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NRC Publications Archive Archives des publications du CNRC Seminars cover changes to 2005 National Construction Codes Thériault, M. This publication could be one of several versions: author’s original, accepted manuscript or the publisher’s version. / La version de cette publication peut être l’une des suivantes : la version prépublication de l’auteur, la version acceptée du manuscrit ou la version de l’éditeur. Publisher’s version / Version de l'éditeur: On Site Heavy Construction News, 49, 6, p. 51, 2005-09-01 NRC Publications Record / Notice d'Archives des publications de CNRC: Access and use of this website and the material on it are subject to the Terms and Conditions set forth at READ THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THIS WEBSITE. L’accès à ce site Web et l’utilisation de son contenu sont assujettis aux conditions présentées dans le site LISEZ CES CONDITIONS ATTENTIVEMENT AVANT D’UTILISER CE SITE WEB. Contact us / Contactez nous: [email protected]. Se m ina rs c ove r cha nge s t o 2 0 0 5 N at iona l Const ruc t ion Code s Thériault, M. NRCC-48355 A version of this document is published in / Une version de ce document se trouve dans: On Site Heavy Construction News, v. 49, no. 6, Sept/Oct. 2005, p. 51 Seminars on Technical Changes to 2005 National Construction Codes Learn more about the technical changes in the 2005 National Construction Codes By Martin Thériault The 2005 editions of the National Construction Codes – the National Building Code (NBC), the National Fire Code (NFC) and the National Plumbing Code of Canada (NPC) - will be published and released by the National Research Council of Canada (NRC) at the end of September 2005 in a new “objective-based” format. The 2005 Codes have undergone extensive reviews and changes, including technical updates and new information to help users understand what must be done to satisfy code provisions. In order to help codes users familiarize themselves with the new code features and information, NRC’s Institute for Research in Construction (IRC), in coordination with the provinces and territories, is offering technical seminars. The seminars will start December 2005 and will extend into the first few months of 2006. The technical seminars will give an overview of the most significant technical changes in the 2005 NBC, NFC and NPC, as well as a brief introduction to the new objective-based format. The 2005 objective-based codes are designed to facilitate the use of 21st century technology. They offer new information that explains the objectives that a Code’s provisions are intended to achieve and describes the functions that a building must perform to fulfill these objectives. They provide the following benefits: • Increased understanding of the reasons for code provisions • More consistent application of the codes • Ability to apply familiar provisions of the previous codes • Opportunity for flexibility to apply the codes to existing buildings • Codes will reflect the international trends in construction regulation Close to 1,300 technical changes have been incorporated in the 2005 National Construction Codes. These changes address the many technological advances and health and safety concerns raised since the 1995 editions were published. The seminars will help participants discover how these improvements can affect their work and business. They will also help users better understand the intent of the revisions to NBC Part 3: Fire Protection, Occupant Safety and Accessibility; Part 4: Structural Design; Part 5: Environmental Separation; Part 6: Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning; Part 9: Housing and Small Buildings; the National Fire Code; and the National Plumbing Code. The seminars will be held in sixteen cities across Canada and will be delivered by technical advisors from NRC-IRC’s Canadian Codes Centre. The entire content will be covered over two consecutive days in each city. Participants will have the option to register for the full two days, for one day or even for half day sessions according to which topic are of interest to them. For more details on dates, program and registration information, you can go to the National Codes Web site at ( Martin Thériault is the communications officer with the Canadian Codes Centre, Institute for Research in Construction, National Research Council. Locations Location and dates of seminars Ottawa December 5 and 6 2005 Embassy West Hotel Fredericton January 10 and 11 2006 Fredericton Inn St-John’s January 12 and 13 2006 Fairmount Newfoundland Charlottetown January 16 and 17 2006 Delta Prince Edward Halifax January 18 and 19 2006 Holiday Inn Select Yellowknife February 14 and 15 2006 The Explorer Hotel Edmonton February 16 and 17 2006 Coast Terrace Inn Saskatoon February 20 and 21 2006 Sheraton Cavalier Winnipeg February 22 and 23 2006 Winnipeg Convention Center Toronto (North) March 8 and 9 2006 Paramount Conference & Event Venue Toronto (West) March 8 and 9 2006 Days Inn and Conference Center Whitehorse March 21 and 22 2006 West Mark Hotel Vancouver March 23 and 24 2006 Vancouver Convention Center Victoria March 27 and 28 2006 Ambrosia Catering and Convention Center Calgary March 29 and 30 2006 Sheraton Cavalier Quebec April 4 and 5 2006 Hotel Plaza Montreal April 6-7 and 10-11 2006 Holiday Inn Midtown
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