Alumnae News - Amicale


Alumnae News - Amicale
Nouvelles des anciennes
Alumnae News
Angele Poirier recalls her good memories of her Villa days: “I met my closest
and dearest friends while attending Villa
Maria boarding school. I enjoyed skating and sliding in winter, tennis, biking, baseball, volleyball. I
took piano and art. Never had time for violin nor
harp! We even had sewing, knitting and cooking
lessons. Not to forget our elocution teacher Miss
Gray. She was rather eccentric.”
Nicole Preston has three children and
five grand-children. In 2000, as her Millennium Celebration, armed with her
University degree and TESOL Certificate, Nicole
sold her home, car, disposed of all her goods and
departed for a year in Asia.Ten years later she
returned to do volunteer work with First Nations in
the Territories. She has felt honored and blessed
and has had a profound sense of satisfaction for
work well done. Nicole is presently living in Kingston, Ontario where she is doing volunteer work.
As she writes us: “My four years at Villa Maria
instilled in me values and work ethics, spirituality,
etc., and helped in the development of who and
what I am today.”
Madeleine Sévigny est retraitée et vit
depuis 5 ans au Lac Labelle où elle pratique diverses activités : ski, raquette et
patin l’hiver, ski nautique, natation et kayak l’été.
Elle y reçoit aussi ses trois filles avec leur famille,
dont ses quatre petits-enfants Marilou et Nellie,
filles de Marie-Hélène Lanthier ‘95, ainsi que
Julien et Olivier, fils de Julie Lanthier ’90.
Ann Grace is retired since 2004 after a
30-year career as a teacher and educational consultant in Sept-Îles and Nu-
Louise Ménard est avocate à la retraite. Elle
est présidente de Groupe Mefor Inc. et membre
des conseils d’administration de la SAQ, de ProMetic Sciences de la Vie Inc et de La Pietà. Elle
est grand-maman de 5 petits-enfants dont l’âge
varie entre 1 et 10 ans.
Alannah Ryan celebrated her 45th wedding
anniversary in June 2015. She has two sons and
3 grandchildren. She is now retired after a 22-year
career in banking.
Mireille Deyglun, comédienne, est mariée et mère de deux enfants de 22 et 24
Nadine Jammal est sociologue de formation et
enseigne à l’Université du Québec en Outaouais.
Elle est la mère de deux enfants.
Teresa Potocki has been a flight attendant at
Air Canada for 38 years. Her 27 year old daughter
Alex is a high school science teacher in Toronto.
Teresa is still passionate about horses: her horse
Steffi is now 31 years old and going strong!
Alice Wright a fait des études universitaires en
cinéma et travaillé comme monteuse sonore et
directrice Technicolor. Elle est maintenant à la
retraite. Alice est mère de deux enfants de 22 et
26 ans.
Jocelyne Brunet, occupe un poste de
direction à la CSDM. Elle est mère de
deux garçons âgés de 21 et 22 ans.
Pearl Duval est aide-bibliothécaire pour la Ville
de Montréal. Elle est choriste dans l’Ensemble
vocal Katimavik, présidente du Jardin communautaire St-Marc dans le quartier Rosemont et journaliste équestre pour le magazine Equi-libre de
l’Association Québec à cheval. Pearl est également co-auteur du livre Le cheval canadien, histoire et espoir.
Nadia Giannetti, chief of cardiology at
the McGill University Health Center, was
recently interviewed following
the June opening of a new
cardiovascular clinic in the
Complex. She said that the
new clinic will serve as a
quick and easy way for nonemergency patients to see a
heart specialist rather than
waiting for months to receive
out-patient care.
Kim Hogan has been working for over 25 years
in the field of public relations. For the past 8
years, she has been Director, Communications
and Marketing for Transport Canada. She is married and has a 5 year old son, Samuel. Kim celebrated her 30th graduation anniversary last May
along with her classmates. She told us that, “Being with all my friends from the Villa is the best
part of these reunions. Ladies, it has been an
awesome 30 years.”
Caroline Rabbat has a BComm in Finance and
is a business owner. She is married with two
Louise Blahovici has been working at
American Express for 25 years and is
now in the payroll department. She and
her husband Mike have been married for 19
years. Louise commented at the 2015 reunion that
she is, “Waiting for Boy George to come back to
town so I can dance to Karma Chameleon.”
Lisa Brais has been happily married for 20
years now to Mr. Cholmsky (a Villa Math & Science teacher). And as Lisa says: “he helps me
with my math homework”.
Caroline Daniel is a lawyer with two children.
She obtained a B.A. in Political Sciences and
Economics from McGill, a L.L.B. from Université
de Montréal and a MBA from HEC Montréal and
McGill. She also studied at the Académie de droit
international de La Haye, and has been a Member
of the Bar for 17 years.
Linda Donnini obtained a Bachelor of Science
(Major in Math, Minor in Marketing) from Concordia University. She is currently a VP in Sales &
Marketing at Uni-Select. On August 1, 2015, Linda
married her fiancé who is in the army and who
irons her “Cat Woman” suit on weekends.
Linda Filice graduated from Concordia University with a B.A. in Sociology. She now runs a family business with her brother and brother-in-law.
Linda has a 21year old son who is also going to
Concordia. As Linda writes us: “I am enjoying life
and on weekends I dress up as Wonder Woman,
my secret identity! Peace, harmony, laughter and
Class of 1985 members celebrate their 30th graduation
anniversary at the 2015 reunion
Ann Marie Matheson was
recently appointed the
new Director General of
the EMSB (English Montreal School
Board). Ann Marie’s connection to
the EMSB dates back to the beginning of her 23 year career in education.
Stephanie Bush graduated from the
University of Waterloo with a Master of
Fine Arts. She travelled the world for 10
years and settled in Vermont with her husband
and two young children. She teaches art at the
Community College of Vermont. Stephanie is a
painter currently represented by West Branch Gallery and Sculpture Park in Stowe, Vermont. She
has exhibited her work internationally and has
won numerous awards, grants and fellowships.
Last July marked the opening of her solo exhibition.
Lisa Cardarelli graduated from Concordia University with a degree in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. She then moved to London,
England, where she worked at various Elementary
schools as a teacher for children from nursery to
Grade 6. Lisa returned to Montreal in 2011 with
her husband and currently works for the English
Montreal School Board, teaching English to adult
Vivian Doan is a professional Portrait Photographer. She left an 11-year career in IT to follow
her dreams and become a photographer. Vivian is
living with her husband, a musician and songwriter, and their son.
Rachel Méthot travaille pour Cementation Canada Inc. à North Bay en Ontario depuis 2004.
Ses deux enfants de 13 et 17 ans jouent tous les
deux au hockey, ce qui la tient bien occupée.
Isabelle Landry-Larue a créé avec son
mari une entreprise, Escalade Clip 'n
climb Laval, qui après seulement une
année d'opérations a accueilli plus de 43 000
grimpeurs et s'est vue décerner le Dunamis
(Chambre de commerce de Laval) dans la catégorie Tourisme. Elle et son mari ont trois jeunes
filles dont une villamarienne.
ne badine pas avec l’amour d’Alfred de Musset,
présentée au théâtre Denise-Pelletier cet automne (voir les pages 2 et 3 pour l'entrevue).
Claudia Barbone is an early childhood
educator. She got married in July 2014
and is expecting their first child in September 2015.
Mireille-Maude Boulé commencera sa 10e
année d’enseignement au primaire en septembre
2015. Depuis 4 ans, elle enseigne en concentration Arts de la scène. Elle participe aussi à des
comédies musicales avec le choeur Vives Voix de
Robyn Buckland-Dalton graduated from Concordia with a Masters in Public Policy and Public
Administration. She is Director of Evaluation and
Learning at Pathways to Education Canada.
Robyn and her husband Robert Fiori have been
married since 2009 and have two sons: William
(3 years old) and Benjamin, born on June 30.
physician/rheumatologist at the Albany Medical Center
and the Steffins Scleroderma Center. She is also
the owner of Albany Envelope LLC, an Advertising
and Marketing company.
Sharon Montealegre has two children, Myles
and Julien. She is the owner of a children’s accessories online business.
Julie Okapuu is working as a physician in infectious diseases and microbiology. She got married
last June.
Patricia Spencer graduated from McGill University in Physiotherapy and works in sports medicine in the West Island. She is married and has
two girls aged 3 years and 6 months.
Amanda Angelus finished her residency in Family Medicine in 2014 (McGill)
and is now working at the Brunswick
Medical Centre and CLSC Pierrefonds. She married in June 2014 and is expecting her first child.
Violaine Paradis, CND, a partagé avec
la journaliste Judith Lussier ce qui l’a
poussée à entrer en religion après des
débuts prometteurs en théâtre. L’entrevue a été
réalisée dans le cadre du dossier de la pièce On
Melanie Bernstein is currently a 4th year medical student at McGill University. She previously
attended veterinary school at Université de Montréal and also received a B. Sc. in Animal Biology
at McGill. As Melanie shared with us: “I am the
mother of two adorable cats, Lily and Sushi (I may
be a crazy cat lady!)”.
Caroline Bourbonnière a étudié en sciences
politiques et en affaires publiques. Elle vit maintenant à Ottawa, où elle travaille en relations gouvernementales et est très active au sein du parti
libéral du Canada.
Julia McNally is a personal trainer and works
full time in wealth management at BMO Nesbitt
Émilie Mony a obtenu un baccalauréat en
science physique de l’Université McGill et une
maîtrise en science physique de Queen’s University.
Margarita Chtein a obtenu une maîtrise en
physiothérapie et travaille comme physiothérapeute en milieu privé. Elle est nouvellement mariée.
Thalie Gagnon-Francoeur a étudié en imagerie et médias numériques à l’Université de Sherbrooke. Elle travaille actuellement comme conceptrice en logiciel chez Grass Valley.
Allison Halfyard-Murphy graduated from Concordia University in 2011 with a B.Sc. in Exercise
Science and a Minor in Biology. She is currently
completing a B. Ed. in Physical and Health Education from McGill University and is working as a
substitute teacher with the Lester B. Pearson
School Board.
Stephanie Kierans graduated with a MSC in
Social Psychology from Rijksuniversiteit Groningen in the Netherlands.
Erika Kleiderman completed her BSc in Psychology at McGill in 2010. She then went on to
complete an LLB at Université de Montréal in
2013 and was called to the Quebec Bar in 2014.
She is currently working at the Centre of Genomics and Policy, at McGill University.
Andrea Martel-Bucci completed her BSc in
Nursing at McGill in 2010 and recently obtained
an MSc- Neonatal Nurse Practitioner program at
McGill. She is now working as a neonatal nurse
practitioner in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at
the Montreal Children’s Hospital.
La promotion 2005 aux retrouvailles en mai dernier :
dix ans déjà!
Julie-Anne Poitras est conseillère en ressources humaines chez Axium, après avoir complété un certificat en droit, un baccalauréat en
science politique et une maîtrise en administration
Barbara Radziwon graduated from McMaster
University with a MA in Communications and New
Media. She currently works at Ubisoft Canada as
a Shopper Marketing/Product Specialist. Barbara
says: “ I enjoy KD, I think pigeons are super funny
and I am not ready to be an adult!”
Maria Ressina a obtenu une maîtrise en bibliothéconomie et travaille à la bibliothèque publique
juive. Elle s’est mariée en juillet dernier.
Anita Trudel graduated from Concordia University with a B.A. in History. She is the coordinator
of Aquatic Programs at the YMCA in NDG and
currently studies in massage therapy. She lives
with her partner of three years, Theresa and her 5
year old Siberian husky.
In Memoriam
Micheline Grenon-Morin ’45, décédée le 28 novembre 2014 à Ste-Agathe-des-Monts
Suzanne Kirouac-Grenon ’45, décédée le 29 juin 2013
Pauline Desjardins-Paré ‘54, décédée le 29 mars 2013
Marcelle Rolland-Beaulieu ‘54, décédée le 19 décembre 2014
Martine Languirand ’75, décédée subitement à son domicile le 22 juillet 2015
Nos plus sincères condoléances à leur famille et compagnes de classe
Nouvelles recueillies de mars à août 2015 – Nous serons heureuses de publier vos nouvelles et photos.
News gathered between March and August 2015 – We would be delighted to publish your news (and your
pictures) in our next issue. Send us your news>