
Paraplegikerzentrum Paracare 2002
Cavigelli A, Fischer R, Dietz V. Socio-economic outcome of paraplegia compared to lower
limb amputation. Spinal Cord 2002;40:174-177
Colombo G, Jörg M, Jezernik S. Automatisiertes Lokomotionstraining auf dem Laufband.
Automatisierungstechnik 2002;50:287-295
Curt A, Alkadhi H, Crelier RG, Hotz Boendermaker S, Hepp-Reymond MC, Kollias SS.
Changes of non-affected upper limb cortical in paraplegic patients as assessed by
fMRI. Brain 2002;125:2567-2578
Curt A, Brühlmeier M, Leenders KL, Roelcke U, Dietz V. Differential effect of spinal cord
injury and functional impairment of human brain activation. J Neurotrauma
Van Hedel HJA, Biedermann M, Erni T, Dietz V. Obstacle avoidance during human walking: Transfer of motor skill from one leg to the other. J Physiol 2002;543:709-717
Dietz V. Do human bipeds use quadrupedal co-ordination? Trends in Neurosciences
Dietz V. Facilitation of ambulatory function in SCI patients by training and electrical stimulation. Spinal Cord 2002;40:427
Dietz V. Grundlagen der Physiotherapie bei spastischer Bewegungsstörung. Krankengymnastik 2002;54:412-418
Dietz V. Paraplegieforschung. Grundlagen für neue therapeutische Interventionen.
Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum 2002;31:740-743
Dietz V. Proprioception and locomotor disorders. Nature Reviews Neuroscience
Dietz V, Müller R, Colombo G. Locomotor activity in spinal man: Significance of afferent
input from joint and load receptors. Brain 2002;125:2626-2634
Dullenkopf A, Zingg P, Curt A, Borgeat A. Funktionsverlust der oberen Extremität nach
Bankart-Schulteroperation unter Interscalenus-Blockade und Allgemeinanästhesie.
[Persistent neurological deficit of the upper extremity after a shoulder operation under general anaesthesia combined with a preoperatively placed interscalene catheter.] Anaesthesist 2002;51:547-551
Hausmann O, Min K, Boos N, Ruetsch Y, Erni Th, Curt A. Transcranial electrical stimulation: Significance of fast versus slow charge delivery for intra-operative monitoring.
Clinical Neurophysiology 2002;113:1532-1535
Jezernik S, Craggs M, Grill WM, Creasey G, Rijkhof NJM. Electrical stimulation for the
treatment of bladder dysfunction: current status and future possibilities. Neurological
Research 2002;24:413-430
Keller T, Popovic MR, Pappas IPI, Muller PY. Transcutaneous functional electrical stimulator „Compex Motion“. Artificial Organs 2002;26:219-223
Kowalewski R, Schurch B, Hodler J, Borgeat A. Persistent paraplegia after application of
an aqueous 7.5 % phenol solution for intercostal neurolysis. Arch Phys Med Rehab
Noth J, Dietz V. Spastik. In: Leitlinien DGN. Diener Ch (Hrsg). Thieme: Stuttgart, 2002
Popovic MR, Popovic DB, Keller T. Neuroprostheses for grasping. Neurological Research
Reitz A, Schmid DM, Curt A, Knapp P, Schurch B. Sympathetic sudomotor skin activity in
human after complete spinal cord injury. Autonomic Neuroscience 2002;102:78-84
Rodic B, Schläpfer A, Curt A, Knapp P, Dietz V, Schurch B. Magnetic stimulation of sacral
roots for assessing the efferent neuronal pathways of lower urinary tract. Muscle &
Nerve 2002;26:486-491
Van Hedel HJA, Biedermann M, Erni T, Dietz V. Obstacle avoidance during human walking: transfer of motor skill from one leg to the other. J Physiol (Lond) 2002;543:709717
Uebersichtsartikel (Reviews)
Dietz V. Grundlagen der Physiotherapie bei spastischer Bewegungsstörung. Krankengymnastik 2002;54:412–418
Dietz V. Paraplegieforschung: Grundlagen für neue therapeutische Interventionen.
Schweizerisches Medizin-Forum 2002;31:740-743
Schurch B. Botulinumtoxin A bei neurogener Inkontinenz. Uro-News Sonderfheft
Sonstige Beiträge in wissenschaftlichen Zeitschriften
Dietz V. Facilitation of ambulatory function in SCI patients by training and electrical stimulation. Spinal Cord 2002;40: 427
Kurzfassungen / Abstracts
Bastiaanse CM. ZNZ Symposium, Zurich, 18.10.2002
Bastiaanse CM, Curt A, Baken BCM, Dietz V, Duysens J. The influence of hip angle and
load on medium-latency reflexes. Abstract Clin. Neurophysiol. 2002;1:60
Bastiaanse CM, Curt A, Dietz V, Baken BCM, Duysens J. Modulation of the human flexor
reflex during static and dynamic motor conditions. European Congress of Clinical
Neurophysiology, Barcelona/E, 24.-28.08.2002
Bastiaanse CM, Curt A, Dietz V, Duysens J. The influence of hip angle on nociceptive
reflexes at rest and during gait. Motoneurones and Muscles: the output machinery
congress. Groningen/NL, 26-30.06.2002
Bastiaanse CM, Dietz V, Duysens J. Phase-dependent modulation of cutaneous reflexes
in robot-assisted human walking. Proceedings Motor Control and Proprioception,
Paris/F, 09.-12.07.2002
Bellotti M, Paul C. Neuro-biomechanical model to stimulate locomotion. ZNZ Symposium,
Zurich, 18.10.2002
Colombo G, Müller R, Dietz V. Spinale Lokomotion bei Querschnittgelähmten. Abstract
DMGP Basel, 30.05.-01.06.2002
Colombo G, Wirz M, Dietz V. Treadmill training with driven gait orthosis improves locomotor function in SCI patients. 3rd World Congress in Neurological Rahabilitation,
Venedig/I, 02.-06.04.2002
Ettlin DA, Zhang H, Gallo LM, Meier D, Palla S. Dental representation in human somatosensory cortex measured by fMRI. 8th International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Sendai/Japan, 02.-06.06.2002
Jezernik S, Inderbitzin P, Keller T, Riener R. A Novel Sliding Mode Controller for Functional Electrical Stimulation Proceedings of the 15th IFAC World Congress on Automatic Control, Barcelona Session slot T-Mo-M20: Modelling and Control in Biomedical
Systems/Area code 4c, 1-5, 2002
Jezernik S, Jezernik K, Morari M. Impedance Control Based Gait-Pattern Adaptation for a
Robotic Rehabilitation Device Proceedings of the 2nd IFAC Conference on Mechatronic Systems, San Francisco/USA, 2002:417-421
Jezernik S, Morari M. Controlling the Human-Robot Interaction for Robotic Rehabilitation
of Locomotion. Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Advanced Motion
Control (AMC2002), Maribor/Slovenia, 2002:133-135
Jezernik S, Pfister A, Frueh H, Colombo G, Morari M. Robotic Orthosis Lokomat: its use in
the rehabilitation of locomotion and in the development of the biology-based neural
controller. Proceedings of the 7th Annual IFESS Conference, Ljubljana/Slovenia,
Keller T, Mangold S, Morari M, Dietz V. Transcutaneous Functional Electrical Stimulation
Neuroprosthesis for Grasping in Early Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injured Subjects
Proceedings of EMBEC 2002, Vienna/Austria, 2002:794-795
Langhäuser I, Wirz M, Schreier R, Eberhard S, Dietz V. Kreislauftraining mit dem dynamischen Stehbrett Reha-Stepper. Abstract DMGP Basel, 30.05.-01.06.2002
Mangold S, Keller T, Pappas IPI, Popovic MR, Rigaux PF, Morari M, Dietz V. Electrical
stimulator Compex Motion for clinical application and research. Proceedings Motor
Control and Proprioception, Paris/F, 09.-12.07.2002
Mangold S, Keller T, Pappas IPI, Popovic MR, Rigaux PF, Morari M, Dietz V. Electrical
stimulator Compex Motion for clinical application and research. ZNZ Symposium,
Zurich, 18.10.2002
Müller R, Colombo G, Dietz V. Application of driven gait orthosos lokomat in SCI patients.
Gait and Posture, 2002;1:168
Müller R, Colombo G, Dietz V. Significance of loading and joint movements for locomotorlike leg muscle activation in complete SCI patients. Gait and Posture, 2002;1:139
Müller R, Stacoff A, Murer K. Significance of exteroceptive feedback in normal level walking. Gait and Posture, 2002;1:167
Pappas IPI, Keller T, Mangold S. A Reliable, Gyroscope based Gait Phase Detection
Sensor Embedded in a Shoe Insole Proceedings of IEEE Sensors 2002, Orlando/USA 2002:1085-1088
Reitz A, Schmid DM, Curt A, Knapp P, Schurch B. Bladder neck responses below a complete spinal cord lesion elicited by pudendal nerve stimulation. Abstract Clin. Neurophysiol. 2002;1:30
Reitz A, Schmid DM, Curt A, Knapp P, Schurch B. Sympathetic skin responses in spinal
human elicited by pudendal nerve stimulation. Abstract Clin. Neurophysiol.
Van Hedel HJA, Dietz V. Flexor reflex inhibition during a motor learning task. Abstract
Clin. Neurophysiol. 2002;1:33
Van Hedel HJA, Hess F, Dietz V. H-Reflex modulation during a motor learning task.
Proceedings Motor Control and Proprioception, Paris/F, 09.-12.07.2002
Wirz M, Colombo G, Dietz V. Long Term Training Effect on Locomotor Activity of Isolated
Human Spinal Cord. 3rd World Congress in Neurological Rahabilitation, Venedig/I,
Zhang H, Kollias S, Keller T, Schurch B, Curt A. Cortical Representation of Electrical Finger Stimulation as assessed by Funtional MRI. ZNZ NeuroScience Syposium, Zurich, 18.10.2002
Gareiss V. Enhanced control schemes in Lokomat. Diplomarbeit am Dept. ITET der ETH
Zürich, 2002 (Morari M, Keller T)
Gaus FGW. Combining electrical stimulation with the gait orthosis “Lokomat”. Diplomarbeit ETH Zürich, 2002 (Morari M, Keller T)
Höhn T. Longtime follow-up of electrophysiological and clinical data in SCI. Med Fakultät,
Univ Zürich, 2002 (Curt A)
Mannhart C. Strategies to optimize foot clearance for walking in a driven gait orthosis.
Diplomarbeit am Dept. ANBI der ETH Zürich, 2002 (Murer K, Müller R)
Rutz A. Biofeedback bei roboterunterstütztem Laufbandtraining für Patienten mit Querschnittlähmung. Diplomarbeit am Dept. ITET der ETH Zürich, 2002 (Niederer P,
Colombo G)
Schärer R. Adaptive Regelung Lokomat. Diplomarbeit am Dept. ANBI der ETH Zürich,
2002 (Murer K, Jezernik S)
Steuri M. The influence of a dynamic motor program on flexor reflex modulation. Diplomarbeit am Dept. ANBI der ETH Zürich, 2002 (Murer K, Bastiaanse C)
Vasic M. Dynamisches Modell der durch die funktionelle Elektrostimulation (FES) generierten Muskelkraft bei Gangbewegungen. Diplomarbeit am Dept. ITET der ETH Zürich, 2002 (Morari M, Keller T, Jezernik S)
Wassink R. Sliding mode control of functional electrical stimulation. Diplomarbeit am Dept.
ITET der ETH Zürich, 2002 (Morari M, Keller T, Jezernik S)
Keller T. Surface Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Neuroprostheses for Grasping.
Dissertation ETH Zürich (Nr. 14481), 2002 (Morari M, Dietz V)
Diehl P. TMS Output Characteristics in Static/Dynamic Motor Tasks. Med Fakultät, Univ
Zürich (Curt A)
Dietz V, Curt A, Hiesemenzel LP. From spinal shock to spasticity. In: Brain Disease. Therapeutic Strategies and Repair. Abramsky O, Alstair D, Compston S, Miller A, Said
GM (Hrsg). Dunitz, London, 2002:379-387
Dietz V. Querschnittlähmung. In: Leitlinien DGN, Diener C (Hrsg). Thieme, Stuttgart 2002
Dietz V. Young RR. The syndromes of spinal cord dysfunction. In: Neurological Disorders:
Course and Treatment, 2nd edition. Brandt T, Caplan LR, Dichgans J, Diener HC,
Kennard C (Hrsg). Academic Press, San Diego, Calif., 2002:925-937
Dietz V, Young RR. The syndrome of spastic paresis. In: Neurological Disorders: Course
and Treatment, 2nd edition. Brandt T, Caplan LR, Dichgans J, Diener HC, Kennard
C (Hrsg). Academic Press, San Diego, Calif., 2002:1247-1257
Dietz V. Neuronal control of functional movements. In: Strength and Power in Sport. Komi
PV (Hrsg). Blackwell Science, Oxford, 2002:11-26
Noth J, Dietz V. Spastik. In: Leitlinien DGN, Diener Ch (Hrsg). Thieme, Stuttgart 2002