

Reports - les rapports de la semaine
●  Winter Activity Fridays (WAF)– ski report - names on all clothing, canal
skate photo1,
o  Presenters: Mrs. A.
●  Admissions Open House– thank you for inviting visitors into your
classes, thank you to tour guides
●  Updates - sports etc., U-14 Girls basketball win reported along with a
great 5 second video of their game blooper!
What’s Ahead - Futurs evenement
●  Sports/PE/Games – Coed games, league games and final tournament in
Feb were announced – see sports boards for details
Presenters: Mr. MacKinnon
●  Out of uniform donations (Jan) - Dominican Schools, Boys and Girls
Club and food cupboard
●  Forest of Reading book club - runs from Jan- April, participating students
commit to reading at least 5 books from the list. More detals -
Presenters: Kristi, Kirsten, Brianna, Mason
●  Scholastic Achievement league contest - February 18th, Open to 30 gr.
8 students, require 1-2 organizers for some opp time practice sessions
What’s Ahead - Futurs evenement
●  House Captains Winter Camp - To Earth Studies Thursday/Friday
●  Community Shinny – group that plays in the park rink after school (nonAshbury activity - see John G, Connor M. or Sasha D. if interested)
●  The Humans of Ashbury College Presenter: Senior School Students - Youseff, Delaney
●  The Humans of New York - real people, real stories
●  at Ashbury
●  Ashbury TV postings
●  We are looking to post this on JS TV
Students in the News - Les eleves dans la presse
●  Figure Skating Competition - la deuxième place au niveau compétitive!
Photo1, Photo2
Presenter: Juliana Y.
●  Alumni in the News - Canadian Geographic Challenge , cover, contest,
Alumni - Alex Cohen
Club/Teacher Annocements - Annonces pour les
clubes et Messages des professeurs
Club - Monday
World Issues Club – Monday
not this term
Robotics Club – Mon/
● Coding Club - Tuesday
Band -Tuesday – Jr Winds,
Wed – Jazz,
Thursday – Concert Band
Club/Teacher Annocements - Annonces pour les
clubes et Messages des professeurs
Club – Tuesday
Club - Tuesday
Club - Wed
Club - Wed
While You Craft - Wed
Play Club - Wed
not this term
Next Tuesday not this week
Club/Teacher Annocements - Annonces pour les
clubes et Messages des professeurs
Club - Thursday
Club - Thursday
Club - lunch
not this term, lab open for science projects
●  Actively Engage – see Alumni in the news example
Ensure all binders and textbooks have your names on them
Lead By Example
Embody Respect
Strive for Excellence
Contribute Our Community
Kid President video clip
Head of School - Mr. Southward