Snowdon YM-YWHA Mémoire sur le Département des Adultes
Snowdon YM-YWHA Mémoire sur le Département des Adultes
bervice aux Adultes Snowdon YM-YWHA Mémoire sur le Département des Adultes YOUNG MEN'S-YOUNG WOMEN'S HEBREW ASSOCIATION OF MONTREAL Snowdon Branch 5500 Westbury Avenue, Montréal, Que. H3W 2W8 Tel; 737-6551, #47 Soumis par: Sheryl Overland, B.Ed., Directeur Département des Services aux Adultes Deborah Pinsky, M.S.W., P.S.W., Directeur Département des Services de Groupes PRESENTATION DE L'INSTITUTION LfAssociation des Centres Communautaires Juifs de Montréal est un corps incorporé, enregistré de 18,000 membres. La Succursale Snowdon, le centre principal de cette Association composée de 6 succursales, dessert les membres et non membres de tout âge de la Région Métropolitaine de Montréal. Les groupes et activités ont un but récréatif, éducatif et culturel. Dans ia succursale Snowdon même, il y a un département des Services aux Adultes qui dessert à peu près 700 personnes enregistrées chaque année pour des groupes ou cours. Il existe également un plus grand nombre de participants à des activités, de masse canalisant des intérêts particuliers, comme par example les arts culinaires la nutrition, danse, arts, modes, de vie et musique. Une majorité de parents célibataires et veufs sont aussi desservis à plusieurs niveaux: éducatif et groupe de soutien. Le YMHA célébrera son 71ième anniversaire en janvier 1981, Le Département des Services aux Adultes vie de plus près Comme mentionné plus haut, les cours relèvent surtout de techniques d'adaptation dans des situations particulières de la vie, incluant des sujets d'enseignement et d'exploration reflétant les modes, de vie actuels et rencontrant les besoins qui apparaissent en conséquence. Le but général est d'augmenter la qualité de la vie de ceux que nous desservons - Les cours tombent donc dans le catégorie "éducation Populaire". Les cours sont donnés par un personnel qualifié formée de professionnels dans le domaine récréatif, éducatif et du travail social, ainsi que d'autorités dans des disciplines spécifiques, par exemple des professeurs de dans certifiés des économistes domestiques, des nutritionnistes, et des travailleurs qualifiés. Les étudiants et participants ont la possibilité d'exercer un certain contrôle sur la structure et le contenu des cours, a travers des comités formés de volontaires ... 2 ... 2 qui se rencontrent de façon continue et régulière. Ces comités prennent des décisions en considérant les règles, le curriculum, l'expansion du département et les méthodes spécifiques d'enseignement. Ces comités et le personnel déterminent conjointement le coût des cours spécifiques et des programmes en tenant pleinement compte du budget total alloué. Un aperçu des cours spécifiques Le Département des Services aux Adultes offre des cours dans 4 domaines de base: danse, musique, arts culinaires et éducation générale, ainsi que des services aux veufs et parents célibataires. Danse . . .. . •:•>>.... .'.'." . .'-. v . - ' *-' ' .•;.. V , . ' ' -- •/•'"•••_•.;; :.;.:, •_ \ ...•"•.,."._;." Des sessions de 10 cours sont offertes deux ou trois fois par an. Toutes les classes durent d'une heure à 1 heure et demie. Elles comprennent: 0 » Danse du ventre Niveaux I et II - Danse folklorique de base - Danse générale pour célibataires - Disco-Rock Niveaux I et II - Danse en party - Danse de bal et sociale - Claquettes Musique Une session de 8 cours de guitare pour débutants est offerte chaque trimestre. Ce groupe explore les données fondamentales et des instruments. de la musique Il y a un curriculum pratique employé: enseigner à manipuler cordes et clés dans le contexte de diverses chansons. Entraîner à écouter et a apprécier la musique sont les buts généraux de ce cours. En plus du cours de guitare, nous avons également un orchestre de mandoline et d'instruments à corde (spécifique de l'Est du Canada). ... '3 .. 3 Arts Culinaires Le YMHA de Snowdon abrite une école de cuisine importante où l'enseignement accentue la préparation d'une bonne nourriture dans le cadre de repas délicieux et innovateurs. Comme la majorité des étudiants se compose de femmes en particulier de mères de famille travaillant à l'extérieur, ou a insisté sur des repas à préparation rapide - La liste des cours inclut: - Préparations pour une fête - Pâtisseries - La cuisine a basse calorie - La cuisine internationale - La cuisine avec un appareil à mélanger - La cuisine chinoise - La cuisine française - La cuisine pour les personnes âgées, , - La cuisine avec un four a micro-ondes, - L'économie domestique pour nouvelles cuisinières: cours de base Le personnel est composé de chefs, professionnels, enseignants et célébrités locals de l'art culinaire. Services aux parents célibataires: Les parents célibataires sont desservis dans les domaines récréatif, éducatif et culturel. Des professionnels de la communauté tels des avocats, des comptables, des médecins et des membres du clergé donnent des conférences et animent des discussions de groupe sur des sujets concernant les parents célibataires. De plus, on explore le champ de la paternité ou maternité en grande partie avec l'aide d'éducateurs de la famille. i Services aux veufs Nos groupes ont l'occasion de s'aider mutuellement assistés par un personnel qualifié à résoudre les problèmes du veuvage. On enseigne ... 4 aux étudiants des techniques d'adaptation à leur nouveau rôle en faisant l'expérience de s'aider soi-même et en employant des méthodes directes d'enseignement. Les discussions et les classes varient en relation avec les besoins des groupes particuliers par example, social, financier, psychologique. Quelques cours offerts cette année s'intitulent "Les femmes et leur argent", "Diète et Nutrition". Cours d'intérêt gênerai Ces cours sont d'ordre technique ou pratique. Sont inclus dans la liste: - Auto-défense pour les femmes N - Barman, barmaid - Soins aux plantes - Mode - Macramé - Crochet et tricot •- Bricolage Quelques cours visent a rencontrer certains besoins spécifiques : par example, relations avec un parent âgé, comment être un célibataire heureux, comment s'adapter à la perte d'un enfant, rôle accru des femmes dans le domaine des affaires et un cours qui porte sur la sexualité. Pédagogie . Selon les divers formats nécessités la méthode d'enseignement diffère avec chaque cours, (c'est-à-dire, méthode directe, démonstration, discussion, équipement audio-visuel, etc.) Le curriculum est déterminé par le professeur (un professionel dans son domaine), qui consulte le directeur du département, un éducateur spécialisé et le Comité des groupes de travail formés de volontaires. Le plus souvent, les étudiants reçoivent du matériel imprimé. Le nombre des étudiants est limité à 15 personnes dans la ... 5 .. 5 plupart des cas. Financement Le YMHA est une organisation à but non-lucratif. Le fait que personne ne se voit refuser un cours dû à l'impossibilité de le payer est une règle inhérente à notre organisation. Dans le cas de sommes en excès, provenant du coût des cours, le montant est distribué pour financer d'autres cours qui ne pourraient opérer sous ces fonds (déterminés par nos comités comme une priorité). Comme le YMHA ne reçoit virtuellement pas de fonds extérieurs, le coût du cours reflète nécessairement le coût d'un tel service. Il en resuite que les cours aux Adultes, subventionnés par le gouvernement, tels qu'on en trouve dans les CEGEP et Commissions scolaires, offerts à un coût nominal ou gratuitement, menacent notre existence même, car nos prix ne sont plus compétitifs. Il est impératif que notre département reçoive des fonds publics similaires. . Projets Particuliers . • > Le nombre croissant de femmes désirant intégrer le marché du travail par nécessité ou à cause du changement des rôles dans la famille inspire la formation d'un "Centre de Femmes", dans un avenir proche. Un tel centre offrira des cours visant à entrainer à nouveau les femmes qui ont travaillé pendant un certain temps. Par example: langue française, dactylo, sténo, économie, comment s'habiller pour réussix, etc. Des cours particuliers "Etudes sur la Femme" seraient offerts en plus. Une Banque de Ressources et un service de "Conseil en Orientation" seraient disponibles, ainsi que des cours d'intérêt général et des discussions de groupe. Ces services de longue durée doivent être considérés en priorité lors de la distribution de fonds. ... 6 . * • 6 Conclusion Devant l'accroissement du temps accordé aux loisirs dans notre société, la population est de plus en plus attirée vers les centres communautaires. Bien au1un grand nombre de personnes est desservir chaque année, il reste une multitude de sujets à aborder et une grande partie de la population doit encore profiter de l'Education aux Adultes. Le besoin d'une assistance financiaire devient plus que jamais une réalité à l'intérieur du Département des Services aux Adultes, pour permettre la réalisation de son potentiel maximal. -"• Nous nous tournons vers la Commission d'Etude sur la formation des adultes pour nous soutenir^ DEBORAH PINSKY, M.S.W., P.S.W. SHERYL OVERLAND, B. Ed. Directeur Département des Services de Groupe Directeur Département des Services aux Adultes YOUNG MEN'S AND YOUNG WOMEN'S HEBREW ASSOCIATION OF MONTREAL CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS ADOPTED OCT. 31, 1949 AMENDED MAY 26, 1952 REVISED DEC. 3f 1962 AMENDED SEPT., 30, 1963 REVISED APRIL 19 . 1965 REVISED NOV. 23, 1966 AMENDED JULY 8 t 1968 AMENDED NOV. 30, 1970 REVISED NOV. 5f 1973 AMENDED OCT. 4# 1979 YOUNG MEN'S AND YOUNG WOMEN'S HFBREW ASSOCIATION CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS AS REVISED NOVEMBER S. 1973 0F M QDNTRCAL ARTICLE 1 - MEMBERSHIP SECTION 1.1. Membership in the Association shall be open to ail persons of good character. 1.2. Catégories of membership, and fées payable in each category, and provisions concerning payment of auch fées, shall be fixed by the Metropolitan Board. 1.3. Members in good standing of the âge of majority shall be qualified to vote at any gênerai or spécial meeting of the members of the Association. Such members shall be designated as "Voting Members". 1.4. Only Voting Members who are Jewish shall serve as members of the Board of Trustées, Officers and the Metropolitan Board of Directors. 1.5. The Metropolitan Board shall hâve the power to make provisions for the refusai, cancellation or suspension of membership, and to refuse, cancel or suspend membership of any applicant or roember. ARTICLE 2 - MEETINGS - FISCAL PERI ODS SECTION 2.1. The fiscal year shall be June lst to May 31st. 2.2. The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held within six (6) months from the close of the fiscal year, on such date as the Metropolitan Board may designate, for the purpose of considering annual reports and transacting any other business that may properly be placed before the meeting. Reports that hâve been made public prior to tha Annual Meeting need not be read at su«.h meeting. 2.3. Spécial meetings of the Association may be called (a) by the Président at his own instance, (b) by a resolution of the Metropolitan Board, or (c) upon the written request signed by at least one hundred (100) Voting Members, which shall contain the purpose of the calling of the meeting* The Président, failing whom the Chairman of the Executive or the next Senior Officer of the Association shall cal1 such meeting to be held within thirty (30) days of the passing of the resolution or receipt of the request, and notice of such meeting shall be given at least fifteen (15) days prior thereto. 2.4. Thirty (30) days notice shall be given to Voting Members of the date set for the annual meetings, but only fifteen (15) days notice shall be neccssary for spécial meetings. In ail cases the purpose for which the meeting has been called shall be set forth in the notice, which may be given by ordinary mail to the addresses of the members as carried on the books of the Association, or by insertion in the officiai publication of the Association, or by notice in the public press. 2.5. Annual élections shall be conducted once in every fiscal year at the Annual Meeting, sometimes herein referred to as "Election Meeting". The term "Election Meeting" shall refer to an Annual or Spécial Meeting at which the " 2 " Annual Elections hâve taken or are to take place. In any fiscal year, if the Annual Elections hâve not taken place prior to the Annual Meeting, and are not to take place at the Annual Meeting, the notice of the Annual Meeting shall make référence thereto and shall mention the approximate date at which it is contemplated that an Election Meeting is to take place. 2.6. One hundred (100) Voting Members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at the Annual or any Spécial Meeting of the Association. 2.7. The order of business at the Annual Meeting of the Association shall include: SECTION (a) Approval of the Minutes of the previous meeting. (b) Présentation or tabling of reports, including auditors 1 report. (c) Election of Officers and Directors. (d) Appcintment of Auditors (e) Good d Welfare. ARTICLE 3 - METROPOLITAIN BOARD OF DIRECTORS AND OFFICERS - : v > ; ; :;.: ••..•::v''-^.-^; .;;... . 3.1. COMPOSITION OF THE METROPOLITAN BOARD 3.1.1. There shall be a Metropolitan Board of Directors, herein sometimes called the "Metropolitan Board", which shall consist of the following: (a) ; Ex-Officio (i) The Officers. (il) The Chairman of «ach Branch Board or Committee of the Metropolitan Board. (iii) The Honorary Présidents, if any. (iv) 'Ml past Présidents of the Association, and the YWH iv) Ail female past Vice-Présidents of the Association in office prior to the coming force of the présent by-laws. <b) Thirty (30) elected Qirectors. (c) Up to five (5) members appointed by the Président. 3.1.2 Elected Directors shall hold office for two (2) years or until their successors are elected. 3.1.3. Members of the Metropolitan Board appointed by the Président shall hold office until the Election Meeting of the Association following their appointment. 3.1.4. No employée of the Association shall be eligible to hold office or to be a member of the Metropolitan Board or any Pranch Board or Committee of the Metro politan Boarr3. - 3 3.1.5 £11 elected Directors shall serve on at least one (1) Cononittee of the Metropolitan Board or on a Branch Board. 3 # 2 # OFFICERS 3.2.1. The Officers of the Association shall be the following: (a) Président. (b) First Vice-Président. (c) Four (4) Vice-Présidents of whom at least one (1) shall be maie, and at least one (1) shall be female. (d) Treasurer. (•) Two (2) Secretaries, one (1) maie and one (1) female. 3.2.2. . (f) Chairman of the Board of Trustées. (g) Immédiate past Président. (h) Immédiate past Vice-Président» if any. The Président, First Vice-Président, Vice-Présidents, Treasurer and Secretaries shall be elected by the members at an Election Meeting and the others shall be appointed as hereinafter set forth. 3.2.3. In the event of a vacancy in the position of any of the elected Officers for any reason, the Metropolitan Board may, on the recommendation of the Metropolitan Executive, front among its elected members, appoint a replacement until the next Election Meeting. 3.2.4. In the absence of the Président, the First Vice-Prèsidert shall act, or the First Vice-Président shall designate one (1) of the Vice-Présidents to act in hia stead. 3.2.5. Elected Officers shall hold office for two (2) years or until their succèssors are elected. 3.2.6. No elected Officer shall hold the same office for more than two (2) consécutive terms. ARTICLE 4 - ELECTION OF DIRECTORS, OFFICERS AND HONORARY OFFICERS SECTION 4.1. NOMINATING COMMITTEE 4.1.1. There shall be a nominating committee of seven (7) Members of whom at least two (2) shall be maie and tv/o (2) shall be female constituted as follows: (a) One (1) past Officer. (b) Three (3) l'embers of the Metropolitan Board. - 4 (c) Three (3) members at large. 4.1.2. At least three (3) months prior to the Election Meeting, the Nominating Committee shall be appointed as followst (a) The Metropolitan Executive shall appoint four (4) members of whom one (1)shall be a past Officer and three (3) shall be members of the Metropolitan Board, and at least one (1) of whom shall be maie and one (1) of whom shall be female. (b) The Metropolitan Board shall appoint three (3) members at large, at least one (1) of whom shall be maie and one (1) of whom shall be female. 4.1.3. The Metropolitan Executive shall désignate one (1) of its appointées as Chairman of the Nominating Committee. 4.1.4. The Nominating Committee shall nominate for élection at the Election Meeting: (a) A slate of members to fill the elected offices with respect to which the terms of the Officers are to expire. (b) A slate of fifteen (15) members Metropolitan Board, of whom at least maie and at least three (3) shall be two (2) year terms, to replace those whose terms are expiring. to serve on the three (3) shall be female, to serve elected Directors (c) A slate of additional members to serve as members of the Metropolitan for a period of one (1) year, to replace any elected members of the Metropolitan Board, who, in the course of the previous year, for any reason, ceased to be members of the Metropolitan Board and whose terms would not otherwise be expiring. 4.1.5. A list of nominees shall be delivered to a Secretary of the Association at least twenty (20) days prior to the Election Meeting, and shall thereupon be posted in a conspicuous place in the buildings of the Association. 4.2. NOMINATIONS AT LARGE Nominations at large for officers and members of the Metropolitan Board shall be signed by at least one hundred (100) Voting Members and fifty (50) Voting Members respectively, and shall be delivered to a Secretary of the Association at least ïourteen (14) days prior to the Election Meeting, and shall thereupon be posted in a con spicuous place in the buildings of the Association, along side the list of the Nominating Committee. 4.3." ELECTIONS 4.3.1. If there are nominations at large, élections shall be decided at the'Election Meeting by closed ballot, prepared in advance of the meeting listing ail the candidates. 4.3.2. A minimum of three (3) scrutineers shall be appointed by the Chairman of the meeting who shall count the ballots in the room in which the meeting is held. 4.3.3. With respect to each elected office, the nominee who receives the greatest number of votes shall bc declared elected• 4.3.4. With respect to the two (2) year terms for the Metropolitan Board, each Voting Member shall hâve the right to vote - 5 for each of fifteen (15) nominees and the fifteen (15) members receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected, subject to at least three (3) being maie and at least three (3) being female. 4.3.5. In the previous year, should any elected members bf the Metropolitan Board, serving the first year of their two (2) year term, for any reason, cease to be members of the Metropolitan Board, an équivalent number of members shall be elected at the Election Meeting for one (1) year terms. Each Voting Member shall vote for as many nominees for such terms as there are positions to be filled and the appropriate number of members receiving the highest number of votes shall be declared elected. 4.4. TRANSITORY PROVISIONS 4.4.1. At the first Election Meeting following the coming into effect of the présent by-laws, thirty (30) Directors shall be elected, fifteen (15) for two (2) year terms and fifteen (15) for one (1) year terms. In each case, at least three (3) shall be maie and three (3) shall be female. 4.4.2. The said Directors shall be elected in two (2) différent votes. 4.4.3. The nominating committee shall make nominations accordingly. 4.4.4. Notwithstanding anything contained in the présent by-laws, any member holding an honorary title or position, which would hâve continued but for the coming into effect of the présent by-laws, shall continue to hold such honorary title or position in the same manner as if the présent by-laws had not been enacted. 4.5. IMMEDIATE PAST VICE-PRESIDENT | j The Président with the approval of the Metropolitan Executive may appoint as Immédiate Past Vice-Président, a Vice-Président who retires from the latter office and is not thereupon elected to another office of the Association. Such Immédiate Past Vice-Président shall be an officer of the Association and shall continue in office for a period of two (2) years, or until a successor is appointed, which ever is shorter. 4.6. HONORARY OFFICERS 4.6.1. The Metropolitan Board may, on the recommendation of the Metropolitan Executive, appoint not more than five (5) past officers, or other members whose appointment is deemed appropriate, as Honorary Présidents, of whom not more than twc (2) may be named Honorary Présidents for life, and the rest fc a period of two (2) years from the Election meeting following their appointment. "~^ 4.6.2. A member who at any time has served as an officer of the Association shall, upon ceasing to be an officer, auto matically becomes an Honorary Officer for life. In addition, ail persons who are Honorary Officers for life at the time of the coming into effect of the présent by-laws shall continue to be Honorary Officers for life. ARTICLE 5 - POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE METROPOLITAN BOARD OF DIRECTORS SECTION 5.1. Subject to the provision of thèse by-laws, the management - 6 and control of the activities and propertics of the Associa tion shall be vested in the Metropolitan Board, the whole for tho purpose of carryinq out the purposcs and objecta of the Association as set forth in its letters patent and supple mentary letters patent. 5.2. Fifteen (15) members of the Metropolitan Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 5.3. At least thirty (30) days prior to the end of the fiscal period, the Metropolitan Board shall approve a detailed budget setting forth the proposed expenditures of the Association for the fortheoming fiscal period. The said budget shall be reported to the Board of Trustées at least tventy (20) days prior to the end of the fiscal period. 5.4. The Metropolitan Board shall hâve the power to revise its budget from time to time, but any revision creating a budgetary déficit or increasing such déficit shall be reported to the Board of Trustées in the saine manner as for a new budget. 5.5. Not later than seven (7) months after the beginning of each fiscal year, the Metropolitan Board shall submit a current budget report on opérations to the Board of Trustées. 5.6. The Metropolitan Board shall me et at least eight (8) time s in each year. Notice of the meeting shall be by regular mail to the last known address on the books of the Association of ail members of the Metropolitan Board, at least five (5) days before the date of the meeting. At the request of six (6) members of the Metropolitan Board, the Président shall cause a meeting of the Metropolitan Board to be called and held within fifteen (15) days çf such request* 5*7. Financial and policy matters initiated at the Metropolitan Board shall, before final décision» be referred to the Metropolitan Executive or any other body designated by the Metropolitan Executive, for study and recomroendation. 5.8. The Metropolitan Board may, from time to time, authorize the borrowing of money on the crédit of the Association, and limit or increase the amount so to be borrowed. 5.9. The Metropolitan Board shall employ an Executive Director, who under the authority of the Board shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the Association. He shall hâve the right to attend ail meetings of ail committees and sub committees of the Association and its branches. Within the framework of the authorized budget and employment policies approved by the Metropolitan Board from time to time, the Executive Director shall be responsible for the hiring of the staff of the Association and its branches. 5.10. Prior to the Annual Meeting, the Financial Statements of the Association for the previous fiscal year, as audited shall be presented to the Metropolitan Board for approval. ARTICLE 6 r DUTIES AND POWERS OF OFFICERS SECTION 6.1. INDIVIDUAL OFFICERS 6.1.1. The duties of the Officers shall be those commonly per taininq to their respective offices. 6.1.2, The Président and the First Vice-Président shall be ex-officio members of ail committees. - 7 6.1.3. The Treasurer shall be an ex-officio member of any committee dcaling with budget, finance or property. 6.1.4. The Metropolitan Board may from time to time authorize and designate any director or directors, officer or officers, and other person or persons, to sign, exécute, and give, on behalf of the Association, ail documenta and agréementi, necessary or désirable- for the purpose of conducting the business of the Association and to drav, make, accept, endorse, exécute, and issue chèques, promissory notes, bills of exchange, and other negotiable or transférable instruments for the same, and ail renewals thereof or substitutes thèrefor so signed shall be binding upon the Association. 6.1.5. Ail elected officers shall hâve the right to attend any meeting of any committee or Board in the Association. 6.2. THE METROPOLITAN EXECUTIVE 6.2.1. The Executive of the Association shall be known as Metropolitan Executive, and shall consist of: (1) . i the Officers. (il) four (4) members, designated by the Metropolitan Board, from amongst its members on the recommendation of the Officers, who shall hold office for one (1) year, until the élection meeting for the year following the year for which appoint ments ara made, or until their succèssors are appointed. 6.2.2. The Metropolitan Executive shall hâve and exercise the powers of the Metropolitan Board in matters arising between Board meetings requiring décisions before the next Metropolitan Board meeting, in keeping with the policy set by the Metro politan Board. 6*2.3. Décisions of the Metropolitan Executive made in the exercise of the powers of the Metropolitan Board between meetings of the Metropolitan Board, ahall be reported to the Metropolitan Board at the next following meeting thereof. 6.2.4. Five (5) members of the Metropolitan Executive shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. 6.2.5. Meetings of the Metropolitan Executive shall be chairec by the Président. ARTICLE 7 - FUNDS, PROPERTIES AND TRUSTS SECTION 7.1. — The Metropolitan Board shall hâve jurisdiction over the acquisition, administration and disposition of ail the funds and property of the Association, subject to the provisions of thèse by-laws. 7.2. Funds and property designated by the donor or testator for a spécifie purpose shall be used in accordance with the provision of the gift or legacy. 7.3. Ail funds or property bequeathed or given to the Association or otherwise acquired which are not specifically designated . •. o - 8 for current use or for a spécifie purpose in the program or opération of the Association may be designated by the Metropolitan Board as trust funds or trust property, and only the revenue of which shall form part of the gênerai funds of the Association. 7.4. Funds or property bequeathed or given to or otherwise acquired by a branch of the Association shall be funds or property of the Association* ARTICLE 8 - BOARD OF TRUSTEES SECTION 8.1. COMPOSITION OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 8.1.1. There shall be a Board of Trustées, composed of the following: (a) Ex-Officio. (i) Chairman, appointed as hereinafter provided for. (ii) Président of the Association. (iii) First Vice-Président (iv) Honorary Officers for life. (b) Not less than forty-five (45) and not more than one hundred (100) members. (c) Up to fiva (5) members appointed by the Président, for terras, the expiration of which shall coincide with those of the Officers. 8*1*2. The Chairman of the Board of Trustées shall be appointed for a terra of two (2) years, cr until a successor is appointed, not later than forty-five (45) days prior to the Election Meeting, by the Metropolitan Board on the recommen dation of the Metropolitan Executive. 8.1.3. The members of the Board of Trustées shall be appointed at least one (1) raonth prior to the Election Meeting at a joint meeting of the Metropolitan Executive and Honorary Officers •for life, which meeting shall be convened and presided over by the Président. At such a meeting, there shall be a quorum of ten (10)• 8.1.4. The tenure of members of the Board of Trustées shall be for a period of two (2) years, or until successors are appointed, which term shall begin at the time of the Election Meeting. 8.1.5. No person shall be a member of the Board of Trustées and an elected member of the Metropolitan Board at the same time, except as herein provided. 8.2. DUTIES AND POWERS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 8.2.1.' At least twenty (20) days before the beginning of the fiscal year, the Board of Trustées shall receive the report of the Metropolitan Board on the annual budget for the ensuing year, examine it in terms of its broad implications and advise the Metropolitan Board as deemed necessary. In the event that the budget so presented projects a déficit in an amount considered by the Board of Trustées to be excessive, it may direct the Metropolitan Board to review the budget in order to reduce the budget déficit and to submit a revised budget to the Board of Trustées. - 9 8.2*2. The Board of Trustées shall receive, within seven (7) months after the commencement of the fiscal year, the budget report of the Metropolitan Board, and shall examine such report and give such advice thereon to the Metropolitan Board as it may deem fit. 8.2.3. The Association shall not acquire, buy, sell, construct, dispose of or demolish any physical asset valued in excess of $25,000.00, nor renovate nor hypothecate any physical asset to an extent in excess of $25,000.00, without the prior approval of the Board of Trustées. The notice calling a meeting for the considération of such matters shall statë the purpose of the meeting. 8.2.4. Ail policy concerning the investirent of trust funds and changes in such policy shall require the prior approval of thé Board of Trustées. A notice calling a meeting for the considération of such matters shall state the purpose of the meeting. 8.2.5. Any proposai to terminate a trust fund which has been established by the Metropolitan Board shall require the approval of a 2/3 majority of the members présent and voting at a meeting of the Metropolitan Board and subséquent ratification by a 2/3 majority of the members présent and . voting at a meeting of the Board of Trustées. A notice calling for meetings for the considération of such matters, shall state the purpose of the meeting. . 8.2.6* In the event that the Board of Trustées shall consider it advisable in connection with any action or décision taken by the Metropolitan Board, it shall call a joint meeting with the Metropolitan Board, to be presided over by the Président, for the considération of such matter. Such a joint meeting shall be called by the Président at the re quest of the chairman of the Board of Trustées, or of five (5) members of the Board of Trustées* A décision» made by two-thirds (2/3) of the Trustées and Directors présent and voting at such joint meeting, and having the effect of varying or overruling such action or décision of the Metropolitan Board, shall be binding on the latter. 8.2,7. The Chairman of the Board of Trustées and two (2) members of the Board of Trustées named by him shall be members of any committee dealinq with trust funds. 8.3. MEETINGS OF TflE BOARD OF TRUSTEES 8.3.1. Meetings of the Board of Trustées may be called by its Chairman at his own instance, at the request of the Metro politan Board, or at the request of at least ten (10) members of the Board of Trustées addressed to a Secretary of the Association. 8.3.2. Notice of meetings of the Board of Trustées shall be sent by regular mail to the last known address of its members on the books of the Association. Such notice shall be - 10 mailod at lea&t five (5) days prior to the date fixed for the r o c t m g and shall state the purpose thereof. «?.3.3. F i f • . Q 5 ) members of the Board of Trustées shall cor** i a quorum for the transaction of At e/ery meeting of the Bo rd of Trustées, a report on the trust funds of the Association shall be submitted for '-xamination by the Chairman of a Committee of the Motrcpolitan Board dealing with trust funds, by the Chairran of the Board of Tr stees or by any party desiqnated by the Chairman of the Board of Trustées. ARTICLE 9 - BRANCHES AND COKMITTEES SECTION • 9 . 1 . The Metropolitan Board may establish such branches, branch boards and committees in those areas and to deal with those matters v/hich it may détermine. The Metropolitan Board may organize or discontinue such branches, branch boards or committees• 9.2. The Meticpolitan Board shall détermine the powers and terms of référence of such branches, branch boards and committees and shall hâve the power to alter such powers and terms of référence. 9.3. The Metropolitan Board on the recoinmendation of the Metro politan Executive shall appoint a Chairman for each such branch board or committee and shall provide for the composition thereof. ARTICLE 10 - AUDIT SECTION 10.1. At the Annual Meeting, an auditor or auditors who are chartered accountants shall be appointed for the purpose of the audit and vérification of the accounts of the Association. Officers or Directors of the Association shall be inéligible to serve as auditor. The auditor or auditors shall hâve the right to attend the meeting of the Metropolitan Board at which the financial statements of the Association are presented for approval, as well as the Annual Meeting of the Association. ARTICLE 11 - AMENDMENTS SECTION 11.1. 11.2. The by-laws of the Association, except those concerninq the Board of Trustées, may be amended by 2/3 of the members présent and voting at a meeting of the Metropolitan Board, •which majority must consist of at least twenty-one (21) members. The notice calling a meeting for the considération of such amendments shall state the purpose of the meeting. Such amendments shall be in effect until the next annual or spécial meeting of the members of the Association. If not ratified at such meetinqs, such amendments shall lapse, and shall not be reinstated by the Metropolitan Board for at least twelve (12) months. Any amendments to the by-laws of the Association concerning the Board of Trustées shall require, in addition to the vote of the Metropolitan Board hereinabove referred to, the vote of 2/3 of the members présent and voting at a meeting of the Board of Trustées. The notice calling a meeting for the considération of such amendment shall state the purpose of ...11 the meeting. Subject to ratification at an annjal or spécial meeting of the members of the ?iscciation, as hereinabove provided for, such amendments shall tai.e effect upon passage by the Metropolitan Doard and the Board of Trustées. 12.3. The by-laws of the Association may be amended by a 2/3 majority of members présent and voting at annual meetings of the Association or at a spécial meeting called for that purpose. In either case, the proposed amendments shall be signed by at least one hundred (100) Voting Members in good standing. In the former case, such proposed amendments, bearing the said signatures, shall be deposited with the Secretary of the Association at least forty (40) days prior to the annual meeting. In either case, notice of the pro posed amendment shall be included with the notice of meeting.