How do I and install the full driver and software


How do I and install the full driver and software
Description of Problem 100000038329
How do I download and install the full driver and software package for Macintosh?
Description of Solution 200000048798
1. For instructions on how to navigate the Brother website to download the software,
please click here.
2. Network users must first connect the machine to the network before installing the
Wired Ethernet Users: (MFC-J4620DW Only) Connect an Ethernet cable between
the Brother machine and your Access Point or Router. If the machine has been
connected using a different network connection or to a previous network, reset the
network card. Refer to – "How do I restore the network settings to factory default?"
Click here.
Wireless Users: Refer to - "How do I connect the Brother machine to a wireless
network?" Click here.
3. For instructions on how to install the Full Driver and Software Package once it has
been downloaded, click on the link in the chart below that corresponds to the Operating
System and Connection Type:
Macintosh OS X:
10.7, 10.8, 10.9
Click Here
Wired Network
(MFC-J4620DW Only)
Click Here
Wireless Network
Click Here
©2014 Brother International Corporation (Canada) Ltd. 1, Hôtel de Ville Street, Dollard des Ormeaux, Québec, H9B 3H6 Canada