Cognitive Ergonomics and Intervention at Work (LECIT)


Cognitive Ergonomics and Intervention at Work (LECIT)
Liaison Entreprises et Universités
University of Liège
Faculty of Psychology and Education
Psychology and Clinics of Human Systems
Cognitive Ergonomics and Intervention at
Work (LECIT)
human error ; risk analysis ; human-system interaction ; decision making ; simulation ;
collaborative process
Questions ?
Olivier Van der Elstraeten
Technology Transfer Officer - Engineering
 +32-043498518
 [email protected]
Laboratory contact details
Laboratory Head
General Contact
Pr. Nyssen Anne-Sophie
 Boulevard du
Rectorat, 5 / B32
4000 Liège
 +32-43664666
 [email protected]
 +32-43662013
Main study areas and research topics
Human error, human reliability and human factor
Risk management and well-being at work
Development of expertise
Software Usability
Evaluation of new technologies
Sensory Multimodality
Communicative and collaborative mechanisms
Quality of care and patient safety
Simulation and medical robotics
Decision making
Last Research Project
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Liaison Entreprises et Universités
Last Research Project
RC COMMON (Collaboration Multi- Modal Natural equipped ) - Concerted Research Actions (2011-2015) - French
Development of a directive in good conditions of physical and mental work for nurses (2009-2010) - FPS Health
(Together with Prof. I. Hansez , FAPSE and VUB)
Analysis of changes in knowledge and action taking place in the use of minimal surgery (robotics) to reduce the risk
of errors and medical accidents (Interuniversity Research and interdisciplinary) strategies - FRSC
Research Training Network: ADVICES : Design Analysis and Validation of Interactive Safety - critical and Error tolerant Systems. (2003-2005) - CEE
Development of a process control system based on knowledge engineering to improve the quality and increase
productivity in an industrial context Steel (2000-2003) - Wallonia + Cockerill Sambre
Anesthesiologists and patients to the risk of human error: development of a methodology for evaluation of
computerized systems for monitoring and surveillance (1994-1998) - SSTC (interuniversity and interdisciplinary
Industrial application fields
Development and implementation of a simulator for anesthesia
A340 Mode Transitions Project. Improving Pilots' Knowledge of Autopilot Behavior and Mitigating Automation
Technical and clinical evaluation of new system of minimal surgery
Analysis of the phenomenon of declining Firearms - FN Herstal
Development of a process control system based on knowledge engineering to improve the quality and increase
productivity in an industrial context steel - Cockerill Sambre
Extraordinary engineering equipments
Services proposal
Medical Simulation
Accident Investigation in an organizational learning perspective
Crisis Management
Organizational Resilience
Study of the mechanisms of errors and violations
Analysis of work situations (organizational diagnosis, ergonomics,…)
Consideration of cognitive and collective aspects of work in the design and evaluation of technologies
Usability of interfaces (eye-tracking system)
Evaluation of new technologies
Training proposal
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Liaison Entreprises et Universités
Training proposal
Reliability and Human Factors
Crisis management – CRM, training simulator
Ergonomics (including prescribers documents)
Related Lab'Insight Event
Gestion des âges en entreprise
Organisé le lundi 22 avril 2013 à l'Université catholique de Louvain
Cet événement Lab'InSight a favorisé la rencontre entre experts universitaires et acteurs des milieux économiques,
faisant vivre une réflexion de fonds et débouchant sur des projets concrets de collaborations Recherche/Entreprise.
Au-delà du stress : burnout, addictions, décrochage professionnel,… que faire ?
Organisé le mercredi 7 mai 2014 à l'Université de Liège
Ce rendez-vous Lab'InSight a permis aux 6 chercheurs intervenants de présenter des outils de prévention, de diagnostic
et bien d'autres méthodes pouvant répondre concrètement au besoin des entreprises et organismes publics présents.
Après une séance pléniaire présentant les compétences des laboratoires et des exemples de partenariat
Recherche/Entreprise, un large débat s'est ouvert avec le public sur les thèmes du burnout et des addictions. Les
participants ont ensuite pu rencontrer les experts des différentes disciplines lors d'entretiens B to B et initier un dialogue
avec les Universités et Hautes Ecoles, en vue de possibles collaborations.
Travailler ensemble à l ère des réseaux
Organisé le vendredi 27 mai 2016 à l'ICHEC
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