR 2006 06SEST27
Projet PAISA ANR 2005 SEST 000057 05
Since 1991, taught almost exclusively at the graduate level.
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Academic teaching
In charge of coordinating EHESP Master of Public Health Epidemiology module M1 from 2008; contributor to
EHESP epidemiology courses in general
Ecole Nationale de la Santé Publique (Rennes): in charge of hazard identification and dose-response
relationship courses
Universities Paris V, Paris XI, Paris XII: Master courses on Environmental health and/or Environmental health
risk assessment
Ecole des Mines (Paris): Environmental health risk assessment
Ecole Nationale Supérieure Agronomique (Montpellier): Dioxin health risk assessment
Institut National d’Agronomie (Paris): Environmental health and Dioxin health risk assessment
Institut National des Sciences et Techniques Nucléaires (Saclay): Epidemiology of ionizing radiation
National School of Public Health (Zagreb, Croatia): Program on Environmental health risk assessment
Vocational teaching
Ecole Nationale de la Santé Publique (Rennes), including training specifically designed for the Industry
Moroccan Public Health Services (Rabat, Morocco): WHO Training Program in Environmental health, risk
Institutes of Public Health (Croatia): Environmental health
Institut de Santé et de Sécurité au Travail (Tunis, Tunisia): Invited Professor, WHO Training Program in
International Society for Environmental Epidemiology
Society for Epidemiologic Research,
Society for Risk Analysis,
Société Française de Santé Publique,
Association des Epidémiologistes de Langue Française,
Société Française de Santé environnement (co-founder and vice president)
Advisor for the Industry (see Reports)
Member, Top advisory council (Medical Board) French Utility company (EDF-GDF)
Consultant, dioxin health risk assessment and site surveillance, Waste Incineration
Industry (Novergie)
Consultant on dioxins risks for the French Utility company (EDF-GDF)
Legal Expert
Court Expert on radon exposure issues
Vice-president elect (2001) and Appointed member, Committee of Prevention and
Precaution, Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (see Reports of the
Appointed member, Committteee for the assessment of the 2nd National Environmental
Health Action Plan
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Appointed member, Scientific Committee for Health and Environmental Risks (SCHER) of
the European Commission DG Health & Consumer
Appointed member, Scientific Committee of Environmental Health Research Programme,
Ministry of Ecology and Sustainable Development (now taken over by the French Health
& Environment Agency -ANSES)
Appointed member, Nanotechnologies assessment committee , Higher Council of Public
Health, France
Appointed member, Scientific Council of ADEME (French Agency for Environment and
Energy Management)
Appointed member, INSERM (French National Institute for Health & Medical Research)
experts’ group on Environment & Cancer
Appointed member, National Environmental Health Action Plan Evaluation Committee
Appointed member, Scientific Council of The French Food Safety Agency (AFSSA)
Appointed member, European Food Safety Authority, Panel on contaminants in the food
chain. Chair, “Safety of Wild and Farmed Fish” Working Group
Appointed member, National Environmental Health Action Plan Steering Committee
Appointed member, INSERM experts’ group on methodological issues, relationship
between Environment & Cancer
Appointed member, National Technical Group for the definition of 2003 Public Health
Law Directions, rapporteur for Environmental Health
Expert for the French Food Safety Agency (AFSSA): dioxins and breastfeeding and joint
AFSSA-French Centers for Disease Control (InVS) Committee: health risks of waste
Appointed member of the International group of experts, Int’l Conf for the Bases of
Environmental Health Risk Assessment for Regulatory Decision Making, Taipeh (Taiwan)
Appointed member, INSERM experts’ group on dioxin risks
Member of the Editorial board of Environnement, Risques et Santé (Jonh Libbey Eurotext)
Trends in Biotechnology; Journal of Risk Research; Revue d’Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique; Bulletin
Epidémiologique Hebdomadaire; Santé publique; Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health;
Chemosphere; Environmental Research; Environmental health
• Reading skills
• Writing skills
• Verbal skills
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Teamwork with Vietnamese, Cameroonese Scientists in the field
Teamwork within Médecins Sans Frontières: managing primary
healthcare dispensaries in Cameroon (1982) and Afghanistan (1981)
1993-1998 Implemented and directed the IPSN’s laboratory of Epidemiology & Health Detriment
1984-1985 Implemented the National Reference Centre for Imported
Diseases, Paris
1981-1982 Managed a dispensary in a refugee camp in Cameroon Chad
refugees for 6 months (Médecins sans Frontières)
Books and Book chapters
1. Bard D. Nanoparticles and nanomaterials: assessing the risk to human health. In Houdy P, Lahmani M,
Marano F, eds. Nanoethics and nanotoxicology. Springer Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg 2011: 211-8
2. Bard D, Laurent O, Havard S, Deguen S, Pedrono G, Filleul L, Segala C, Lefranc A, Schillinger C, Rivière E.
Ambient air pollution, social inequalities and asthma exacerbation in Greater Strasbourg (France)
metropolitan area: The PAISA study. In: Villanyi V, ed. Sciyo/Intechopen 2010. Open access:
3. Blond N, Beck E, Bard D, Laurent O. Modéliser la pollution atmosphérique. In: Banos A, Thévenin T, eds.
Mobilités urbaines et risques des transports. Approches géographiques. Hermes Sciences et Lavoisier,
Paris 2010: 167-94.
4. Cordier S, Bard D. Health Effects. In : Agent orange in Vietnam: yesterday’s crime, today’s tragedy.
Tiresias Publ, National Political Publ, Hanoi 2009: 151-60 (in Vietnamese); 339-50 (in English).
5. Collectif (Bard D). Cancer et environnement. Expertise collective. INSERM, Paris 2008.
6. Savouret JF, Bard D, Picot A. Perturbateurs hormonaux. In : Milgrom E, Baulieu EE, eds. Hormones,
Santé Publique et Environnement. Académie des Sciences, Rapport sur la Science et la Technologie n°28.
EDP Sciences, Paris 2008 : 195-238
7. Bard D. Médecine praticienne, surveillance et épidémiologie : comment mettre à profit l’informatisation
des données médicales ? In Noiville C, ed: Nouvelles frontières de la santé, nouveaux rôles et
responsabilités du médecin. Paris: Actes Dalloz, 2006 :127-9
8. Bard D. Hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques halogénés. EMC (Paris, Elsevier Masson SAS),
Toxicologie - Pathologie professionnelle, 16-046-T-10, 2006.
9. (Bard D). Cancer : A methodological approach to the link with the environment (2005) [Cancer :
approche méthodologique du lien avec l’environnement]. Expertise collective Inserm 2005. Paris:
Editions Inserm, 2005. English version:
10. Bard D. Quelle épidémiologie pour évaluer le risque sanitaire de l’incinération et du traitement des
déchets ? In : Incinération des déchets ménagers : la grande peur. Paris : Le Cherche-Midi, 2005 : 63-80
11. Bard D, Lévesque B, Pirard P, Hubert P, Verger P. Rayonnements ionisants. In : Gérin M, Gosselin P,
Cordier S, et al. Environnement et santé publique : fondements et pratiques. Paris, Québec: Lavoisier
Tec & Doc, Edisem, 2003 : 463-77.
12. Carrier G, Bard D. Principes, méthodes et pratiques d’analyse des risques à la santé associés à
l’environnement. In : Gérin M, Gosselin P, Cordier S, et al. Environnement et santé publique :
fondements et pratiques. Paris, Québec: Lavoisier Tec & Doc, Edisem, 2003: 203-26.
13. Bard D. Substances additionnelles et contaminants, taux admissibles et évaluation des risques. In : Lait,
Nutrition et Santé. Paris:CERIN, 2001 : 469-87.
14. (Bard D). Dioxins in the Environment: What are the health risks? [Dioxines dans l'environnement : quels
Paris :
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15. Bard D. Evaluation du risque cancérogène. In : Les cancérogènes en milieu de travail. Paris : Margaux
Orange, 2000.
16. (Bard D). Préface. Exposition au radon dans les habitations : évaluation et gestion du risque. Bard D, ed.
Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy : Société Française de Santé Publique, 2000 (Santé et Société n°8): 7-11.
17. (Bard D). Les risques de l’environnement. Paris : Editions Syros-La Découverte, 2000.
18. (Bard D). Volet Sanitaire des Etudes d’Impact. Guide de lecture et d’analyse à l’intention des services du
Ministère chargé de la Santé. St Maurice : Institut de la Veille Sanitaire, 2000.
19. (Bard D). L’Incinération des déchets et la santé publique. Vandœuvre-lès-Nancy : Société Française de
Santé Publique Santé,1999 (Santé et Société n°7).
20. Bard D. Potentiel dangereux des dioxines et exposition humaine. In : Science & décision en santé
environnementale, les enjeux de l’évaluation et de la gestion des risques. Bard D, Cicolella A, Jouan M,
Potelon JL, Zmirou D, eds. Metz : Société Française de Santé Publique, 1997 (Santé et Société n°6): 1524.
21. Bard D. Extrapoler des hautes aux faibles doses. In : Science & décision en santé environnementale, les
enjeux de l’évaluation et de la gestion des risques. Bard D, Cicolella A, Jouan M, Potelon JL, Zmirou D,
eds. Metz : Société Française de Santé Publique, 1997 (Santé et Société n°6): 139-51.
22. Bard D, Siclet F. Amibes libres et santé publique. Rennes : ENSP éditions, 1995.
Peer-reviewed journals
23. Sabel CE, Kihal, W, Bard D, Weber C. Creation of synthetic homogeneous neighbourhoods using zone
design algorithms to explore relationships between asthma and deprivation in Strasbourg, France. Soc
Sci Med 2013; 91: 110-21. doi: j.socscimed.2012.11.018.
24. Kihal, W, Pedrono G, Weber C, Bard D. Projet PAISARC+ : pollution atmosphérique, inégalités sociales,
asthme, risque cardiaque. Influence du contexte de vie. Environnement, Risques & Santé 2011 ;
10(3) :207-10
25. Section « Nouveaux risques, nouvelles pathologies » (Bard D) de la Société Française de Santé
Environnement. Impact sanitaire du changement climatique. Environnement, Risques & Santé 2011 ;10 :
26. Laurent O, Benichou J, Pedrono G, Segala C, Filleul L, Deguen S, Schillinger C, Rivière E, Bard D.
Estimating the short-term health impacts of air pollution in populations of divergent socioeconomic
deprivation levels: A methodological challenge. Environnement, Risques & Santé 2012; 11: 52-60.
27. Deguen S, Lalloué B, Bard D, Havard S, Arveiler D, Zmirou-Navier D. A small-area ecological study of
myocardial infarction, neighbourhood deprivation and gender: a Bayesian modelling approach.
Epidemiology 2010;21(4):459-66.
28. Ji X, Le Bihan O, Ramalho O, Mandin C, D’Anna B, Martinon L, Nicolas M, Bard D, Pairon JC.
Characterisation of particles emitted by incense burning in an experimental house. Indoor Air 2010;
20(2): 147-58.
29. Laurent O, Pedrono G, Segala C, Filleul L, Lefranc A, Schillinger C, Rivière E, Bard D. Influence of
Socioeconomic Deprivation on the Relation between Air Pollution and Beta Agonist Sales for Asthma.
Chest 2009; 35(6): 717-23.
30. Havard S, Deguen S, Zmirou-Navier D, Schillinger C, Bard D. Traffic-Related Air Pollution and
Socioeconomic Status: A spatial autocorrelation study to assess environmental equity on a small-area
scale. Epidemiology 2009;20: 223–230
31. Verger P, Alzieu C, Bard D, Noiville C, Lahidji R, and the French Committee for Prevention and
Precaution. Environmental disasters: Preparing for impact assessments and operational feedback. Am J
Disaster Med 2008; 3(6):358-68.
32. Havard S, Deguen S, Bodin J, Laurent O, Bard D. A small-area index of socioeconomic deprivation to
capture health inequalities in France. Soc Sci Med 2008; 67(12): 2007-16.
33. Laurent O, Pedrono G, Segala C, Filleul L, Havard S, Deguen S, Schillinger C, Rivière E, Bard D. Air
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pollution, asthma attacks and socioeconomic deprivation: a small-area case-crossover study. Am J
Epidemiol 2008; 168: 58-65.
34. Laurent O, Filleul L, Havard S, Deguen S, Declercq C, Bard D. Asthma attacks and deprivation: gradients
in use of mobile emergency medical services. J Epidemiol Community Health 2008; 62:1014-6.
35. Havard S, Deguen S, Bodin J, Laurent L, Bard D. Mapping socioeconomic disparities in the Strasbourg
Metropolitan Area, France, with a new census-based deprivation index. Soc Sci Med; 2008; 67(12):
36. Bard D, Laurent O, Filleul L, Havard S, Deguen S, Segala C, Pedrono G, Rivière E, Schillinger C, Rouïl L,
Arveiler D, Eilstein D. Exploring the joint effect of atmospheric pollution and socioeconomic status on
selected health outcomes: an overview of the PAISARC Project. Environ Res Lett 2007;2:045003 (7 pp).
37. Telle-Lamberton M, Samson E, Caër S, Bergot D, Bard D, Bermann F, Gélas JM, Giraud JM, Hubert Ph,
Metz-Flamant C, Néron MO, Quesne B, Tirmarche M, Hill C. First analysis of external radiation exposure
and mortality in a cohort of French nuclear workers., Occup Environ Med; 2007; 64: 694-700.
38. Glorennec P, Bemrah N, Tard A, Robin A, Le Bot B, Bard D. Probabilistic Modelling of Young Children's
Overall Lead Exposure in France: Integrated Approach for Various Exposure Media. Environ Int
39. Laurent O, Bard D, Filleul L, Segala C. Effect of Socioeconomic Status on the Relation between
Atmospheric Pollution and Mortality: A Review. J Epidemiol Community Health 2007; 61: 665-75.
40. Ostroumova E, Gagnière B, Laurier D, Gudkova N, Krestinina L, Verger P, Hubert P, Bard D, Akleyev A,
Tirmarche M, Kossenko M. Risk analysis of incident leukemia among people living along the Techa River:
A nested case control study. J Radiol Protect. 2006; 26:17-32.
41. Bard D. Impact sur la santé des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques halogénés : état des
connaissances. Arch Mal Prof Environ 2006; 67(3): 550-7.
42. Bard D. Les effets des faibles doses : un débat épistémologique et ses conséquences décisionnelles.
Editorial. Environnement, Risques & Santé 2006; 5: 65-6.
43. Glorennec P, Zmirou D, Bard D. Public health benefits of compliance with current E.U. emissions
standards for municipal waste incinerators: A health risk assessment with the CalTox multimedia
exposure mode. Environ Int 2005; 31: 693-701.
44. Bard D. Evaluation des risques en santé environnementale : questions aux statisticiens. J Soc Fr
Statistiques 2004; 145 (3): 47-58.
45. Verger P, Rotily M, Hunault C, Brenot J, Baruffol E, Bard D. Assessment of Exposure to a Natural Disaster
in a Mental-Health Study: The 1992 Floods in the Vaucluse, France. J Exposure Anal Environ Epidemiol
2003; 13: 436-42.
46. Bard D. Le risque pour la santé des riverains d’incinérateurs d’ordures ménagères est-il sous estimé ?
Editorial. Environnement, Risques & Santé 2003; 2: 197-9.
47. Le Bouëdec C, Deguen S, Bard D. Composante aléatoire des agrégats de cas en santé environnementale
et aide à la décision en santé publique. Environnement, Risques & Santé 2003; 2: 213-5.
48. Vidy A, Bard D. Influence de la valeur des Facteurs d’Equivalence de Toxicité (TEF) sur les estimations
d’exposition de la population générale et impact décisionnel. Environnement, Risques & Santé 2003 ; 2:
49. Verger P, Charpin F, Mansoux H, Bard D. Accidents radiologiques et santé publique : une étude
d’évaluation des risques. Environnement, Risques & Santé 2002; 1: 15-21.
50. Hivert G, Coquet S, Glorennec Ph, Bard D. [Is compliance to current lead regulations safe enough for
infants and toddlers ?] Le respect de la réglementation actuelle permet-il une protection suffisante de la
population infantile vis-à-vis du risque plomb ? Rev Epidémiol Santé Publ 2002; 50: 297-305.
51. Verger P, Hubert P, Bard D. [What epidemiologic surveillance after a radiation accident? Lessons from
Chernobyl]. Quelle surveillance épidémiologique après un accident radiologique ? Les leçons de
Tchernobyl. Rev Epidémiol Santé Publ 2002; 50: 93-7.
52. Bard D, Tirmarche M, Pirard P. [Radon exposure and risks for public health]. Exposition au radon et
risques pour la santé publique. Ann Pharm Fr 2000; 58: 373-82.
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53. Cordier C, Bard D. [Paternal exposure to dioxin and sex ratio in the offspring]. Exposition paternelle à la
dioxine et sex ratio à la naissance. Rev Epidémiol Santé Publ 2000; 48: 590-1.
54. Laurier D, Bard D. Epidemiologic studies of leukemia among people under 25 years old living near
nuclear sites. Epidemiol Rev 1999; 2: 188-206.
55. Verger P, Rotily M, Baruffol E, Boulanger N, Vial M, Sydor G, Pirard P, Bard D. [ Evaluation of the
psychological consequencesof environmental catastrophes : a feasability study based on the 1992
floods in the Vaucluse] Evaluation des conséquences psychologiques des catastrophes
environnementales : une étude de faisabilité à partir des inondations de 1992 dans le Vaucluse (France).
Cah Santé 1999; 9: 313-8.
56. Bard D, Coulombier D, Verger P. [ Computerizing doctors’ office : a public health opportunity not to be
missed] L'informatisation des cabinets médicaux, une occasion à ne pas manquer pour la santé
publique. Rev Epidémiol Santé Publ 1998; 46: 143-7.
57. Verger P, Hubert Ph, Bard D,. L’évaluation des effets des faibles doses de rayonnements ionisants :
apports de l’épidémiologie. Revue de l’Acomen 1998; 4: 287-97.
58. Bard D, Verger P, Hubert P. Chernobyl, 10 years after: health effects. Epidemiol Rev 1997; 19: 187-204.
59. Verger P, Bard D. Tchernobyl, 10 ans après. Cancérologie aujourd’hui 1997; 5: 227-35.
60. Bard D. Dérivés halogénés polycycliques. Encyclopédie Médico-Chirurgicale; 16-046-T-10. Paris :
Elsevier, 1997.
61. Ha MC, Cordier S, Bard D, Thuy LTB, Hao HH, Quynh HT, Dai LC, Abenhaim L, Phuong NTN. Agent orange
and the risk of gestational trophoblastic disease in Vietnam. Arch Environ Health 1996; 51: 368-74.
62. Telle MA, Bergot D, Bard D. Reconstitution de l'exposition aux rayonnements ionisants des travailleurs
du secteur nucléaire du groupe CEA. Rev Méd Travail 1996; 23: 129-32.
63. Bard D. [Principles of evaluation of public health risk for environmental exposure] Principes de
l’évaluation des risques pour la santé publique liés aux expositions environnementales. Rev Epidémiol
Santé Publ 1995; 43: 423-31.
64. Verger P, Bard D, Dab W, Hubert P. Accidents, catastrophes et crises : apport de l’épidémiologie dans le
domaine nucléaire. Rev Epidémiol Santé Publ 1995; 43: 316-27.
65. Verger P, Cordier S, Thuy LTB, Bard D, Dai LC, Phiet PH, Gonnord MF, Abenhaim L. Correlation between
dioxin levels in adipose tissue and estimated exposure to Agent orange in South Vietnam residents.
Environ Res 1994; 65 226-42.
66. Cordier S, Thuy LTB, Verger P, Bard D, Dai LC, Larouzé B, Dazza MC, Quynh HT, Abenhaim L. Viral
infections and chemical exposures as risk factors for hepatocellular carcinoma in Vietnam. Int J Cancer
1993; 55: 196-201.
67. Bard D, Verger P, Cordier S. Le problème de santé environnementale posé par les chlorodibenzodioxines
et chlorodibenzofuranes. Intérêt d'études au Vietnam. Cah Etudes Recherches Francophones-Santé
1993; 3: 37-40.
68. Bard D. Les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques chlorés présents dans l'environnement. I - Les
sources. Pollut Atmos 1993; 137: 101-113.
69. Bard D. Risques pour la santé publique des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques chlorés (PCDD,
PCDF, PCB). Santé Publique 1992; 5: 55-70.
70. Pasquet P, Brigant L, Froment A, Koppert G, Bard D, De Garine I, Apfelbaum M. Massive overfeeding and
energy balance in men - the guru-walla model. Am J Clin Nutr 1992; 56: 483-90.
71. Bard D, Lambrozo J. Les méningo-encéphalites et encéphalites à amibes libres. Méd Maladies
Infectieuses 1992; 22: 698-705.
72. Bard D, Abenhaim L, Cabanes J, Carrier G. Evaluation des risques lors des feux de matériels électriques
contenant des polychlorobiphényles (PCB) : utilisation d'un équivalent Yusho. Pollut Atmos 1989; 123
73. Bonvalot Y, Abenhaim L, Fagnani F, Bard D. Incertitudes dans le processus d'évaluation du risque
cancérogène de la 2,3,7,8 tétrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxine. Sécurité Médecine Travail 1989; 87: 36-8.
74. Abenhaim L, Bard D. Le Pyralène : cadre d'analyse des décisions de santé publique et étude de cas.
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Sciences Sociales Santé 1988; 5: 179-203.
75. Abenhaim L, Suissa S, Bard D. Criteria for decision making in acute and chronic stages after PCB
transformer fires. The French experience. Chemosphere 1987; 16: 2129-34.
76. Rigaud D, Ryttig K, Leeds AR, Bard D, Apfelbaum M. Effects of a moderate dietary fibre supplement on
hunger rating, energy input and faecal energy output in normal man. A randomized double-blind crossover trial. Int J Obes 1987; 11: 73-8.
77. Jeannel D, Bard D, Gentilini M. [Imported malaria in France in 1984 and 1985] Le paludisme
d'importation en France en 1985. Ann Soc Belge Méd Trop 1987; 67: 117-27.
78. Hercberg S, Wainer R, Bard D, Soustre Y, Galan P. [Study of the iron status of a population of pregnant
women] Etude du statut martial d'une population de femmes enceintes. Rev Fr Gynécol Obstét 1985;
80: 467-72.
79. Bard D, Malkin JE, Potocka AC, Brucker G, Gentilini M,. [Alcohol consumption in developing contries :
review of available data for three African countries] La consommation d'alcool dans les pays en voie de
développement. Bull Soc Pathol Exot 1985; 78: 529-35.
80. Hercberg S, Bard D, Galan P, Soustre Y, Dupin H, Devanlay M. [Relations between iron levels in mothers
and in their newborn infants] Relations entre le statut en fer de la mère et du nouveau-né. J Gynécol
Obstét Biol Reprod 1984; 13: 855-60.
Other Articles
81. Bard D, Zmirou, D. Sarcomes des tissus mous (STM) et lymphomes non hodgkiniens (LNH) dans le
voisinage d’un incinérateur (UIOM) à Besançon : l’éternel retour des agrégats. Editorial. Info Santé
Déchets 2000; 31: 1.
82. Bard D. Evaluation du risque sanitaire posé par les dioxines et autres composés polycycliques
halogénés. Méd Légale Hospit 2000; 3: 127-9.
83. Dab W, Bard D. L’épidémiologie, science de base de la santé publique. Clefs CEA 1997; 35: 20-31.
84. Bard D. Evaluation de risque. Actualité et dossier en Santé publique 1995; 13: XVIII-XIX.
85. Bard D, Laurier D, Tirmarche M, Verger P. Le suivi des survivants des bombardements de Hiroshima et
Nagasaki. Principes, nouvelles publications et implications en radioprotection. Energies Santé 1997; 8: 312.
86. Verger P, Bard D. Dix ans après Tchernobyl : premier bilan sanitaire. La Recherche 1996; 286: 28-30.
87. Abenhaim L, Bard D, Cordier S. Vietnam : l'agent orange vingt ans après. La Recherche 1989; 20: 544.
88. Bard D, Jeannel D, Danis M, Gentilini M. Paludisme d'importation : résultats préliminaires d'une
enquête auprès des laboratoires à compétence en parasitologie de France Métropolitaine. Bull
Epidémiol Hebdo 1985; 39.
89. Jeannel D, Bard D, Danis M, Gentilini M. Centre de référence pour les Maladies d'Importation. Premiers
résultats d'une enquête nationale sur l'hydatidose. Bull Epidémiol Hebdo 1985; 45.
Peer reviewed communications
90. Banerjee S, Sabel CE, Kihal W, Weber Ch, Annesi-Maesano I, Bard D. Asthma attacks in the Strasbourg
metropolitan area: spatial analysis in relation to air pollution and neighbourhood deprivation. Health &
Space Conference, Marseille, Sept 2012.
91. Bard D, Kihal W, Glorion S, Schillinger C, Segala C, Sabel CE, Weber C. Contextual deprivation influences
on the relationship between air pollution and asthma exacerbation: a study in Strasbourg (France).
Health & Space Conference, Marseille, Sept 2012.
92. Bard D, Kihal W, Deguen S, Schillingerc, Segala C, Sabel CE, Arveiler A, Weber C. Contextual deprivation
influences on the relationship between air pollution and onset of myocardial infarction: a study in
Strasbourg (France). Health & Space Conference, Marseille, Sept 2012.
93. Deguen S, Havard S, Kihal, W, Arveiler D, Zmirou-Navier D, Bard D. Particulate Air Pollution, Myocardial
Infarction and Neighborhood, Deprivation ? A Case-Crossover Analysis. ISEE-ISEA Int’l Conf, Barcelona
(Spain), Sept 2011.
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94. Kihal W, Sabel, C, Bard D, Weber C. Designing relevant study zones for ecological studies: the PAISARC+
project. ISEE-ISEA Int’l Conf, Barcelona (Spain), Sept 2011.
95. Sabel C, Kihal W, Bard D, Weber C. Creation of synthetic homogeneous neighbourhoods to explore air
pollution in Strasbourg, France. Int'l Medical Geography Symposium, Durham (UK), Jul 2011
96. Ji X, Mandin C, Larbre J, Ramalho O, Le Bihan O, Martinon L, Bard D, Pairon JC. Measuring Levels of
Ultrafine Particle Concentrations During Human Activities In Residential Environment. European
Federation of Clean Air and Environmental Protection Associations (EFCA) Int’l Symp: Ultrafine Particles.
Sources, Effects, Risks and Mitigation Strategies. Brussels, Belgium, May 26-27, 2011
97. Ji X, Mandin C, Larbre J, Ramalho O, Le Bihan O, Martinon L, Bard D, Pairon JC. Influence du mode de vie
sur l’exposition aux particules ultrafines dans l’environnement domestique. 26ème congrès français des
aérosols (CFA), Paris, 25-26 janvier 2011
98. Ji X, Mandin C, Larbre J, Ramalho O, Le Bihan O, Martinon L, Bard D, Pairon JC. Niveaux, déterminants et
variabilité des nanoparticules dans l’environnement intérieur – Projet NANOP, Les journées techniques
RSEIN/ OQAI, Lille, 22-23 Novembre 2010
99. Ji X, Mandin C, Larbre J, Ramalho O, Le Bihan O, Martinon L, Bard D, Pairon JC. Human exposure to
lifestyle-related ultrafine particles in domestic environment. Conférence, Nanosafe 2010, Grenoble, 1618 Novembre 2010.
Ji X, Mandin C, Larbre J, Ramalho O, Le Bihan O, Martinon L, Bard D, Pairon JC, Measuring levels of
ultrafine particle concentrations in residential environment- Nanop projet. Conférence, Nanosafe 2010,
Grenoble, 16-18 Novembre 2010.
Deguen S, Lalloué B, Arveiler D, Bard D, Zmirou-Navier D. Myocardial infarction rate and air
pollution: modification effect by neighborhood socio-economic characteristics and by sex. A Bayesian
modelling conducted at a small-area scale. . ISEE-ISEA Int’l Conf, Seoul, Korea Aug 2010.
Bard D, Roux P, Coulibaly D, Ekra-Kouadio D, Loukou G. The health impact of the August 2006 toxic
sludge spills in Abidjan (Ivory Coast): an analysis. ISEE-ISEA Int’l Conf, Seoul, Korea Aug 2010.
Kihal W, Pedrono G, Weber C, Bard D. A novel approach for characterizing neighborhood
deprivation. ISEE-ISEA Int’l Conf, Seoul, Korea Aug 2010.
Ji X., Le Bihan. O., Mandin. C., Larbre. J., Ramalho. O., Martinon. L., Bard. D, J.-C. Pairon. Measuring
Exposure Scenarios to ultrafine particles in an experimental house. Indo-French Indoor Air Quality
Seminar, Nantes, 31th may - 3th June 2010
Ji X, Le Bihan O, Mandin C, Ramalho O, Martinon L, Bard D, Pairon JC. Measuring Levels of Ultrafine
Particle Concentrations During Human Activities In Residential Environment. Indo-French Indoor Air
Quality Seminar, Nantes, May- June 2010.
Havard S, Deguen S, Zmirou-Navier D, Schillinger C, Bard D. Traffic-related air-pollution and
socioeconomic status: a spatial autocorrelation study to assess environmental equity on a small-area
scale. ISEE Int’l Conf, Dublin, Ireland, Aug 2009.
Kihal W, Pelegris E, Bard D, Weber C. PAISARC+ Project (atmospheric pollution social inequalities,
asthma & cardiac risk): influence of neighborhood context. ISEE Int’l Conf, Dublin, Ireland , Aug 2009
Ji X, Le Bihan O, Ramalho O, Mandin C, D’Anna B, Martinon L, Bard D, Pairon JC. Caractérisation des
particules générées par la combustion d’encens. 24ème Congrès Français des Aérosols (CFA), Paris, Jan
Ji X, Mandin C, Ramalho O, Le Bihan O, Martinon L, Bard D, Pairon JC. Exposure to nanoparticles in
residential environment, The NANOP Project. European Respiratory Society 8th Conf, Berlin (Germany),
Oct 2008
Laurent O, Pedrono G, Filleul L, Segala C, Lefranc A, Rivière E, Schillinger C, Bard D. Sales of ShortActing Beta Agonist for Asthma, Air Pollution and Socioeconomic Deprivation: A Small-Area Case
Crossover Study in Children and Adolescents. ISEE-ISEA Int’l Conf, Pasadena (CA), Oct 2008.
Havard S, Deguen S, Zmirou-Navier D, Schillinger C, Bard D. Traffic-Related Air Pollution and
Socioeconomic Status: A Spatial Environmental Equity Study on a Small-Area Scale. ISEE-ISEA Int’l Conf,
Pasadena (CA), Oct 2008.
Havard S, Deguen S, Pédrono G, Schillinger C, Ségala C, Arveiler D, Rivière E, Eilstein D, Bard D.
Particulate Air Pollution and Myocardial Infarction. A Small-Area Case Crossover Analysis of
Neighborhood Deprivation Effect Modification. ISEE-ISEA Int’l Conf, Pasadena (CA), Oct 2008
Ji X, Mandin C, Ramalho O, Le Bihan O, Martinon L, Bard D, Pairon JC. Measuring levels of
nanoparticle concentrations in residential environment, The NANOP Project. Indoor Air ’08 Intl Conf,
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Copenhagen, Aug 2008.
Ji X, Le Bihan O, Ramalho O, Aujay R, Garrigue J, Mandin C, Martinon L, Bard D, Pairon JC. Particules
ultrafines dans l’environnement domestique : niveaux, déterminants et variabilités. Conf Assoc Fr Etude
Rech Aérosols (ASFERA), Paris, Jan 2008.
Mandin C, Ji X, Ramalho O, Le Bihan O, Pairon JC, Martinon L, Bard D. Measuring levels, assessing
determinants and variabilities of nanoparticles concentrations in a residential environment: The NANOP
Project. ISEA 2007 Int’l Conf. Durham (NC), Oct 2007.
Havard S, Deguen S, Bodin J, Louis K, Laurent O, Bard D. Mapping Socioeconomic Disparities
using a New Deprivation Index in French Urban Areas, at a Small Area Scale. ISEE 19th Int’l Conf, Mexico
City Sept 2007.
Havard S, Deguen S, Arveiler D, Laurent O, Eilstein D, Bard D. Associations between
Socioeconomic Disparities and Myocardial Infarction Onset: a Small Area Analysis. ISEE 19th Int’l Conf,
Mexico City Sept 2007.
Havard S, Schillinger C, Rivière E, Pedrono G, Laurent O, Deguen S, Rouil L, Bard D. Modelling
Atmospheric Pollutants Concentrations in a French Urban Area at a Small Geographic Scale. ISEE 19th
Int’l Conf, Mexico City Sept 2007.
Laurent O, Benichou J, Bard D. Attributable risk estimates from a small area case crossover
study of air pollution and emergency calls for asthma attacks. ISEE 19th Int’l Conf, Mexico City Sept
Laurent O, Pedrono G, Segala C, Filleul L, Deguen S, Havard S, Schillinger C, Rivière E, Bard D.
Intraurban ait pollutant concentrations and asthma attacks: a small area case crossover study. ISEE 19th
Int’l Conf, Mexico City Sept 2007.
Laurent O, Filleul L, Deguen S, Havard S, Bard D. Antiasthmatic drug sales and contextual
socioeconomic status: a small area analysis. ISEE 19th Int’l Conf, Mexico City Sept 2007.
Laurent O, Filleul L, Deguen S, Havard S, Bard D. Phone calls to mobile emergency services for
asthma attacks and contextual socioeconomic deprivation. ISEE 19th Int’l Conf, Mexico City Sept 2007.
Havard S, Deguen S, Bodin J, Segala C, Rivière E, Rouïl L, Eilstein D, Arveiler L, Bard D. The PAISIM
project: relationship between short-term exposures to air pollution, socioeconomic inequalities and
onset of myocardial infarction. ISEA-ISEE Int’l Conf, Paris sept 2006. Epidemiology 2006;17(6) suppl: S
Laurent O, Bard D. Counting and describing shellfishermen’s populations: a search for methods to
conduct risk assessment or epidemiological studies. ISEA-ISEE Int’l Conf, Paris sept 2006. Epidemiology
2006;17(6) suppl: S 502
Laurent O, Bard D. Counting and describing shellfishermen’s populations: a search for methods to
conduct risk assessment or epidemiological studies. ISEA -ISEE Int’l Conf, Paris (France) Sept 2006.
Glorennec P, Bemrah N, Tard A, Robin A, Le Bot B, Bard D. Probabilistic modelling of young
children’s overall lead exposure in France: integrated approach for various exposure media. ISEA -ISEE
Int’l Conf, Paris (France) Sept 2006.
Laurent O, Segala C, Pedrono G, Rivière E, Schillinger C, Rouïl L, Deguen S, Havard S, Filleul L, Bodin
J, Bard D. The PAISA Project: studying the Relationships between air pollution, socioeconomic status
and asthma attacks. ISEA-ISEE Int’l Conf, Paris (France) Sept 2006.
Havard S, Deguen S, Bodin J, Segala C, Rivière E, Rouïl L, Eilstein D, Arveiler L, Bard D. The PAISIM
project: relationship between short-term exposures to air pollution, socioeconomic inequalities and
onset of myocardial infarction. ISEA-ISEE Int’l Conf, Paris (France) Sept 2006.
Bertrand E, Girard D, Savy A, Bard D. Feasibility and Relevance of Deriving Toxic Equivalent Factors
for the Exposure and Risk Assessments of Organotin Compounds (OTCs). ISEA Int’l Conf: Tucson (AZ),
Oct-Nov 2005
Bard D, Urban, S, 2004. Using generic exposure data for exposure assessment: usefulness and
requirements. ISEA Int’l Conf, Philadelphia (PA), Oct 2004.
Glorennec P, Zmirou D, Bard D, 2004. Effects of compliance with current EU emissions standards
for municipal waste incinerators. A health risk assessment with the Caltox multimedia exposure model.
ISEA Int’l Conf, Philadelphia (PA), Oct 2004.
Bard D, Vidy A. Uncertainties in toxic equivalency factors calculation methods and impact on
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dioxins and related compounds exposure estimates. ISEE 2003 Conference. Stresa (Italy), 20-25
september 2003.
Bard D, Savy O, Hivert G, Coquet S, Glorennec P. Current lead exposure of French infants and
toddlers may put them at risk of impaired neurobehavioural and cognitive development. ISEA-ISEE 2002
Conf. Vancouver (Canada) 13 August 2002. Epidemiology 2002; 13 : S173.
Bard D, Laurent O, Filleul L, Havard S, Segala C, Rivière E, Rouïl L, Deguen S. Rôle possible des
expositions environnementales dans les inégalités sociales de santé : présentation du projet PAISARC.
ADELF, Toulouse (France) May 2006.
dou S, Pouey J, Duchen Ch, Dor F, Empereur-Bissonnet P, Boudet C, Bard D. Evaluation des risques
sanitaires autour d’un incinérateur d’ordures ménagères dans la région toulousaine (31). Journées
Scientifiques InVS, St Maurice (France) Nov 2001.
Bard D. Radiological risk assessment and laypeople’s concerns. Public confidence in the
Management of Radioactive Waste: The Canadian Context. Forum on Stakeholders Confidence
Workshop. NEA/OCDE, Ottawa (Canada) Oct 2002. Paris: OECD, 2004: 153-9.
Bard D, Alexander S, Barouki R, Bois FY, Descotes J, Dujardin M, Guillouzo A, Hermans C, Keck G,
Kogevinas M, Narbonne JF, Perin F, Picot A, Pineau Th, Savouret JF. Health risks from dioxins and related
compounds: principal conclusions and recommendations of a French expert advisory group (2000).
Organohalogen compounds 2001; 53: 233-7.
Bard D. Le colloque sur le radon du 2-3 février 1998 : une synthèse. L’irradiation naturelle.
Colloque Soc Fr Radioprotect, Poitiers (France) Mar 1998.
Bard D, Coulombier D. Computerizing doctors' offices: a public health opportunity not to be
missed. Europ Conf Electronic Healthcare Record. Paris (France) Nov 1997.
Verger P, Rotily M, Sydor G, Vial M, Baruffol E, Bard D. Feasibility of the evaluation of psychosocial consequences of environmental catastrophes in France: the example of 1992 floods in the
Vaucluse. 1997 Annual meeting SRA-Europe. Stockholm (Sweden) Jun 1997.
Gimeno L, Laurier D, Bard D. Le budget-temps : intérêt en épidémiologie environnementale et
sources disponibles en France. 22ème Congr Assoc Epidémiol Langue Fr. Montpellier (France) Apr 1997.
Telle MA, Caër S, Bergot D, Bard D. Vérification de l’exhaustivité d’une cohorte professionnelle
et connaissance de l’histoire de l’entreprise. 22ème Congr Assoc Epidémiol Langue Fr. Montpellier
(France) Apr 1997.
Bard D. Extrapoler de hautes à basses doses. Colloque « Science et décision en Santé
Environnementale », Société Française de Santé Publique. Metz (France) Dec 1996.
Telle MA, Bergot D, Bard D. Reconstructing exposures to low doses of ionising radiations of the
French Atomic Energy Commission (CEA) workers. IRPA9, 1996 Int’l Congr Radiat Protec,. Vienne
(Austria) Apr 1996.
Bard D, Hubert P, Dagorn H. Cancer mortality experience in the workers of the French nuclear
industry: some questions of dose reconstruction from an epidemiological perspective. 4th Conf Radiat
Protect Dosimet, Nov1995, Orlando, Florida, USA
Le Blanc B, Dagorn H, Bard D, Ermine JL, 1994. Knowledge management in human
radioprotection. ISMICK ’94. Compiègne (France) Oct 1994.
Cordier S, Ha MC, Bard D, Thuy LTB, Hao HH, Quynh HT, Abenhaim L, Phuong NTN, Dai LC.
Exposure to Agent orange and the risk of gestational trophoblastic disease in Vietnam. Congrès de
l’International Society for Environmental Epidemiology. Chapel Hill (NC) Sept 1994.
Bard D, Cordier S, Abenhaim L, Dai LC, Quynh HT, Phuong NTN, Verger P, Ha C, Thuy LTB, Phiet
PH, Gonnord MF. Health effects of herbicides spraying during the second Vietnam war: results of
French-Vietnamese joint epidemiological studies. Organohalogen Compounds 1994; 21: 169-74
Bard D. Health risk assessment as a managerial tool for defining environmental strategies in
industry. Proceedings of the SRA-Europe 4th Conference. Rome (Italy) Oct 1993.
Bard D, Siclet F. Risk assessment and waterborne infectious risk. In : Hubert P, Poumadere M,
eds. Risk analysis: underlying rationales. Proceedings of the SRA Europe 3rd Conference. Paris (France)
Dec 1991: 229-37.
Huteau B, Gonnord MF, Gille P, Fraisse D, and the INSERM Network for the Development of
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Environmental Epidemiology in Vietnam (Bard D). New data on PCDDs and PCDFs levels in South
Vietnamese adipose tissues. Organohalogen compounds 1990; 1: 239-41.
Huteau B, Gonnord MF, Gille P, Fraisse D, Bard D. PCDD and PCDF levels in human adipose
tissue in France. Organohalogen compounds 1990; 1: 243-5.
Invited communications
Bard D. Société, environnement et santé. Séminaire Laboratoire Géographie de la Santé
Université Nanterre-Paris Ouest/InVS« Indicateurs pour l’analyse des inégalités socio-territoriales de
santé : principes, outils, veille et décision », Nanterre 1er février 2012
Bard D. Disasters and Public Health. EPH Consultative Conference on Environment & Public
Health, Berlin-Potsdam, Nov 2011.
Bard D. Épidémiologie des cancers dans la population générale en lien avec l'exposition aux
produits chimiques, pesticides en particulier. Évaluation et réduction des risques liés à l’utilisation des
pesticides. Colloque de restitution, Tours, 23-25 mars 2011
Bard D. Pollution de l’air, inégalités sociales et effets à court terme sur la santé dans la
Communauté Urbaine de Strasbourg : résultats du programme PAISARC. Territoires et santé des
populations, 12ième Congrès National des Observatoires Régionaux de la Santé. Lyon, France, Nov 2010.
Bard D. How can Social/Behavioral Sciences contribute to the understanding of environment and
public health relationship? European Public Health in Modern Society. Brussels, Belgium, Nov 2010.
Bard D. Résultats scientifiques et décisions de santé publique : quelques paradoxes. Journée de la
Société Française de Santé et Environnement. Paris, Dec 2009.
Bard D, Laurent O, Havard S, Deguen S, Pedrono G., Filleul L., Segala C, Lefranc A., Schillinger C,
Rivière E. Pollution atmosphérique, inégalités sociales et exacerbation de l’asthme dans la Communauté
Urbaine de Strasbourg. Colloque ANR “Santé-Environnement Santé-Travail : bilan et perspectives”,
Paris, Dec 2009.
Bard D. Pollution atmosphérique, inégalités de santé et asthme : résultats de l’étude PAISA.
Congrès National Asthme et Allergies, Paris, Oct 2009.
Bard D. Les incertitudes dans l’évaluation des risques. Colloque « Gouverner l’incertitude ».
AFSSET, Paris, Jul 2009.
Bard D. Environmental Health. Symposium “Foreign Policy and Global Health. Working
together towards common goals”. Genève 12/06/2008
Bard D. Divergences de conclusions d’experts et incertitudes scientifiques sur les effets des
faibles doses. Colloque « Les nouveaux enjeux de l'expertise scientifique» : Centre d’Alembert, Paris,
Bard D. Niveau socio-économique, pollution atmosphérique et santé : le cas du Grand
Strasbourg. Colloque AFSSET Sciences-Po « Inégalités de santé et risques sanitaires » ; Paris
Bard D. Verrous méthodologiques, développements possibles et besoins de recherche en
évaluation des risques sanitaires. Journées Scientifiques du Programme de Recherches en
Environnement & Santé. AFSSET, 2-3 février 2006.
Bard D. Santé & Environnement. 15èmes Rencontres CNRS-jeunes. 21-23 octobre 2005, Le
Futuroscope, Poitiers.
Bard D. Exposition aux dioxines et risques de cancer. Journée Scientifique Cancers &
Environnement, Paris, 10 octobre 2005 : Institut National du Cancer.
Bard D. Impact sur la santé des hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques halogénés : état des
connaissances. Journées techniques nationales ADEME « Dioxines et polluants organiques persistants ».
Paris 10-11 mars 2004.
Bard D. Evaluation des risques en santé environnementale : questions aux statisticiens. Soc Fr
Statistiques. Paris, 30 janvier 2003.
Bard D. Radiological risk assessment and laypeople’s concerns. Forum on Stakeholders Confidence
Workshop. NEA/OCDE, Ottawa, 14-18 October 2002.
Bard D. Le colloque sur le radon du 2-3 février 1998 : une synthèse. Colloque Soc Fr Radioprotect :
L’irradiation naturelle. 18/03/98, Poitiers.
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Bard D, Gimeno L. Connaissances disponibles sur le budget-temps des enfants. Symp Soc Fr
Aérobiol, 16/01/98, Paris.
Bard D. Un exemple d'incertitudes scientifiques : le cas des Dioxines. Journée d'étude ADEME :
Recherche Santé Déchets : quelles priorités ? Paris, 02/04/96.
Bard D. Toxicité des Dioxine et autres Hydrocarbures Poly-Aromatiques Chlorés (HAPC). Colloque
ADEME : Faut-il avoir peur des dioxines ? 26/03/96, Paris.
Bard D, Siclet F, 1992. Risk assessment and waterborne infectious risk. Workshop Risk assessment
of exposure to pathogenic microorganisms. National Institute of Public Health and Environmental
Protection (RIVM), Bilthoven, Pays-Bas, 10-12 Juin 1992. Abstract book : 42-5.
Reports to Governmental bodies
Bard D, Boutou O, Clavel J, Cherie-Chaline L, Isnard H, Jougla E, Medina S, Spira A, Verger P, 1999. Risques
radiologiques et surveillance épidémiologique. In : Spira A, Boutou O, eds. Rayonnements ionisants et
santé : mesure des expositions à la radioactivité et surveillance des effets sur la santé. Rapport aux
Ministres de la l’Environnement et de la Santé. Collection des rapports officiels, la Documentation
Française, Paris 1999 : 181-200.
Bard D, Tirmarche M. Le radon dans les habitations et la santé. Brochure d’information à l’usage des
décideurs locaux en Europe. Document WHO-Europe, Copenhagen (Denmark) 1996 (also in English,
Russian, Estonian, Latvian).
Bard D, 1990. Analyse du risque pour la Santé publique présenté par les amibes libres thermophiles.
Dossier préparé pour le Conseil Supérieur de l'Hygiène Publique de France. 60 pages, 250 references.
Working with Industry
Other Reports
Many reports for the waste incineration industry for the last 10 years, kept confidential.
Bard D, 1994. Evaluation du risque pour la santé publique des incendies impliquant des
polychlorobiphényles (PCB) et leurs produits de dégradation thermique. Mise à jour du rapport de 1988
pour le Service des Etudes Médicales EDF-GDF. 254 pages, 1160 references.
Bard D, 1993. Evaluation du risque pour la santé publique lié à la présence de faibles quantités de
polychlorodibenzo-p-dioxines (PCDD), polychlorodibenzofuranes (PCDF) et polychlorobiphényles (PCB)
dans l'alimentation des enfants de 0 à 1 an (lait maternel non compris). EEC contract n° 10011/90-61-1. 295
pages, 1079 references
Bard D, Abenhaim L, Fagnani F, 1989. L'exposition environnementale aux hydrocarbures aromatiques
chlorés (HAPC). Rapport à la Direction des Etudes et Recherches d'Électricité de France. 80 pages, 315
Abenhaim L, Bard D, 1988. Risques pour la santé publique des feux des matériels électriques contenant des
PCB et leurs éventuels produits de dégradation thermique (dioxines, furanes, etc...). Rapport à la Direction
Générale d'Électricité de France. 400 pages, 1400 references.
Opinions of the Committee of Prevention and Precaution, Ministry of Ecology and sustainable development:
CPP - Avis 2005
CPP - Avis 2005/04 - Recherche dans les champs santé-environnement et santé-travail avril 2005
CPP - Avis 2005/01 - Incinérateur d’ordures ménagères 27 janvier 2005
CPP - Avis 2004/05 - Perturbateurs endocriniens 6 mai 2004
CPP - Avis 2004/05 - Principe de précaution mai 2004
CPP - Communiqué 2003/02 - Aspects sanitaires autour de l’usine Métaleurop 7 février 2003
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CPP - Avis 2003/01 - Expertise des risques d’accident industriel 28 janvier 2003
CPP - Rapport 2002/02 - Risques sanitaires liés à l’utilisation de produits phytosanitaires 27 février 2002
Opinions of the European Food Safety Authority, Panel on contaminants in the food chain
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to endrin as undesirable substance in animal feed. Adopted on 9
November 2005. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2005-183)
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to aldrin and dieldrin as undesirable substance in animal feed.
Adopted on 9 November 2005. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2005-180)
Opinion of the CONTAM panel related to the presence of non dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) in
feed and food. Adopted on 8 November 2005. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-114)
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to gamma-HCH and other hexachlorocyclohexanes as undesirable
substances in animal feed. Adopted on 4 July 2005. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-067)
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to concentration limits for boron and fluoride in natural mineral
waters. Adopted on 22 June 2005. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-21)
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to fumonisins as undesirable substances in animal feed. Adopted on
22 June. (Request No. EFSA-Q-2003-040)
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to Endosulfan as undesirable substance in animal feed. Please note
that this opinion, published on 7 April 2006, replaces the earlier version published 7 July 2005. Adopted on
20 June 2005. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-066)
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to the safety assessment of wild and farmed fish. Adopted on 22
June 2005 (Question N° EFSA-Q-2004-22).
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to ergot as undesirable substance in animal feed. Adopted on 19
April 2005. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-38).
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to Arsenic as undesirable substance in animal feed. Adopted on 31
January 2005. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-031).
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to camphechlor as undesirable substance in animal feed. Adopted
on 1 February 2005.
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel to assess the health risks to consumers associated with exposure to
organotins in foodstuffs. Adopted on 22 September 2004. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-110).
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to ochratoxin A (OTA) as undesirable substance in animal feed.
Adopted on 22 September 2004.(Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-039).
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to Fluorine as undesirable substance in animal feed. Adopted on 22
September 2004. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-034).
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to the toxicity of fishery products belonging to the family of
Gempylidae. Adopted on 30 August 2004. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2004-016).
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to Zearalenone as undesirable substance in animal feed. Adopted on
28 July by written procedure. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-037).
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to Deoxynivalenol (DON) as undesirable substance in animal feed.
Adopted on 2 June 2004. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-036).
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to lead as undesirable substance in animal feed. Adopted on 2 June
2004.(Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-032).
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to cadmium as undesirable substance in animal feed. Adopted on 2
June 2004. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-033).
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to Aflatoxin B1 as undesirable substance in animal feed. Adopted on
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BARD Denis
3 February 2004.(Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-035).
Opinion of the CONTAM Panel related to mercury and methylmercury in food.Adopted on the 24 February
2004. (Question N° EFSA-Q-2003-030).
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BARD Denis