A unique book on the musical history of Québec


A unique book on the musical history of Québec
A unique book
on the musical history of Québec
400 ans d’histoire de la musique
Jean-Pierre Sévigny
Not yet published
Hardcover book & CD : 39,95 $
Leather gift book & CD : 249,95 $
Éditions Berger
Foreword by the Honorable Jean-Paul L’Allier and George Sioui, ethnohistorian of the Wendake nation
A perfect blend of images, words and sounds, this book is a guided tour of the musical heritage of Québec
City. The ‘carnet de voyage’ is a musical itinerary through the past and present of this musical city. It
explores the music of the First Nations, both French and English heritages, Salon music, French and
French-Canadian chanson, classical music. The accompanying CD includes noted artists born in
Québec, and settlers who have contributed to its musical life: pioneers, folklorists, chansonniers, artistes
lyriques, vocal ensembles and orchestras. With its rich iconography and remastered recordings, this book
is the first of its kind. Serious, well documented yet highly readable, it is both a reference book and a
special commemorative edition published for Quebec City’s 400 Anniversary. The author, Jean-Pierre
Sévigny, is a musical historian and founder of Gala records, a label dedicated to Canadian musical
heritage and historical recordings.
Subject index
Musical heritage of the First Peoples
Old World and New World folklore
French and British heritages
Symphonic music
Vocal and choral music
Military music
A diva at the Capitole
The Golden Age of cabarets
The epoch of the boîtes à chansons
The bard of l'Île d'Orléans : Félix Leclerc
The lyricists composers
The child prodigies
The great francophone songfests
Jazz in Québec City
A Pop music between tradition and modernity
The Capitole and the American productions
A new era of Classic music
Modern urban music
For information, please contact Aline Côté
[email protected]
Éditions Berger, 1233, route 112, Austin (Québec) J0B 1B0 • (450) 297-1344 • (877) 276-8855 • [email protected]