Caribbean French-European Language School


Caribbean French-European Language School
NS W As s oc iation of F renc h T eac hers (NAF T )
NE W S L E T T E R - T E R M 4
MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT ......................................................................................... 1
Weekend d’immersion Year 11 Milson Island ............................................................................. 1
Reminder of French positions 2012 ............................................................................................ 1
Richmond ...................................................................................................................................1
Thornleigh Public........................................................................................................................1
Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus ................................................................ 1
Nacel Travels .............................................................................................................................1
Maison de St Claire ....................................................................................................................1
Maison de St Claire - summer program ...................................................................................... 1
Language and Culture Tour to France ........................................................................................ 1
HSC preparation.........................................................................................................................1
Revue Française ........................................................................................................................1
Game and Games Templates..................................................................................................... 1
French Incursion.........................................................................................................................1
Gilda welcomes back the old committee members and welcomes in new committee members. The new
exec committee as elected at the AGM on 29 October:
President: Gilda Stuart
Vice Pres 1: Marion Rosen
Vice pres 2: Stephanie Cook
Sec: Robyn Donnan
Treas: Scott James
Memberships: Lara Palma
Communications: Florianne Calleya-Jones
Gilda thanks you all for your support, wishes you a happy and safe vacation and looks forward to
working with you in 2012.
Weekend d’immersion Year 11 Milson Island
The Year 11 Immersion Weekend was held on November 25 to November 27. It was a great
success with more than 60 students taking part. Beginners, Continuers and Extension students
took part in many activities throughout the weekend such as drama, trivia and a treasure hunt. The
weather was changed on Saturday at lunch and enabled the group to cook crepes in the afternoon.
Students were all well-behaved and have enjoyed an activity packed weekend. Marie-Ange Lewis
and Ritta Serret have provided students and teachers a valuable experience.
December 2011
Reminder of French positions 2012
Richmond River High School in Lismore is looking for a French teacher for 2012 to cover one
year's LWOP.
Richmond River has an excellent reputation in the local area thanks to its Reach High classes and
wide ranging curriculum.
Classes would be Year 7, Year 10 (elective) and Year 12 (Beginners or Continuers). The Year 12
class is currently a combined Beginners and Continuers however we are asking that one section of
the class would study via DEC.
There is also scope to teach Japanese to one of the junior classes if desired.
Please contact Olivier Maxted if you are interested on 02 66213456 or email
[email protected]
Thornleigh Public
We currently operate French 3 days per week across the school K-6 with approximately half hour
per class (23 classes).
We are looking at continuing to offer French in 2012, with a view to possibly offering Mandarin to
some grades in 2013.
The teacher is also involved in whole school activities (organising French Day & student French
performances etc). If you are aware of any suitable teachers who may be interested, would
appreciate if you let me know.
Paul Miller
Giblett Ave,
Thornleigh NSW 2120
P: 02 9484 4242
email: [email protected]
Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus
Sydney Secondary College Blackwattle Bay Campus (Senior campus of the Syd Sec College
located at Glebe) is looking for a part-time (2 days per week) French teacher for 2012 to share 4
senior French Classes. Year 11 Beginners and Continuers, Year 12 Beginners and Continuers.
For information contact
[email protected]
ph 0438 167 016
Margie Lattimore
December 2011
Nacel student exchange
Thank you for the opportunity for Nathan Colgan to attend the French Teachers Association of
NSW conference last Saturday, to meet with you and introduce Nacel Australia’s programs.
We will be sending detailed program information shortly including dates and costs for the
programs, however as we discussed these are our fixed programs and we can offer alternative
dates for school groups.
If I can offer any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Kind Regards
Rose Posselt - mailto:[email protected]]
Maison de St Claire
We are now offering the purchase of books and CDROM packages for the French HSC support
material. Many schools from NSW and QLD are using these books for their students since their
first publication in 2008, more so since offered to the general public in 2009/2010, and we have
also been receiving bulk orders from bookshops in Sydney and Brisbane since 2010.
We would therefore, like to make these books available direct to your school, at a wholesale price.
Please read the attached information and email it to your colleagues and/or friends, and contact us
soon with your order for 2012.
Please see attachment for more details and how to order. All orders made by December 2011 will
enjoy the 2010 rates, and your package will be send to you in January 2012. Enjoy our
discounted price for your bulk order and thank you in advance for your payment.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a fantastic 2012!
Bien à vous,
Zarina Ahmad-Berger
Gilles André Berger
Maison de St Claire - summer program
(3 spaces available) 7 Day Program Mon 2 to Sun 8 Jan 2012 : (NSW/ACT/VCE/QLD/WA). Early
morning arrival (airport pick-up at 1030 hrs NSW time) on the first day and departure from Maison
de St Claire in the afternoon on the last day (1430 hr) , totaling to 35 hours of formal lessons (4
hours in the morning and 1 hour before dinner per day), with interactive activities in French in the
(3 spaces available) 7 Day Program Mon 9 to Sun 15 Jan 2012: (NSW/ACT/VCE/QLD/WA). Early
morning arrival (airport pick-up at 1030 hrs NSW time) on the first day and departure from Maison
de St Claire in the afternoon on the last day (1430 hr) , totaling to 35 hours of formal lessons (4
hours in the morning and 1 hour before dinner per day), with interactive activities in French in the
(3 spaces available)14 Day Program Mon 2 to Sun 15 July 2011: (NSW/ACT/VCE/QLD/WA). Early
morning arrival (airport pick-up at 1030 hrs NSW time) on the first day and departure from Maison
de St Claire in the afternoon on the last day (1430 hr) , totaling to 70 hours of formal lessons (4
hours in the morning and 1 hour before dinner per day), with interactive activities in French in the
December 2011
Language and Culture Tour to France
"The tour was everything I had wanted...and more!" (Christine R, October 2011) CPEDERF is
pleased to announce
A FRENCH LANGUAGE & CULTURE TOUR 2012in the company of Emeritus Professor Chris
Gossip in collaboration with Annie & David Bancroft (Cpederf, France)
8 nights in Quimper to explore Brittany, one of the richest and most fascinating regions in France
and 5 nights in Bordeaux to discover this World Heritage city, and the surrounding area of the
Gironde and 5 nights in Sarlat - one of the most beautiful small towns in France in the heart on one
of the most magnificent regions in Europe!
24 September - 13 October 2012
We all meet in Paris late afternoon 24 September, for a full briefing and get-together dinner in the
evening, then staying in the same hotel before travelling together the following morning by TGV to
David & Annie Bancroft Phone : Int + 33 + Email : [email protected]
HSC preparation
I am a French native speaker and a qualified French teacher. From February 2012, I will be
available to assist students with HSC (oral) preparation.
If your school requires any assistance, please contact me on 0434 297 014 or by email:
[email protected]
Celine Collins
Revue Française
Je suis Salvador Martí, un professeur de Français en Espagne, à l'école Antonio
Le but de cette lettre est de vous informer sur un projet: nous avons créé un revue en français peut être on pourrait adjoindre d'autres langues natives- pour les élèves qui apprennent cette
Cette revue veut être un outil pour que les élèves écrivent et publient des textes -des reportages,
des interviews, de passe-temps,...-, et de cette façon, d'autres copains du monde puissent les lire,
les répondre, et ainsi, apprendre dès son niveau avec des textes d'autres gens. Il y aura différents
niveaux, il y aura des activités...
C'est une revue pensé pour des élèves de 10 à 18 ans.
Les profs peuvent aussi publier et nous partager des divers perspectives, méthodologie, cours,
La revue aura deux versions: sur papier et sur internet.
Ça c'est une petite idée d'une publication que je trouve assez intéressant parce qu'il réunira divers
perspectives des gens du monde et ainsi on pourra rapprocher les divers cultures des différents
continents. On peut changer les perspectives et aussi avoir des nouvelles idées...
December 2011
Nous sommes déjà divers partenaires: de la Roumanie, du Congo, de la France, Ohio (USA), la
Belgique... Ici vous avez une carte avec les participants:
J'espère avoir votre réponse et merci par votre attention
Nous avons commencé à éditer un blog et un wiki pour y travailler ensemble: un
blog http://revuejeunesmonde.blogspot.comsurtout les
posts: et Salut!!!
Maintenant, nous sommes en train de travailler à la plateforme europeénne ETwinning:
Si vous connaissez d'autres profs qui puissent être intéressés dans notre projet, s'il vous plaît,
renvoyez-lui ce mail.
Ecrivez-moi à [email protected]
Game and Games Templates
Just as we are looking for ways to review and finalise learning for the
year, the following website may give you some ideas.
Games and Game templates, spinning wheels etc....
French Incursion
We held a French Day recently and the highlight was an amazing opening cabaret performance by
Ash Burgess who took us back to La Belle Epoque. As the performance went on, it was just like
being in Paris around 1900 - the costumes, songs, dances, props and dialogue gave us all a
wonderful overview of life in and the history of the period. Ash also has a screen running
simultaneously with old-time video clips and photos. One of my students interviewed her at the end
in simple French. It was a fantastic performance.
Following this, we had small group hands-on workshops which our students really enjoyed.
We also had students of Music and Drama watch the performance as it is relevant to a range of
I was wondering if you would let teachers of French know about it. The website has an overview of
Ash's contact details:
phone: 0402 084 454
email: [email protected]
December 2011
We are very grateful to our Associate member companies for their support:
Abbey Language travel
Air Austral
Alliance française de Sydney
Bayard Presse
Cengage Learning
France Heritage Travel
G E T Educational Tours
Hearsay Learning
Intext Language International Bookshop
Language Perfect
LBF Digital French TV
LCF Clubs
Le Forum French bookshop
Maison de Saint-Claire
Nacel Australia
Pearson Australia
Sydney Centre for Innovation & Learning
YFU International Student Exchange &
December 2011