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VOS CHIENS Package inserts ANIMAUX Code fichier : VOCH CNIL n° : 1843484 Description Subscribers of Vos chiens magazine, the reference in that field in the French-speaking world. Many different sections enable you to get to know your pets better and improve the way you look after them: veterinary advice, a legal section and articles on pet training and grooming. The magazine lists out both the trendy breeds and those people are less familiar with but which still deserve to be known. Hundreds of breeders display offers of puppies that have a pedigree. Vos chiens magazine also takes part in many dog exhibitions in France and abroad. Every year, its journalists rank the best dogs and the best breedings in the Top Chien and Grand prix des éleveurs ratings. Useful dogs are not left out and several sets of articles present their achievements every month: canicross, agility, hunting, trackracing, greyhound racing, sled dog racing.. You may also find articles on guide dogs, sheep dogs and guard dogs. Life style Les abonnés sont des personnes intéressées par tous produits autour du chien et des animaux de compagnie Reaction Soft Sources Adhesion/Subscription How to select Nous consulter Quantities Profile - Average age : +40 years old Price Nous consulter Observations Annotation : Encarts Presse Uniquement 5000 abonnés ITL B.P.52 67038 Strasbourg Cedex 2 - Adresse de livraison : 13 rue du Canal 67203 Oberschaeffolsheim - Tél : 03 88 77 48 58 Fax : 03 88 77 48 55 - SAS au capital de 500 000 € - SIRET 330 414 988 00056 Lieu de juridiction : Strasbourg - N° Intracommunautaire : FR 36 330 414 988 VOS CHIENS Postal ANIMAUX Date : 23/08/2016 Code fichier : VOCH CNIL n° : 1843484 Description Subscribers of Vos chiens magazine, the reference in that field in the French-speaking world. Many different sections enable you to get to know your pets better and improve the way you look after them: veterinary advice, a legal section and articles on pet training and grooming. The magazine lists out both the trendy breeds and those people are less familiar with but which still deserve to be known. Hundreds of breeders display offers of puppies that have a pedigree. Vos chiens magazine also takes part in many dog exhibitions in France and abroad. Every year, its journalists rank the best dogs and the best breedings in the Top Chien and Grand prix des éleveurs ratings. Useful dogs are not left out and several sets of articles present their achievements every month: canicross, agility, hunting, trackracing, greyhound racing, sled dog racing.. You may also find articles on guide dogs, sheep dogs and guard dogs. Life style Les abonnés sont des personnes intéressées par tous produits autour du chien et des animaux de compagnie Reaction Soft Sources Adhesion/Subscription How to select - Location - Recency Profile - Average age : +40 years old Quantities Price 0-12 Months 5 000 addresses TOTAL 5 000 addresses - Rental price for 1000 : 230.00 € HT per thousand - Frais informatiques : 150 € HT Complementary information - Delivery lead : 5 jours - Base rate : 100 % - Minimum order : 3941 addresses ITL B.P.52 67038 Strasbourg Cedex 2 - Adresse de livraison : 13 rue du Canal 67203 Oberschaeffolsheim - Tél : 03 88 77 48 58 Fax : 03 88 77 48 55 - SAS au capital de 500 000 € - SIRET 330 414 988 00056 Lieu de juridiction : Strasbourg - N° Intracommunautaire : FR 36 330 414 988 Powered by TCPDF (
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