Business Objectives - Vocabulary - Units 1-10
Business Objectives - Vocabulary - Units 1-10
BUSINESS OBJECTIVES UNIT 3 : COMPANIES achieve advertise (v) advertisement / ad affiliate He has achieved his goal of becoming a bank manager. We should advertise our products in the local newspaper. The Sunday papers are full of advertisements for cars. A firm that is connected with or controlled by a larger one is an affiliate. accomplir, réaliser faire de la publicité pour publicité filiale AGM = Annual General Meeting assemblée générale annuelle all over the world Our products are distributed all over the world. [ = worldwide] dans le monde entier amount answer emails, letters answer the phone arrange courses for staff attend availability available be at the head of… be in close contact with the market bookcase both box, boxes Small amounts are paid in cash. It's my job to arrange training courses for our staff. Only 12 people attended the meeting / training course. The availability of cheap flats is very limited. Our spring catalogue is now available from our stockists. I am at the head of the accounts department. It's very important to be in close contact with the market. montant répondre à des mails, lettres répondre au téléphone organiser des cours pour les employés assister (à des cours) disponibilité disponible être à la tête de … suivre de près l’évolution du marché bibliothèque (meuble) Both my parents are accountants. Put the books in a cardboard box. les deux boîte, boîtes The bank has branches all over the country. succursale What brand of detergent do you use ? marque The budget for advertising has been cut. budget building The offices are on the top two floors of the building. immeuble business deal = business agreement business environment The business environment is quite favourable at the moment. business plan A business plan is a document describing the future plans of a business. branch brand budget calendar car park ≠ parking (faux ami) accord commercial environnement, contexte économique plan commercial calendrier parking catalogue The enclosed catalogue will give you all the information you need. catalogue CEO = chief executive officer The CEO is the person with the most important position in a firm. PDG (= président directeur général) challenge challenging client profile close to (adj) coffee machine company, companies compare with competitor computer consumer consumer appeal core business corporation costs counterpart The firm is ready to meet the challenges of the next few years. Cutting costs without affecting quality can be quite challenging. It's close to 2 car parks. défi difficile, stimulant profil du client proche de machine à café société, compagnie, entreprise Our prices are low compared with our competitors' prices. Last year we sold twice as many computers as their competitors. The information is stored on computer. comparer à concurrent ordinateur Research shows that consumers do not want GM foods. This brand has a very wide consumer appeal. [ = Consumers like this brand very much.] The core business of airlines is flying people and cargo from place to place. attrait / intérêt pour les consommateurs He works for a large American corporation. société We must cut costs [ = expenses] in order to remain competitive. The Prime Minister is to meet his European counterparts to discuss the war against drugs. consommateur (trice) secteur, activité central(e) dépenses homologue crate I've ordered two crates of beer. caisse crèche Does your employer provide a crèche [ = day care centre] ? crèche, garderie credit card We accept all major credit cards. carte de crédit current In its current state, the car is worth £1,000. [ ≠ actual : réel, véritable, vrai] courant, présent, actuel customer He's a regular customer. customer care / service Many of the banks offer a poor level of customer care / service. customer loyalty We send small presents to all our customers to develop customer loyalty. fidélité du client We must to improve customer relations. relation à la clientèle She is wearing a dark blue dress. sombre, foncé customer relation dark deadline deal with debit an account We often work under pressure to meet a deadline. We only deal [ = do business] with companies which have a good credit record. The sum of £25 will be debited from your account. client service clients, service à la clientèle délai (à respecter) traiter, avoir affaire à débiter un compte debit card decide deliver delivery He's decided to buy a new car. carte de paiement décider Mail is delivered to our office twice a day. livrer You can expect delivery in a week to ten days. livraison I paid with my debit card. delivery time department store describe current projects develop disabled dispatch distribute délai de livraison A department store is large shop divided into several different parts, each of which sells different things. [Ex.: Globus] Could you describe the current projects ? Are they developing any new products ? Are there any facilities for disabled staff ? Goods are normally dispatched within 24 hours. The firm aims to distribute its products throughout Europe. grand magasin décrire les projets en cours développer handicapé envoyer, expédier, distribuer distribuer distribution Our distribution system must be improved. distribution diversify The company is planning to diversify into other activities. diversifier division I work in the Marketing Division. département, service do some research for I'm doing some research for the Marketing Division. rechercher, chercher domestic earn (wages) e-business e-company e-mail / email employee enquire, inquire The domestic economy is booming. He earns nearly £20,000 a year. The business of buying and selling goods and services on the Internet is called ebusiness. E-companies do e-business. You can contact me by email. The factory has 500 employees. I'd like to inquire about your new printer. enquiry, inquiry We have received over 300 enquiries about the job / our new mobile phones. establish The firm was established in 1822. exhibition space expand expansion export (v + n) facilities factory fail We had an exhibition space of 200m2 at Palexpo. The computer industry has expanded greatly since 1990. There has been a rapid expansion [= development] of the tourist industry. The firm exports tuna to the US. Tea is one of our chief exports. The hotel has conference facilities. Most people are employed by the the local car factory. A lot of small businesses fail within their first year. intérieur gagner de l’argent (salaire) commerce électronique entreprise sur le net courriel employé s'informer de, se renseigner demande de renseignements, enquête (jur.) établir surface d'exposition développer, agrandir expansion, développement exporter, exportation installations, infrastructures usine échouer fair trade filing finance (v + n) Fair trade is a way of buying and selling products that makes certain that the original producer receives a fair price. Her job involves filing and other general office work. The firm is financed by the government. / She works in the finance department. commerce équitable classement financer, finance financial sector I work in the financial sector. secteur financier goal They achieved their goal of increasing sales by 5%. objectif floor focus on My office is on the 3rd floor. He needs to focus more on his career. étage être centré sur goods There is a large market for consumer goods. biens, marchandises grow / grew / grown Sales of new cars grew by 10% last year. croître guarantee (n + v) guidelines head office headquarters hold human resources / HR idea illegal import (v + n) import restrictions They offer a two-year guarantee on all their electrical goods. Can you guarantee delivery by the end of the week ? When starting a new business, follow these general guidelines. The main office of a company is called the head office. = head office Do you often hold meetings with your colleagues ? HR is the department in a firm that deals with employing, training, and helping people. It was Kate's idea to hire bikes. It is illegal to sell tobacco to someone under 16. All the meat is imported from France. / There is a ban on beef imports from GB. The government has imposed new import restrictions on alcohol. garantir, cautionner, garantie, caution directives siège social siège social tenir ressources humaines idée illégal importer, importation quotas d’importation important to improve the company’s image Is advertising important to your business? important pour What can we do to improve the company's image ? améliorer l’image de la compagnie improve (v), improvement (n) We have to improve the quality of our products. / We need to carry out some improvements to the system. The tax paid on the money that you earn is called income tax. income tax increase innovate innovative inspect Food prices increased by 10% last year. The fashion industry is always desperate to innovate. She is a very imaginative and innovative fashion designer. Always inspect the goods before signing for them. améliorer / amélioration impôt sur le revenu augmenter innover novateur examiner inspection A health and safety inspection of the factory will be carried out. inspection interview We're interviewing six candidates for the job. faire passer un entretien à quelqu’un, interviewer invest in The firm will invest 5 million in the project. investir investissement investment investor Small investors are hoping that the markets will improve. IT = information technology joint venture There are many joint ventures between American and Japanese companies. keep a record label launch (a product / …) lift investisseur Keep a record of everything you spend. informatique accord de partenariat, co-entreprise noter Price labels must be visible. étiquette, label The company hopes to launch the new drug by next October. His office is on the 6th floor. Let's use the lift [ = elevator]. lancer un produit ascenseur line of work listen to employees' complaints lobby In what line of work are you ? domaine d'activité It's important to listen to employees' complaints. écouter les réclamations, revendications des employés I'll meet you in the hotel lobby. locals or foreigners Are your managers locals or foreigners ? hall, salle des pas perdus des nationaux (gens du pays) ou des étrangers location The hotel is in a lovely location overlooking the lake. mail order company I often buy my clothes from a mail-order company. main business activities main strength maintenance manufacture (v + n) map market market leader market research market share marketing Her main strength is her creativity. The maintenance department services the equipment. The company manufactures cars. Cost will determine the methods of manufacture. localisation, emplacement société de vente par correspondance principal secteur d’activité principal point fort entretien fabriquer / fabrication Here's a map of Amsterdam. carte géographique The product will be on the market in May. marché Nike is the US market leader in sports shoes. Let's conduct market research, then advertise the product. Our market share increased as a result of our marketing campaign. Company sales improved dramatically following our marketing campaign. materials Our firm sells building materials. meet specifications Our new mobile phones meet all the specifications. leader du marché étude de marché part de marché marketing matériaux remplir des exigences, des réglementations modern motorway (GB) negotiate objective A lot of progress has been made thanks to modern technology. moderne = highway (US) autoroute Bigger stores can negotiate lower prices from suppliers. We'll set specific performance objectives for our team. organisation chart / organogram An organization chart shows the structure of a company. organise job interviews The human resources manager is organizing job interviews. organise workshops We have to organize workshops to improve our workers' skills. owner I met the owner of the local pub. packaging Attractive packaging can help to sell products. parent company A parent company controls a smaller company or organization. personnel photocopy press room prevent price profit centre promote (employees / …) provide purchase range recreational facilities recruit relationship rent (v + n) revenue run sales sales outlets sales representative = staff, employees Could you photocopy this report ? We try to prevent mistakes. Prevent visitors from entering the site. The price of fuel keeps going up. That employee has just been promoted to senior manager. The project is to provide young people with work. négocier objectif organigramme organiser des entretiens d’embauche organiser des ateliers de travail propriétaire emballage société mère, société principale, maison mère personnel photocopier salle, salon de la presse empêcher, éviter prix centre de profit promouvoir les employés fournir Where did you purchase [ = buy] the car ? acheter There is a wide range of products. choix, gamme équipements de loisirs New recreational facilities are available. Who recruits new employees ? I have a good relationship with my boss. Will you rent a car while you're on holiday in Spain ? I have to pay the rent at the beginning of every month. [≈ (here) turnover] The company has annual revenues of about £3 million. recruter, embaucher relations louer / loyer recettes, chiffre d'affaires To run a company, a store, … diriger Sales of phones are up this year. les ventes Benetton has sales outlets in every major European city. Sales representatives travel around, usually within a particular area, selling their company's products. points de vente, magasins représentant de ventes, un commercial satisfy the customer's needs seating secretarial services send / sent / sent sensitive sensitivity service (v) share (n) We do our best to satisfy our customers' needs. satisfaire les besoins du client The hall has a seating capacity of 650. places assises services de secrétariat I sent her an email yesterday. envoyer un mail He's a sensitive and intelligent young man. [ ≠ sensible : sensé] sensible Who services the machines and equipment? The company's US market share has fallen from 28% to 23%. sensibilité assurer l'entretien part (de marché) Your office is similar to mine. semblable à, similaire petit More money should be spent on advertising. She's staying at the Hilton. dépenser en loger à The London Stock Exchange la Bourse subsidiary, subsidiaries A company that is controlled by another firm is a subsidiary. filiale tidy Your desk should always be tidy. rangé, en ordre, propre similar to small spend / spent / spent stay at Stock Exchange timetable trademark [ = schedule] I have a busy timetable this week. Velcro is a registered trademark. [ = brand name] emploi du temps, horaire marque (de fabrique) training scheme We'll have to change the training scheme. programme de formation turnover The business has an annual turnover of £50 000. [turnover = the total value of goods sold by a company during a particular period of time] chiffre d'affaires valeur value wage(s) warehouse [ = salary] You will receive wages of £350 a week. A warehouse is a large building where goods are stored. wholesale, wholesaler wide range of products win (a prize) within walking distance entrepôt fontaine à eau water fountain welcome salaire The visitors were warmly welcomed by the CEO. Someone who buys and sells goods in large amounts to shops and businesses is a wholesaler. They sell a wide range of skin-care products. In this month's competition you could win a prize worth £3000. She lives within walking distance of her new workplace ? accueillir grossiste large choix de produits gagner (un prix) facilement accessible à pied