Revue de presse ANGLAIS Semaine du 07 au 13 novembre 2011
Revue de presse ANGLAIS Semaine du 07 au 13 novembre 2011
Revue de presse ANGLAIS Semaine du 07 au 13 novembre 2011 Time – November 07, 2011 The Economist – 2011 November 12, Britain Buy early, buy often : Children already lobbying for tacky Christmas toys? It’s not their fault. Environment After the Ohio Tragedy: How to Buy a Tiger (By Bryan Science and technology Walsh) : A tragedy in the US focuses attention on the A few blots in the copybook : An old psychological test gets a revamp. weird world of exotic-pet ownership. New Scientist – November 12, 2011 Newsweek – November 07, 2011 Science – Money Stop ! You can't afford it ! (by Sharon Begley with Jean Chatzky) : New science unveils how your brain is hardNews Aliens don't need a moon like ours (By David Shiga) : The wired when it comes to spending—and how you can moon was thought to prevent the Earth's tilt – and its reboot it. climate – from shifting dangerously, making things stable for life, but moonless worlds might be stable enough after all. Financial Times Weekend – November 12/13, 2011 Opinion – Interview Let's talk about sex (By Nic Fleming) : Anne Johnson, founder of the UK's National Survey of Sexual Attitudes Analysis & Comment and Lifestyles, explains the best way to find the truth Political turmoil in the eurozone – enter the technocrats (by Tony Barber) : As Italy becomes the latest and biggest about our intimate secrets. country to find its sovereign debt in the danger zone, elected leaders are being forced to give way to crisis Features – Cover story Making up your mind (By Kate Douglas): Struggling to managers. But can stability be restored without a popular make your mind up? Interpret your gut instincts to help mandate ? you make the right choice, a heavy dose of irrationality Life and Arts may be just what you need... Unpacking my library (By Leah Price) : How do writers arrange their bookshelves ? Do they file books in Features - Health The modest woman who beat malaria for China (By Phil alphabetical order or cram them in higgledy-piggledy ? Do McKenna) : The origins of our best drug against malaria they scribble notes in the margins, or is every book as have long been a mystery. Meet Tu Youyou, who scoured pristine as the day it left the bookshop ? Leah Price speaks to six authors : Gary Shteyngart, Philip Pullman, ancient Chinese medical texts for the cure. Claire Messud, James Wood, Junot Diaz and Edmund White. The Guardian Weekly- November Courrier International – n°1097 – 11, 2011 10/16 novembre 2011 Inside Guardian Weekly Inside the 11 November edition (by Natalie Bennett) : Who's leading on finance? Who's speculating? Who's teaching Lear? Learning English South Korean parents told: pre-school English 'harmful'(By Max de Lobinière) : Pressure group argues that money spent on early year classes is wasted and urges starting at age 10. Comment & debate Britain to Australia and back again: what's the Ping-pong Poms' game? (By Patrick Barkham) : I sometimes wonder Etats-Unis / Mexique why, despite my great life in Australia, I came home. But El Paso et Ciudad Juárez : deux mondes si proches et si lointains (By Andrew Rice) : D'un côté de la frontière, le unlike others, I haven't bounced back again. calme apparent et la prospérité. De l'autre, l'enfer de la violence. Pourtant les deux villes, mexicaine, et étasunienne, vivent l'une par l'autre. Reportage. (The New York Times Magazine, New York) Dossier Formations Etats-Unis – Les grandes marques partent à l'assaut des campus (by Natasha Singer) : De Red Bull à Nike, en passant par Hewlett-Packard, les entreprises mènent de vastes opérations séduction dans les universités. Leurs ambassadeurs : des étudiants rémunérés. (The New York Times, New York) Etats-Unis – Obama allège la dette des étudiants (By Amanda M. Fairbanks) : le plan annoncé par le président va soulager les noiuveaux inscrits à l'université. Mais il ne concerne pas ceux qui l'ont quittée et qui ont donc commencé à rembourser leur emprunt. (The Huffington Post, New York) Etats-Unis – Les vétérans, une manne pour les écoles privées (by Adam Weinstein) : les universités à but lucratif ont découvert un vrai filon : les subventions fédérales destinées à la formation des anciens combattants. (Mother Jones, San Francisco) Royaume-Uni – Deux lycéens en appellent à la justice (By Jessica Sheperd) : En autorisant les universités à tripler les frais de scolarité, le gouvernement a enfreint la loi sur légalité des chances, plaident deux futurs étudiants. (The Guardian, Londres)