list of publications


list of publications
Publication List
Luc Guillemot
492 Grove street
San Francisco CA 94102
+1 415-321-0911
[email protected]
Conference talk (accepted): Luc Guillemot (March-April 2016), Urbanity Yearning
as a Driver of Change in Urban and Suburban Neighborhoods of the San Francisco
Bay Area., Conference at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting,
San Francisco (CA), USA.
Conference talk (accepted): Luc Guillemot (March 2016), What do Newcomers
Change in Local Politics?, Urban Affairs Association 46th Annual Conference,
San Diego (CA), USA.
Newspaper blog post: Luc Guillemot and Manouk Borzakian (December 29,
2015), Faire (plus ou moins) mentir les cartes, Géographies en mouvement, Libération.
Map: Luc Guillemot (October 2015), The World Urban Factory, North American
Cartographic Information Society (NACIS) Digital Map Gallery, Minneapolis, USA.
Conference talk: Luc Guillemot (April 2015), Urbanity as a way of price, Conference
at the Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, Chicago, USA.
Scientific poster: Luc Guillemot (April 2015), Buying In: Putting a Price on
Urbanity in the Digital City, Urban Affairs Association 45th Annual Conference,
Miami, USA.
Newspaper interview: “Parole d’expert”, Interviewed by Alexandre Willemin in
“La neutralité du net en question”, Migros Magasine, 5th January 2015
Thesis: Luc Guillemot (2014), Une fabrique de la société-Monde, Internet entre
technique et politique mondiale [Making the World-society, Internet between Technics
and Politics Worldwide],
Advisors: Prof. Jacques Lévy and Dr. Boris Beaude, EPFL,
Radio Interview: Invited by Yves-Alain Cornu, journalist of the show On en parle
on the Swiss national broadcast channel RTS, discussing the possible end of Net
neutrality, 16 September 2014.
Journal article: Luc Guillemot (July 2014), “Vertiges du relativisme” [Vertigos
of Relativism],,
Conference talk: Luc Guillemot (January 2014), “La carte, un langage analogique”
[Mapping as an analogical language], Conference at the EDAR doctoral winter
school “Non verbal languages”, Rolle, Switzerland.
Conference talk: Luc Guillemot and Boris Beaude (April 2013), Internet, World
Politics of a Space without Territory, Conference at the Association of American
Geographers Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, USA.
Doctoral seminar talk: Luc Guillemot (April 2013), Ordered Pluralism to Make
Laws Comparable, the Example of Net neutrality Legislation Around the World,
CUSO doctoral seminar “Comparatism, comparabilism”, University of Geneva,
Doctoral winter school talk: Luc Guillemot (January 2013), Les vertiges du
relativisme, in EDAR Winter School “Avec quoi n’êtes-vous pas d’accord?” [What
do you disagree with?], Rolle, Switzerland.
All maps published in: Jacques Lévy (2013), Réinventer la France [Reinventing
France], Fayard, Paris (30 maps).
Journal article: Luc Guillemot and Jacques Lévy (November 2012), “L’espace-Obama,
une victoire des réseaux sur les territoires” [Obama space, a victory of networks over
Conference talk: Luc Guillemot and Boris Beaude (February 2012), Dynamic
Mapping of Time accessibility, Conference at the Association of American Geographers
Annual Meeting, New York, USA.
Journal article: Luc Guillemot and Boris Beaude (2012), “Commuting Scales,
cartographie dynamique d’accessibilité temporelle” [Commuting Scales, Dynamic
Mapping of Time accessibility], M@ppemonde 105,
All maps published in: Jacques Lévy (2013, April 25-26), Cartographie de l’élection
présidentielle française [Cartography of French Presidential Election], 6 maps published
in the newspaper Le Monde, the day after the election.
Doctoral seminar talk: Luc Guillemot (November 2011), Le discours cartographique
[Cartography as a discourse], in CUSO doctoral seminar “Discourse analysis”, University
of Fribourg, Switzerland.
Scientific poster: Luc Guillemot (June 2011), “La carte à l’épreuve du Monde”
[World-proofing the map], ENAC Research Day, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
All maps published in: Jacques Lévy (2011), Europe, une géographie [Europe, a
geography], Hachette, Paris (56 maps, under the supervision of Dr. Elsa Chavinier).
Journal article: Luc Guillemot, Elsa Chavinier, Jacques Lévy and Boris Beaude
(2010), “Little big city”, L’information géographique, vol. 74, num. 3, 105-128.
Scientific exhibition: Luc Guillemot, Elsa Chavinier, Jacques Lévy and Boris
Beaude (May 2010), “Little big city”, Architecture, urbanism and design biennale
“Agora”, Bordeaux, France. Curator: Djamel Klouche, l’AUC.
Journal article: Luc Guillemot (December 2009), “Des mégapoles mises en cartes”
[Mapping Megalopolis],,
Scientific poster: Luc Guillemot (April 2009), “Maps, a World to be read”,
International Conference “Cartographic Challenges”, Bergamo, Italy.