cv pollock - Crossways in Cultural Narratives


cv pollock - Crossways in Cultural Narratives
Professor & Writer
Jonathan Pollock
University of Perpignan-Via Domitia,
52 avenue Paul Alduy
66860 Perpignan Cedex 9 France
E-mail: [email protected]
Primarily interested in the relations between literature and science (humorism, atomism,
eco-poetics) at the Renaissance and in the 20th Century, Jonathan Pollock
graduated at the University of York (UK), obtained his MA from the University of
Strasbourg (France) and his PhD from the University of Paris 10. After teaching at the
Universities of Strasbourg and Syracuse (USA), he joined the University of Perpignan as
a Senior Lecturer in 1999, and became a Professor in 2008.
Renaissance literature & theatre
Modernist poetry
Relations between science, philosophy and literature
Comic genres
General Coordinator of the Erasmus Mundus Masters Course Crossways in Cultural
Narratives since its creation in 2010, member of the Academic Council of the Interzones
EMJD and Local Co-ordinator of the Interzones programme at UPVD, Jonathan Pollock
conceives of the interzone as a space outside identity and a movement between milieus.
The passage from one milieu to another, becoming other, confronting the chaos inbetween ordered worlds, such is the essence of literature.
His publications include 8 books or edited volumes – Qu’est-ce que l’humour ? (2001), Le
Moine (de Lewis) d’Antonin Artaud (2002), Le Rire du Mômo : Antonin Artaud et la
littérature anglo-américaine (2002), Invectives (2005), Hétérologies (2006),
Déclinaisons. Le naturalisme poétique de Lucrèce à Lacan (2010), Pratiques du hasard
(2012), Lire Les Cantos d’Ezra Pound (2014) – and more than 50 articles in different
journals and edited volumes.