resume - Global Health Promotion
resume - Global Health Promotion
workshops and lectures throughout the academic year. Topics of these sessions include: computers and operating systems. electronic mail. graphics and multimedia, networks Table 1 may be useful for more than one area of responsibility. The table illustrates the importance of computer technology in the role of the health educator. and network services. scientific computing. statistics. spreadsheets. and databases, and word processing. Each university student receives a free NYU-Internet account. NYU-NET is the campus-wide data network. Faculty and students can communicate within the university and beyond using their NYU Internet accounts. E-mail provides easy access to faculty when students have questions about course work, registration, and other academic matters. Mailing lists (listservs) have been used to enable faculty to communicate easily with classes between scheduled sessions. NYU-NET also provides access to the Web. Conclusion Health Education Responsibilities and Computer Resources: The U.S. Perspective 2 - Matrix Information and Directory Services (MIDS), "Sizes of the Internet in October 1995 from the Third MIDS Internet Demographic Survey",[On-line], Since It is recognised that the use of computers and access to this technology varies considerably worldwide. As illustrated in this paper, there is a need to train health educators to use these new resources as they become available. The work of the health educator may be greatly enhanced by using computer technology Developments are occurring so rapid~ that learning must be continual. Computer skills in training programmes in colleges and universities and continuing education for professionals is needed. References 1 - Harasim L.M., ed. 1993. Global Netu’orks: Computers and International Communications, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 3 - Gold R.S., 1991. Microcomputer applications in health education, Dubuque, IA: Wm. C. Brown Publishers. 4 - Harris L.M., ed., 1995. Health and the New Media: Technologies Transforming Personal and Public Health. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers. 5 - Milio N., 1996. Engines of Empowerment: Using Information Technology to Create Healthy Communities and Challenge Public Policy, Chicago: Health Administration Press. 6 - Hahn H., 1996. The Internet Complete Reference. Second Edition. New York: McGrawHill. 1985, the responsibilities and competencies of the health education specialist have been widely disseminated in the United States in a document called «A Framework for the Development of Competency-Based Curricula for Entry Level Health Educators».9 Activities to define the role of the health educator began in 1978. A role delineation project was conducted over several years culminating in the publication of this document. Many colleges/universities have used the Framework to develop curricula to prepare health education specialists. Additionally, accrediting agencies such as the National Council on the Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) and the Council on Education for Public Health (CEPH), use the Framework as a standard to review academic programmes preparing health education specialists. Further, the national examination to certify health education specialists is based on the responsibilities and competences delineated by the health education profession. Some examples of computer skills useful for health educators are presented in Table 1. The listing is arranged according to the seven areas of responsibility of the health education specialist. Many computer services included in 7- Haglund B.J.A., Members [email protected]. 8 - Hahn H. and Stout on the List per 5th January, 1997. Available by E-mail: R., 1994. The Internet Complete Reference, New York: McGraw Hill, p. xx. 9 - National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc. (NCHEC), 1985. A Framework for the Development of Competency-Based Curricula for Entry Level Health Educators. New York: National Task Force on the Preparation and Practice of Health Educators, Inc. (Reprinted by National Commission for Health Education Credentialing, Inc., 1990.) Alyson Taub, EdD, CHES Professor and Director, Professional Program in Health Education, New York West 4th Street, Room 1206; New York, NY, USA 212-998-5792; 212-995-4192; University; 35 Phone: Fax: E-mail:[email protected] RESUME L’utilisation de l’informatique en éducation pour la santé discussions (listservs), les « bulletin boards 6lectroniques (BBS), les informations ou « newsgroups » (Usenet), et la capacité de communiquer simultanément par « internet relay chat » (IRC). Le « World Wide Web (WWW) » amplifie la capacité d’Internet en permettant de communiquer non seulement du texte mais aussi des images, du son, et autres types d’information. Ces nouvelles ressources peuvent etre utiles aux éducateurs pour la sant6 lorsqu’ils planifient, mettent en place, et evaluent des programmes. Cet article presente une selection de ressources en ligne en donnant quelques exemples de leur interet particulier pour 1 education pour la sant~. Par ailleurs il presente 1’exp~rience d’une university americaine qui prepare ses etudiants en education pour la sante a 1’utilisation de ces nouveaux outils de communication. Enfin, en illustration. il montre comment des competences informatiques peuvent aider le specialiste en education pour la sante a assumer les differentes responsabilités attachees a sa L’utilisation de 1’ordinateur s’est accrue considérablement dans le monde entier. De plus en plus de personnes 1’utilisent a leur travail mais aussi d’une maniere g6n6rale dans la vie courante. Une des r6ahsations encore r6centes qui est en train de « revolutionner )1 les moyens de communication est l’organisation de reseaux permettant de lier entre eux des ordinateurs PC permettant d’avoir acces a toute information que ce soit et de communiquer de manieres diff6rentes partout dans le monde. Le reseau le plus ~tendu est 1’Internet, constitue d’une collection de r6seaux d’ordinateurs relies entre eux a I’~cheUe mondiale. Certains serc-ices disponibles sur Internet sont le courrier 6lectrotiique (E-mail), les listes d’adresses et les groupes de profession. 7 v,