Curriculum vitae: Camille Locht


Curriculum vitae: Camille Locht
Curriculum vitae: Camille Locht
General information
Born :
June 27, 1955
Sankt Vith, Belgium
Nationality : Belgian
Private Address :
160, Avenue Jacques Pastur
B-1180 Brussels, Belgium
Professional Address :
Languages :
Center for Infection and Immunity of Lille
Institut Pasteur de Lille
1, rue du Prof. Calmette
F-59019 Lille Cedex, France
Tel : (+33) 3 20 87 11 51/57
Fax : (+33) 3 20 87 11 58
e-mail : [email protected]
German (mother tong), French, English, Dutch
University titles :
Candidat en Sciences Biologiques, 1977
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Licencié en Sciences Zoologiques, 1979
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Docteur en Sciences (PhD), 1984
Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Post-Doctoral Training :
The National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases, Laboratory of Pathobiology: 1984-1987
Professional Positions
- Teaching Assistant at the University « Faculté Notre Dame de la Paix » in Namur, Belgium: 1983-1984
- Research Scientist at Smith Kline Biologicals, Rixensart, Belgium : 1987-1989
- Laboratory Chief at the Institut Pasteur de Lille: 1989 - present
- Directeur de Recherche Class 2 INSERM: 1991-1999. Major scientific interest: molecular mechanisms
of bacterial pathogenesis.
- Head of INSERM research Unit CJF9109, then U447, then U629: 1991- 2009. Title of the Unit:
Molecular Mechanisms of Microbial Pathogenesis.
- Head of « Institut Fédératif de Recherche N°17 » : 1996-1998
- Head of Department at the « Institut de Biologie de Lille »: 1997-2009. Name of the
department: « Pathogenesis of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases ».
- Directeur de Recherche Class 1 INSERM: 1999-2004
- Scientific Director, Institut Pasteur de Lille: 2002-2013
- Directeur de Recherche Classe exceptionnelle INSERM : 2005-present
- Head of « Institut Fédératif de Recherche N°142, Molecular and Cellular Medicine » : 2006-2009
- Head of « Center for Infection and Immunity of Lille », Inserm U1019, CNRS UMR8204, Institut
Pasteur de Lille, Univ Lille Nord de France : 2010-present.
1984 : Fogarty Fellowship
2001 : Jean-Pierre Lecocq prize, prize of the French Academy of Sciences
2007 : INPI trophy : trophy for innovative research
2007 : Inserm Trophy for best translational research project
2007 : Nominated “Metropolitan of the Year” of the Lille Metropole
2011 : Prize of the Institut Pasteur de Lille
2014 : Frédéric Kuhlmann prize, prize of the Society for Science, Agriculture and Arts
Research Interest
Bacterial pathogenesis, in particular whooping cough and tuberculosis. Identification of bacterial
virulence factors, structure-function relationship of bacterial virulence factors. Vaccine development,
engineering of attenuated Bordetella pertussis as a live, single-dose mucosal vaccine. Immunological
studies on Mycobacterium tuberculosis protective antigens, molecular typing of M. tuberculosis clinical
isolates. Development of novel vaccines and diagnostics against tuberculosis.
> 270 International publications
18 International patents