Langue et culture Language and Culture


Langue et culture Language and Culture
Langue et culture
Language and Culture
Język polski jest trudny, co?
[La langue polonaise est difficile, n’est-ce pas?]
[Polish is a hard language, isn’t it?]
Na Uniwersytecie Ottawskim? Nigdy.
[À l’Université d’Ottawa? Jamais.]
[At the University of Ottawa? Never.]
Five undergraduate courses and one graduate course in Polish language
and culture will be offered at the University of Ottawa during the 2016-2017
academic year. They will be taught by Prof. Richard Sokoloski of the University
of Ottawa and Prof. Agnieszka Jarosz of the Institute of Polish Philology of the
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL). Prof. Henryk Duda (Chair,
Polish Language Dept., KUL) has also been invited to deliver a series of scholarly
lectures in the Fall of 2016.
The visits of both Prof. Jarosz (a specialist in Theatre Studies) and Prof.
Duda are made possible by a generous grant from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Poland; a formal Agreement on Scientific Co-operation
between the University of Ottawa and the John Paul II Catholic University of
Lublin; invaluable assistance from the Support Committee for Polish Studies at
the University of Ottawa - an initiative established as the result of generous
financial contributions from a variety of Polish-Canadian institutions; and
from the support of outstanding members of the Polish community in Canada.
Automne / Fall 2016
PLN 1901 Cours élémentaire de polonais I / Elementary Polish
Alphabet et phonétique; vocabulaire de base; étude de quelques règles élémentaires de la
grammaire; conversation; travail de laboratoire. Ce cours est destiné aux étudiants n'ayant
aucune (ou à peu près aucune) notion du polonais.
Alphabet and phonetics; basic vocabulary; some fundamental rules of grammar; conversation; laboratory
work. This course is intended for students with little or no previous knowledge of Polish.
Ce cours comporte 1 h. de laboratoire par semaine ou l'équivalent.
This course includes 1h. of laboratory per week or its equivalent. /
mardi / Tuesday 5:30 – 7:00 THN 054
jeudi / Thursday 5:30 – 7:00 THN 054
7:00 – 8:00 (lab)
Cours intermédiaire de polonais / Intermediate Polish
Étude plus avancée de la grammaire; composition et conversation; travail de laboratoire.
Further study of grammar; composition; conversation; laboratory work.
Ce cours comporte 1 h. de laboratoire par semaine ou l'équivalent.
This course includes 1 h. of laboratory per week or its equivalent.
mardi / Tuesday 5:30 – 7:00 SMD 422
jeudi / Thursday 5:30 – 7:00 SMD 422
7:00 – 8:00 (lab)
Polish Post-War Cinema (3 r.) (Sokoloski)
The evolution of Polish cinema since 1945: the New Wave, the Cinema of Moral Anxiety, recent postcommunist trends. Study of representative directors, such as: Wajda, Polanski, Kawalerowicz, Has,
Zanussi, Hoffman, Kieslowski. Screenings in Polish with English subtitles. No knowledge of Polish
required. Screenings in Polish with English subtitles.
mercredi /Wednesday 2:30-5 :30 Pavillon Hamelin
Hiver / Winter 2017
PLN 1902 Cours élémentaire de polonais II / Elementary Polish II (Jarosz)
Essentials of grammar; acquisition of additional vocabulary; dictation; conversation; laboratory work.
Étude des règles essentielles de la grammaire; acquisition de vocabulaire additionnel; dictées;
conversation; travail de laboratoire.
This course includes 1h. of laboratory per week or its equivalent. / Ce cours comporte 1 h. de
laboratoire par semaine ou l'équivalent.
mercredi / Wednesday 5:30 – 7:00 TBT 315
vendredi / Friday
5:30 – 7:00 TBT 315
7:00 – 8:00 (lab)
PLN 2902 Grammaire polonaise et traduction / Polish grammar and translation (Jarosz)
Initiation au polonais écrit. Éléments de base de la syntaxe, de la grammaire et du lexique du polonais
écrit. Exercices de compréhension et de traduction du polonais écrit.
Introduction to written Polish. Basic syntactical, grammatical and lexical features of written Polish.
Exercises in comprehension and translation of written Polish.
mardi / Tuesday 5:30 – 7:00 SMD 422
jeudi / Thursday 5:30 – 7:00 SMD 422
7:00 – 8:00 (lab)
LCM 5507 (Langues et cultures du monde)
Les Cultures dans le diaspora : Les Polonais et leur culture (Sokoloski)
Pologne par rapport à la Polonia : histoire, culture, traditions. Souveraineté politique et
culture. Émigration, immigration et identité nationale. La langue comme domicile.
mardi/Tuesday 4 :00 – 7 :00
Pavillon Hamelin 246
Info : Prof. R. Sokoloski, tel. (613) 562-5800x3766 e-mail :[email protected]
(3,0,0) 3 cr.