Mes Choses Favourites J`aime… Je n`aime pas/Je déteste…


Mes Choses Favourites J`aime… Je n`aime pas/Je déteste…
Nom: __________________________
Mes Choses Favourites
PART A: Using your French-English dictionary, find the French words for your likes and dislikes in the
following categories, but you won’t need it for everything: the name of favourite song, movie, or shop can be
written in English, but put it in quotation marks (Ex. “The Hunger Games,” “Forever 21,” “Problem”). You need
to write down at least 1 like and dislike for every category. Also, don’t forget to…
1. Write down the English translation for the word(s) you had to search so you don’t forget what it means.
2. The article of the noun (le, la, l’, les or un, une, des) – note that some words can use both types of articles
and that names of things or people do not need an article (Ex. La Katy Perry, le “The Hobbit,” etc.)
le chanteur (la chanteuse) et la chanson – singer and song
l’acteur (l’actrice) et le film – actor (actress) and movie
l'émission de télé – television show
l'animal de compagnie – pet
le sport et l’athlète – sport and athlete
La nourriture et le dessert – food and dessert
Je n’aime pas/Je déteste…
la cuisine – type of food
la livre et le genre – book and genre
le magasin – store (can be clothing, electronics, etc.)
le jeu (de vidéo) – (video) game
Les divers – miscellaneous
PART B: Write full sentences about the things you like.
J’aime Ed Sheeran
J’aime la pizza
J’aime “Red Rising”
J’aime le chanteur Ed Sheeran
J’aime le livre “Red Rising”
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________
PART C: Write full sentences about the things you do not like or dislike.
Je n’aime pas Miley Cyrus
Je n’aime pas l’horreur
Je déteste les serpents
Je n’aime pas la chanteuse Miley Cyrus
Je n’aime pas le genre de l’horreur
6. ____________________________________________________________________
7. ____________________________________________________________________
8. ____________________________________________________________________
9. ____________________________________________________________________